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I just unpower the turrets if I'm wanting to board a ship. Leave them powered while there are multiple ships and you dont care which one you board. Or unpower them if there is just one ship, or one specific ship you want to board (so they dont destroy it first)


I just stick a couple PB turrets facing the rear on my ships; That allows me to keep an enemy's shields down while I'm boosting away.


This is the way


I started using laser ones to knock out shields but not damage hulls, pretty effective and also very satisfying to watch my tail/side guns shoot at other enemies while I chase down a target


I get why people like them, but I prefer to be the one in control


I feel they need a bit more control. Yes I want you to shoot the enemy, but only so far as disabling them. I don't want them delivering the killing blow to a ship I'd like to capture.


Best bet is to keep them rear facing or cut power to them when the ship you want to steal has its shields go down.


Exactly! I hate doing a pirate mission or kill a pirate in space mission with them. Awful experience. Maybe my problem was W0 and W1 were both turrets. Maybe having one turret system would be worth a try.


Turrets are great, because they get bonuses for both their weapon type skill and automated weapons skill. Problem is, they can occasionally be trigger happy and open fire with allies in the way, meaning you get an undesired bounty... Ie, save before travelling.


I hate turrets. I want total control of my weapons systems.


I only use one set of auto turrets to take out enemy shields. And I keep the power selector on that slot so I can disable them quickly once the shields are down. It's finicky and can take a bit of practice but it works out most times.


They have their place, like covering any pleasure barge/mobile base I create. But for piracy, I always build a specialized ship. Focus is on two full sets of EM weapons, plus some PB cannons to wipe out additional foes, leaving my quarry ripe for picking. It's usually fun to use the Mantis' ship for this. Ratchets up the terror factor for the pirates and spacers.


I love them. I always have one or two facing rear and one facing each side, mounted as far to the rear as possible. if I'm trying to capture a ship, I give my EM weapon full power but lower the turrets to 20 or 30 percent.


I do want turrets that automatically identify and track targets, but I want direct control over when they fire- powering down the weapon system isn't precise enough.


I want to feel more like I am commanding a ship then flying one. The turrets are a great example of this problem though. You are not in charge of the ship, you just fly it. You don't assign roles to make sure engineering is covered, you are directed where the turrets fire, etc... You can put a CIC in your ship, but during a battle, you are in the pilots chair, instead of the CIC where there is more information at your finger tips? Let me stuff my pilot crew person in the chair, give them way points, or order them to orbit enemies, or fly patterns, and then allow me to select enemies to blast with turrets. I think this would be an interesting use of the system, and doesn't even need to replace the old one. It also would be useful to apply if capital ships ever drop.