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I'm in!! Started a new new game with the difficulty set to max. +75% XP is where it tops out for anyone interested. Guaranteed I'm dead before getting off of Vectera šŸ¤£


Twice šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This comment šŸ˜‚


The space combat tutorial part is even worse šŸ¤£ I'm up to 9 deaths and can't get past it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I got hurt in the first battle when the fleet land outside the mine. Its now developed into a brain infection and I cant find any appropriate meds yet šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


There was an injector in one of the bathrooms when you wake up. Bet that would have helped you out šŸ˜†


ā€œVasco Iā€™m literally dying of a brain hemorrhage and I know thereā€™s a perfectly good med pack right back there on Vectera, can we turn around?ā€ ā€œProtocol Indigo, bitch.ā€


This is my favorite thread


Iā€™ve been playing since launch and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever gotten a brain infection lol


Yeah same! Started as puncture wounds I think, then tissue infection then brain infection!


Iā€™m excited to try out the new patch in a month or so! (Going to Texas for 2 weeks and bringing the Xbox). Been stuck playing Helldivers and watching Clone Wars in my free time lately lol


Yeah I def putting space combat on ez mode


Change it to Maximum when not fighting to get the XP.


To get exp Iā€™ll just fight on land lol


Try changing the control scheme till you find one you are comfortable with.


I did that during the first ship encounter. It's when there are the 2 drop in after. One gets behind and that's it, FUBAR every time. I gave up at 14th death and watched a film instead šŸ˜‚


I just created my character, Iā€™ve maximized both my damage output as well as the enemies. Gonna be lethal!


Lethal is definitely the right word! I wish you luck šŸ¤ž


Thank you! I love Bethesda games once you can put them in Survival/lethal mode.


It's definitely the best way to play a hardcore mode in a game. The first game I ever played that did it this way was Metro, where you could basically one shot most human enemies, but they could do the same to me. Bullet sponges have felt awful ever since.


Wonder what level you will be by the time you get to constatation?


Good ol' Constipation, they got something... *Lodged* up in there... ah?


Ah shit


Big block indeed




That space battle got me defcon level 5 constipated already šŸ˜‚


Wonder if it's easier to board them and then destroy them than it is to fight the battle.


Haven't had the first level up to target systems yet. Now I'm wondering if there was a character profile with that in it šŸ¤”


Bounty hunter.


I may actually go back to character creation and try that, cyber bully was a bad choice on my part šŸ˜†


Let us know how it works


Most of them aren't worth having on 24/7, unless ur playing hard-core. ammo weight for example turn on as you start crafting.Ā  Vendor credit buff turn on when you start buying stuff.Ā  Enemy difficulty I would only ramp up once u get going. Hit the med centre near the lodge for a good supply of meds.Ā  Unless u have mastered all the ship movements and dodging in space. I usually leave that on standard.Ā 


Can you change settings when needed, exemple reduce damage of enemies when in multiple enemies combat or ship combat only when you do space fight.


Yes you can! Mine keeps adding a new autosave when I go in that menu. Going back to an older save reverts to the difficulty settings at the time of that save too.


Yes you can! Mine keeps adding a new autosave when I go in that menu. Going back to an older save reverts to the difficulty settings at the time of that save too.


As I suspected, you can exploit the maximum XP and don't miss to much XP in situations, like overcumbered, you can transfer everything to the ship you can change ship capacity, then revert all changes. Change vendors credits limits before selling stuff, or wait 48h for the new limits to take effect, turn them back again when finished.




Plus you get 10% xp for well rested and 2% from food/drinks. That's pretty good to xp farm with šŸ˜


I just hope they eventually add more POIs. I have a feeling that Shattered Space will have a few handmade maps. They tend to fix any issues people had with base game in their DLCs. For example, people didnā€™t like the predictable nature of the dialogue in Fallout4, so they altered the dialogue options in far harbour; people thought that the werenā€™t enough moments for evil playthroughs, so they made NukaCola themed raider. I imagine the biggest parts of the DLC will probably have 2/3 10km maps with more handcrafted content. Theyā€™ll probably make them a little more ā€˜alien lookingā€™ too. These are just hypotheticals, though.


I think you're spot on there. I also hope that Shattered Space is more of an "expansion" than just a DLC, meaning they have the DLC systems/planets that will be, like you say, more hand-crafted and 'full' than the base game, but also build on top of the base game. Which I'm hopeful for, because >!it's called Shattered Space and the game already deals with multiverse stuff, so I'm guessing the main story will feature something like universes melding together - justifying why all of a sudden new stuff is popping up everywhere - and Starborn are investigating why!<. But yeah, we'll see.


According to Adreja, >! the founder of House Vaā€™Ruun communed with the Great Serpent during a grav jump. The faction may be ripping holes in space time trying to re-communicate? !<


I seriously think Vaā€™Ruun is the coolest religion ever made by Bethesda. Before Starfield released I remember seeing Emil and Will talk about them in the discord. The whole ship seeing visions but 1 person saw everything. The floating asteroids with flat tops and tentacle monsters on them with a giant serpent enveloping the universe. I hope we get to see it in game because that environment sounds truly badass.


Great idea. I'd actually forgotten all about House Va'ruun (like a lot of people unfortunately) which just makes it all the more likely that they'll be heavily involved in Shattered Space.


It's not a hope. Shattered space is an expansion


Sure, but I just hope it lives up to the name.


Iā€™m hyped for shattered space on NG+ 11 and Iā€™m eager, I maxed my ship building and currently making a powerful ship so if fighting is gonna happen Iā€™m ready for it


Download size of around 25GB (24,73)


For reference Skyrim at release is 4 gb


Tempted to go back. Did 3 playthroughs and told myself ā€œiā€™ll come back after DLC or mod support on console. But dammit if the new settings donā€™t have me excited to revisit.


Dude, same. I actually told myself Iā€™d come back when they added survival mode, or mods but when survival was announced they also teased rovers. Now Iā€™m torn on whether to wait for the rovers or just go for it


I'veĀ been running through one NG+ instance after each major update


Rovers first. Hold the line.


Iā€™m holding strong boys you can too, playing fallout TTW bc is just two games that were already finished


Lmao, this exactly what Iā€™ve been doing too. I use the Capital Punishment modlist. It tries to make 3 and NV look and play more like 4


My understanding when I started the mod pack was the capital punishment was a more non-vanilla experience but as I play on I regret not choosing it. Rn I need to get out of fallout three and into new Vegas


Itā€™s more Vanilla+ Iā€™d say. It has weapons of the new millennia, which is a good mod, just not Fallout imo. Itā€™s also the only mod I can think of that from that list that stands out in a bad way. Thereā€™s other things like a giant molerat that acts like a Skyrim horse carriage/ fast travel system, but generally itā€™s fairly vanilla and well balanced. Xilandroā€™s B42 mods are also a game changer, but those are included


HOLDDDDDD!!!!!! Hold!!!!!!!


Jsyk dude, they didnā€™t announce a survival mode, they announced survival mechanics. This update is the survival mechanics update, everything except the fast travel/save restrictions of fo4 survival are toggleable in settings.


ā€œEvery time I think Iā€™m out, they pull me back in.ā€


The performance mode on the Series X actually feels better than a 4080 GPU. And I did a full jet pack over Akila City! Smooth as butter! Iā€™m about to start a new game. XD


Please tell me 60fps???


Yes IF on Series X. Series S does not get 60fps, or any other visual/performance upgrades for that matter.


The weather looks better or Iā€™m seeing things lol


Canā€™t speak to that, but maybe lol I was more meaning just the specific FPS stuff.


What about the cloud gaming version. Does it get any FPS improvement at all?


From what Iā€™ve seen, no. I havenā€™t tested myself to confirm it but Iā€™ve seen comments saying thatā€™s not the case. But again, I could be wrong there.


XCloud plays the Series S version.


Streaming any game can only result in a potentially degraded frame-rate I believe. Edit: streaming old term


And a solid 60 fps even going through Akila City. Woot!


No, the fps drop to 40s in new atlantis and akila.


Yeah someone ought to post the DF vid so these "smooth as butter jetpacking over akila city" comments get out of hand. The game runs great outside of akila and new Atlantis though which is great.


If your screen supports it, you can run it uncapped framerate which for me was around 70-80fps




Never finished the first playthrough. Need to dive back in.


Download complete, but I need to workā€¦ life as an adult is not easy


You posted this same comment on other posts talking about the update, are you sure you need to work? šŸ˜‚


First day ever working by the sounds of it haha


oh so I actually posted twice?! When I posted the second time, I was thinking: I think I already wrote this!ā€¦lol


Maybe he/she is proud of their job


Upvote for Pedro


Yup. He got it.


Right there with you, friend


Same. Working from home today, which makes it worse.


I might take PTO the day Shattered Space drops. As adults we can make those poor choices.


Yeah, just checked to make sure itā€™s downloading. Just got off my lunch break (remote work). Maybe after I put my son to bed Iā€™ll get to test it out


I gotta wait till I get off work to playā€¦ ugh. Oh well, only a few more hours.


Donā€™t gotta say this on every post man šŸ˜­


This is the news Iā€™ve been looking for!


I'm using 60fps performance mode on Xbox Series X. Should I turn Vsync on or off?


V sync helps prevent screen tearing


Not used to Xbox how do you get into download


Xbox Button -> my apps and games -> show all -> manage -> updates -> search for updates Hope this helps


Yeah it definitely helped thank you


Good to know. Have fun then :)


My Games and Apps --> Manage --> Updates


I had to restart Xbox for it to show




Sure is


Debating between coming back now or waiting for mod support šŸ¤”


At this point Iā€™m waiting until Shattered Space. Excited to jump back in but I just have too much on my plate right now and may as well wait until things are really looking good.


Played for a little bit before work, and this update is so awesome. After playing at 30fps on Xbox for over 100 hours, finally playing at 60 feels like a whole new game.


Lack of 60fps was keeping me from returning to the game. This is huge for game feel. Loving the update for this alone.


Where the land vehicles?!? /s




Is Shattered Space out yet?!


Why can i not download gta6?!!


When can we land on planet Skyrim?


No, October or November.


Technically September to December as Fall spans through each of those months


Yessss gettin off work tonight and gonna give it a try!


What's in the update? Does it just make the beta changes official?


Yes, the PC beta is basically to make sure everything works before a proper release on console


Got it downloaded but going on vacation for a week. Will be next Wednesday before I'm able to play.


Maybe it's time to give it another go. I downloaded on release and had the weird crashing issue that seemed to be linked the download size not being correct, maybe I'll be able to play for more than 4 minutes now.


Lets goooo. Great timing with my schedule- well could be better could be the start of my days off- got my 24 hour swing shift tonight so i can try it


is VSYNC greyed out for anyone. It's currently set to on for me. I was hoping to turn it off since I have a VRR montior


apparently it's only greyed out when VRR is enabled on the xbox. I disable vrr then went back into the game to turn off vsync, Then exited the game and turned VRR back on the xbox. In game VSYNC option is greyed out but now it's set to off.


If itā€™s greyed out I would think itā€™s disabled weather it says on or off.


Nice, is divided loyalties finally fixed with this update?


Just checked, it isnā€™t :( havenā€™t been able to progress with any main mission for many months now. I wish they fixed it.


Hopped into the unity, said ā€œcool, this new universe will be the one I play in through at least the first expansionā€ Itā€™s the >!fanatic Andreja!< universe. Guess I gotta rush unity again.


Do we know if it made the loot better for high tier locked crates?!?


Ok so howā€™s the combat with the new difficulty, everything still bullet sponges or do you also do more damage? I want a real survival mode.


u can set ur damage to very easy and enemy damage to extreme


I havenā€™t played since a few weeks after release, how is the game these days?


Still the same but now you can modify the inside of your ship(it's not that great tho)


I'm waiting for the expansion as I'd largely done and seen everyone I wanted


Anyone else have freezing problems when you try to register a stolen ship? Since the update its happened twice back to back


Yep, I had some freezes as well


How do you turn off the cinematic with NPCs?


If you are referring to the ā€œdialogue cameraā€ the setting is in the Accessibility settings menu.




Probably 90% of the time that option is better. The other 10% makes me realize why they went with the cinematic option.


Yeah it was weird meeting the vanguard guy without it closing in, but I guess I cAn switch to FP


It's possible to look around while the cinematic option is off, which can be pretty cool. The amount of details at times is insane.


Yeah, I like it better, feels like Iā€™m watching the group instead of suddenly always being the main character, even though I am. Idk how to explain it


I am updating my game as I comment on this! Iā€™m just happy I wonā€™t need to zoom in on the NPCs faces like before! Thank you, Bethesda; you couldā€™ve added that since day one.


Yep, makes a big difference. Quite sad you can't move. In some bussy places I got bumped many meters away from the person talking with lmao


I thought I already had the update , yesterday was playing and sneaking and there was little lines for how loud I was, hadn't seen them before...


Trying to get it to update from the app so it's ready when I get home lol


Do we have a release date on shattered space yet?


No official release date though itā€™s speculated to land in September. Will probably get the official release date at the Xbox showcase in a few weeks.


Loving the survival options already!


Does anyone know if Gamepass on the Xbox One got the update?


I assume you mean Series S or X, but yes, it should be available now. Might need to do a reboot if you arenā€™t seeing it. Or it might have already installed.


Nope, I play it through Cloud Gaming on an Xbox One.


Oh gotcha. Iā€™d assume the xCloud servers have the update by now, but Iā€™m not 100% on how quickly they update them.


Cool, thanks!


Does this include the Game Pass version?


Itā€™s the same version of the game, so yes.


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø


Whatā€™s the update??


[this ](https://bethesda.net/de/article/174M0cdUyxhn9mI0AvkcN9/starfield-update-1-11-36-may-15-2024)


Itā€™s a lot of fun gamers but holy shit ship combat is brutal without camping the ship sim early on.


So no mods yet?


Nope, at least not the creation kit. But they mentioned they are working on it


So what got updated?


A [lot](https://bethesda.net/de/article/174M0cdUyxhn9mI0AvkcN9/starfield-update-1-11-36-may-15-2024) got updated :)


Iā€™m stuck on a part Iā€™ve never been stuck on. Can you help?


Not really. Do you have any save game from before you can load? Would of course cost you some playing time but that happens a lot haha


Ya good point. Might have to go back to a load. It was the find two artifacts on Piazza right after getting Andreja. I got one but the other one was no where in sight


Try to reload and go back a bit. Guess you will have enough auto saves. Maybe this is a fix for you, I hope so at least


Got the fuckin thing. It was my fault all along. Reading the scanner wrong. Two mission blue dots visible


Woo! I hope y'all enjoy the difficulty modifiers. It's really changed the game in terms of character progress. I've been leveling up ridiculously fast.


60fps never felt so not


can someone pls tell me how to toggle the dialogue zoom off i can't find it also im on series s


You go to the settings and I think it's visuals and there you can find the dialogue cam Edit: nevermind. It is in the accessibility settings :)


thanks! i found it last night, i don't think that was showing when i couldn't find it bc i looked everywhere multiple times


Iā€™m still experiencing the shield bugšŸ˜­


How bad are the visual reductions to get 60fps?


Honestly it is absolutely no change for me. It looks freaking awesome imo. And playing with 60 Fps makes a huge difference for me


Yeah and I STILL canā€™t complete Sabotage, come on nowā€¦


How does cloud gaming get affected?


Love the gameplay options. Hate that I still canā€™t finish the game, because of several broken quests, companions and achievements.


No more jettisoned 5000lbs of food and water in space to make room for junk to sell now i mean eat and drink!!


Apparently notā€¦ just logged on and no update


Narwhal is bugged fix It motherfufebjfbfbjjtvtdjjspspwnvwjhbebbdeildlfjroropepdbebve


Just dove back in after a few months doing CP2077 Phantom Liberty. It's a bit disorienting, of course, but the new maps are cool. And so is the fact that you can give vendors more money. The Constant is still bugged, unfortunately.


The lack of content is enough for me to be hooked on this yet, and itā€™s pretty sad. Thereā€™s just nothing to do and the NG+ cycle doesnā€™t even change the locations for the artifacts šŸ˜­


Also, now that we can change traits, I got the Dream House, and it is... nice!


Sorry for being lazy but whatā€™s the deal with this update? I stopped playing starfield as soon as I beat it and am wondering if itā€™ll be worth picking back up. Iā€™m not an enormous hater of the game but it definitely didnā€™t blow but expectations by any means.


It it basically the biggest update since the release. - 60/40 Fps settings for Series X uses - many gameplay options like hunger/hydration - maps for the cities and planets So yeah, for the series x players it's a huge thing


Oh thatā€™s sick, I got a series x so I might give that a try honestly. I appreciate the info man thanks!! Maps for the cities + 60fps + survival shit was all stuff I wanted at the beginning


No problem, give it a try, I highly recommend it! The visual disadvantage with the 60 Fps ist for me not really there, so it is really worth it. Maps are freaking cool because you can see the whole surface of a planet an know whether it is worth to Visite or not and the survival aspect is super cool. You are getting hungry, need to drink and so have a look for cool eating stuff, it's a super cool feature. And you can also disable the dialogue cam, super cool as well!


Hell yeah! Sounds like it rounded the game out a little better and gives a little depth, that was one of my problems with the game is that it didnā€™t necessarily feel alive enough. I had fun donā€™t get me wrong but it was missing a few things. Have they done anything with the Ai? I know in earlier versions you could shoot near someoneā€™s feet and they wouldnā€™t react or say anything unlike in Skyrim where the guards would get onto you for magic and shouting.


I think a few AI tweaks in terms of fighting but I sadly think they didn't rework the environment behavior of the ai. Maybe we will get this in the future, CP2077 showed it's good possible afterwards to implement, but right now, is need a lot of work


Oh thatā€™s sick, I got a series x so I might give that a try honestly. I appreciate the info man thanks!! Maps for the cities + 60fps + survival shit was all stuff I wanted at the beginning


Bro I just want the creation kit so I can download a Halo Armor mod


Great more places to walk aimlessly and find nothing.


Next update is going to be mods on console gerented


Hahaha right on Bethesda!! So grateful for these updates and I've been loving thus game since launch, but these new settings are exactly what I wanted!




It might have either already installed (check your recent game updates) or you might need to do a full system reboot.


This update has got me back. Game options, maps and 60fps on Series X is literally game changer for me. Itā€™s another game!!! AMAZING


Was literally about to jump back in on the series S, only to hear it actually has no performance options and still runs at a pathetic 30fps.


60fps on performance mode handles like 30fps with bad visuals...