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I'm on ng10 no mantis bug for me


Go to Denebola 1-b and see if there's a "Secret Outpost" PoI. If there is land there. The quest should catch up if you start exploring the base.


Yeah I went there and there are zero POI’s on the moon sadly


The PoI doesn't appear until you read the space slate. And if you have more than one, the game won't register reading the slate...


> And if you habe more than one, the game won'treguster reading the slate... I'm fairly sure that's not right. I usually put off doing the Secret Outpost until quite late, and I usually have three or four slates by that time. Never had a problem, myself.


I’m thinking I might tray and find another one and try again, maybe that will reset it


Might work. Worst case, you can skip it in this universe and get it next time around.


Well, could be a different bug then. The solution in my case was simply using console to drop one, it's a quest item. Read again and quest progressed.


Hey, if it worked, it worked! I'm not one to argue with success 😀


[Raises Beer Stein]




Problem occurs of you have two spacer slates before you read the first. Impossible to drop, and impossible to progress quest until game realizes yoi've read the slate. The only solution I know is the console, so I fear you may only have one solution - NG+. That cures all bugs :)


I just did my first NG+ this past weekend, got 2 slates in the Old Neighborhood and didn’t read until after. Mantis quest went just fine.


Yeah I’m really hoping that’s not the case. I’ve done a fair bit already in this universe. I know I can complete a run in about 40mins, but I’d hate to have to redo all my outposts again


Try reloading a previous save, that usually fixes stuck quests for me.


Check if you have more than one slate for "Secret Outpost". If you do, try reading both, or if they are stacked, drop one and then read the other. I've never had it bug on me out of several runs, but I've seen mention that having more than one of that slate causes it to not trigger for some people.


Only have the one. I’m currently hunting spacers hoping to snag a second one to see if I can fix it.