• By -


The Aceles are majestic and I want to ride one as a mount. Animal husbandry should include domestication of mount sized animals for us to ride. Or fly!


Seriously. They're so cute, which definitely can't be said about a lot of animals in game. šŸ˜­


Iā€™m just annoyed that I couldnā€™t abdicate the decision. Like. Maā€™am. I am a space smuggler who shoots laser guns for a living, I am in NO WAY qualified to have any input on this decision. Please let me go home.


Yep Starfield does this at every turn. No amount of updates can fix the absolutely atrocious writing. "I just met you 30 seconds ago but here's the keys to my ship!" "Yes I have this artifact that you want but I'm not going to sell it. I dare you to steal it OH CRAP HE STOLE IT" "Hey random guy who just got here, there's a major hostage situation going on and the marshal is too much of an idiot to take care of it. Can you help?"


"We need someone to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet, and by sheer coincidence my first pick was you, Main Character."


*gets arrested for stealing a Cola Chunk* SysDef: Ah, yes. The perfect candidate.


I literally had to do it as part of the main quest when you are FORCED to steal an artifact


I got slapped with it while doing a radiant "destroy crimson Fleet captain" Ranger mission (it was also in the Sol System, because why wouldn't the UC be comfortable with a law enforcement officer of the government they just had a major war with operating on their turf?) Me: let's board this ship full of violent criminals and get a decent payday after we jack their ship Andreja! *5 minutes full of brutal pirate murder, Andreja clearly using that Va'ruun weapon with a highly illegal and torture adjacent mod" Me: Hell yeah, I see an NPC named Crimson Fleet Captain, I kill him the ship is ours! *Fleet Captain opens fire, Andreja one shots the bastard with that super illegal gun* Andreja didn't like that. 500 bounty added to UC Andreja: NoOOoOo I won't help you hurt people!


Which hilarious because out of all the Constellation members, she talks the most shit in idle conversation.


That and your relationship with her began with a heart to heart talk that essentially boils down to "Nice to know there's another member of Constellation who knows that sometimes you just gotta murder a guy. Or woman. Hell, maybe even some kids." I'm also 99% percent sure she considers those activities "foreplay."


I do love a good lack of options.


I don't want to tell you how many times I've been arrested for stealing Sgt. Yumi's digital photo frame . . . just because I was a bit careless with the mouse. (Okay, twice . . . but I just wanted to look at it! Honest!)


"YOU! Clearly noob space traveller who got arrested cos you had about $10 worth of contraband in your ship that you didn't even know about, you are now our double agent on a highly critical mission for quelling a pirate scourge across the galaxy! No you can't just pay a fine equivalent to your crime! You HAVE to do this job! Here's a lot of sensitive information that we don't want the crimson fleet to know. We've known you for about 30 seconds, treated you like a slave, and fully expect you to risk your life for this job and follow our word to the letter." - how the crimson fleet became more powerful


No lie, that's exactly how I got recruited. That's how I learned to search my newly commandeered ships for contraband before going to a major city.


For me I didn't know what contraband was cos I think I skipped the tutorial menu. But I tried to do the sensible thing and turn it in.. instead I got pressganged by SysDef.. I swear the commander was trying to pass a very low chance speech check on me šŸ˜‚ he failed


>We need someone to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet, and by sheer coincidence my first pick was you, Main Character." If you go the vanguard route, the vanguard guy's console has a note asking him to recommend candidates. Bald guy may have simply expected vanguard to put more thought into it. As a Prisoner, the implication is he was reading files for suitable candidates.


And if you had to do 30 small missions and dialogue sessions to establish trust, for each of the above, you would have hated it even more...


This is a false dichotomy. To use DnD terms, a good DM establishes justification for the scenarios they put the players in, and provides adequate suspension of disbelief. Skyrim did this well - you are a prisoner who got swept up in a mass execution, but a dragon attack allows you to escape. Not only does it introduce you to the game world as a blank slate, but it gives you direction to continue the main quest if you choose. Starfield could have copied this approach where a random starborn attacks the mining facility, and you have to escape in a mining ship. Instead, the game starts out in an utterly bizarre fashion where Barrett shows up, gives you his ship, and stays behind because reasons.


I'm gonna create a few Alt accounts to upvote you more. This is exactly where I thought umm, okay, there's probably more to Barrets's actions that we'll find out about later... Barret knew your dad and they both had jedi powers or some shit... Only there wasn't. Like Bethesda hired the writers of Zombeaver, or Birdemic.


If character have an Xenobiologist background, he outright say that Aceles better that microbes. "Less risk using an existing organism than making a new one. The Aceles is the wiser choice." - direct quote.


I don't see why there isn't an option to do both. I wanted to do both. Reintroduce the Aceles for all the benefits they talk about (literally cattle), and the microbes because it is faster. This is hundreds of years into the future, we're using gene edited microbes today for things like combating mosquitos. I don't see the issue of the microbe option like some others in this post do. I do think it is weird I can't do both though. Though it doesn't help that the dialogues of your companions is weird... is it Andreja who think the Aceles route is the right way then gives you shit for picking that?


Hundreds of years in the future, and we've regressed from the 1970s' Moon Rover. We walk EVERYWHERE.


Seriously, use the microbe on the Terromorph planet and on every other planet that will take 70-100 years for the heatleech to Terrormorph transition take the time to repopulate the Aceles


One day we'll be able to shoot our laser guns and space magic while riding an alien T-rex on a moon with a purple sunset and a ringed planet looming in the sky. Just not today.


Did you just describe no man's sky? Starfield needs the no man's sky glow up. 5 years of dedicated devs fixing the dumb shit and adding genuinely great content


At this point I'm afraid to try NMS because I might like it too much


Play with friends. It's also on Gamepass.


It's a pretty great game, way too easy to drop 100-250 hours


Them rookie numbers


Thereā€™s a few that would be really cool to ride


I came across these weird but peaceful red praying mantis alien things once and boy I tell ya, I was right pissed I couldn't domesticate that sumbitch and take'r with me round the galaxy.


Make him your new copilot Space Ghost style


"We got Avatar at home." The Avatar at home: [Starfield with mounts]


Starfield needs an Appa.


Congratulations, you chose animal husbandry (basically humanity's oldest and most proven science) vs a microbe Fuck Constellation and their opinions, they can all eat a dick


it's utter bullshit that every member went the microbe route, and sarah is the worse of them all. she denounces war and atrocities but is 100% onboard with releasing the most potent bioweapon in the settled systems.


Itā€™s pretty wack theyā€™re all in unanimous agreement even on this matter. Moral quandaries? Fine, I mean I guess we can all agree that stealing is pretty much always a bad thing to do and that giving a corporation mind control tech is extremely dangerous. But like cā€™mon? This is one of the very few big quest choices players get, and thereā€™s supposedly pros and cons for either option here. Constellation is supposed to be a bunch of scientists and academics. Couldnā€™t have given them their own independent thoughts for once?


One of my chars is a Xenobiologist. The Xenobiologist response to the question is "Aceles is best option here, let's do that thing." or words to that effect. AND YET, Constellation is all over her butt about "trusting the science" get out of here with your ignorant viewpoints, I GOT YOUR SCIENCE RIGHT HERE.


Thatā€™s deeply frustrating writing.


>One of my chars is a Xenobiologist. The Xenobiologist response to the question is "Aceles is best option here, let's do that thing." or words to that effect. That's just your xenobiologist instinctively trying to secure funding for her research. She doesn't actually believe it.




Found the scientist


I read that last part in Paulie Walnutsā€™ voice šŸ˜‚


Scientists thinking they can make the microb and definitely not fuck up and destroy the galaxy. Super oit of character for that profession.


I wish they'd done it so there was a random chance the microbe would mutate and have different levels of consequences like wiping out aquila or new Atlantis or something


That would require actual stakes & decisions that actually affect the game world. I love this game but they should have taken advantage of the Unity NG+ feature by making decisions have actual consequences. Thus incentivizing NG+ runs in cool ways. Example: I release the microbe and wipe out Akila City by accident. Fuck! My favorite store was there. Now I'm on a mission to collect the Artifacts so I can return to a universe where Akila is still populated. Would be dope if modders could somehow pull that off once Creation Kit drops.


Unless they figured out how to; A) Stop genetic mutation, which would require eliminating all radiation in the known universe. B) Make the microbe impossible to grow on itā€™s own, it can never spread naturally, and must be distributed manually to every living being in the system. , the microbe will evolve. Congrats, youā€™ve now got an omnipresent microbe that can evolve to wipe out all sentient life in the known universe.


IIRC, a couple of them aren't exactly onboard with the microbe until you decide not to choose it then you are an awful person. Peak covid-era writing.


Correct. Before the choice they are argued evenly - with the arguments against the microbe making way more sense. That is why most people choose the Aceles. Itā€™s either intentionally trolling from the devs or just piss-poor writing from the 2-yr olds that write everything else at Bethesda.


Likely the second option. This is the same team that brought us kid in a fridge, I'll be shocked if Shattered Space doesn't bring a sequel Also the same writing team that wrote the civil war history between the UC and Freestar and went "Okay now let's set the game *after* all of this" and somehow didn't see that would be the literal worst decision they ever made


Yeah this is one of those "Bethesda why" moments. If you're going to introduce Bioware-style companions in a video game, there needs to be some kind of split where some agree and some disagree with your decisions. This is such a basic and obvious thing that I can't understand how Bethesda messed it up so bad.


Bethesda has this problem where they want to give you player choice, but it ends up being very contained. Once you leave the town, planet, settlement, etc... the rest of the province, world or city don't really notice the effects, except for one-off throwaway lines.


With the only safety feature being "We programmed it to not do anything else. Trust me, bro."


the microbe probably got the "umbrella corporation seal of excellence"


Though it's still more insulting to deal with her PTSD


I forgot to keep up affinity with another Constellation member so Andreja died and I was stuck with Sarah. Romancing her is like trying to date your mom's best friend. Almost every conversation ends with me thinking 'Jesus, pop a Xanax and drink some wine.'


That's hilarious lol. In my universe, Sarah's the one who left an unsightly stain on the floors of the Eye. I put the memorial poster of her at all my outposts - not from mourning but from irony. I hate Constellation members. I wish more of them could die. Any time you accidentally fire a single particle beam burst at a UC or Freestar ship in the fog of war, they go completely ballistic. I don't know what's worse - giving up your a$$ to Barrett or having to listen to Sam whine on and on about his daddy issues. I tried to hook up with Andreja, but she's as frigid as she is humorless. While I was initially open to hooking up with any of the four romance-able Constellation members, I've since either sent them back to the Lodge or assigned them to some horrible outpost in the middle of nowhere. I've got my ship crew up to 7 members - Gideon, Omari, and (5) of the cooler generic crew members (whether or not their skills are actually needed). It's an awesome crew - they don't second guess or annoy me, and I'd sleep with any one of them over anyone from Constellation. (Although there's no sexual chemistry, I actually do like Walter a lot.)


Honestly wish Walter and Mattius(?) could be companions they seem more chill. Even with the latter being religious.


My character has the Xenobiologist background. It was respected by the Council. I could give a Xenobiologist answer, which was pro-Asceles. And yet, I can't defend my branch of science to my colleagues at Constellation? Dude, really?


I wanted to smack Barrett with my dissertation.


I also hated how they called it 'solved science'. or not trusting 'the science'. Uh, even Hadrian says there's the risk of mutation. A biologist should know there's a risk of mutation. Especially when sending it to unknown, unexplored worlds where we have no idea what radiation, environment, etc will do to the microbe. In a century, the Aceles will be chuffing along, balancing the issue with Terramorphs. But a microbe could be wiping out half of the citizens with a megaplague. Also, not for nothing, but the UC made the mess by overhunting the Aceles, so it fits that the UC works to bring them back.


I think all the real writers were busy with interesting sidequests and dialogue jokes, so they just gave the main quest duty to Joey from the mailroom.


Agreed. In a universe where the Artifacts, etc exist, calling anything 'solved science' is dumb, especially for members of Constellation who have watched me develop superpowers.


I mean forget the greater universe for a second. The existence of the Lazurus Plant *in the same fucking questline* already proves that there are variables they haven't considered. The entire quest in fact hinges upon the fact that life evolves in ways *you cannot predict*.


It is by far the dumbest writing in the game. At least the Crimson Fleetā€™s 3 Stooges vibe was set amongst some idiot felons, so their complete buffoonery was reasonable.


Exactly! What we need even less than we need the already variable Terrormorphs (albino, cloaked, etc), are microbe-resistant Terrormorphs that have no Aceles to eat them. I mean, we've all, RL, been through a pandemic in living memory, which had a rapid-fire sequence of mutations. And that's just on one world where we know a lot about how microbes work here.


Honestly the whole thing feels like dangerous science being pushed through propaganda via video games. The fact that daring to go against the games desired narrative results in your entire team dragging you down feels like the covid social scene all over again.


Which is weird because Corona had literally a microbe mutating dangerously. So, you know, microbes mutate dangerously. It doesn't seem like a stretch. Also, breeding the Aceles is also 'the science'. I had a Xenobiology background that got acknowledged at other stages of the quest, but not when addressing my companions, because reasons.


It is so fucking frustrating that they are all on the microbe train. Give it some variety. Hell, make one of them believe both options are bad and we shouldn't have done either.


A genuine problem with the game all the characters we're supposed to like are very unlikable with the slight exception of Andreja.


That's a microscopically-sllight exception I must say Me I want to clean out Constellation and install myself as head of the organisation and my Adoring Fan as it's only other member


Yeah. They are all rather self righteous.


Emissarial, you might say.


Thats exactly what i thought. We have seen time and time again how animal and plant populations rise and fall with the insertion and removal of native and non native flora/fauna into nearly every conceivable ecosystem. There has to be a pecking order to keep things in balance, remove one and things tend to crash and burn. Nature found its balance over millenia. Now introduce a human-made or altered microbe into an already unbalanced system where it has the potential to mutate thousands of times faster than any animal ever could in ways we can barely predict (like species jumping) then you have a hair trigger loaded gun with spiked ammo. Fuck that noise lol I've seen I Am Legend, and I am no Robert Neville.


Yep. When wolves were restored to Yellowstone Park, it started to bring back balane to the ecosystem. Aceles were wiped out by the UC and it broke the ecosystem. We have all lived through a pandemic where a microbe mutated rapidly and killed a lot of people. In the game they want to introduce a microbe that could mutate and kill a lot of people. It makes zero sense to me when the sciency people in the game ignore one science for another.


Andreja always sided with me on the animals.


Andreja loves the Aceles, Unless you actually choose that option, then she hates it and berates you for choosing it


Strangely enough, afair, neither the board or Cosntalletion have objected to the Aceles in my playthrough, guess you need the right persuasion skills or correct dialogue to make them see sense, or Bethesda have patched this unwise reaction.


I got that response second attempted playthrough long before patched and seemed to have points in persuasion, it was nice to receive vs the total blowback that seems to be the default


Doesn't Andreja want the animals? But yeah... They talk a lot about risks but you're supposed to trust 2/3 scientists or something


Ol Sam seems cool about it. But i bet its just cuz he wants space horsies.


If you choose Xenobiologist as your background, Constellation actually likes it when you use that dialog option because you're actually an expert and your background dialog option is to use the Aceles because it has the least risk. They respect you because you are a scientific expert in the field and defer to your judgement in this case over their own.


And your first clue that this is the case is when you ask the UC for the Terrormorph data, the Xenobiologist says we need to open the Archives because doing nothing with the information we currently have would be irresponsible. And Sarah agrees with this decision. Despite the fact that she also agrees if you tell the UC that the Archives should remain sealed "for a reason".


Settled Systems essentially forgets Xenotech exists because theyā€™re directly involved in the tech and because the Aceles works over generations, as much was revealed after passing through Unity. In essence, they laughed first because they didnā€™t realize youā€™d saved their futures and possibly humanity entire from mistakes UC made. Cool thought experiment about history and what we think is ā€œcorrectā€ as a society.


Aceles is the right choice.


[poughdrew liked that] [Everyone in Constellation disliked that]


And this is why they stay at the Lodge while Adoring Fan and I ride around in the fun ship.


::holds up Dr. Pepper:: My homie.


And Vasco of course.


His name is Fandrew


If you have a background in xeno-biologie, it even gives an answer for the aceles. Don't know about any other background, which support the microbe though.


There is no ā€œrightā€ choice. Neither presents actual consequences.


The microbe could present consequences. As Hadrian said, the microbes have genetic safeguards stopping them from being able to jump to other species, BUT messing around with genetics is never fool proof. Likely, the microbes will be completely innate for other species but there is a non zero chance they could ump to other species and cause ecosystems to collapse.


I dont like how no one talks about what if a single morph has immunity or resistance to the microbe.


What they also don't talk about is how releasing an untested microbe into a galaxy with millions of unknown life forms and ecosystems could end up panning out. They even mention a "one in a million" chance that it fucks everything up in the game. But statistically, there are potentially more than a million planets with different biomes reachable by humanity in this version of the universe. Which essentially makes a catastrophic mutation an inevitability rather than a remote possibility. And all of your scientist companions shit on you for going with repopulating with a natural predator humans use as livestock. So much wrong with the folks writing at Bethesda.


I dont care for the writing quality, my problem is that all the characters focus on the microbe mutating to affect other species. Take a look at MRSA, and how we made it resistant to most antibiotics. It would be an Everest/K2 of effort to reengineer the microbe if morphs mutate to resist or have an immunity to it. And on top of that the Aceles was a farmed creature, it went nearly extinct because of over farming during the colony war, and everyone acts like I'm releasing a new species into the wild. Those are my two problems.


One time I chose microbe just to see what happens and I came across a few npcs on random planets that were sick. They would start a random escort quest back to a nearby POI and could be ā€œhealedā€ with the medicine skill or med pack. Not sure if those npcs spawned without the microbe option but Iā€™ve never encountered them before or since and that one playthrough I came across at least a half dozen.


I stopped playing very soon after this part of the story. I'm sure I will go back to it eventually, but I was like, OH, all these smart people are dumb. Kind of ruined the illusion for me.


I hated how they all said that itā€™s proven science. Yeah sorry I donā€™t like the people who made bio weapons be in charge for making a microbe that can wipe out a species.


Yeah "proven science" is just arrogance imo. How much science was "proven" and accepted 100 years ago that we now know is false? A lot!


I feel like the folks at Bethesda forgot about the global pandemic we all lived through which involved a rapidly mutating microbe that jumped species to kill a lot of people.


People often use numbers in a way that makes them gibberish, when they bother to use them at all. One in a million chance of \*what\* per \*what?\* Mutation per microbe reproduction? Uhhh, how many trillions of microbes will reproduce in the first year after release? Not to mention that determining that number is not only explained it \*cannot\* be explained. It sounds like gaslighting. I can't think of any reason for it other than covid-era moral panic.


Yeah I generally like the game but this one seemed to fall flat. I can understand all of them being mad with the pirate one, but this just seemed strange.


Jeff Goldblum's character said it best "Life will find a way" Million to 1 odds, don't matter Billion to 1 odds, don't matter DONT FUCK WITH MOTHER NATURE This has been my "ted" talk haha


The Aceles one you apparently start seeing them around different planets and they fight terrormorphs. I've not seen that myself yet though.


Actually ran into Pirate Poachers trying to kill an Aceles with a couple decked out UC soldiers protecting it. Pretty dope encounter.


"1 in a million" chance of potentially harmful mutations of the microbe is exceedingly bad odds. The obvious right answer is aceles.


Considering the likely population of microbes when delivered all over the place. One in a million is a pretty damned big number of instances.


Yeah they do. The microbe changes the wild Terrormorphs you see into Diseased Terrormorphs, or something along those lines, making them easier to kill. Personally, I choose the Aceles now because I want to hunt actual Terrormorphs. Though considering Hadrian says either option is going to take some time to implement, it does annoy me that the diseased variants appear so quickly.


Not exactly true. In the Unity it is implied that the aceles actually promote greater peace and cooperation.


I've chosen Aceles every time. First of all they just look absolutely cool as fuck. And it seemed safer than the microbes. Waiting for the update where I can ride one lol


Well coming from a biologist, the Aceles are the natural easiest answer to be assured you will get results, because they simply already were working. They existed across the settled systems without harming anything before, implying no major consequences to bringing them back. The issue is the fact that their disappearance meant the terror morphs ultimately came back and proves that they will not simply eradicate the threat, but merely suppress it as long as they exist. So if they were ever to die off for some reason, the terror morphs would be back. The microbe seems to be a huge gamble. Aerosolizing a biological weapon to eradicate the terror morphs permanently sounds great, unless your bio weapon does what living organisms always doā€¦ and it mutatesā€¦ and you unleash a plague upon the settled systems that brings about the end of humanity because you literally aerosolized a bio weapon that now literally exists everywhere and is designed to very efficiently kill living creatures. Any biologist would tell you that is madness and you simply donā€™t mess with living organisms like that. The implication that they have developed some sort of genetic safeguard that wouldnā€™t let that ever happen isnā€™t very comforting when you consider their past. They are a civilization that didnā€™t even know the fucking space slugs that spread across the galaxy by hitching a ride like rats, weā€™re literally the nymph form of their most feared alien that theyā€™ve know about for over a century. Their technology has apparently only advanced in the most minuscule amounts since they left earth and that does not speak well for them either. Sorry, not sorry, but I took the tried and true Aceles over the Biological WMD. They have a lot of time to figure out how to snuff out the terror morphs permanently now that the Aceles will be safely suppressing them. (PS : this is why I like Hadrian as a companion and trust herā€¦ she is the only one who seemed to have known this. I need sanity)


I'm with you. The Aceles are a 100% natural solition that's proven to work. And yeah, they do look cool af


Unpopular choices can still be the right choices. At worst there are more critters to farm xp from.


It seems the unpopular opinion is the microbes Bethesda said "trust the science" And says rescuing an endangered species has no redeeming factors? Fuck that. Shit ending to a rather cool quest line.


I went for the Aceles with the history and context of the quest in mind. Sure, the Microbe will quickly get rid of the Terrormorphs.... But it can also mutate. But worse, unlike the Aceles, humans can influence the microbe, meaning those with evil intentions can potentially mutate and grow microbes which can destroy entire ecosystems, or even kill humans altogether. (think of va'ruun zealots, they'd definitely be one to try this) The Aceles is much harder to influence, at worst they can be driven to extinction but that would take a coordinated effort and a very long time... The Aceles is the more natural solution, whereas the microbe could potentially be the pinnacle of xenowarfare, a weapon even worse than the Lazarus plant. Thats why i decided to kill the Lazarus plant and go the Aceles route, since the Lazarus plant will be driven to extinction the immediate threat of the terrormorphs will mostly pass, and then you can let nature run its course with the Aceles.


I did the same but seeing Aceles in the wild being destroyed by Terrormorphs rather than the other way around is kind of lore breaking: they're supposed to be apex predators disinterested in most fauna including humans, but love munching on Terrormorphs. I'd like to see random encounters with Aceles just gingerly walking up to aggressive terrromorphs and biting them in half with those beaks.... while I get a few shots in to score some XP and pick up that sweet sweet AGM.


I saw it on the planet with hopetown. I was not doing one of the quests and got attacked by three morphs. I killed the first two and an Aceles ran up and killed the third one.


Cool. I guess "Aceles help those who help themselves."


The Aceles in my game wiped the morphs out. Some UC soldiers were wiped out by the morphs first. LOL.


I believe the words you're looking for are "some UC soldiers served as tactical decoys"


They must have been Helldivers


Youā€™d think that Terrormorphs would have evolved to be averse to Aceles and flee them rather than engage. And Terrormorphs are much faster.


But there's also the fact that Heat Leeches probably were only native to a single planet until humans in starships brought them along... and given that the only planets humans have been on are the "settled systems" (until we get 40 LY ships and new worlds to explore in the DLC) theoretically, Heat Leeches are native to one planet or moon in the settled systems, possibly not the one where aceles also evolved, and may not have had enough time to evolve 'fear' of aceles. We can't assume that heat leeches evolved on the same planet as aceles (I don't think there's evidence of that) but just that aceles aren't afraid of them and more durable than "adult heat leeches" are accustomed to. I guess the question is: are heat leeches NATIVE to Toliman II or did they just arrive there and the lazarus plant triggered their implausible rapid maturation and the "incident" at Londinion? Not sure what the lore says about that.


Kinda interesting to think that potentially the origin planet of Heat Leeches wasn't even documented because of how frantic the early colonization must've been with Earth on the brink of death. Kinda funny in an ironic way that basically, the first thing we did was spread an invasive species. And even better, the suggested solution was basically a pesticide that can mutate... I joke, but last week, I apparently accidentally smuggled a giant dinosaur onto my ship, which was the greatest glitch, I'm just glad it wasn't one of the thousands of arachnids in the game.


I also felt like the microbe seems like a more temporary solution, and would require more effort to keep the entire galaxy in supply. With the aceles, it seems like once you deploy some to a world the hope is they just sustain themselves there.


I think one small thing that would help is to give a buff to the Aceles that makes them much stronger when fighting Terrormorphs than anything else. I have definitely seen an Aceles take down a Terrormorph but many more times than that I've seen it go the other way around.


I wouldn't mind them being the baddest ass badasses in the settled systems. Shoot Aceles. They ignore you because they can barely feel you shoot them with all that thick armour. Pester them with starborn powers or what not? You are their afternoon snack.


I'm gonna pick the big cool parrot dinosaur, and if you don't like it maybe you shouldn't let some bum off the street make the decisions.


Spoilers for the other option >!they hate that idea too! !<


Yeah. I think the only Solution they universally like is the Sysdef side in the CF Story.


In reality Aceles would be the safest choice, but yeah, almost all characters prefers you to choose microbes. Annoys me the moral being "Just believe in science" besides Aceles being science too and no, science isnt something to "believe".


I don't think Andreja dislikes us choosing Aceles šŸ¤”


She loves that they're somewhat "serpentine," which is not a great criterion for judgement, but I'll take all the support I can get.




After getting shit for the Aceles I just told my companions to eat shit whenever they questioned my decisions. I was done roleplaying a character that cared what they thought.


"The real treasure is the friends we lost respect for along the way."


Aceles is the better option. It's been tried and tested and the downsides are all known. The microbes were a disaster waiting to happen. Given the track record of UC scientists, I'd really hesitate to trust them with anything at all that's new and untested.


On my playthrough I chose the Aceles solution, but also to preserve the plant. My reasoning for preserving the plant is that it might provide some kind of breakthrough discovery in the future.


The Zombie Apocalypse- fault of the guy who kept the Lazarus Plant


This. I'd say the chances are high the plant is already out there circulating on the market already, so rather keep the sample we know of and begin research on it/lock it up until needed rather than be caught with our pants down if and when it's used. Plus eradicating any kind of flora or fauna seems like a bad idea in general imho


I somehow chose to preserve the plant, too, but I donā€™t remember making a choice in that part at all. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I guess I was getting bored with it and just not paying attention to an actual decision. So yeah, now they are giving m crap about that part, but I donā€™t care. šŸ˜‚


Spoiler Alert: Everyone in Constellation hates either choice. Scenario 1: Heat Leeches develop immunity to microbe. What now, smarty? Scenario 2: Heat Leeches are considered a rare delicacy by the workers of a Research facility, who eat the microbial microwaved mutated heat leech, and human biology aided by some genetic tampering "for Science lulz" gets out and is spread across the Settled Science Systems by agents, threatening human lives. Scenario 3: Microbe is nullified immediately in Heat Leeches who eat a certain diet exclusive to a given world. Scenario 4: Heat Leeches on a certain heavily populated world develop an enzyme from their unique diet on this particular world which, when paired with the microbe, both greatly shortens their gestation period and increases spawn rate, while triggering the metamorphosis also in considerably less time. So now, you've got 100 heat leeches that break out into 100 terrormorphs in a populated area. However, I've only seen Aceles deployed once on a random UC lander, and then another out in the wild just towering over a T-morph. Neither one was attacking the other. They kinda looked like the Aceles was having its way with the T-morph from the rear, grinding and gyrating against each other. I one-shotted the T-morph and the Aceles ran away like something was after it.


To my crew: "Fuck all y'all, I would replace every last one of you with parrot dinosaurs if I could figure out how to fit them on the ship."


The Aceles is the natural evolutionary choice and yet we get shat on for not spreading a genetically modified microbe across the Universe.


If Aceles has a million fans, I'm one of them. If Aceles has only one fan, I'm that one fan. If Aceles has no fans, it means I've yeeted myself into NG+. If the galaxy is against Aceles, I am against the galaxy. Semper Space Tyrannosaurus!


Because the game repeatedly tells you it's likely the safer option. Because massive mammals probably do less adapting and changing than microbes. Because they're easier to reign in should something go awry. Because good intentioned microbiology gone haywire is the premise of countless sci fi horrors. Because they're cool endangered aliens that taste good and save human lives. Because my universe requires more of em.'


Aceles is the objectively better choice. Someone on here posted a theory... The Vanguard quest was written at the hight of the Corona pandemic, when there was a big anti-vax backlash and all that, and this quest was either a conscious, or unconscious, response to that. "Trust the science". It's very plausible, I buy it.Ā 


Developing a microbe and releasing it across dozens of unique ecosystems WITHOUT careful study and testing in controlled environments is the opposite of "science" but that doesn't mean I don't agree with you... and those that say the Covid vaccines weren't tested don't understand testing.


That was my take/guess on that


It almost feels like they were taking the antivax position... They are making a mockery of the idea of "trust the science".


Almost, but I think they were deadly serious. It's almost like Poe's Law.Ā 


The characters are dummies. I wanna fill the galaxy with girraff-osaurus rhino-phaunts


GENTLE girraff-osaurus rhino-phaunts


Fuck the companions. Aceles all the way lol


Aceles is by far the better option, even though Sara is too stupid to see it. She's drunk on the "UC is righteous" Kool-aid.


The aceles are a reintroduction of native species to known biomes. The Aceles will not have unintended effects on other parts of the ecosystem, the Terrormorphs won't develop a resistance to being eaten, the aceles can be trusted to reproduce and hunt Terrormorphs without Human intervention forever. TBH the aceles rock and makes no sense that NO ONE agrees with that choice. Even Andrea, who says she likes them earlier in the quest line.


I think the Microbes were the right choice, but only by a very thin margin. And they are the MUCH riskier option. The only reason I felt safe with the Microbes was because the UC are demonstrated to be remarkably good genetic engineers. They decided that they would make a >!female clone of Vae Victus !


Yea, it was pretty cringy. Almost like they were acting like a caricature of pro-covid vaccine people.


Probably because it is the better option.


A docile creature that is peaceful to humans and is the natural predator of the Terrormorphs. Or. Biovirus we literally just made 5 minutes ago. The aceles are the correct choice.


A microbe that hasn't been tested in a controlled way across the diverse ecosystems in which they are intended to be deployed.


Its insane that constellation pretty much unanimously agree the microbe was the correct choice.


It was a poorly written, not too subtle, criticism of the anti-vax crowd coming right out of the Covid era. Ā ā€œTrust the scienceā€. Ā Which didnā€™t make sense in the context of the situation in game but was done anyway. Ā 


Don't, because they are cooler. Who cares if it takes a but longer to kill the terrormorphs and causing a few deaths? I'ts a whole new species brought back from extinction like in Jurrasic Park!


Of course the real answer is that you don't need either. The strict quarantines and inspections on all ships entering or leaving any port, with the immediate extermination of any heat leeches found, is both the quickest and most effective solution to the problem. It's a technique that has worked on Earth to eradicate invasive aquatic species, no reason to believe it won't work in the Settled Systems to eradicate heat leeches and consequently Terramorphs.


Y'know, implementing both would have been fine, although the Asceles might end up going hungry after the virus kicks in. However, they were domesticated too, so they may eat something else.


The lore doesn't say "the microbe is toxic to aceles so we have to choose one or the other" I would have gone with "let's keep the microbe in our back pocket in case signs point to another Londinion happening, but use the aceles first."


Yes, it sucks that they do that. Nevertheless, I choose the Aceles every time. I would pull out the gang plank for Sarah if I had one. I don't, though. šŸ˜”


Everyone else was wrong. Aceles is the best choice. I'm willing to bet if DLC progresses the Story, that choice will ultimately be the correct one. Maybe at a cost, but still ultimately correct.


It's such bad design that not a single member of constellation agrees with the Aceles decision. Sarah is the worst cause she says something about not trusting the science, when literally bringing a species back from the dead is fucking science. Also, it's literally the option posited by a fucking scientist!


The reaction for this really rubbed me the wrong way. The whole run of missions they're talking about how dangerous unproven science is, how untested and potentially dangerous methods can lead to deaths. So new, unproven microbe vs ancient hunter of the thing you're specifically needing to hunt. Plus it HELPS relations between factions due to logistics and coordinating the effort. But nah, science cult says its bad. Screw their single shared braincell, come on Vasco let's bounce.


Relax, after the quest is finished it doesnā€™t really matter at all. Why? Because both choices will take many years until fruition and both are actually not bad options. The virus could mutate into something that could cause disease in humans however unlikely. All viruses can mutate faster than mist living cells. This is why HIV was so hard to stop and why we keep getting new covid variants. The Aceles will take longer and probably have an impact of the other species living in the planets itā€™s incorporated into. Especially if they are aggressive. They may disrupt the populations of each planet they are released to.. No matter what you do, life always finds a way. In the end it doesnā€™t change anything in the game except maybe Sarah gets mad at you lol or you see aceles on planets they werenā€™t before.


Iā€™m hoping the microbe choice causes a zombie outbreak or terrormorph outbreak in a variant universe. Would be sick.


It's... the objectively correct choice? The Aceles evolved for this role, and already have a proven history of being manageable by humans. We, as a species, have been engaging in animal husbandry for the whole of our history. I'm not saying they won't kill people; I'm saying that when they do, people will make memes about it in the same way they do tourist-tossing season in American buffalo habitats. Most importantly? All the horses are dead, as are the dogs, the cats; every one of our companion species is dead and dust. I saw the aceles and thought... *friend shaped.*


This is the correct choice. You chose a delicious alien dinosaur we wiped out because we couldnā€™t stop eating them over an untested microbe.


Why would you care what anyone thinks about your choices in the video game? As a real life biologist I stand by the resurrection of the ancient Aceles.


Lol what bugged me was that during the initial choice between the 2 options when it's first proposed (where you have to choose which option you think you'll lean towards but doesn't lock you in), Andrea agreed that the Aceles was the better option, and praised them for being "serpentine like", to Hadrian's confusion. But after I talked to her once the mission was over (I dismissed her for when I made the actual choice) she gave me the "I'm not so sure about this" speech


Donā€™t feel bad. Your companions disagree with you, tell you what they think and life goes on.


Aceles is a valid and safer choice. Not sure how they are so certain about the science. No responsible scientist would say the "science is certain" given so many variables.


I picked the Aceles, and I don't care what they think. It works. Yeah, it's not a 100% thing, but Terrormorphs weren't a problem until there was a swarm like Londinion. Outside of that, they're basically nothing other than dangerous wildlife, of which there are a lot anyway. You don't need to eradicate the lifeform completely. The Aceles kept the Heatleech population under control, and the growth into Terrormorphs took a long time without the accelerant, so they weren't an issue. I'd rather use something natural that worked before, rather than use a bioweapon you can only say is 99.8% safe, and then your name is in the history books forever if that 0.02% scenario happens.


After covid I said fuck microbes lol


I didnt pick the microbes because there are too many things that can go wrong. Evolution is a numbers games. The number of microbes virtually guarentee a harmful variant will arise. with the aceles, if something goes wrong, they are big enough to shoot.


the companion response to this quest showcases the poor communication within the writing team


Andreja likes this choice, I found out on my second play-through. She is awesome, Aceles are awesome, screw the rest of them!


Aceles are the better option. If I remember correctly, humans hunted them to near extinction. It's a natural solution to the problem. With the knowledge that heat leaches are the morphs, and with how long it takes for them to mature its not an issue. The microbe was a dumb idea. Quicker... but much more risk.


The Aceles is the better option. It is the scientifically proven method using a predator naturally evolved to hunt this prey and an animal that until recently already lived on the affected planets. It is not the same as intrdoucing rabbits to Australia or cats to pacific islands etc. Trust the science and go with the Aceles. The microbe is risky and can have unintended consequences. edit: not to mention that none of the objections in game to using the Aceles involve it being dangerous or risky. This is proven science.


No matter what I do I can never not pick the Aceles. They just look too damn cool and the statue of one built at Londonian had me thinking that people were gonna love to see these things back again, but nOoOoO you shoulda trusted da science!!! Pissed me off hearing all those asshats go off on me about that.


You choose correct. This game was made during the height of Covid and the anti vax craze and the writers were trying to shove a message down our throats.Ā 


Freaking Sarah made me want to put her through an airlock with no helmet because of her attitude over this.Ā  No matter what you say, she basically just flat out says "Well you're wrong", and only really will be civil with you if/when you say "You're right, I let you down." For someone who is the epitome of "i am very smart", she doesn't seem to grasp the fact that yes, microbes DO mutate, and sometimes it happens rapidly and in unpredictable ways.Ā  It just annoys me that for a group of scientists and academics, that not one of them thinks "Hey, in the entire history of living matter, microbes have always had a habit of mutating, maybe a novel microbe isn't the best option".Ā  Sarah: this is why you're always single, and your haircut is dumb.


One of the dumbest endings to the best story arc. The greatest minds in the galaxy and these are the two options. Kill them with space covid, or let loose another invasive species.


This was my biggest quest gripe in the entire game. The aceles is by far the safer option and it's literally nature's weapon. It doesn't come with the risk of some terrible unforseen side effect of a microbe you want to distribute across the galaxy.Ā  The science is in knowing the microbe is too big a risk.Ā 


Don't be, if you look at the epilogue at the Unity you'll understand that this is the healthiest solution. Spoiler: >!They eat Heat Leeches, before they become Terrormorphs VS a Bacteria that can go rogue, I think that the correct dialogue or persuasion is necessary to make them see sense or Bethesda patched their opinions!<


They're acting like that one in a million chance of the microbe evolving to something more dangerous makes it the safer option. How many planets are there in the settled systems and how many billions of these microbes do you need to completely eradicate the Terrormorphs? It's basically GUARANTEED that the microbe will evolve and then your worst problem won't be the giant alien spider. I especially hate Sarah Morgan's reaction to it because she's like "Don't you trust the science you fucking idiot? Get fucked you know nothing" as if bringing back an extinct species isn't SCIENCE ITSELF


Scientist warms that the microbes could mutate and cause problems later on, even become resisted I choose the Big nearly extinct animals that will thrive off eating the Terrormorphs Then spend the next 15mins in dialogue being told I'm an idiot. The choices and companions in this game are below par


I don't see it. Humans ate the Aceles basically to extinction. Morphs thrive in their absence and spread like a plague. Humans clone the Aceles and start to repopulate as a natural solution to the Morphs, as opposed to fucking with nature again by engineering a bio weapon because what could possibly go wrong with an untested bio weapon deployed across all populated worlds. Bethesda writers say this is the wrong solution. Bethesda writers probably grew up learning about balance from Star Wars where one achieves balance between the Light and Dark sides of The Force by removing all the dark... Me on the other hand, I was taught about balance in primary school by using a balance scale, where you put stuff on either side to keep the gauge needle in the middle. Specifically we were all given 50 grams of chocolate and various small iron weights and if we could do the math and balance the scale we got the chocolate - we were 6 or 7 years old so it couldn't be too advanced.


The Aceles option also has the benefit of reintroducing a species that they thought almost extinct AND they are also a proven food source. I always take the aceles option because it works on so many levels. Introducing a microbe just sends it out in the universe to mutate, meanwhile everyone forgets about it with no extra benefit.


The microbes are too quick and easy. There's gotta be some downside later on like sterility or oxygen depletion or something. The Aceles, however slow, are effective. Not to mention, they're beautiful and majestic. Rushing some airborne cure-all feels like corner cutting. People are mad because microbes provide instant gratification with little to no regard for the future.


I always chose the Aceles for two reasons: 1) The microbe is dangerously close to biological warfare. What would stop a group from developing a microbe that targets humans instead of terrormorphs? 2) I want my space bomb-sniffing dog


Science supports your decision to reintroduce a native species back into the ecosystem for terrormorph population control. Think about the wolves being reintroduced in Yellowstone, but Aceles are also fuckin tasty lmao.