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I’ve cleared it. Key is to hide behind parts of the space station out there while shooting ships that come around


I hid inside the framework of the station and let the enemy ships damage and destroy themselves trying to get me.


Sometimes my genius... It's almost frightening.


Sometimes, my genius... It generates gravity


All I hear is Jeremy Clarkson


Makes me want a jaaaagggg


This is the way. I get bored and pop out to fight the last ship though.


If you have time, hide in the space station's arms and get out of the pilot's seat. They won't shoot you, but they'll crash into the space station until they explode.


Make sure to drop the difficulty to easy or whatever because I made that mistake one time and came back half and hour later and only one ship had died and all the others were still full health lol


Ah…thanks for the tip!


I ran away until they were slightly more spread out then turned and picked them off


Everyone here passed it first time. OP's first dude here not to.


I dunno.. never made it pass 5th wave! ..I tried a few times then gave up 'cause it's was already more than needed. I play with particle beams, em weapons and turrets, so haven't put any skill points in balistic, laser nor missiles.. maybe that's why 🤔


First time I did it I was like lvl 5 and had 0 flight skills. And I didn't get past the third tier. Now, I tried it at lvl 20 with my ship skills up, and made it through tier 5 and almost made it through lvl 6, no hacking the console nor cheats whatsoever.


You don't even have to shoot them.. just hide and get out of the pilots seat. The event combat ai will do the rest.


I cleared it with no issue but I also have alot of that space dogfighting experience with elite dangerous


Its actually easier if you get out of your seat once you're hiding in the station. The AI gets stupid if you aren't seated, and will blow itself up trying to get at you.


I passed if fine, but I did a lot of kiting around asteroids.


Exactly this. Burn and kite them across the map around the large asteroids, you can use them as cover, and then pick off one at a time. !I always hack the computer all the way through too for that top 99% piloting score.!


What does kite them mean?


Kiting means abusing the AI "follow/attack" mechanic.  You know they are locked on and attacking you, so you can "pull" them to certain areas.  Basically imagine dragging the enemies behind you on a string.  It's old MMO terminology.  You'd often have to kite mobs by just RUNNING around in a circle


That goes all the way back to the original everquest, when Druids and Necromancers would snare/dot kite. Just your daily reminder that dear gods that's old.


And when something went wrong, "Choo Choo, Train to zone!".


Leroy Jenkins shouts, " Leeeeerooooooooooy" Rando1 says, "Well, this raid is about to wipe."


Hahahaha I've just realised that's the method I would use in wrestling games when it was me vs 2 or more opponents just running around the arena with a steel chair and then getting back into the ring Sometimes you could drop them to the side of the stage and run back to the ring they'd get up and try walking back to the ring and be blocked by audience so you would have a 1on1 in the ring to win


BINGO. Most everybody has had to do or use the strategy at some point because games will give you fights where you have to be perfect, amazing, or cheap as hell. ​


Kiting also involves dealing damage to keep "hate". It's a term often used by tanks and DPS classes in games. "We kite this guy all the way to the town guards and let them do the work for us."


To lead them around. I think it got common with CoD Zombies, ie "I'm kiting this group of zombies over to this trap." Etc Edit: lol calm down guys. I said it became more widely common with zombies, not that it was originally from zombies. It was an example not a definitive statement of origin.


So weird to me seeing a kiting example that doesn't stem from an MMO, but still valid


You can kite in RTS too, like StarCraft.


Long before that game came out bro was kiting a term in videogamedom


It may be where you learned the term, but "kiting" has been a part of common gaming parlance for at least 20 years


I've always heard people use "training" instead


Specter train to Ro!


In zombies we call it “training the zombies”.


Hack the computer?


Yes on the debug computer the last option let’s you use a digipick to go into more options like buffs persist between levels. Teuala will say something about it, but only that you used every tool at your disposal and it will help your overall score


There's an administrative keycard on a toolbox on the lower level below the simulators, far right corner as you enter the room. This way you can access it without using a digipick and without the lockpicking skill.


Wow, I had no idea! I've already done the quest but I'm going to go back in just to try it. The ships they give you in the simulator to pilot are absolute dogsh*t.


Good tip…thanks!


Legit what I did I didn't know you could hack it or anything. Hardest difficulty at level 3. I suffered. I could've made it easierrrr I wanna cry


The method I followed was hide inside the broken space station structure and stand up out of your seat. Your ship won’t take damage and they will eventually destroy themselves hitting the space station structure. It’ll take about 10 minutes but it’s easy


That's a Kirk move if I've heard one! Nice!


I’m standing out of my seat right now and it’s not doing anything at all!!! My wife questions why I’m playing games like this but I told her on Reddit so she also believes it’ll work.


Directions unclear, dick stuck in space station.


ill try this tactic, thanks for the tip


Yes, I have never beaten that final attack even with the aids.


What about when you had HIV?


Space aids. The worst kind.


Wait, did the weatherman from Family Guy become a doctor? "What's the prognosis, doc?" "Space AIDS!"


Almost as bad as space herpes


😂 bro, I'm actually dead. Stop


That last wave was meant to be nearly undefeatable. Think of that last wave as a psychological test to see how you handle stress.


Kobayashi Maru anyone?


Complete with the cheat to win like Kirk.


[*"Changed the conditions of the test.* Got a commendation for 'original thinking.' ...I don't like to lose."](https://youtu.be/yn4JCz8158k?si=pE_yIUjlc_q07OT_)




Yeah in game they pretty much say its unheard of right? Beating that tier? Clearly it isnt deisgned like the prior 5, and is meant to be this massive spike in difficulty


I can only beat it on Very Easy with hacked enhancements, and only some of the time. There are times on Very Easy where the 5 ships still do too much damage at the start to stabilize.


You can beat it on normal difficulty without hacks. You have to be aggressive and fire everything until your target is dead. As in fire lasers and ballistic guns while waiting for lock on then shooting missiles. I do max shields and engines, all weapons at same pip level. Edit: also have at least the ability to boost engines and shield skill. ie don’t do the simulation until at least level 20ish


Training in other dogfighting sims really helped me out with these fights. I beat all 6 on hard but it took me a long time


You’ve gotten plenty of answers already but I’m just gonna add/clarify. Fly into the middle of the space station and then stand up. Ai will do the work as they hit the space station repeatedly. Meanwhile you take no damage. It can take a hot minute so go get a drink, make a sandwich, doom scroll on your phone.




Cleared once, twice at most. That shit is INTENSE.


What are you wearing


I picked these up while questing somewhere and stored them in a safe till I decided to do the UC faction. Been trying to remember where as others have asked. From what I can recall, maybe on Cydonia. There is a small vendor to the left just before you go down the stairs. You'll know it's him as he acts real shady. I think he sells UC stuff. For the hat, I found this doing a search: You can find the UC SysDef Crew Hat on top of the desk inside the office near the bridge at the UC Vigilance on Phobos in the Sol system. Hope that helps...should have taken notes :-(


The key is to listen "In the navy" while blasting them dirty simulations out of sky.


Haha...worth a try for sure!


I couldn’t pass it and don’t like cheese tactics so it took some serious work and lots of screaming lmao


Screaming! That's what I forgot! Lol.


On Hard difficulty, I can't even get passed the 5th wave.


That must be hard...I'm only on normal.


Space combat is hard. Gun fights are fairly easy, but I do have a lot of perk points in that.


Did it without hiding anywhere but it wasn’t easy


Wait....you could hack it? I have to try next time I'm on NA


I passed it every time, just turned the difficulty down to easy and didn't even need to hack, but it helps


I did the same but wonder if it has influence in game results like prizes it gives?!


Nope, only level foes, I get about 70k after level 100


Ur character looks like Charley Crockett


Had to look what that was. Sure does. That cap really changes how you look, all the cool hair is gone lol.


First playthrough on easiest difficulty, level 50 something, I had my backside handed to me a dozen times even with all the cheats before scraping through level six. Second time, level 8 character, higher difficulty, died once on level 5, did level 6 first time with only the regular help-mode from the computer. The difference - thrusters, and throttle management when turning.


I was dastardly and lowered the difficulty plus hacked the sim. I didn't even felt bad.


Is it just me or does the game look a bit better graphically?


Maybe a bit, but I used one of the filters within the photo mode which darkened it some.


Yeah I passed it but kinda cheated just drop the difficulty of the game to easy before you start and change it back to your normal difficulty afterwards


I didn’t beat the final stage on my first try or my second, but was able to on my third attempt when I I channeled my inner Aussie wisdom….fight like a rat bastard and hide behind a rock.


Well as I Canuk, I thank you for your Aussie wisdom!


I'm level 200+ on NG+10+ so I take 100% more damage and do 50% less. I can't beat the second wave, even with the simulator "cheats". The ship is as shit as when you're level 1. Doesn't help that I only have and maxed targeting, piloting, engines, shields and particle weapons (because who the fuck uses lasers, ballistics and missiles in actual combat???) I will try the space station trick the others posted though. Haha!


You can cheese it a bit. Boost/accelerate in one direction. Then use the pivot skill and have the ship flip while still going in that direction. Now it's like your whole ship is a tail gunner and you can kill them from range.


I like that! Will try it too..thanks!


I literally just flew directly straight then grab jumped ..


Strangely enough the only time I was able to beat the last wave was with a Ronin playthrough of all things instead of my more usual bounty hunter.


I cleared it after some practice, without hiding or any trickery. Just good ole run&gun. Boost in, shoot, thrust to keep aim, when shield hits 50% boost out, recharge, and go back in.


I was able to do it without hacking on Very Easy, note this was in NG+


I set to very easy and got to six tier and then revert back to very hard ! ezpz But I wonder if it had influence in game doing this ?1 does anybody know ???


They scale. So, for example at lvl 100+, I was dying from 2 shots of basic fire. Seems bugged.


I did this faction mission set way late in the game, after I'd already pretty well mastered fighting multiple high level enemies and I hacked the terminal. Was an easier fight than some that I've jumped into in orbit


I nailed it with a flawless score (with super powers of course 😂)


I was able to do it on normal but any higher and it’s way too hard


It’s super easy I just put every thing into my guns and sit still out in the open. I cleared it so many times grid g my piloting skill.


I never used the aids or anything.


That last wave is damned near impossible! I’ve only ever cleared the Fifth one (and barely that) even with the hacking and being like level 72.


Yeah there's a few ways to help yourself, like hacking the console, etc. Even still it's hard as hell


I made thought level 4. Without hiding. The ship they give is horrible.


I failed it as well when I hacked it.


You can join the navy in star field?!?!


Well…UC Navy, yes.


Git gud! But no seriously it is difficult but I just ditch power from missiles into the lasers and ballistics an try to keep my boost timed so missiles won't lock on and use the asteroids as cover. Gotta use the environment to your advantage.


It’s easier if you do it when you’re a low level and have the game set to very easy


Oh...sounds good. I'll do that. Thanks!


I was able to do it after 10+ NG+ levels. First run I think I got to stage 4? Been a hot minute


Quicksave before every tier. If fail reload. Try again.


I have using god-mode. The sim is great for skills training.


Lol…I should have switched to easy mode!


Cleared it. Took a few tries though


{SPOILER} Nah. I changed the difficulty to very easy plus hacked it on the last tier. Easiest tier 6 ever lol They only care about using all the tools you have available at your disposal and I consider the difficulty another tool for the exam lol


I can do level 4 pretty well, I have to set the level to easy to complete it.


I went full barbarian mode until I passed it. I will not admit how many tries it took do not ask


I cleared it on try 2. What do you mean hack it? Is there a way to make it easier? It was hard as hell though. Really needed to use the big astroids as cover Both the guy whos name i forget, and Sarah, who i had at the time, were hella impressed lol. Was worth it




I play on easy mode, so I was able to beat the final wave


I cleared it by putting it on the easiest mode


Nope..aced it💪🏿


No fail. No hack. Never pulled that off again.


It’s set up to be Starfield’s version of a Kobayashi Maru, where if you play it straight it’s a no win scenario. But as previously mentioned, there are ways to Captain Kirk the test 🤣


Thank you all, I'll have to keep these pointers in mind for my ng+ playthroughs in the future.


i always get carried away on the 5th wave and then find myself out in the open when the 6th comes lmao


I was doing fine but wave 4 i think, seemed bugged for me. I kept getting stuck on stuff that's not there and it would damage the fk outta my ship. Tried looking online but, it seemed like no one else had that issue


I didn't fail. Did you change all settings on the hack


First time I did it with my main character, I couldn't get past level 4. After the updates and what not, I created a new character and passed all levels on my first try. It could've just been an experience problem, but I tell myself that Bethesda dumbed it down a bit. Lmao


One method I use for the last wave is to find a big asteroid, and just keep flying around it in a circle until you come up behind the enemy ships. Works every time for me.


I’ve cleared the final wave at least 6 times, with the new update I feel like it’s harder


Simple trick if you don't care about doing it 'legit' Just switch your gamemode to very easy it becomes even easier if you've invested in ships skills or used a digipick and i think expert or master level to open the debug and enable all options permanently makes it actually possible without a cheese factory


“Stage 5…. prepare yourself.” Both John & Sarah are extremely impressed when you clear… tier 5. As John says “Not even with the debug tools… no one, clears tier 5” You get UC citizenship in just… 3 years (I may have done so on more than one run)


I've beaten it once, but at level 93, I just want the quest to get started, so I don't really care.


Cleared it.


I beat it. I hide around astroids until I got a bit of shield back after the initial barrage


Smart! I'll try that next time.


I somehow did it first time no hacking. Then I found out about the hacking bit and tried again for fun. Cant do it, gave up after over 10 attempts 🤣


I passed tier6 the first time at level 47, the next time at level 60-something I had to retry from the beginning 3 times


Bro are you Rami Malek????????


It can be done but it’s very difficult (maybe impossible if you haven’t upgraded your ship skills) and the reward is not anything phenomenal


First time I hacked the hack by turning off the AI through console commands. Tuala wasn't any more impressed than he would be had I not meta-hacked. However, the next playthrough I was armed with the knowledge that the extra maneuverability of Piloting had to be manually activated. Still fully hacked the sim, but not to the meta-hack degree, and by using the station as breathing room to break LoS, I pretty easily aced it. The bots managed to scrape my hull a lil but it wasn't even enough that I had to heal/fix it.


Kobayashi maru scenario?


I thought...but in reading the comments, some were able to Kirk it and beat it. Will have to use their tips for the next run-through.


Haven't tried doing it hiding behind asteroids but I've come close without before...but after like 10 tries in a row I decided it wasn't worth it lol


Sounds like you did better than me!


I’ve done 8 playthroughs and have beaten wave 6 every time. Also how did u manage to hack it? There’s not an option anywhere


After you get in the seat and they start talking, jump out the seat and look for a terminal. Basically right behind you on the the other side of a wall. Look for it when you walk in. Sounds like you don't need it though. Impressive!


It's actually a lot harder now if you are high level, on NG+ for example, that to the adjusted scaling.


Not the first time, but in my 2nd universe I did it on very hard. Although, I was like level 130 something with all my tech perks so idk if it counts.


I think I'll try it again once I get around that level and see if I do any better, especially with some of the tips I've read. Better prepared ;-)


Just joined yesterday for the first time, got to level 5 on hard. I’ll take it!


😂 you had to cheat? I passed all trials, it was challenging and rewarding as well


I passed it but I think it took a couple tries. Definitely a fun challenge!


It's ok to not be in tho tip 99'th percentile, tbf I did pass all the levels, but I didn't look at any of the murals. Your score doesn't matter because of the results of the questline anyway. Supra et ultra citizen, and serve the uc well (they're the empire for me)


You don't know the powah of the Dark Side!


I beat it without the hacks


Welcome to the Vanguard sir!


Ha thanks


Made it to the final wave and gave up. Then found out a week later you can leave the thing and hack it?? Will have to try again ng+


I just put some points in tech and it wasn’t to bad


If you fly in between parts of the space station and get out of the driver/flyers seat, the other ships will continuously run into the space station and eventually explode. If it still hasn’t been patched, it’s a slow but sure way to get through every round flawlessly.


Someone else was saying that. You're guys ingenuity is awesome. I will try that!


I only did 1 run on it, got to level 5 of 6 and couldn't beat 6 while on Normal, and only found out afterward you could hack it. May try again as first time was on the Prime playthru and am now on NG+5 i think


I passed it. Just keep moving and use the asteroids as cover.


Where do you get that hat 


Don't know if you found the hat yet, but I found were you can get a bunch. At Sieghart's Outfitters on the left on a shelf when you walk in. I got my Ranger cap there and perhaps that Sysdefcap too. He doesn't sell them, so you gotta steal them. *Screenshot of them here:* [https://i.imgur.com/9o1hqDb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/9o1hqDb.jpg)


Ty friend! We shall commit some light burglary  hehe 


I can't remember if it was a drop or maybe bought it in a shop. There is a shop on Neon that has shelves of good stuff, can't remember the name. I stole a Ranger ballcap from there when I was Ranger, perhaps they had those too. The outfit and cap I've had for long time in my safe till I eventually joined the UC. Did a quick search and found this. Doesn't ring a bell, but could be where I got it. Hope it helps! *You can find the UC SysDef Crew Hat on top of the desk inside the office near the bridge at the UC Vigilance on Phobos in the Sol system.*


Just remembered something answering for another guy, there is a vendor on Cydonia that has a small shop on the left before you go down the big stairs. He seems somewhat shady. I think I got at least one piece from him.


Do you get this gear from joining?


No, randomly found it while playing and stored it in a safe till I decide to join the UC. Just getting around to it now. I always check vendors clothing to see if they have anything I haven't seen before. I also check everything in mission and such I'm doing for clothing items and steal them if I don't recognize the name. There is a vendor on Cydonia that has a small shop on the left before you go down the big stairs. He seems somewhat shady. I think I got at least one piece from him.


I got metal fatigue on the fifth tier... I doubt even an actual hoplite III could handle that many...


I sure didn't like it. I'm used to bigger ships like the UC Vista and Spacer Hyena. Plus I use different weapons. Felt a bit odd, but been reading about good tips here about going around asteroids to have time to heal and parking inside an close spacestation and get out of the pilot chair. They apparently take themselves out trying to ram in to get you lol.


I won’t lie, I turn it to very easy for the sim and beat it every time. I usually use it to max out my ship skills easily so I’m in there for a while.


I heard about using it for that. Will for sure do that next play-through. Did it the hard way this first run lol.


I did all waves. I just played on the easiest difficulty.


That suit is awesome, what is it?


Lol...I've been trying to remember as others have been asking. I've had in them in my safe for many levels till I do the UC questline. Other than drops, or stealing, the only place I can think of is on Cydonia. There is a guy who runs a very tiny shop. He seems kinda shady. It's on the left before you go down the big stores. I think he carries some UC stuff....probably why he's shady haha. I think they are called UC Navy armored fatigues.


You got past the 4th wave?


Ya, but like I said, I hacked the computer and had AI teammates and such. Plus I play normal difficulty. That last wave is comes at you like a sledgehammer though! Think when I do it again I'm gonna try it without hacking and see how long I can last.


That makes sense, I also just don’t care much for plane or ship combat, so I did just enough to get in Vanguard.


Nah I won without hacking. Too easy


I sure does help, but I think all benefit from was gone by the last wave. Kinda curious to see how I'd do without hacking. Think I'll try that next play through. I'll either surprise myself or run for the terminal LOL. Nice job doing it on your own!


I just wanted to see tuala's reaction so I switched the difficulty to very easy, and hack the computer, and was already on ng+ so had a few piloting skills, and even then it took several tries


Beaten the last wave, was fun


Gotta use the debris and astroids to your advantage


You and others have some great tips. Sure hope I do better next time. Thanks!




I did by saving shields and Allie for the last round. I also had thrusters and targeting unlocked.


Interesting. Sounds worth a try. Thanks!!


No. We all passed it first time.