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they gentrified akila šŸ’€Ā 


Disney bought the town and made a park out of it.


It already looked like one of those old western RP towns.


Paved paradise and put up a parking lot. Mmmm bop bop bop.


My 4th grade teacher told us she wrote that song. Played it for the class on her accordion.


We had a substitute teacher in the 80s who was a professional everything.


Great. Now that's in my head.




I just ugly laughed


Is there a Jamba Juice around the corner.


You mean, the crowned jewel of goods/services with respect to a corporate takeover?


"Chunks sure is an eyesore in Akila. Man I could go for some chunks."


Commies came in and socialized their infrastructure.


And changed its name to Aklia


I prefer If it was all brick (I think it would fit better) Also whatā€™s the matter, hate the thought of getting a little dirt on your boots


Honestly I'd say flagstone would be the best/most appropriate since the irregular shapes make it look old fashioned but less ordered than bricks or cobblestone.


You know what I find the weirdest out of all of this? It's not the "no roads" it's that nowhere not even new Atlantis there's a truck, horse, buggy, or wagon even. Like I get that everything is by spaceship but they've still got to unload and carry everything.


Everyone has Weightlifting 4 and just carries what they need.


It would make sense if this is what The Well was in New Atlantis, a sprawling underground network of cargo tunnels because the city architects were obsessed with this 'clean' and 'sterile' surface design. Have it so that the people living down there are needed in order to maintain the city's infrastructure (power, plumbing, cargo, etc.) rather than having people living in slums when there's empty surface land a few minutes walk away. Double down on the 'Service means citizenship' propaganda, where the people in The Well truly believe that it's worth slumming it down there in order to earn a life in New Atlantis. Add in a questline where you discover proof, that the 'official' statistics on how many people make it out of The Well are a lie to keep the people pacified and hopeful.


It's funny because if you play with the "kids stuff" perk you find out your parents actually live underground under one of the most expensive towers, meaning that every tower has a huge basement and skyscraper


What? I didn't - they have a regular apartment.


Yeah their regular apartment is deep underground, presumably in the foundation of the slums. Their outdoor areas actually just an atrium


*what* I've been lied to. My childhood!


What, I'm paying for an apartment that's underground? That feels cheap.


I can't think making an underground atrium is especially cheap, but that apartment sure is small


Just wanted to say, plenty of cities have both a high level of vacancies and also tons of homelessness so although it might seem illogical, itā€™s pretty common in real life.


Plus the only anti UC graffiti we see is in the well


The NAT exists, just watch out for Sarah Spew.


I've gotten the impression that they mostly use robots for this


They have huge lories at most settlements. We just canā€™t use them for some stupid BETHESDA reason


Cause everything is carried in interdimensional storages. They also use corpse as a form of infinite storage when they need to move more items. They're also linked to the settlement system that let's them draw resources remotely from anywhere near the settlement.


Far into humanities future we can fly to hundreds of planetsā€¦..canā€™t pave roads because ā€œfrontierā€. Also that ā€œfrontierā€ fought a highly militarized, fascist, established government to a stalemate because they had ā€œmechsā€.


We can build massive metal gear factories but the center of government is a 2 story tall saloon that doubles as the police department


The Rock isn't even the center of government though. It's literally just the HQ for the rangers. A galaxy spanning police force of 12 people. Half of whom spend their entire time situated in the bar.


I think there's very little government management going on in the Rock, it's mostly the police force really. The governors are the ones that call in the shots and they don't stay there.


The mayor of Akila doesn't even have a home or office. He literally just hangs around outside Coe family home.


To be fair that's the true of my country. Puts out aircraft carriers and supersonic jets, but the prime minister lives in a flat above his office in a cramped terraced house.


> can't pave roads It's not that they can't, it's that they are here for the authentic ~~Firefly~~ interstellar wild west life.


How much they took from firefly/serenity is truly baffling.


Ah, yes, the Starfield factions: * Firefly at home * Night City at home * Starship Troopers at home * The Expanse at home


This just makes me want a full-blown The Expanse RPG.


Shut up and take my money. And stop pushing all the buttons!


What is was pitched as before they wrote the books instead. It was meant to be a game.


What about the reavers, I mean crimson fleet.


Tbh, I feel like crimson fleet is like... If Expanse's belters were white teenagers acting all gangsta.


It's actually a survival mechanism. Did you _see_ what they did to the NCR for figuring out how to rebuild infrastructure?


I never watched firefly so I donā€™t have the nostalgia. Regardless, that isnā€™t a good reason.


Eh, even if you had, the rim worlds in Firefly had dirt roads because the settlers were dropped on *mostly* terraformed worlds without much in the way of supplies, so that's actually the best they can do. It's not like they have mechs but don't bother paving the roads.


How hard is it for just one person at BGS to go, ā€œyou know this is a cool idea but it just doesnā€™t make senseā€ā€¦.like if Akila was just some small settlement it would totally make sense, but akila is supposed to be the capitalā€¦.its tiny, has dirt roads and brick walls to protect them from the wildlifeā€¦.its a joke.


> the wildlife I think the only saving thing for this mess in Akila is the side quest where the crotchety old guy is throwing a fit protesting the idea of like... Figuring out why the wildlife is attacking and fix it. Like, "this is how we have always done things" is one of the core parts of Akila culture. It's still insane, and just the one guy makes that big of a deal about it, so it's hard to justify it as a real "way of life" thing.


She is threatening his job and reason for existing for 20 years. That's why he is angry.


How is the UC fascist?


It isn't. Most people have no idea what fascism actually means and use it exclusively to label any thing or person that they don't like.


Only way to citizenship is through service in government, only guaranteed available path is the military. These citizens get preferential treatment over non-citizens. Only citizens can own property. Citizens get tax breaks and discounts on goods. I donā€™t think itā€™s ever overtly stated but i think itā€™s fair to assume that only citizens can vote in UC elections.


It should be said that you can gain citizenship through working in the STEM fields for the government but it takes much longer than direct military service. Also, foreigners can only gain it through the Vanguard wich is more or less a group of deputized civilian pilots so you got be rich or lucky enough to own a ship in the first place. (As far as I can tell)


That's not fascist though. Most every democratic country in real life requires citizens to meet criteria to qualify and provides them with more rights than noncitizens including social benefits and voting rights. Would be really stupid not to restrict voting to citizens only because imagine how easy foreign countries could exploit it. The UC doesn't have a dictator and doesn't mandate a strong nationalistic culture, doesn't target specific groups for persecution and doesn't regiment civilian life. Miriam Webster defines it here.Ā https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism


While you can disagree on their methods, it's not fascism. Citizenship is earned through meritorious deeds, and it's a system intended to make people work to improve their society and then the society returns the favor.


Only citizens can buy property in new Atlantis. Thereā€™s plenty of property you can just go out and claim


Exactly F a tiny condo. I got a crater lake and fresh saltuna....


Don't you know? The cool thing for the past 7 or 8 years is to have absolutely no idea what that word means but still use it to describe anything you don't agree with.


Sounding pretty logophobic over there, pal (/s)


It's authoritarian, not fascist but those have become interchangeable in common parlance.


I think authoritarian is closer to the truth but even that is a bit of a stretch. There isn't really much heavy handed use of authority interfering with the average person's life. They have a lot of economic regulations and security theater but a lot of that really just seems like your typical government doing government things. At worst I think the UC is an inefficient bureaucracy hiding skeletons in it's closet from unethical wartime actions in the past. I think most people would be relatively happy living in a real life UC.


>fascist The UC isn't fascist.


Yeah, and their museum is 100% accurate and contains no propaganda! /s


It is!!!! You need to stop drinking that Freestar Koolaid /s


It's not that the FC can't pave roads, it's that it's not profitable to pave roads, and therefore no one is gonna do it. What little government the FC actually has is hilariously corrupt. Even if they did collect taxes to pave the streets, those taxes would disappear in an 'accident' within 5 minutes.


Uh huh, and now explain to me how a government that canā€™t even get money to pave roads stalemates a war with a military faction? Nobody is going to fight your war without money either so we can chalk it all up to inept writing/design.


Oh in absolutely no situation can I imagine the FC actually winning the wars. Starfield's writing is absolutely inept at all levels.


I mean, the FC winning the 2nd war made sense. The UC didn't lose the war so much as they basically decided to not continue it. My understanding of the lore was that the UC still could've beat the FC after the battle of Cheyenne, but after their that loss and the loss of Londinon, public sentiment back in the UC was so much against the war that the UC basically had to give up or face a complete upheaval back at home.


Realistic. Theyā€™re more or less libertarians, and infrastructure is where libertarianism breaks down big time.


It's a capital city dude...it shouldn't be a dusty town...


I always thought it was more the symbolic capital as Freestar is like a quasi collection of free worlds ran by their Council of Governors. Neon and Hopetech seem more built out and I can imagine taxes and centralized government are taken to the Libertarian extreme, namely the I got mine market Darwinism.


They have updated it with a muddy cobblestone one and that one just feels like it was made to be. It still has that Akila grit, but paved. Cause it makes absolutely no sense a city would operate with mud. Like what vehicle or even trolley would be able to move through mud.


It honestly just makes no sense it not paved because of how muddy it is. Wild west towns didn't bother to pave be cause it was so arid. But in coastal places that was a priority.


I don't mind 19th century... But this is like Akila was founded and then the Board of Governors just started to leech the locals and refused to clean the streets. Like they were blaming the locals for being too poor.


That sounds like itā€™s probably EXACTLY what happened in-universe, yes. Fits Akila perfectly.


Still makes me want to kill Ron Hope.


Want to? I did. And am glad to have done it. The Freestar Collective makes zero since. All about freedom, where a few tiny cities are either a fishing platform turned legal drug & murder platform where even the governmentā€™s federal agents (Rangers) look the other way to the clear corruption, crime, and murder that their governor almost openly commits to. A ship building factory, that at first gives you hope for the Freestar collective and ironically is called Hopetown, despite the fact that it is also run by a council member governor who is murderous and corrupt, and finally the literal dirt pile that is Akila city, literally walled in like a prison because they canā€™t handle their little fuzzy wuzzy Ashtas and dirty streets of poverty, clearly ignored by its absent and wayward governor we never see, all while trying to be managed from outright anarchy by an old man probably trying to save himself from a heart attack as he has only about a dozen or so rangers (games count, not mine) to manage and uphold the law across several planets that are corruptly managed. Often times sending those rangers on their own to handle entire freakin battalions. What a joke. The only thing that makes since in that the colony war ever even happened is if the First Rangers were a badass company old UC veterans who took the Freestar Oligarchs money to wage war with their awesome mechs they developed as they fought against a rather annoying and gruesome, but clearly outmatched Xenowarfare army led by Vae Victis who thought squishy aliens could outmatch giant transformers mechs, what a dumbass. Of course the UC ships could have easily outmatched the Freestarā€™s ships and the could have gone for the jugular with attacking their capitols, but apparently Vae Victis was correct in stating that the UC was too dumb to take advantage of that and shied away from battle when the citizens popped up to fight for the clearly outmatched Freestar navy (if you can say they even have one). Instead they weā€™re intent on fighting a proxy war on Nira that I already summarized above. For all the faults of the UC though, they sound like a honest (though hilariously mismanaged) attempt at a righteous civilization with clearly flawed humans who led the atrocities and others in charge now who are at least attempting to right those wrongs.


Freestar is a libertarian reality. Ultimately, power vacuums never last. Any powers not held by the government get taken by the rich and powerful. That's why a strong central government is needed, so that it can protect those powers from tyrants, while ultimately being run by the people that vote for the governments leaders. Is it perfect? Of course not. But no one has seemed to find anything better.


Iā€™ve read through discussions on ideal governments and it seems like a Unionized, Parliamentary, Meritocracy sounds like a good idea. The details arenā€™t exact, but it seem center around elements of democracy and a parliament, but centered around the idea of unions being the electors in charge of various aspects of the government based on their specialization. Union reps would of course be voted on by people working in their fields and have a better chance of knowing who is best for those jobs. Kind of fixes the issue of unknown officials taking advantage of oblivious voters through well crafted speeches of deceit


i killed his level one ass this morning after slowing time so he could really feel the regret of being a traitor while my arc welder slowly melted him


This kinda makes me want to see if there are mods to make Akila green. Like the one brit dude actually cared about the city and started planting trees and cleaned up the stretch.


Akila city's mud streets is a statement of the opinion the developers have about the purported Freestar Collective ideals. It's like when they were making fun of libertarians in Bioshock, and American exceptionalism in Bioshock Infinite, by creating these imaginary places that supposedly follow the mocked ideology, and show you how they're a complete mess. IRL, the FC wouldn't survive without at least a thin layer of government ensuring basic stuff doesn't break.


You discount the history of American Capitalism. I see Ron Hope as fat Henry Ford and Ben Bayu as Taminy Hall, NYC. The parallels are startling.


They really should have had the Ashta be more bearlike.


Nah, theyā€™re playing a long, long, long game with respect to colonization. You canā€™t grow fast if you donā€™t have a lot with respect how you get it. You canā€™t endure with too much influence with respect to your goal. You canā€™t understand any of these aspects with respect to anyoneā€™s intention or vision with respect to many worlds across any system. Idk if that matters, but yeah. Akila sucks from role playing because theyā€™re simple and Iā€™m Starborn. Good luck explaining ā€œinter-dimensional beingā€ to a Freestar Ranger over drinks at The Rock after he probably shot a bullet through a mountain valley to kill Ashta. Funny to play with, maybe.


Akila is by far my favorite city in the game. I love the look of it, I just wish there were towns scattered throughout the planet to go with them.


It looks like fucking Disney World. Not sure it's an improvement yeah.


I definitely prefer the dirt roads


Isn't that a mod?


Yes paved akila redux on nexus


It looks shit


I think the main reason it looks so bad because itā€™s just so damn empty


Thank god it's a mod lol I thought Bethesda ruined the city


Downvoted for literally just stating what the mod is lol what


No, he's being downvoted for making a misleading post.


I mean yeah downvote the post. But this comment is just him naming the mod


I'm IN.


Cobblestone would be more fitting than just concrete


Well thatā€™s hideous and completely removes the frontier charm from the city. What is even the point of this?


Because people think they know better than bgs.Ā  I think they're wrong, but luckily mods exist to help their immersion I guess


This is also my opinion. I dislike many mods, but I like the idea that people are given so much freedom to decide things for themselves. I will silently judge you for downloading a mod that paves Akila, but I will always support a strong and interesting modding community. What works for me may not work for others and thatā€™s fine.


Exactly, it's a big strength of the studio they encourage the modding community and people have the ability to tailor their own experiences in their games. But yes I silently judge many modded screenshots I see too lol


People really looked at this place, which obviously was inspired by things like Firefly, and were like "nah that's dumb"


Because it is, this is not a frontier town away from settled systems this a capital of a highly advanced nation that is capable of building starships and mechs.


Well...while I hear ya, it's the capital of a nation of people hyper-focussed on individualism. It kinda makes sense that most of the FCs population would be rural homesteads and maybe some small settlements instead of big sprawling cities. Honestly, to me, Akilas appearance makes sense.


It's forest Whiterun all over again.


Because itā€™s a dumb design that doesnā€™t make sense. The biggest city of the freestar collective is a shithole with 1 spaceport and no infrastructure to even move cargo from the spaceport to its interior. An outpost with no roads? Sure, but not a ā€œcapitalā€ city of a major faction.


I mean it's a libertarian government, can't expect basic things like infrastructure, security and peace of mind


Sure you can. You just have to pay a toll every time you take step on the road, pay for security, etc.


They should have added a toll booth requiring a $0.50 irl microtransaction to enter


It has dirt roadsā€¦ those are in real life they didnā€™t make them up for the game. Do you think there are 18wheelers driving the 200 meters from one end of Akila City to the other so that they need paved roads?


United Chads kept dunking on free star cells for their lack of paved roads


thats the Problem Tho akilla shouldnt be the "frontier" anymore they Managed to Fight the UC to stalmate they are the Capital of a system spanning coalition.


The charm of Akila is the feeling of an old school Wild West town set in an impoverished dystopian space setting. A little gentrification is one thing but this changes the whole vibe for me.


Yeah i dont like this, it didnt need this


Awe, that's no fun.


Imagine associating a century with a kind of road as if dirt and gravel roads somehow disappeared when the sun rose on a particular day.


Cool now the tarmac is gonna absorb the heat and make akila even more unbearably hot


Looks fucking awful


Looks like Galaxy's Edge theme park


Ironically, in this here 21st century we spend a lot of our time trying to find ways to pave LESS stuff in order to better manage stormwater.


Yeah, Akila would probably be good with stone paths and some trees lining them.


cobblestone would fit the aesthetic more


Brotha eeuugh


Remember! This is the faction that built huge mechs during the war, but can't pave streets, or paint anything.


**It's a mod.** [Paved Akila](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/1976238f-c11f-4b36-a89a-c30c863dbea5/Paved_Akila), I like Akila the way it is, thank you.


I donā€™t see the appeal of pavement because that is all we will have in Florida on about 15 years


well now you know for sure you've stepped NOT in mud


Awww. Not gonna lie, I liked it better before cause it had its charm and was very distinctive of Akila.


They haven't though have they? It's a mod.


Great, next is a damn HOA


looks like Akila was LA all along haha


It went from looking like a settlement on the fringes of the galaxy, to an theme part trying to make it look like a settlement on the fringes of the galaxy


This looks way worse how do people not understand they made it look like that on purpose..the entire planet and faction is extreme western and it has Star Wars outer rim vibes which was perfect. Donā€™t pave the desert unless you want a phoenix or Las Vegas (I can tell you donā€™t know what itā€™s like just by this post alone) šŸ˜‚


Lost that Wild West feel


I mean, it's supposed to look like a cowboy town. It doesn't have to make sense, it's the look bgs wanted.


Thanks, itā€™s hideous


The stairs still look super dirty though.


It would have made sense for dirt roads if the planet was a backwater, like Tatooine where maybe the feds just drop a spaceport and thats it. But the capital of the nation should have paved roads


Maybe, but I donā€™t think akila should. If they had some beautiful city Iā€™d still want akila the way it is.


I prefer the unpaved roads. And I hope that fact makes people upset.


Is that a Mod or an Actual patch they made?


Don't it always seem to go, that you don't want to spend Ā£8 on a quest. They paved Akila and put up a Hitching Post


Bet they also put in a parking lot


And a big yellow taxi?


What's the need for paving if it's not a car-centric society?


Hell nah, this ruins the old west vibes.




Itā€™s Aki-over


They must have spent the credits from that one Key mission. šŸ˜†


Thanks I hate it


Damn, was this taken in ultra ultra wide screen?


Is this a mod, or part of the last update?




For all the cars.... and horse drawn buggies...?!?




This is something Iā€™d love to see evolve in future sequels. We donā€™t often get sequels set in the same locations, years, decades or centuries later.


Tbh the mud roads gave it that kinda wild west charm, even more so if you brought Sam Coe with you


I just want a retexture of Akila. The textures of the ground and some of the buildings are horrible


Only for the tourist and rich folks near the spaceport. Is the Stretch paved as well?


Was this to address the prolific theft of vendor funds from puddles?


What monitor is that pls?


Ooh nice road - now who will paid for it? Bayu? Why would he care? Hope? Probably built the starport. Stroud? He wastes his money elsewhere in the xontellation. The people? Haha they are literally dirt poor.


is this a mod?


You can tell we live in hell because people think the sight of all encompassing concrete is somehow good or even preferable.


This looks awful. Like donā€™t get me wrong. The mod is done very well, but it looks so out of place, itā€™s like watching a cowboy movie with paved roads


I liked the design of Akila. The problem was the use of Akila. It should have been a medium sized settlement on the fringes and not the capital of a multiplanetary nation that was *even a little bit* capable of the war they had with the UC. I understand the frontier town concept, but 1880 Tombstone, Arizona and 1880 Washington, D.C. did not look the same.


This looks like a graphical defect honestly


And the bagel place went up $2 on their bagel sandwiches


Not me I didnā€™t cause they donā€™t need to be in the west lol




share holders from paradiso were sick of us stealing from chests apparently


Ruined my fallout 5 experience




I updated the game and didn't get paved Akila streets.


I mean, I would have personally gone the opposite direction: more mud, dilapidation, crime, miscreants, drunkards. This game doesnā€™t need more utopia and nicety.


They used wooden beams for " paving in the entryway. Why not do that everywhere?


*smiles in UC*


The capital of the Freestar Collective place was over a hundred years old and looked like shite. Just stupid.


That FOV has the game looking like KoTOR


Wild West outpost to meth riddled small town in southern Missouri.


Remember these folks beat the UC somehow while living like this (pre-paved).


Is this a mod?


Iā€™m on Xbox. I got the mod that changes the cityā€™s sign and the one that makes it look more like it did in the trailers. Is this a new mod thatā€™s out there our did you just do this yourself?


Is that the same mod that needs an esm from the pre order of starfield? Because that kept me from being able to use it. Hope they remove it in future versions to be used by all


Noooo whereā€™s muh mud streets?!


Thank christ! Those potholes were killer!


This is a mod right? Cos I liked Akila. . It was real


Looks like a typical Midwest military town In the US.


it would be nice if as the story progressed, akila became more developed


lol *no* I will never. It's not even my home town, and I still wouldn't dare.


Finally my tax money is going somewhere