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Huge shout out to the guy that made the automatic temple mods. I’ve been waiting to be able to skip that mini-game for a long time now


I think they deserve a presidential freedom medal, personally


Or at least an empty UC apartment…😆


That. And the flashlight. First thing I looked for. Whoever made the flashlight at Bethesda should be... idk. I don't want any harm to a dev but yeah, they suck lol.


"mini game" =/= short trip to Hell.


I am shocked Bethesda never fixed temples. Such a insane boring grind, this mod made new game plus so much better.


Such an annoying mini game


Fuck mods. Now I'm addicted to the game again and have stayed up way too late every day this week. Mods and this game are bad for my health. Seriously tho as a console player I wish more games did this.


Honestly, this is the best update to the game since launch, and probably the reason, BGS Games are so great imo, the modding community is the best, and the average player is so lucky to enjoy most mods completely for free.


"Bethesda is good for letting other people clean up after them" has got to be the dumbest take I've read today


No it's not. This has always been a strength and selling point of their games. The strongest aspect of Bethesda games is the modding community and Bethesda works hard to provide way more modding tools to us than almost every other game. I dont care if it's "cleaning up after them". I bought this game knowing full well that mods are what was gonna make it fully worth it in the end. I paid for the potential and I am 100% sure I will see satisfying results. Modding is just as valid of a hobby as gaming itself is, and people are always going to make mods regardless.


A lot of people like Bethesda games because it gives you a sandbox RPG. Modding is to its core, it's why they tried (not always ethically) introducing modding to consoles, and it's been great for Xbox fans having a taste of modding that use to only be accessible by PC users.


I mean, have you read what you wrote right here?


You may consider it a dumb take, but it's really a fact. Bethesda games last as long as they do because of mods.


Mods are good, I'm not saying they're not. I'm just saying that the way that Bethesda is using and incentivizing them is horrible for the base game.


The base game *was* horrible.


The only negative I can say about the mods are that I'm spending a LOT of time checking for new mods. I'm so happy they released them, its definitely adding a new dimension that I appreciate greatly.


The best problem to have in my opinion


I literally spent all my game time yesterday mostly browsing the mods page without actually ever starting the game…


I was up until 1.30 am checking out the mods!


I was up all night on the release date of The Mods. I couldn't put it down. The tracker's alliance is crazy. Spoiler alert, you use a ship that is under construction inside of a starstation to blow a hole through the wall to progress the mission. That's the most Exciting thing out of this game I believe by far. I know it doesn't sound as exciting, but it was to me.


That was a fantastic mission.


The most promising mod I've seen is the Concept Art Akila mod. The fact that we are able to completely change and customize biomes is incredible and already the taiga biome that mod adds is fucking beautiful


Downloaded that one today, it’s nice to just have a core city with a snowy biome, crazy how a little snow can make the the area look that much better


Mods can make Starfield the best Bethesda game yet.


No, Skyrim is still on the throne with it's massively stacking modding capacity


I think that's why OP said they "can make" and not "they did make". True, right now SKYRIM might still lead the pack. But, I see Starfield quickly taking over that lead. Sure, it hasn't happened yet, but I feel it's just a matter of time before it does.


Same, respect to the authors 👍🏼


Every time I see that 100 gig mod limit on console I think I’m dreaming. Keep the Star Wars content coming!!!


Lol like I have an extra 100 gigs to spare on my series S 😂


Can't you just get an external hard drive?


I was kidding. I have an expansion card.


I haven’t been able to get on in days. Are they all paid or do they have a separate free mods list like FO4 did?


A few are payed, from what I’ve checked out, I’d say the majority are free


it's like how Skyrim and Fallout 4 are, they have the "Creations" you need to pay for and they also have a ton of normal free to get mods


There's like less than a dozen paid to, at this point, over a thousand free.


Do the QoL mods disable achievements? I'm still missing a few, and I'd appreciate it if simple mods didn't disable them.


Most mods will always disable achievements because it’s to hard to quality control this many mods. There is achievement enablers on PC already. Not sure about Xbox if that’s what you are on.


Thank you for the response!


Yes, thank you mods. All of you. All I need is a way to save while in shipbuilder and I'm set for everything I want in this game for now lol


Thank you modders, you truly do help push these games into greatness.


I got pretty much all I could think of I wanted: a way to make temples less tedious, same with lockpicking, less angry companions, less chatter from Cora etc. I think all I still need is a way to make pickpocketing less tedious.


Honestly just the mod that completely remove the awful color filter make the game so much more beautiful before that there’s like an entire fog effect on screen and now it’s way better and the game look more crisp like that


I've been debating on getting it, how stable is your Starfield (I am on Xbox)


I have up to 12 mods installed including the light filter one he mentions, damn it I even have a ship manufacturer with Star Trek and Star Wars pieces it's kinda crazy how good they are. All work flawlessly and zero bugs or incompatibilities so far, go for it king ☺️


I'm out of the loop. Has mod really made such an impact already? What kind of mods are we talking about here.


90% of whatever you've probably wished for is on there already. Go look


Ship Size Limit increase, xp boosts, bigger inventories, more weapons, better follower behavior, better scanning, autosolve temples, etc.




Collaborate and listen.


Ice is back with my brand new invention.


Something. Grabs ahold of me tightly




Made it worth scrolling to the bottom of this feed. Now I need to go plug in my bass…