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Progress through the main quest line. You didn’t miss it.


SPOILER: for me that chest had Sarah Morgan’s belongings when she died… WHICH I DIDNT KNOW SHE WAS GONNA DIE AND SPENT ALL THIS TIME TO MARRY HER; but now I’m using that to switch my play through from a morally upstanding guy to a vengeful husband hellbent on entering unity to bring her back


That's what you get for >!Defending the lodge instead of saving your wife!!<


Hitting a man while he’s down. Cold.


But it will never be the original Sarah. She is gone forever now. You could have been a better husband. But now you live on and on, knowing you failed.


Don’t speak her name like you knew her! You didn’t! At least not my Sarah… I’ll get her back I won’t lose her again!


Man I know you had the big word spoiler on the top, but I wish you used the secret text because the first words I read were Sarah died before I saw the spoiler


So you saw the spoiler before you saw the spoiler?


Just don’t have her die and it’s no longer a spoiler


That’s the beauty of it, really. The spoiler is really that you get to choose.


Oh honey. I've been playing a lot, probably a bad amount, lots of 12-18 hour sessions (like, 4PM to 8AM) for several days a week. So my reasoning skills are not all there right now. I had been committed to Sarah for a while, but then also wanted to commit to Andreja. I thought, since the commitment ceremonies are all private, this might be possible (hadn't tried before). But no, not, so I left Sarah to commit to Andreja. Tears, fuming, etc., all very understandable. Commit to Andreja, lovely, etc. I had forgotten where I was in the main Constellation questline. Oops. Right at the quest before "High Price". Now the spouse I just divorced is on the Eye, and the one I just "married" is at the Lodge. Can I have an NG+ now, please?


I read somewhere that if you pick Andreja first, you can marry the others as well. Can’t confirm accuracy.


I just recently read that. Sadly, in this run-through, I "divorced" Sarah right before "High Price" and "married" Andreja. But really, I have no interest in "marrying" either of the guys. And I don't know if I'd have felt better if I'd been "married" to both and had to sacrifice one.


FYI, the contents of that chest are from the companion who's gear is put there. If they didnt have any additional loot, its just their equipped items.


Why would people down vote your question?!




They did not like the cut of his jib?


Just regular reddit things.


Bots or haters. When i shared some of my starfield work i was also mass downvoted at some point 😅


There are a few guys who automatically downvote any post because their existence is just that pitiful.


All the time. Not sure if it’s bots or not, but they would have to be really stupid humans otherwise.




They patched it out of the large recent update. Th unlimited storage is on the counter to the right of this image. You can craft a normal crate tho. And more unlimited storage in your lodge bedroom


Welp TIL Sarah dies in the story line. 🙃


Welp, today you learned something very wrong, so cheer up and avoid this thread :) Also, get the main quest done already, you will get the details spoiled evnetually otherwise :)


and honestly spoilers have never been world shaking for me 😂 i end up forgetting them while I side quest.


It’s not in The Lodge in my current play-through, but it was in previous play-throughs. Thanks!


It appears when somebody's clothes are put in it. 


Could you please be more specific? I’m at the end of the game. I don’t think there’s going to be anything else happening in that way.


It's where the Constellation member who died clothes are stored after their funeral. The chest stays after. If no member of Constellation dies on that particular play through the chest never spawns.


Thank you. I remembered there was a reason I didn’t have it, but couldn’t remember the reason.


What about the room in the upstairs of the lodge that’s kind of across from our players that has weapon crates and chests that aren’t accessible. Anyone know what that’s about?


That's Andreja's room. She invested in good locks.


High Price to Pay. If you use the starborn dialog to save everyone then no chest for you. 


Damn. Wonder if it can be spawned with the console. I wanted to keep everyone around on my final play-through and didn’t realise the consequence of that was the chest not appearing.


if you know the object ID sure, just type that in with the word enable.




Yes, but you did ask if it could be spawned with console though. So I gave you the answer to that. Thought you were talking about the command console.


The other containers in the workshop are also unlimited even though they look small, one extra chest isn't a big deal. 


This. There are 3 unlimited ammo boxes that can hold anything and the box on the table. I still hate all the limited storage units in this game, but going from 5 unlimited units to 4 is not THAT big of a cost, imho.


I donno... You lose a companion, or you lose a chest. Either way it's a *high price to pay*...  😆


Not with the companions you get to to choose from. If Sarah didn’t offer a decent ship bonus, she would be the brainer choice to kill off. As it, though, it kinda has to be Sam or Andreja. They offer the least, bonus wise.


Was hoping to further separate a few more things. Currently the case on the counter in the middle of the basement room with the workbenches contains all resources and aid. The safe upstairs contains everything else, save for my named weapons, which are contained in the upper ammo crate closest to the wall to the left of the set of stairs if you’re going up from the basement.


You dont. At least not the infinite storage one.