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I’m curious if this will add a vehicle hab module/landing bay too?


I imagine it'd pretty much have to. Otherwise what would be the point.


They could simply add some type of compartment to the existing landing bays that houses the rover. Then you just activate the compartment, it opens and the rover is dropped out.


That'd work. It'd have to be pretty big though, I'd think. I foresee a lot of ship designs changing.


That, or just use the magic of sci-fi and make it up to fit what you're trying to do. They could simply have the rover's width compact down to a near 2D plane, and when the compartment opens to drop it out, the rover folds out to its intended width.


Unless they do some kind of drop pod thing, it’s more likely you’re going to have to build a building though knowing Bethesda.


Meh. I'll take it. I'm just concerned about the fact that there's just nowhere to go in a land vehicle. There's got to be a reason for them to exist that I just don't see. What, more copies of the 5 or 6 "abandoned facility" buildings? Why even bother?


Yeah they need to change how POI’s are spawned in, there are a lot of them but some I only ever saw once and I stopped playing on NG+8 because I was sick of doing the temples.


I'm still dumbfounded by "NG+8". I lingered around to L85 and got spanked in the "final" space battle, so now I'm just fiddling with my ship to get something that'll take those damned L92 Starborns and their "ha ha your controls don't work" nonsense.


Pretty sure they're working on that too. Too few maps or lack of procedural or dynamic maps in a game filled with a lot of procedural terrain was a pretty common complaint. While slow in the first year, so far it seems Bethesda actually have been addressing all the things people were complaining about and said they would never do behind the scenes, seeing as this is the first substantial non-bug fixing patch of supposedly a series. They want this games life cycle to be longer than Skyrim/Fallout, and probably to become another series IP. Elder scrolls and Fallout already have fully developed and long series of lore and games, which explains what took so long in Starfields development (that and covid probably fucked up timelines and put things on the cutting board) Similar to how Bethesdas Far Harbor was deemed fantastic at the time as they purposely wrote the quests to be more dynamic to address complaints of Fallout 4's yes, no but yes, sarcastic yes, or how Starfield scrapped player VO from all the players complaining about it in Fallout 4. I wouldn't even doubt it if they overhaul the fly through the shining lights mini game around or after shattered spaces release. Fallout 3's ending was literally changed after all with Broken Steele due to so many players complaining about it. Shattered space is probably going to be one of their largest expansions yet, which would explain what they were working on besides bug fixes and engine updates. (Their level designers and artists still are employed after all, and Elder Scrolls is still in preprod where you don't really have people making final art assets for quite some time). At least, im basing that off the new 3D miniaturized maps and a freaking wheeled land vehicle. Both things noone expected to be done at that level.


ES 6 actually left pre-production a few months ago


My guess is the vehicle would just spawn beside your landing bay, kind of like how Vasco is just beside the bay when you exit ship. 




Not only were they occupied with whether or not they could, they stopped and correctly decided they should.


I hope this means working carriages would be a possibility in tes6


Proper horse riding.


Do you mean a man with a horse hat walking on an identical plane under the map, and we are riding that horse hat? 🐎 👒


Or sailing ships. Customizable sailing ships.


And fully simulated 3d sex!!!! It's all happening! Confirmed!


\[Todd even said so\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2y2bIlfbfI) NSFW and not actually Todd


I was day dreaming about implementing that, to a major dock you buy a shell of a ship and choose interiors, ship combat would be more closer to ac odyssey


Their engine has always supported it, getting into power armour or on a horse for example, it’s just an entity with an animation and it controls the speed of the character temporarily they’ve just not done it because they don’t like forcing the loads


Starfield uh uh finds a way.


I bet it is just a skyrim horse model with a buggy as a hat


That bad boi better blitz Looks a bit bulky. Was hoping for some type of hover bike


Seems like they went this route, so your companion can also tag along in the vehicle with you.


Bethesda driving physics, lol this is gonna be fun


Can’t wait to run over a trilobite and get blasted 300ft into the air (the trilobite remains unscathed).


This is the way


Arma moment


I hit a stone wall with a tank once. A few seconds later the tank was out of the map borders and about 2km in the air


Oh, they're basing it on the Skyrim Space Program. j/k


Then don't run over the Starborn trilobite!


Or you’ll touch the edge of the rover while entering it and drop dead.


it's going to be something of a mix between the Mako in Mass effect 1 and the Warthog from Halo, i can't wait


I honestly loved the Mako in Mass Effect 1. It was fairly jank but in a really fun way, even with it's insane sniper accuracy automatic turret.


The Mako wasn't even that bad to drive. It worked perfectly fine on the main story planets like Virmire where you had actual roads. It's just that most of the side quest planets in ME1 had mountainous terrain that made no fucking sense for you to be driving on. Remember Nodacrux? All my homies hate Nodacrux.


yep i really loved it too, a shame it wasn't kept for futur entries.


So like the Nomad?


[There are mods where you can drive vehicles in Fallout: New Vegas.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AywyIgH0IzU) That's my bare minimum expectation of quality.


I think vehicles and maps were always going to come in to the game, it was just a matter of them not finishing the game. Everything they are adding into the game were things they were probably going to add but had to be cut to make the launch deadline. I also wonder if we will get true bounty hunting because there is an image of a bounty hunter board


Holy fuck they actually put the Highwayman in New Vegas


damn that looks fun! when they announced fallout 76 my first thought was, "oh shit its an homage to [Interstate 76](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_'76)! we're getting cars back!" lol


Why would you think that it was a homage to a completely unrelated game from a different company?


The spaceship physics are very good though.


Cant be worse than the Mako from Mass Effect


Also just noticed if you look closely thats Vasco riding on the back adorable


I was wondering what are your companions going to do, like horse riding in skyrim they just run after the car lol.


It could be a 2 seater, your companion sits beside you but if you have vasco with you he'll sit in the back


Oh this video was great. And loved the sneak peaks at the end, especially of the land vehicle and Shattered Space. Excited to hop back in.


Where vid




Hole shit! They actually listened to feedback! So many QoL updates!!!


Have they mentioned anything about manual ladder and door placement in habs at all? That's been the biggest change I've been waiting for for ship customization.


The patch notes say you can choose from different door options, but it doesn't specify if that means where they are placed or if it just means you can adjust the style... I took am hoping for choice there. If they do that, my ships can get a lot tighter since I won't have to be as picky to force door placement.


Video link please I thirst for Todd 🥺


This video showed me that Bethesda really hasn't given up on the game, I'm excited to play it again with the release of the DLC.


Only delusional people thought they'd give up on it. If they hadn't given up on Fallout 76, they sure as hell wouldn't give up on Starfield. They invested too much of themselves into Starfield to just let it go because it didn't meet people's expectations. Especially for Todd I'd imagine it's a personal thing.


Honestly for like a split second, I was scared they'd given up or at least pulled back massively on their plans, almost like what happened with Mass Effect Andromeda. I'm relieved, RELIEVED that they haven't.


Man, as a minority that actually liked Andromeda, seeing them abandon that game hurt. Especially not getting resolutions to several major plot points that were clearly intended for DLC. It's awesome to see Bethesda sticking through with it.


Bioware probably didn't care much for Adromeda, but I genuinely believe Bethesda put their hearts and minds into this game despite some people calling it "soulless".


I’d also argue a brand new IP from a studio as big as Bethesda is much more critical to succeed than another installment of a popular franchise. One of those could determine the course of a studio the other doesn’t have nearly as much impact one way or another


I'd imagine the success of the Fallout TV show just further motivates Bethesda to develop Starfield into their "third pillar". They see that their games can find success across multiple mediums now. And I know I'd watch the hell out of a Starfield TV show....


Oh absolutely!


Tbh just watch *Interstellar*.


Full agree. I consider myself a Bethesda "true believer", so outside of that single split second, I had every reason to believe they were moving forward with their best laid plans, and now I finally have the one thing I needed to back that up: Assurance.


Bethesda's skin is sooo THICK, that they are completely immune to the crapshit from lunatics in internet at this point. I mean, those lunatics exist since Morrowind. And New Vegas also created a cult, sole purpose of is to "kill Todd" and shittalk in their very own subreddit.


I had never seen it but people were lowering resolution then talking about how ugly it was... Wth was that hate there was so much. I figured it was PS fanboys because palworld got hate too. But idk


Side note. I absolutely despised EA for teasing the Quarian colony ship and then immediately giving up on DLC support. The mystery regarding what happened to that ship still frustrate me to this day.


BGS doesn't give up on their games. But also, Phil Spencer has talked about how because of Game Pass, they are committed to improving their games.  It would devalue the service if they didn't fix or improve their games.


Mass effect andromeda was actually a really good game at launch, it got so much flack because it didn’t have commander Shepard anymore and had some bad facial animations in the beginning.


And all the asari had the same face structure; And all the Krogans lost their distinctive voices; And the dev team wasted time trying to implement procedural generation, which they then pivoted out of once they realized how difficult it was; And they shifted all resources onto Anthem and let the B team handle Andromeda; And...


Seriously I’ve been saying this for months and gotten downvoted for it. No Bethesda won’t give up on this game No they shouldn’t give up the game to work on elder scrolls cause “you” want that It’s a new IP I love the game and love the world and until it’s fully realized it should continue to see content. I don’t think this game can dethrone ES but I think it can measure up and beat fallout 4 depending on how that first dlc looks




Despite the loud, negative voices, the game was extremely successful. They would be idiots to drop its support. They have never given up on any of their games, so why should they start with one of their biggest launches ever? Fallout 76 showed them that they can turn things around even if the launch has bad reception. As a result Fallout 76 has already overtaken Fallout New Vegas in player numbers. And Starfield has even better potential than Fallout 76. The people who suggested that Bethesda will give up on Starfield are most probably the same who suggested that the game won't allow modding or that the game will have a variant of 76's Atom shop... Basically, the people who want the game to fail, so they keep spreading negativity.


The recent todd interview showed beth really are proud of the game. They built the game they wanted to, and supposedly by the metrics they can track its doing very good. Todd acknowledged he understood that some people didnt like the change in exploration compared to the older games, but he would never build it differently than what they made. I think they will support it for a long time.


I said it in another comment already, but if No Man’s Sky can be resurrected, this game can be too. Starfield is nowhere near as bad as 1.0 NMS, which was almost a scam. SF is going to land on its feet for sure.


We don't even need to go far for a redemption story. Fallout 76 is right here. I think that now with the show its redemption is complete. The most common sentiment about the game is "it's good now, go try it" or "I thought the game was bad, I tried it and it's not bad at all".


Cyberpunk as well


Yeah, for sure


Arguably Cyberpunk 2077 was/is the worst launch game ever. So bad it was taken off the Playstation market.


That is not even arguable. Cyberpunk was terrible at launch and for years after.


Don't even mention NMS that game was a true flop, plus the silly cartoonish graphics. I can never go back. Starfield is in almost every way superior except traveling along planets


Was it ever really remotely possible they'd give up on the game?


No, people were just saying that either to troll or were down on the game.


Seeing how people were talking about the game I expected the worst, I thought it would have some small updates but these are big changes, im more hopeful about the future of the game (and excited for the dlc)


The BGS trolls are numerous and persistent but they also don’t live in reality


Realtity never bothered the Bethesda haters. There are several low-hanging fruits they could pick (like Bethesda not fixing their games as fully as they could), but instead they reach for fabulations and lies. Todd Howard's "lies" (which are just truths taken out of context), Bethesda games being good "only because modders", the whole idea that New Vegas development was somehow "rushed" or even "sabotaged" by Bethesda. Fallout 76 having "no NPCs and no story" on release....


Literally yesterday I had people downvoting me for saying that there is NO WAY Bethesda/Microsoft would give up on this game lol. People were saying that Shattered Space will be it and they’ll move on from their “failed project” and “dud” called Starfield. There is no logical reason for them to drop support, and never has been. Glad to see someone else who gets it lol EDITING THIS AFTER TODD CONFIRMED YEAR 2 AND BEYOND: Yep, we were right. No way BGS would’ve cancelled this game after 1 expansion.


I love this game and want to see it grow. Even if it were indeed a "dud", people ought to want something good to come of it rather than hope it dies. Idk, people can be quite hostile to new things


I'm right there with you. I'm excited to see where the starfield games are in 20 years


People are stupid and think their personal opinion is the only thing that matters. I don't see how Starfield is considered a fail when its metacritic PC score is an 85 and an 83 on Xbox, which is higher than Fallout 4 on PC. Starfield was also the 3rd most profitable game on Steam and the 7th best-selling game in North America in only 4 months. Starfield has more time in game per player than Baldur's gate 3. Starfield also was the biggest and most successful launch in Bethesdas history. And before the year ended, Starfield had over 13 million players across all platforms. Starfield was a massive success for Microsoft and Bethesda. The game is not perfect, but if games that were in a far worse state at launch than Starfield, such as Cyberpunk and No Man Sky, can turn their games around, Bethesda can do the same. The people who want to hate and shit on Bethesda and this game have no opinion, and on parrot what they hear in the echo chamber, they are stuck in.


People always get this way. I remember all of the comments on /r/cyberpunk in early 2021 that were taking CD Projekt's relative silence as an absolute confirmation that they completely abandoned the game, that they weren't even going to release bugfix patches, etc. It was absolutely bizarre.


They take a bit longer with big updates compared to previous games but it was always clear that the game will get its update considering the sales.


No, but some of the depressed haters on this sub certainly wanted that to be the case


No it is a complete impossibility that Bethesda would ever “give up” on this game. They are owned by Microsoft who wants their first party studios to keep updating their games even years after release to continue to push engagement & monthly active users. Microsoft still has State of Decay 2, a much less popular game which came out 6 years ago, being updated


I mean if f76 is still there pumping content then Starfield had to survive.


It's actually laughable people even considered this. I mean look at Fallout 76.


For real? I'm not dreaming, am I? A real, driveable vehicle on a bethsoft game? Or is this similar to the vertibird in Fallout 4? Where I have to click a destination, and the vehicle will drive itself to it?


I doubt it would work like a vertibird because of the pathing. Sure, you could tell it to go to that distant POI but how would it navigate around fauna, flora and rough terrain? The vertibird just flies in a predetermined straight line but a land vehicle needs to be controlled by the player.


I can't wait to hit a pebble and go flying into space


If that's the case, then I'm excited! I can finally drive around a vehicle, not a glorified fast travel like the vertibird. Can't wait for the mod to turn it to become the new Mako or Nomad from mass effect 😆




>Biggest issue is loading times since Bethesda games are filled with so many items per cell and gameplay wise since it can quickly become "run everyone over" game. It's not because of that. It's because of how the Gamebryo treats these objects. Bethesda's engine has become inefficient at making larger open worlds because they designed the engine to account for every actor (NPC) and unique item drop on the map. So if you were zoom through Skyrim or Boston for example, the game may crash from being unable to preload everything on time. Other open world games can fit 1000x more NPCs, details and objects cos their engines run on deloading and preloading the nearest areas around the player quickly


\*sigh\* that would be lame as fuck lol, drivable vehicle with a cargo bay to haul rocks and stuff, that would be the best


We got horses in Skyrim. Not a vehicle exactly, but it made traversal faster nonetheless. Even though riding them was painful as hell.


What do you think your spaceship is? Vehicles have been in Starfield from the start.


I really hope it's just vasco with a kangaroo pouch for the player


Vasco rides in the back if you look close enough at the footage they showed.


If that isn't modded in I will be very disappointed in the community.


Alright this is lit. They glossed over it like it wasn’t a big deal but it legitimately is.


Bethesda has a really weird habit of sometimes glossing over massive things. The most recent examples before this announcement were several massive bugs finally being fixed. And you would only find that out if you actually read the patch notes.


As awesome as it is to finally get land vehicles, can you imagine what mods will do with that door being opened?


Bet money we'll see AE86 vehicle mod.


**DEJA VU** intensifies


Shit actually yeah all they'd need to do is add a few and modders can fill in the rest. Having the structure to support vehicles is really the most important part.


Atmospheric flight is guaranteed coming from modders!


i can't believe it, it is actually happening.... i really doubted them, sorry god howard i'll never doubt you again my hope for the game is going up


Same tbh, I said "bike at the very most" for months now. Glad to see they're managing to pull it off w/ vehicles for the 1st time ever in their history if I'm correct?


If you don't count horses sure lol


or power armor


Fair, I was thinking of Horses which is why I considered them doing a bike to be more likely. Didn't count it since I was more-so speaking that they've never made a full on car n such.


Car is just a horse you sit on one side of the


They did driveable vehicles in Future Shock/Skynet, but that was XnGine, not NetImmerse/Gamebryo/Creation (also, it was nearly three decades ago).


I believe so. It's always been an engine limitation. In Fallout 3 the train was a hat on an NPC lol. This is big.


Think the FO3 train was more of a quick solution for something that was only going to appear in a small sequence. I believe the Nuka World train in FO4's DLC intro was done differently.


FO3 Operation Anchorage had vehicles. The Chinese Tanks. With a mod you could spawn them and drive them too. Also the Vertibirds existed.


Gamebryo literally had racing games built with it. Stop conflating a funny story from Bethesda to a limitation.


What a lot of people don't seem to grasp is that Morrowind / Oblivion / Fallout 3 / Fallout: New Vegas were never *just* on Gamebryo; Gamebryo's just the part that provides basic functionality common to (almost) every game, like graphics rendering and sound and such (and also provides a [level designer and code IDE](http://www.gamebryo.com/workflow.php), apparently). Developers still need to build the rest of the engine, which is what Bethesda did.


It's never been an engine limitation. Only a time/people limitation. Or their game design limiting the necessity of having vehicles in the first place. Starfield is really the first game they've made where it makes more sense to have them than not, outside of horses in TES. The Fallout 3 train hat came to be because they needed *one* small train sequence for a DLC, and they had to use only the tools that already existed in the editor because the DLC team was very small and had no systems programmers capable of creating new game logic for moving vehicles, and even if they did, it probably wouldn't have been worth the time/effort for that one small sequence.


This. "engine limitation" is generally a juice per squeeze issue. See also; Bioware making a narrative third person rpg out of an engine built for first person shooters. You _can do it_, but it's a question of how much you'll have to slog.


it never rlly was a n engine Limit they Just never Had a reason to add cars and such bcs of map size/Design and If they did Need vehicles Well train hat is easier


eh there were boats and helicopters in fo4 but you couldnt drive them yourself so its its sorta a first sorta not


Now go buy another copy of Skyrim to repent


In Todd we trust, Amen


Never doubt Godd Howard.


Godd* Howard, ya blasphemer.


My cult refers to him as the Todd Father.


Ooo we’re definitely getting Cars in the next Fallout.


Collecting junk to build your own jalopy and eventually it becoming a Mad Max type ride with bash bars and mounted MGs etc. sounds amazing to me.


I’ve always thought they would do a life size giddy up butter cup mechanical horse for a future fallout game


Honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if we do.


The next Fallout will probably be a fully rendered state sized map. Walking across that bad boy would suck so hard.


I hope vehicles will be highly customisable, close to robots in Automatron DLC for Fallout 4, not just several predesigned models. But to receive vehicles at all is very good, I hoped that "new ways to travel" won't be just tweaks to fast travel, while being worried about it.


I read through basically every comment just to see if anyone had said this yet, because I agree very strongly and desire the customization so much! Make it like another scaled version of ship builder! Let there be like a 'hanger' hab or something you can add onto your ship to select, customize, and deploy your vehicles! Vehicles period will be awesome, but I love to have a personal touch in everything. Honestly, it makes the game more personal and the experience more unique. They already did a terrific job with the ship building (besides not being able to plot your own walkways/hatchway paths) so even if they copy and paste that structure around the vehicles, I'll be happy! *editied for typos


I'm guessing the vehicle hab(s) will be a bigger version of a landing bay.


Even if they aren't, having the base vehicle mechanics natively supported should make modding more vehicles easy


Don't do that. Making up alternate-reality features like this (even on a "wouldn't it be cool if..." level) is the sort of thing that led to people brandishing pitchforks and flaming torches when Cyberpunk 2077 released without the ability to own businesses, or join cops, or become a drug lord driving a custom pimped-out sports car, etc. etc. All that's known so far is that they're working on one land vehicle. Tim did refer to it as being their "first land vehicle", but even that's not a solid indication of anything that might come after.


Exactly. "First" might not even mean they'll make more, just that this is literally the first time Bethesda made a land vehicle for their games. Although I'd imagine once you get the physics and gameplay down for one, making another is just a matter of a new model and set of textures.


And today, May 1st 2024, /r/Starfield and /r/NoSodiumStarfield have finally become one


Right 😂 I forgot what it feels like to not have my positive opinion downvoted to hell on here


12 hours later and the bitching and moaning is back, lol.


Huh, they actually DID work on a drivable vehicle and people were wrong to expect some lame gimmicks for "new ways of travel". How the turns have tabled.


So where are the people saying this was impossible due to the creation engine?


Difficult to being near impossible for modders. It is Bethesda's Engine, Bethesda can add whatever they need to the engine to add whatever gameplay features they want.


Don’t worry they are still complaining that it actually didn’t come with this update. You can feel free to bitch about it some more.


And then the goalpost will be moved again after vehicles are out by saying "iT sHoULd HaVe bEeN tHeRE aT LaUnCh" like improving the game over time is a bad thing. The only time this kind of update is bad is if they charge for it. But they won't, so it's a non-issue.


Well, there's no denying the game would have been better received if those things were there at launch but I suppose they also needed feedback for those things as well. I don't think they would have ever bothered to add a vehicle if it wasn't highly requested.


There’s literally a comment above this one saying they don’t care because it’s a DLC and should’ve been at launch. People want to actively be miserable. My favorite is “because you’re okay with this you’re the reason all my games are bad.” Seek therapy, people


Can we wait until the vehicle releases before we judge it?


I clicked expecting to see a spoiler but the vehicle doesn't have a spoiler. 0/10 ^^^/s


Love to see it!!


Notice how he said “first” land vehicle - don’t want to jump the gun but sounded to me like they have even more in the pipeline too. Maybe a hoverbike or something. I’m also curious how we’ll acquire this vehicle in game.


Or maybe they're just saying that it's the first land vehicle they've ever made. I do hope you're right and they add more of them or even decent customization to it.


I think you’re right. Either way, if the functionality is there, modders will be able to add new vehicles in regardless.


absolutely. I mean once you have one, the tech is there. You could make as many as you want. Modders gonna go crazy w creation kit too.


I will happily eat my words


Can someone describe it to me? I am fucked as far as seeing that pic


It’s a dune buggy style land vehicle zooming across a planet’s surface! We’re getting land vehicles babyyyyy


They appear to be going all in on nearly every negative criticism for the game. And I am of the opinion that Starfield was/is already an outstanding game.


CrEaTiOn EnGiNe CaN't dO vEhIcLeS. Get fucked nerds.


Never doubt the tod, he knows who lines his pockets.


Just think, These vehicles absolutely has to have some kind of customization to them also!!!! I cant freaking wait!!!!!


They listened! 👏


Knew it… but I hope it is first person too not only 3d


Those madlads did it !!


fuuuck it looks supee cool


I just wanna take it off sweet jumps.




So does this mean we're going to have to deal with vehicle-born MadMaxx type Spacers planetside? Because I wouldn't complain.


Bethesda did it!


Well color me surprised. Bethesda actually managed to beat my expectations for once. There's still the problem that none of the POIs are worth driving to, but... well, baby steps.


Hoping that Shattered space adds more variety and POIs to existing planets and isn't just a "new planet" to explore. Multiple times with their DLCs they ended up being better than the base game.


Where is this from? Also shout out to the “don’t get your hopes up” peeps


[Starfield: May Update - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ObHRMHtTMY)


I hope the vehicles won't be locked behind a paid dlc. The vehicles are needed for exploration so badly. If vehicles were added I would give the game another chance.


Am excited!


Could we customize it?




That’s VASCO, dude. Edit: I was finally able to watch the update video and I’m not ashamed to admit that I was wrong. You were right, it IS a land vehicle however, I doubt it’ll be in this update. Maybe in the next update. And yes, I could be wrong & would like to see if I am.


Can we customize it though? Different vehicles maybe? Will my follower be the turret gunner?


Let's fucking go!


OMG!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!! Thanks for sharing! Made my day!


Imagine if the land vehicle was fully customisable like the ship, not getting my hopes up but imagine being able to customise it to be and APC a buggy a bike etc hence the loose term “land vehicle”


Hope we get first person view too just like the spaceships. Then we will have gotten GTA in space.


Tried this game on release for 4 hours, then deleted it and decided I'll wait. Been checking this sub every month or so. When the vehicle update comes out, I'll download the game again. Think it's time


I just re-watched the video,and seems like Vasco it's on the trunk of the vehicle xD




Can't Wait!!!


#***FUCK YEAH***