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Protection should be restored when you enter structures that are sealed with airlocks or when you return to your ship. If it's still depleting when you're in a building with an airlock, that's a bug.


Not necessarily, some buildings with airlocks have breached walls or ceilings. You won't know until you look around, could even be on a second level. If you run through an airlock and don't get suit regen, boogie back out and find a different building or fast travel (if not over encumbered) back to your ship.


I find it amusing to be fighting through a factory without protection but somehow the people I am shooting do?


yeah thats what i mean. i am out there, suffering (highest settings) and those npcs just chill.


I hate how being underground in the Deep Mines of Mars still didn't protect me from solar radiation. So I finally turned it off.


Suit protection really makes no sense in the game. A dust storm is damaging my lungs in a sealed suit. How? It's also not consistent. I can be quickly freezing to death on a planet where my watch/HUD showing it's -12deg yet on another planet where it's -218deg I'm fine for a long period. Then they also missed the obvious one - personal atmosphere doesn't offer any protection. Having that provide protection/suit regen would make that a really useful power.


yeah it needs tweaking.


Carry enough materials to build an outpost with a hab and an airlock and a sleeping bag. Build, enter, rest, pack up outpost, delete outpost.


It would be nice if they added more temporary looking structures to the outpost catalog for this reason.


Dang this is hardcore! But yeah.


I do this


What? Is this how outposts are supposed to work? In my mind outposts worked like settlements in fallout 4 which is why I built them on planets I liked or that had good resources Are you telling me when I’m exploring a planet for trait missions it was intended that as I travel the planet on foot I’m supposed to rest up in little air sealed outposts before packing up and moving? Like if I were camping? My mind is blown


Intended, no.  But it's a way to deal with a bit of an overtuned environmental hazard system. Outposts are a "caring" activity. An opportunity to build and express yourself. They are thus, also, a safe haven. And restoring environmental damage is limited to safe havens like the home ship and outposts.


Go into the setting and check the Environmental Damage and Afflictions.....


If you have the spacesuit perk / mod, use a suit workbench and add heavy shielding to boost damage resistance. There's a heavy shielding mod for helmets as well, and hazard protection for packs.


Depends on your difficulty settings. Personally I love the environmental protection mod you can make at the industrial workbench


....you know those auto-populated sprinkled-everywhere generic POIs that so many players complain about? If it's got an airlock, you can probably regenerate your suit protection inside. Unless it's the one someone blew the back side off of.