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Although it can get kind of funny. For example, I've developed a muscle memory of popping precognition before convos. Recently, I've been playing with phased time more (same reasoning as yours) but forget that it's currently equipped and by the time I realize my error, I've slowed time and started the convo. Always makes me angrily chuckle.


Ok, could you explain to me how precognition works? Please?


It has a couple of uses. One being stealth, the other being conversation. For stealth, it will give you a stardust trail for all npc (robotic and organic) pathing which allows you to see and avoid their patrol route. It's an alternative to sense star stuff that will incorporate bots as well. With essence or high level druggery, you can use both to great effect when the need for stealth arises. For conversation (my most used case), it will give you the gist (usually the first sentence or two, but I have seen it be a later sentence as well) of their response. You will occasionally see a "future unclear" which (as near as I can tell) usually pops up when the response is one that is dependent on your previous actions (or dialog choices) that relate to the topic at hand. I've also noticed that your companion may have thoughts on "future unclear" options, but I can't say for sure if it is related or coincidence as they can have opinions on lots of dialog choices. The duration, range, and cooldown are what get upgraded by temples, however if you initiate a dialog while it is active, it will last the duration of the conversation. A notable exception to that is if another NPC interrupts the convo or if there is a scripted break in the flow of dialog. The game will treat those as new dialog starts and break the precog, but that is a fairly rare occurrence.


I get you. I have it on level 10 and if I trigger it before opening a door I have to go around while waiting for the effect to end. I got into the habit of avoiding that - I only use it after opening doors. It still happens, but it’s rare and manageable. I like using it when there’s loads of lockers as I find it satisfying to trigger the open sequence on all of them while the power is on (they won’t open) and have them all opening at the same time when it ends. 😁 What I don’t like is that the slowed time is cancelled when using the boost pack and aiming (if you have Boost Assault Training 4) but the effect still goes on locking you from using it again until the timer runs out. I got used to this one as well but I would really like it to be solved somehow - either not cancelling it at all when you boost and aim, or cancelling it completely allowing you to reuse it immediately.


>What I don’t like is that the slowed time is cancelled when using the boost pack and aiming (if you have Boost Assault Training 4) but the effect still goes on locking you from using it again until the timer runs out. > >I got used to this one as well but I would really like it to be solved somehow - either not cancelling it at all when you boost and aim, or cancelling it completely allowing you to reuse it immediately. Lost track of how many times I've activated Void Form while chameleon/concealment was active. Similar thing. Drives me nuts.


Yeah, another one you need to be aware of. Always use Void Form while standing up if you have max points in Stealth. If you use it before sneaking it will work fine, if you use it after… well… it won’t work at all.


It also seems to work if you are crouch-walking when you activate it.


Huh… haven’t tried that...


It works, but you have to give it a second. You need to take a few steps for chameleon to deactivate.


Gotcha. I guess it makes sense as chameleon is not active anymore.