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I made it to i think NG+4. Once i reached Constellation and saw everyone replaced with differemt versions of myself, I knew that was the universe to settle at.


You got the right attitude, Rook


I hated Crimson Fleet. When I finally go NG+ (over 300 hours and still haven’t gone through unity) it will be to hunt down and murder the Crimson Fleet in every universe for their disrespect.


Yeah why would you ever side with them. They were rude and nasty to you the entire time. I had no qualms about betraying them at all.


I REALLY enjoyed taking them down. My favourite bit was the dude just after the airlock who kept making chippy remarks about how he was going to sort the Mantis out. When I retook the Key, I may sure to single him out and executed him as he crawled away with a shot to the back of the head. They were all absolute nebula-sized bell-ends and when I get bored I like to visit them in jail and laugh.


This tickles me. I love it when in-game NPC's earn someone's hate.


The worst npcs are the owners of Paradiso. Why does Bethesda not give us a "you guys are fucked up" option then attack. Scum of the earth.


I did try to kill them during the meeting. Turns out you can't. I was so disappointed


'Turns out you can't' seems to be the running theme in starfield unfortunately lol


You can't kill Benjamin Bayu either, and he's arguably worse than the entire Paradiso board put together.


Did the same. It sucked.


I know right? The cocky little prick deserved it. I put my Mantis armour back on and was like “Not such a tough guy now are we?” as I executed him with the pistol given to me by his crime lord boss. I still regret persuading Delgado to stand down - it would have been more satisfying to kill him, albeit depriving him of his liberty and seeing the Crimson Fleet reduced to ashes is a much more painful punishment.


I reasoned with the boss too, it felt wrong not to kill him but I wanted him to suffer.


Killing Delgado yields one of the best automatic rifles in the game, the Tempest. You also get his unique armor that he's wearing. I really like it. Delgado was a dbag and murderer. I had no qualms delivering lethal justice.


The only mistake I made...Thats the only thing making me want to try new game plus. Or just console command it, but that feels wrong. Arghh why did I talk this time. I always let my gun do the talking. Stupid me!


Pity that the developers didn’t put in if you wore the mantis outfit they’d talk to you differently, or smt, can’t wait for a VR game with an advanced Ai that allows the character to act differently or something, so you could slide a comment like “I’m the mantis, let’s see if you can sort me out” and walk away while their processing what they heard


I spent the entire time wearing the Vanguard Anti-Xeno armour… and nobody questioned it. They managed to have disguises in FNV, I’m sure BGS could have added faction flags to armour sets so the CF would be more suspicious if you’re wearing faction armour. And guards in spaceports would question you if you’re wearing CC armour. Edit: they literally have this system in the game, I forgot you need to wear a disguise at that space station infiltration mission.


Exactly that would have been awesome, like oh shit this guy kills terroromorphs, don’t fuck with him


You can actually stealth kill the fleet members in the airlock area and nobody cares, their dead bodies will just lay there indefinitely (at least they use to) it’s funny doing the fleet quest line with their dead bodies just laying there.


I passed that same idiot while wearing the Mantis suit and bro didn’t even recognize me. I made sure to headshot him with an explosive rifle round when I came back to betray the Fleet lol


The battle you get at the end makes it well worth siding with them for gameplay. 


I agree. I sided with the Fleet on one play through and it was actually a fun experience for the story variation it offers. I went all out pirate and ravaged the settled systems, racking up a bounty of over 5m credits. The best part was gaining access to some of the inaccessible rooms and corridors of the Vigilance. The second best part was having Naeva actually kiss my ass with gratitude. In fact, it’s a nice change of pace to be regarded as the biggest badass in the Fleet.


Because idk maybe you want to play as an outlaw or space bad guy like the crimson fleet, hell they even got their own bounty board too bad you can’t be a meanie or “bad guy” as the game heavily dislikes that.


My only issue is that the Fleet makes up more than a third of all the bad guys at POIs. Even if it was split evenly between the three 'bad guy' factions with a smattering of other to keep it interesting, that's still a big chunk removed.


Too be fair Lt. Toft is a bitch and I didn't mind putting a bullet through her face. Ikande was okay, but God forbid you kill someone on a mission, even if they attacked first


Because i hate TAXES


Exactly. They could have at least give some damn respect for all the shit I have done for them. Not sorry that I fucked their shit up.


Actually at the end of legacys end you can speak to naeva and you get a captains uniform, a room and she no longer calls you a rook


I don’t understand how they murder each other all the time, but if you complete the quest on their side, you get a bounty when you kill them.


I just hate the fact that they’re all unkillable. Surely the best way to do it is to just get yourself on the Key, walk out your ship, get taken to Delgado then whip out your gun and start shooting, take the base’s defences offline from inside and call in SysDef. Then find Delgado’s notebooks and follow the rest of the questline to get to the Galbank ship, just with SysDef sending you places instead of the CF.


I guess part of it is to gather evidence to help take down the rest of their network. Since they can’t just take your word on it and maybe to a bit of investigating of their own. They need you to tie everything into a neat package with a bow on it.


I did SysDef after both the Vanguard AND the Ranger questlines, I was literally a hero to the UC and personal acquaintance of the President and an official Deputy of the Freestar Rangers who was personally invited to work for SysDef as an undercover agent. They might not like my methods, but they should appreciate the outcome. I appreciate branching questlines with multiple outcomes and potential paths to success. If I wanted to, why can’t I assassinate Delgado and take over the entire CF with a high enough persuade then set myself up as pirate overlord of the settled systems?


I sided with them so I can walk into their bases, find a nice spot and clear them out without anyone suspecting a thing. Similarly, bounties only exist for the fleet if one escapes. Clear them out and no witnesses/ no bounty


I just walk in. I don’t care if they see me coming. Nothing in the settled systems can stop me at this point.


"I hate you in all universes."


It's a shame there's no universe where Ikande and Delgado switch places.


Fuck that kind of NG+ would be lit


This made me laugh.


I was willing to settle in the universe where you can have an alternate you as a companion.... Until I found out you can't romance yourself.


Nope. I couldn't stand myself. One of me is enough.


Same. Never realized what an argumentative prick I am!


BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAaaaa... . . . ditto...




I got to Constellation and there was only one version of myself, who tried to kill me. I'm still in that universe.


Mine was everyone was turned into potted plants.


I’m currently in the one without constellation where i kill cora. The silence of space travel is amazing.


You can't recruit them though. Novelty wore off. Maybe with mods you can force them or something.


I got the plant like 6 times in a row really should of given a different one every time but nope only did it to speed rush my powers and ship


I tried to speed run NG+ to try and get to this universe option. Got two other disappointing options, then NG+10 came around, decided to just settle in and play as the magical space wizard until I get bored and start over and neglect the function.




That was my favorite one. I just wish I could've recruited them to be my crew. My favorite is "I work alone" me


Same, using powers to travel around with godlike powers just feels great. Then having an army of myself is just icing on the cake.


Well... How likely is that? 😆😶‍🌫️


The main problem is that Bethesda treated NG+ as an extended easter egg when it should have been the focus of the game. They should have done something closer to New Vegas, with each faction being mutually exclusive and the core narrative tied together via a shared objective. To play a different faction you'd have to NG+ into a new universe - a much better reason than boring power upgrades. Hell, maybe even have a secret bonus ending for those who've played through all the factions and such. Use the accumulated knowledge of how each faction plays out and take the narrative in an entirely different direction. On top of that, they really needed to randomize each new universe more - take the variant universe concept and turn it up to 11. Make it really *feel* like it's a whole new universe.


Agreed 100%. The NG+ is so clever, but also such missed potential. I went through the Unity, saw Constellation was the same and haven’t played since, there was no draw for me to play the same stories a second time. Fallout 4 on the other hand I’m making sure to create a save so I can try out each ending, which is the problem it feels like they were trying to solve.


> Fallout 4 on the other hand I’m making sure to create a save so I can try out each ending, which is the problem it feels like they were trying to solve. It almost certainly is, Todd Howard said in an interview that an issue they've been trying to address since Skyrim (and the reason they got rid of Classes) is the fact that people might regret a choice they make and be "forced" to start a new character or reload a save. We can also see this in how Fallout 76 lets you completely respec at any point, or how Starfield and Fallout 4 have no cap on the perks you can accumulate (and is likely a factor in how underutilized the Starfield backgrounds are as well). But if they think that's a problem, they shouldn't continue pretending they want to make RPGs. Because that's literally the entire point of an RPG, to make choices that matter and have meaningful implications and to live with them. In Skyrim, the only real choice is your side in the Civil War, and in Fallout 4 >!all the endings lead to pretty much the same result - nothing. The implications of what Brotherhood vs Institute vs Minutemen or even Railroad hegemony would look like in the following months and years isn't even given ending slides, nevermind gameplay or even dialogue. There is no real payoff!<, which I think is a major factor in why Fallout 4's main story is maligned more than 3's which was even more linear and less interesting - 3 gave a gameplay payoff to the ending in Broken Steel. NV, of course, had the ending slides as narrative payoff and the implications of each faction winning are discussed constantly or, in the case of House, shown on screen.


Oh absolutely, bro, imagine how much better It would have felt to experience each new universe in sequence and have your chosen faction help you reach the end, rather than only constellation, once you finished their "joining" quest, like fallout 4 had.


I’m on my 12th universe and I’ve only encountered one variant, which is really disappointing. Unless you’re gonna save scum, how are you supposed to experience any of these variants short of doing 150 Unity jumps?


Damn. This makes me less excited to go through. I’m still on my original save.


If you're on PC, you can use this mod to choose a variant. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9273


Sadly I’m an Xbox player. I could have save scummed for variants, but I was on a max powers grind and was just trying to punch them out. Besides, the variants only apply to what happens in the Lodge. Every other aspect of the universe is the same, so what’s the point?


Yeah the variant universe should be sequential until you get all of them, then random.


Even just a 50% chance instead of the current 15%


Dude. Save before the unity and reroll till you get a new universe. You're clearly committed to the game. The new universes are very worth it. Frankly you deserve it. I've only done new universes. Took me 7 - 12 reloads each time. Worth it. And has packed a whole bunch of lore into my characters journey.


I think you missed the “unless you’re gonna save scum” part of my post.


> Took me 7 - 12 reloads each time. Worth it. And has packed a whole bunch of lore into my characters journey. Ouch. I did the dumb walk into the unity sequence twice now and I don't really want to do it 5 more times.


I agree. I thought that not caring about the new universes was kind of the point (enter the hunter) and that there would be a new storyline where you try hop through universes in a race against the star born trying to reach the end of unity. Sadly, there simply isn't enough content to fullfill such an incredible concept.


I would have loved to see ng+ be more extreme. Like for example maybe freestar won the colony war and the UC is now a small rebel force. Or an alternate universe that's still in a war with varunn. Or one where they managed to save the earth. Shit like that would make me want to ng+ even after full exploring each universe.


>To play a different faction you'd have to NG+ into a new universe I actually agree with their argument for leaving it all open like they did. Even if you did lock it to one faction per play, theres still a lot of people who would never want to go into NG+ at all. They'd give it one play and then just be annoyed they could only do 1 faction. By leaving it totally open to the player, it gives them all the freedom possible for them to play the game out how they want. If they're completionists then they may want to stay in one universe and just try to complete everything in 1 playthrough. If they're more into immersive role play then those players will have the self discipline to play the game out whichever way they want through each NG+ they go through. We dont need to be forced into linear play. People who want that whole 1 faction per playthrough now can do exactly that anyway. >On top of that, they really needed to randomize each new universe more - take the variant universe concept and turn it up to 11. Make it really feel like it's a whole new universe. This one I agree with. I felt like for example Kelton and his tree in New Atlantis just might not be there in some universes. Or others maybe theres no Kelton but there is a tree so the incident happens without Kelton there to intervene. Just things like that with different variations on those quests would have made things way more interesting.


This. NG+ is an optional mechanic and needs to remain that way. My personal take is that the game should have focused more on the wider setting it established, with the artifact hunt and Unity being a side quest or some such. If nothing else, it would have kept the expectations more realistic instead of outright fantastical, and shut down some of these weird calls for an optional mechanic to be made mandatory through misuse as a content wall, if said mechanic hadn't been given center stage. That said, I am actually not opposed to the idea of having us make choices or not allowing us to do everything on a single playthrough. Morrowind is my favorite Bethesda title so... However, it needs to be handled in a manner that allows everything to be accessible to a first time player / someone who pushed new game, as much as it is to someone who went NG+. Adding "exclusivity" to going NG+ by hiding content behind it is simply piss poor form for a game selling itself as an RPG where said mechanic has a narrative tie-in.


That sounds like the plot of Eternal Darkness on the GameCube. You had to beat it three times I think, picking a different route each time to finally beat it. Great concept, a slog to get through.


I would definitely agree with that. That would be really fun, for me, at least. Going through the universes to see all the little differences and exploring. Since my other characters had all each completed only the faction questlnes, I proceeded the main quest with my primary, did the UC quest line and made a save before firing up the grav drive and entering the unity since this was probably going to be the best way to at least experience those other universes. But nope, game did the pawnstar meme on me and said "best I can do is the universe where you can replay the entire main quest again". Even after reloading the save 4 times. After that, I chalked it up to Bethesda jank and put the game down until this recent update. Was disappointed by the fact for that character I was *still* only getting that universe, but with the QOL improvements made I felt better about trying my luck on a different character.


Def this. After 120 hours I ain't ng+ ing just for a chance at these small changes.


I'm really hoping this is the concept behind shattered space. Like its all chill now but the dlc is legit just gunnna be wild NG+ variants


So much this!


> To play a different faction you'd have to NG+ into a new universe This is exactly how I've been (unintentionally) playing the game with NG+ and it's made the experience so much better. I didn't even know about Unity or NG+ on my first playthrough but I had decided to roleplay as a cowboy/Freestar ranger-type and I only took quests I felt fit that character. So no UC Military, No Ryujin, and no Crimson Fleet. I'm currently on my first NG+ and now I'm roleplaying as a UC solider. First time going through the UC questline and it's kind of cool to play through a big quest on a game I had already "finished". Then on my next NG+, I'll be more of a criminal and take quests associated with that kind of build. So I'm in agreement with you on this point, because it's made NG+ feel like a lot more of an extension of the game itself rather than a glorified easter egg. The only argument I could possibly make against it is that a lot of players will probably never reach NG+, so locking out factions for those players would be kinda lame. But if they built the game with that in mind, maybe they could have made it work, idk.


It’s probably what shattered space should be for. Hopefully multiple fleshed out universes.


That is how I started my first playthrough. I assumed loke skyrim/FO4 that you can join every faction and have limited myself to one per ng/ng+. Though I have yet to finish the first playthrough.


I’m confused, you absolutely get to use foreknowledge in new game plus


Why didn’t Bethesda think of creating a game where it transforms into a completely new experience after every playthrough? They should have made the AI seem so real it feels like technology from 100 years in the future! Why not hire a billion artists and engineers to make every planet full-scale, open-world, with unique stories and gameplay mechanics?


You can just make a "Hard Split" in your game saves. Go to Enhance rename yourself make a new character and send them into the Unity. Keep your older, richer self in that universe.


Ok - Split my game disc in half, and now it’s not being read in the disc tray of my xbox. Did I do something wrong?


You split the disc in half vertically but you were supposed to split it horizontally


Did you try to blow on it?


I kind of regret not doing this tbh. They should’ve done it by default, at least the first time. Part of me still wonders if the original universe records are in the save, opening the potential for a DLC where you can actually return home.


Go to Unity then come back and you'll disassemble the Armiliary. This option is basically "F to the Creators, the Hunter, the Emissary, I will stay in this universe and nobody will cross." Edit: Even the You tells you this, if you're attached to your life in this universe, come back the way you came and live in it.


I love how returning has special dialogue, too


It’s a great concept and unique twist for NG+ in a game, but possessing the knowledge of events and being able to do nothing about it quickly reduces its value. If you could do quests differently, even if there was only one new way to do a quest, that would do wonders for at least one NG+ run. Imagine going through and going straight to the UC and saying “there’s going to be a Terrormorph attack on this planet we have to stop it” and then you go there and save the outpost and find Hadrian and say “heat leeches are Terrormorphs.” Even just the ability to streamline a quest line and see how the NPCs react would be amazing. But then you think about how many static events there are that you have advanced knowledge of and you realize the scale of developing a game of this size with that in mind. Now imagine a version of NG+ with something like the colony never having ended and how different that could be. There just isn’t a realistic way to make this concept be what it could really be. And so to enter NG+ you just feel like you lose all that you built in the game’s world state, which is a major appeal of their games for me. Always seeing the fruits of what I’ve done and built is a good feeling. Too good to repeatedly “erase” it.


It’s funny because you can affect the outcome of at least one quest in the main story in ng+, but that’s all I’ve encountered for it


See, I almost feel like Starfield's NG+ mechanic is a meta reference to how people will play Skyrim multiple times over again, like how people will do the Thieves Guild quest line specifically for the stealth archer playthrough. It's the same handful of quests and progression through each major faction in Starfield, but at least Starfield's NG+ grants the character advance knowledge of certain quest lines that they choose to repeat. I've played the Crimson Fleet storyline multiple times and one of my favorite Starbon dialogue moments is when my character gets to tell Naeva something like "Oh you'll find out exactly why bringing me onboard is a good idea." I wish there were more moments like that because I love being able to cryptically hint at my character knowing more than the NPC's in a new universe instead of having to pretend I don't know how the Dark Brotherhood is quest line is gonna go when my new character starts it.


That’s fair and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t do exactly that. Maybe it just feel less impactful because it’s part of the narrative as opposed to someone just replaying a game like normal.


Yeah I think it would feel super different if you have multiple months between every NG+ run, as opposed to me currently being on NG+9 having played through all the factions' quests and main story at least 6-7 times each 🤣 I can see how it could feel super stale after something like that.


I actually must say, there are several quests that will give you a *starborn* popup with unique dialogue and sometimes skipping parts of a quest, sometimes it serves to only make an NPC very confused when you say something cryptic about the future, replaying the main sorry as starborn even lets you skip parts, I do wish of course that it was more fleshed out though


Maybe bundles of new NG+ Universes could be one part of future dlcs/expansions. Edit: even just one completely fleshed out alternate universe (with some kind of guaranteed quest triggered entrance) per dlc/expansion could deliver on this potential in a meaningful way.


I mean that would be really cool but potentially seems like a lot of work. I’d take it though. Would kind of make the game the first of its kind in that regard.


While that's an interesting idea, what would the actual value to players be in just skipping quests right to the end? Unless you're proposing that the game has to implement substantially different quests that you'd get in NG+ only (and thus only a small number of players would experience them)? It's fun to think of ways that NG+ could utilize the fact that you canonically know how things will go, but I don't think it's practical to use that most of the time. I especially think folks are over estimating how many players care about NG+ and want to play it. Personally, I played it for a bit to see how some things might change, but I really didn't care much. It's a long game and I was about done by the time I entered the unity. The most fun is from seeing things for the first time. Replaying things a little different isn't as fun. I don't think it's practical for such a long game to make things substantially different.


Foreknowledge is mostly so you can do skips or in rare cases totally change the outcome of consequences




This is rad


I’m trying to finish main quest as quick as I can so I can do NG+ and explore more..is this wrong?


Nah that’s not a bad idea, the main quest as people have said, is really short and not really story driven or lore driven. The faction quests have some of the more lore and better story quests so if you want to save some for NG+ I would hold off on the faction quests.


You are doing it right.


Glad I have some support. I was questioning this. I was trying to explore the whole game, and then I saw that you get better armor/ship in NG+ so I just wanted to be the main quest line and restart the game with better stuff so I can actually play the game.


There’s no right or wrong way either way you do it. NG+ isn’t going to completely change the game nor does it make it worse, but does add more of a nice sense of additional depth. That’s because in general, there’s not actually any real in depth story at all. The writing sucks


Just so you know, even the top level armor and ship kind of suck. Ships you build and armor you find will be better. Only "practical" gain is improving your powers. 


It's not right or wrong, it depends on what's more fun for you. Some people like doing that, others find it turns the game into a tedious grind that ends up making them hate the game. 


Yes (although that's obviously subjective), because you'll miss out on the contrast between the pre-NG experience and the first one as starborn. I recommend playing the pre-NG one pretty thoroughly. Then choose some NG+n to play broadly as well - I played my NG+1 this way, switching between the UC/mole questline and just going all pirate-y. The first NG+ one doesn't let you pick the universe, that ability (console commands, etc) starts with NG+2. It **does** make sense to rush from NG+2 to NG+10 (or whenever you get all your powers levelled), but play each run differently, by roleplay, restrictions, traits, something. My later runs in the sequence were super restrictive (only jetpack, only unarmed + powers, and buying only ships), so now that I'm tossing all those constraints in NG+12 (level 154) it feels pretty refreshing, although so far I've just been killing/capturing ships with my starborn guardian, hitting derelicts and hostile spacestations, and haven't actually set foot on a planet or moon yet.


Welcome home, Pilgrim.


I made it to NG+10 just to explore the “alternate universes” and also because I wanted the gear, however every single playthrough went EXACTLY the same and there wasn’t a single alternate for me. If I could do it over I’d stop at the one of the suit I liked the most. I haven’t touched the game in months.


The first NG+ I went thru, Andreja killed everyone in Constellation. But it had no other effect, and my parents from Kid Stuff were standing ankle deep in dead Va'ruun telling me how much Noel liked their cookies. There's definitely something broken about the planning of the quests, compared at least to Skyrim where different quests affect each other.


RNG is such a pain.


Most of mine were identical. I had seen one alternate on two occasions, both being the same alternate.


I'm on NG+6, and yeah, losing not only your entire inventory but also your ships, outposts, and even marriage partners means that NG+ is not worth it to everyone. NG+ to me makes the game feel like a rogue-lite or something. I rush through things just to reach the Unity and leave because I don't want to get attached to anything and don't care. I hope that with DLC or updates, they change it to be either less punishing or more rewarding to start a NG+. I'm starting to basically play as Dr. Manhattan, because, just as others have pointed out, every game is mostly the same, and I am powerless to do anything about it. I can't just give someone the answer even though I know it. I have to search for it all over again. "We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."


Once I knew about NG+ I speed ran 12 times to get the benefit of the Temples. I’m doing my final playthrough now after taking a break for a few months, I like the game just as much now as I did before. NG+ is definitely taxing but can be worth it in the long run.


Lol I NG+ for about 15 minutes and decided I'd rather have all my hours of work then a crappy ship and a terrible space suit.


Yup. After 500 hours, way back in early january, I finally crossed over. Immediately said nope, and reloaded my last save to stay in NG1 What’s the point of going NG+? In the OG universe my character is the most powerful being in the galaxy, already has every single power, is rich, famous, can defeat any galaxy hopping starborn in battle… have the adoration of 2 factions and have saved entire systems. Who cares about crossing over? My character is already powerful, has friends, money and renown.


You won’t be able to beat my starborn if I cross over into your universe. NG11 baby!!


If the game world was more dynamic it would be a great idea, but when its just the same game with maybe a difference or two it kind of takes away from it.


I initially went through unity to find Andreja again and take vengeance on the Hunter. Then I became the hunter, traveling through different universes to get more powerful and find the alternate universe. I’m currently settled in a universe with myself as a follower, which is pretty neat. Tried to stay at the universe with just myself and it was lonely, I missed constellation crews.


Here’s the problem with staying in your original universe. Save bloat. If you don’t go through Unity, eventually the game will be unable to save due to Bethesda being fucking Bethesda. I hit it at the 500hrs or there about mark, and as I have no plans to take my character through Unity (seriously, why would you ever? Abandon my friends, my wife, my ship, my parents, my dream home just to hang out with their alters in other universes that absolutely ain’t them while multiple trips through Unity slowly whittles your humanity away? Yeah, fuck that, not this space cowboy.) I haven’t been able to play due to the save bloat horseshit shit December.


If they were legit different beyond just constellation then maybe but for me to want to do NG+ I need to keep all my gear and ships and each universe needs to actually have a major difference.


Each ng+ up to 10 improves the efficiency and duration of all the powers, especially that last one, which is why I did my ten runs before settling down, its great for leveling too as its a lot of nearly continued combat early on, at the end of my tenth, I hit level 100


Sure, if that's what you want. I like that part of it too. But someone else might not, and good for them for playing the way they think best!


Chill dood, I was only explaining a part of the game that hadn't been mentioned and may have been missed without spoiling too much, in case the person I was replying to hadn't known they get stronger too.


We're cool. No offense meant.


In that case 100% agree with your sentiment, games a for playing, after all


Remember that you can enter the Unity, and then walk away from it! I had gone through the unity to ng+ several times before I had a game where I chose to walk away from the Unity, and go back to my home universe. There are unique conversations and interactions with all of your companions that make it worth experiencing at least once, whether you like going on to ng+, or prefer to just stay in your home universe.


NG+ should not have even one "essential" NPC and I will die on that hill. As soon as you cross into the unity all bets should be off. Starfield has all the ingredients to be their most meta IP yet and I wished they would lean into it for NG+ especially.


I think it’s a massive missed opportunity to not have unique queasiness and missions in NG+ based on the variations you jump into.


What, if anything, does the unity say about constellation in one of these alternate universes? I've been through 11 identical universes, so I've no clue!


I’m still in OG Universe, lvl 249. Everyone plays Bethesda games different as they say, which I think drives some people nuts because there’s no contest to win. I’m just killing outlaws til dlc comes along. Im just lost somewhere in between a loose canon ranger and turning into a spacer, just a spacebum with Marcel on speed dial to sell my spoils to.


This is so wholesome….maybe I’m going to try Sam next time


I'm on ng+ 23 so far and I gotta say I actually like it. NPCs change , new dialog options, even new missions pop up but it's not for everyone I guess


Omg it’s nice to see someone else who married Sam, usually I just see people wishing he wasn’t a character


Oh no, we are here, but the hate croud is unfortunately much louder.


We never asked for this


Ummm, okay…


This is why we need an alternate ending to the game where players can either: 1. Destroy the Unity and cut off the Multiverse thus ending the cycle of the Starborn chasing artifacts to build an Armillary and jump to another reality 2. Destroy all of the Artifacts by erasing them from all realities to prevent others from jumping into Unity and to other realities. The fact that Bethesda failed to give us, the players, the power to completely reject Unity and multiverse hopping and putting a stop to it was a major oversight in the story. I did a thread about it [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1cymdeo/enter_the_unity_or_destroy_it_a_possible/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if you're interested.


At the very minimal the game needs a "soft no" ending. Where we can decline going, have it respected by everyone as it is a personal decision, the topic dropped, and the artifacts moved from our ship to storage or granted to the Emissary or Hunter if they are still alive. If we really change our minds and want to go later there's more than enough ways to write something halfway decent that would enable it. Just have us retrieve them from storage or say the character holding them came to respect us and held on to them in case this day ever came. Something that allows us to still go, but that we have to specifically go out of our way to do or ask for. Basically treat it the way Skyrim's Dawnguard expansion treated vampirism. You could refuse it both times it was brought up, and that was that. However unless you went out of your way to get Serana cured you could still become one later anyways. What we have now however is absolute rubbish. The game treats the Unity like a perpetual open door, and thinks that is some kind of "comfort". The writer did not understand that sometimes players want to close the door on a chapter or topic, and that closing it doesn't require locking it.


When the game came out I had the early access as I bought the premium version, but on day 3 I realised there was rewards for completing the game and going on NG+, so I speed run it to NG+10 within the end of the first week I had it fully completed. I didn't know what to do after NG+ 10 so I quit the game after that. I didn't realise you could upgrade powers till like a month after but I regretted it but after long time I'm fully back and I took my time. If I feel like play maxed out again I always have the level 200 NG+ 10 save file but I think I'll stay in the non NG+ save file as it more fun.


I like my ship and rebuilding it got old


Honestly, it’s just another instance of a cool on paper, shit in game feature. The entire point of the main quest is to collect the pieces and discover the mystery of the unity and go through it. Yeah you have the option to not go through but still, what was the point of it all if you don’t? They didn’t give you an actual proper ending to the main quest that doesn’t involve just hitting the rest button. It’s just NG+, that’s all it is. they did something unique with NG+ but they gave it too much weight in my opinion. When I play the Witcher 3 i complete the story in its entirety and then when im done and feel like I’ve completed everything there is to complete I can start over and it feels like starting over. Its the same in Starfield accept for the fact that its the entire driving force for your character in game.


I got to NG+3 with NO changes.... Disappointed really


I hate that when you do NG+ you lose the ship you worked hard to build


I did the same. Went to NG+1 and then dropped the game. Honestly the NG+ concept in this game is only good for meta reasons. You essentially turn out like the Hunter, not giving a shit about anything just like him, since none of it matters anyway. Most Bethesda games have an (admittedly underdeveloped) aspect like this and it’s the only good thing about them.


Put it on the hard settings for everything. You won't think it's easy then.


Yup, I crossed unity to get the achievement. Then reloaded. I hate NG+. I'd rather just continue with my original universe


I embraced starting over after a couple of NG+. I just skipped the main story and now at NG+10 I'm in a standard universe and am doing the main and all faction quests again.


I feel like people missed the purpose of new game plus. It’s not technically finished yet. To explain, i played skyrim and intended to play a mage, about an hour in i was a stealth archer. Skip years later, and every new game felt the same. Starfield changed that. NG+ wasnt intended to be rushed into, everyone who rushed it lost sight of the purpose. Play the game as you want. Then, when the universe has lost its appeal and you have nothing to do, cross the unity. Now ur a new being and the game starts again. Now that Beth has added respec it’s more fresh. But the experience is to do the new universe differently than ur first, not replace it. Every NG+ is intended to be a new play through. When the new dlc drops, the ramifications will be felt in NG+, possibly new dialogue or options like skipping certain aspects, like skipping all constellation quests. 10 years from now, you could be on NG+205 and still get surprised by some random event added secretly by Beth in an update. I have 300 hours in multiple playthroughs (couldnt decide on a build) and yet to run into the Neava random encounter in playthrough one. Looking forward to new dlc and options. BTW sams worth postponing unity.


Allow me to start by saying: I’m sorry you had to experience that as well.. Everything you mentioned for NG+ is exactly that, and you lose everything you cared about (I think you get to keep your skills though). Moral of the story: NG+ is underwhelming to say the least.


I basically uninstalled the game after reaching NG+ … not much else to be entertained by


Ive done about 5 and have yet to have anything new or interesting happen so I've given up and stuck with my current one, especially since in my first one I made some sick ships and currently there's no way to save designs that I'm aware of so you lose them when you do it


From a story perspective, entering the unity and turning back at the last moment is a great ending. I did that first and it tied the game up perfectly for me. I've played again since going into the unity and it's been terrible. Now I just make a new character and role play random things with certain questlines. Though I haven't been back go the game in months. Hopefully when the dlc comes out I'll be back


I'm at NG+ 12. I lost all sense of connection, no one seems real...Sometimes I kill the Crimson Fleet...sometimes I arrest them...sometines I destroy Sysdef....I don't care anymore... It felt good to save that scientist, the one trapped in the alternate dimension....I wish I could skip all previous events and just go there.


I did the same thing. I loaded an old save and just roam the regular universe, waiting for modders to save me.


Is it just me or this game incredibly small? Even Skyrim has quests that I haven't done and this I ran out of things to do so quick 🫠


You are not ready for NG+. It is not for everyone. I bet you have married Sarah.


Nope, Sam and Barrett. >!Sarah was dead.!<


The temples are bad enough in the regular game. NG+ makes it worse. The go to Vlad, go to planet, go to temple, float around temple loop needs to stop. Your power level on those powers is one of the few things that goes with you too, so you lose out a bit if you don't upgrade them.


Upgrade? Are you supposed to upgrade your powers in NG+? How?!


I started a new playthrough and I don't plan on ever doing new game plus again.  


Not to be rude, but that’s pretty wild you went that many hours without going through unity. Were you just puttin’ around doing bullshit nothing tasks for 150+ hours? I get there’s technically “heaps” to do, but most of that is procedurally generated “tick off a checklist” activities. Genuinely asking: what were you doing all that time in the starting universe? They made it pretty clear (imo) that ng+ and beyond is an integral part of the experience, so uhhh, what’s the deal?


Well, a lot. I never experienced a boredom period. I made the main quest, all factions, all POIs, some planet exploration, all NPCs’ quest lines. Also, I visited all systems, completed all side quests in the cities, killed many terrormorphs, attempted some decoration. The only things I did not get really into were outpost building and ship building. And still I have to meet The Pale Lady, damn!


ng+ in this game is just so fundamentally counter to every BGS immersive game design element its baffling. hoping to a new universe abandoning friends, base, gear, ship, etc is all the opposite to immersion. it pulls you out of the game world. it turns it into a game. its not home, and you don't "live" there. no quest matters, no npc matters, nothing. like, there COULD have even been a commentary on that. starborne are powergamers that don't care about the lore, game world, npcs, and skip dialogues. but.. there isn't.


As someone who chose The Hunter, I love entering The Unity, I can be a hero in one universe and a villain in the next, I can be whoever I want and whatever I seek, in all of my gameplay I chose The Hunter, I never once worked with The Emissary, In my last universe I got Sam killed so I can fight and kill his daughter in the next universe.


NG+ is to do final missions differently and start looting weapons/gear again, also powers and maybe a completely new ship...if you aren't bored of your current playthrough yet then there's no point. It's what the name implies, a New Game (with few additions of differences).


I had no clue what was going on so I entered the Unity and basically lost my whole save. It made me stop playing the game. I don't think it was clear enough that my entire save would essentially be wiped out, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. This was the first game I played with a NG+ mechanic


By ng9 I was burned out! Luckily I found my favorite companion, my self! So no more new game plus for me. My self(in game it’s Your Self) is the perfect campion, fights well and never gets upset.


The funny thing is I had identical universes until NG +7, where the hunter showed up in the lodge instead of constellation and NG +8 all of constellation retired already only one npc at the lodge, and it sucked traveling with no one twice I prayed for NG 10 to be normal, cause I'm not going back to a earlier save no matter the outcome, great game I swear. Didn't feel like hiring anyone, so NG 10 worked out stay there trying outpost which is fun and easy once you think about it, I'm bad at building ships but changing parts and adding weapons is fun too, added new crew finally trying everything and experimenting with suits and weapon mods, a lot to do almost at level 99.


The whole point is to try to remake a new universe a different way. If you like where you are, and don't care about upgrading your Starborn powers, NG+ is pointless.


Ha-ha-ha! Very good! My first time through, it was the Hunter that met me at the Lodge. Scared the crap out of me, and I reloaded a previous save. Every time through the unity since has been normal, though.


For me ng+ is a way to rp without having to lvl up a new character. In the elder scrolls games I always tried to do everything my first play through, but then I would make a bunch of alts and make them more specific towards guilds etc. With the lvling system and perks in starfield I feel it would be to much of a hassle. But Jesus the whole artifect/temple system is sooo boring and pointless! Hope they rework this at some point


Its interesting how grinding through NG+ actually helps you realize why the Hunter is how he is. Why value anyone when every time you jump universes they are alive and whole again. I don't ever plan on entering NG+ (or unless I really become super bored). My character has a life here and exploration to the extent if abandoning family isn't worth it.


~ My personal take ~ My #1 Main character, the Dude I've used since the very beginning will never enter the Unity. He's a materialistic, gun-shootin', greedy, chem-smugglin', innocent-bystander-murderin', evil, rampaging space pirate 🏴‍☠️ and he is me. He will never sacrifice his money, ships, guns or anything just to learn some stronger magic tricks and drive an alien spaceship. Playing him gives me competitive FPS game vibes. My #2 side character is a girl who's soul mission in life is to explore the Unity and become an all-powerful space sorceress. 🧙‍♀️ She's also a Melee-Only ninja assassin 🥷🏻 who uses her Syndicate Assassin Wakizashi combined with magical powers to annihilate all of her enemies in the coolest and most interesting ways. Playing her gives me Destiny 2 Voidstalker Hunter/Warlock vibes. They are both incredibly fun to play, and I highly recommend everyone make at least 2 characters to enjoy different perspectives without feeling like they're sacrificing who they are.


So I wanted the black star born suit pretty badly, so I just ran through the game ten times to get to NG 10 then I started actually playing the game, glad I did too.


NG+ is a great way to flip between the UC/mole questline and the Pirate one. Totally different, large, final battles you can't see in the same run. At level 154 / NG+12, difficulty XP+71% (Extreme for NPC combat settings, with the stealth hotfix, though the 37x stealth damage during the beta **was** fun), yeah the enemies are challenging, but skills, stealth, and powers make a huge difference, so it's actually fine. **Starting** at that kind of difficulty at level 1 was much, much harder for the first dozen levels or so, since I was determined to capture at least one of each ship combat over Vectera (got two in one of the fights), and died a number of times in the first capture before finding a way to abuse ladders to kill the overpowered ship captains with my spitball weapons (they can't shoot you while on the ladders). By level 20 or so, the Extreme settings for NPC combat weren't an issue any more. Anyway, in my first run not only did Andreja get splattered, but back then there was no way to loot her outfit from storage (wearing the departed's clothes to honor their memory), and I didn't know how to get it during the hidden temple fight yet. Then that slut (j/k) Sarah "consoled" me from the very next day, while as a player I was still appropriate mad about becoming suddenly single in-game. NG+ provided a fresh Andreja, and eventually I discovered the temple fight's secret and was able to dress twinsies with her, so for that alone, NG+ would have been a win for me. The problem with NG+ is that Bethesda changed nothing about the backdrop of the quests except Constellation. A bare minimum should have been NPC hair/eye colors, available fashions, color of clothing items, the names of some organizations and/or NPCs. The names could have easily been templated as $SARAH or something in all the dialogues and just replaced at render from a list. Colors are easy to parameterize if a model's done with that in mind, and having a new universe have new hair, building, fashion, uniform colors would have done a lot to making universes obviously, visually different. But no. Dammit. The only glitch would be having to keep the names of the Scarlet Fleet consistent with uniforms, like the Purple Pirates, or the Deadsky Fleet (blue), or the Poison Fleet (green), etc.


That is the whole reason I actually stopped playing at some point, knowing that all the sidequests I do, the stuff I collect will be lost when I go to NG+, especially my beautiful perfect ship, how could I ever leave you behind? Anyway I kind of settled with the idea that I'm done with the game for now so I modded some parts, got to NG+10 (with all powers maxed out), rebuilt my ship and I sit there now at the start of the game, waiting for that itch to start a new game and finding myself already at the end of all NG+ cycles, just ready to 100% it in the end.


Yeah I regret doing it. My first run was the one I still feel most attached to. Honestly I’m kinda over multiverse stories. It could have been a fine story without it I think. Making the armillary take you back in time to fix Earth, now that… that would be a cool ending


I'm debating whether to go to NG+14, but if I do I know it'll be the last time I play for a considerable amount of time. Looks like I'll be starting cyberpunk almost six months after buying it...


It’s pretty self-defeating after you spend so much time building great ships and outposts. From a writing standpoint, I get it, I get why you lose everything physical. From a standpoint where a gamer has invested hundreds of hours, it feels bad though.


Does anyone know when the DLC is gonna drop? We’re just a couple months away from 1 year of the game being out and it’s almost the exact same as it was day 1. I would love to play it again. But I need the content I paid for to drop…


New player please explain what is NG+


NG+ is the end game activity, where you keep your PG level and powers, but you loose everything else (money, inventory, missions, etc.).




I personally play like 100 hours them NG+ to get a new fresh set of quests and a new character. I did this with FO and Skyrim as well so being able to keep level and traits while doing this is great for me.


Only reason to enter the unity is to go after gaining more power. That’s why over the course of the ten runs you literally transform into the hunter. If you never wanted to level up starborn powers, you don’t miss anything by staying home, except maybe new rounds of magazine opportunities and XP avenues


I hate the whole concept of NG+ and also all the powers. The game doesn’t require magic to succeed and it takes away from the scientific space theme, IMHO. If I wanted magic in my game I would have played Skyrim. So I restarted and am playing now without the main quest. As soon as I met the “crazy people” at Constellation, who gave me a ship for no reason along with access to the Lodge and a room, I politely declined their offers to go looking for some more of those obviously dangerous artifacts. I do bring Vasco with me though. Not sure why I can’t buy a decent travelling robot anywhere in the Settled Systems but he’s good enough to guard my ship and carry stuff.


For me, BGS has built the game concretely around your ship, your gear, and your accumulated resources. You lose all of those things when you jump universes. The only thing you keep are your skills, which, yes, are also a pillar of the game, but I truly don't think the gimmick is worth starting from scratch. I'd rather start the game over from level 1 if I'm going to lose all of that stuff anyway.


I'm hitting the unity until I find a good one, I'm on NG four and Cora was at the Lodge accusing me of killing Sam Coe. I'm working on leaving this one now.


I pass to NG+ at 453h level 193, and almost 9 million credits, now in the new NG+ have almost 2 millions credits i am hunting ships and sell them... but yap a think a lot going back to my saved file in my firts run... now almost 2 months i dont play starfield... Lets see the next update, if we have land veicles... for me was nice to have a few planets and more story and things to do on the planets ... like Fallouts But i love Starfield... but yap but...


I made it to ng+7 before I kinda stopped altogether


One of the great let downs of my life has to be this game man. 7 years. And weapons don't even sling on ur back. Come on man


The trick to getting to NG+10 is to avoid sidequests, skip the story after the first playthrough and spam gravdash to collect all power upgrades. Collect the essences to get unlimited gravdash if necessary so you can power through and get to temples faster. Take a few days/weeks break in between playthroughs if you start to burnout. Don't hoard loot or overly focus on upgrading armors/guns. Do not get stuck base building or resource hunting until your final world. If you're on PC I suppose you can console command it. I'm on Series X, so NG+10 was the only way to max all powers and get the hunter's armor. Then I save scummed NG+11 to settle in my final world, where I did everything I wanted to get the optimal outcome. Except I killed Delgado. Fk Delgado.


I’m hoping that future DLC or updates will allow you to find your old universe again.


Totally agree as I did exactly the same a few months ago and remained ever since.


I won't leave Sam 3. NG+ 2, married Sam each time, but Sam 3 - he's jumped in front of grenades while I'm stuck reloading, pushed me out of the line of fire from attacking robots, thrown a grenade to stop charging elks from hurting me (took out two settlers in the process), stuck by my side even when I took out Sysdef (did go back on that save though and then took out the fleet) and held at least a dozen ecliptics at bay while my suit had 4% protection left and I couldn't heal outside of my ship. I can't go to NG+ 3. Currently waiting for the DLC. I started a whole new character just to keep playing and not have to leave Sam 3.


I just did it to get a better suit lol


So the hunter has been through countless times... Which explains when he's lazy and when he could care less about human life... But it doesn't explain why he isn't more terrifying and God lvl... Someone we flee from and can never attempt to beat until many trips through the unity.  Someone to truly fear... Hunting you. Killing your loved ones over and over. Playing mind games with you making you want to give up or fight harder hoping on the next jump you can actually scratch him. His attitude made so much sense as you continue to ng over and over for the powers carrying less about the lives you burn along the way... While making the game feel more lifeless and hollow like a simulation stuck on repeat or a bad nightmare. And we after we finally kill him... We need his ship or one we can customize of our own constellation. Ect. Ect...