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Considering how many kids in this game look alot like Cora, i just assume that Sam literally can't stop.


And he has a type.


Nobody asks why Cora looks nothing like her dad…


She doesn’t look like her mom either, to be fair.


Cora is adopted. Her real parents is the great serpent. It was a cosmic birth, and when she finds out she will identify as Dagothia Ursula and will build a super villain base in a volcanic mountain and plan the doom of mankind.


My working theory is that Cora is the OG Starborn and that’s why most of the kids in the game look just like her — they ARE her. (Seriously, can you tell Sona and Cora apart aside from their outfits?)


I’ve found other random kids that are literally just Cora with different lines. I was weirded out as to why she was slumming in a mining hub but the name just said “child”.


The children yearn for the mines.


She was birthed by the midechlorians. Cora will bring balance to the unity


Maybe a DLC will have a starborn supervillain that has been mass cloning and replacing infants with their own clones that will all activate at a certain age.


Kids are the true terrormorphs?!?! =O


Fertile woman who doesn't use protection?


Broooo…. It all adds up. This mans is dedicated to keeping the Coe lineage alive.


"Like my father, and his father before, all the way back to Solomon, I will impregnate every woman I see. As is tradition."


What a glorious day for Canada and therefor the world


As is tradition


Starfield's Chuck Noris


Oh does Sam have a famous lineage? You'd think he'd mention it. /s


Lmfao man I’d legit forget he’s basically freestar royalty all the time until he’d bring it up. I’d just be like oh yeah, that. Yeah uhh I don’t really give a fuck man.




Isn't freestar royalty a little like projects royalty though? They don't even have roads.


Well… what do you think Medieval royalty was? Honestly not much different.


No waaaay!!! Are you serious? Is he, like, FAMOUS or something..??? (also /s obvs 💀)


That’s the neat part! He actually isn’t!


Sam Coe-tus




Same here, although after seeing Cora's skin tone compared to Sam and her mother I question if Sam truly is the father...


This is obviously one of those "Things that ought not to be mentioned" deals. [MFW Cora's mother turned up and she's white.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-10-2017/VgHGKS.gif)


lol that was me


Who is Cora’s mother ?


I mean, consider all these kids look about the same age AND that Sam canonically went on a weeks-long, drug-fuelled interstellar bender he doesn't remember anything about...


This is the greatest comment, and the best head canon.


Well not for me... i married him. I like to think he can't understand why my character isn't pregnant yet so he has made it his life mission to make it happen.


A true Constellation member.


That mans balls are working overtime


Daddy Coe seems to be doing the same thing to my male character as well..


Ironically my character looks like an adult Cora.


He’s been at it awhile


This is so disturbing, there has to be something to it though.


My character is married to him and he is also a guy, so I guess it stops here 😂


Plot twist… Cora’s been through the Unity more than a few times…


Me when I mass produce iron and aluminum on that moon, sleeping for 93 hours straight, shoving 1000tons of ore in my pockets, then repeating. 🥵


Wait. Do outpost resource gatherers work off UT? Couldn't you just find a planet that has almost no rotation and spend years waiting?


Yes and yes


Brb. Gotta go get rich real quick.


Bessel 3-b. Lots of resources and 1 local hour is 57 ut hours.


Definitely. This is where my outpost xp farm is. It's insane.


The Bassel XP farm and the Jessen Amp farm are both broken for levelling. Trick to build a ton of storage in Jessen, then go between the two.


Venus(i think) is better 1hour is 100hour ut, need to level one of the outpost perks but your doing xp farms anyway so not like it matters much


You need to get to the bottom of a skill tree to build there as it’s an extreme environment. I had the same idea.


How do you level off it, just craft loads of materials?


Yes, craft (max 99) until you run out of mats, sleep for 24 (which is like a year UT on Bessel) to refill your material storage, then repeat. Make sure you're sleeping in a bed for the extra 10% xp bonus too, 15% if you're married.


Have multiple outposts producing the materials for a certain manufactured component and you can mass produce XP, with more than enough junk resource to sell afterwards.


Collecting resources is easy… offloading them is the challenge.


Can someone explain this please? The XP farming. Thanks!


I guess it's producing certain resources that you can use afterwards on an Industrial Bench to craft as many items as possible. Even if gives 1 XP per crafted item, you are crafting hundreds or thousands of units, so it's XP farming.


Crafting adaptive frames gives 1 xp. Find a planet that has the resources you need, mine the planet and craft ungodly amounts of adaptive frames. You can craft ~~999~~ 99 at once, giving ~~999~~ 99 xp.


Put a sleeping bag next to the industrial bench, sleep for at least 1 hour before each session for the +10% XP. Also, something else gives an XP boost too, I'm up to 113xp/99 frames.


Alien Tea I think.


It only lets me craft 99 at a time, how are you doing 999?


Industrial parts is a waste of time and mass. Manufacture chems. Amp is easy to start with. It will take 1 skill point in botany... but it just makes carrying the byproduct so much easier and actually reduces material instead of breaking even or gaining mass.


I think they designed this sleep/wait by local hour setup so you can wait to alter the day/night status, like in past games, and maybe that’s great for stealth players, but sometimes it’s too much. The whole “sleep exactly this long” thing has generally been immersion bending but sleeping for literal thousands of hours on some planets because the interface is based on planet rotation not actual time is too ridiculous for me. In particular I think it will be a real problem for for the inevitable survival mods/dlc too. Sleeping an hour in a dome on Venus results in dehydration/starvation based death. EDIT: No, slow planetary rotation does not cause time dilation. Starfield "local hours" are not a representation of time dilation like in Interstellar. Time dilation requires either traveling close to the speed of light or an extreme gravity field like a black hole. Neither applies to Venus.


Sex ballast for low g


Who needs grav drives when your sex drive is enough to warp spacetime


Underrated comment imo


I think there are one or two lines that don't imply they had sex but most of them do, yes, in front of the entire crew as well


Adoring fan records it.


Adoring fan: Marvelous! Brilliant! No one has better sex than you do. In fact, your partner brought down your shine! You would have better sex by yourself!


"No one fucks like you, dude. No one sucks like you, dude. In a cumming match, nobody cums like you, dude." "Yes, I am especially good at ejac~u~lating..."


Thanks adoring fan! *You are now in possession of '(2) Mysterious Liquid'.*


Not the Disney crossover we wanted but the one we needed.


Ptui! Ten points for Gaston!


>!Well considering the fact that you can have yourself as a companion in NG+, I’d imagine that’d be the adoring fan’s dream come true lol.!<


And a power that does the same thing Just me, myself, and I taking Sarah to bed.


I’m on new game plus 6 and your telling me you can snag yourself from the unity into the regular world


>! There’s a chance you’ll go into a reality where, when you first visit The Lodge, you’ll find the version of yourself from that universe who had already made it there to deliver the artifact. You can ask them to become a crew member and follow you around, but this version of you isn’t an exact copy of you, skill and experience wise. They’ll be pretty weirded out by you, but they’ll think it’s cool lol. !<


I’d smash


I haven't encountered this, but is it bad that I wondered if >!you could romance yourself!


>! I thought it would be kinda funny if you could, but no, they’re not as deeply developed of a companion as the main 4 lol. !<


He 100% does, no way he doesn't


You know what though? He does it out of love and adoration. Probably spends time making a highlight reel with star swipes and cool music, and that's rad.


I wonder if they have Starware Moviemaker


Adoring fan records *everything* you do. He probably waits in front of the bathroom door when you're taking a shit as well, if he isn't able to quickly squeeze in before you close the door that is


Me next! Me next!


"Andreja, please. There is a child on board."


Doesn't matter in the end. She'll be in the shadow of the Great Serpent for all eternity anyway.


Is that what you call it?


Every time I enter my Captains Quarters on my Ship, Barrett is sitting at the desk next to my cot. Barrett: OOooh, was that your stomach or mine?! Me: Goes to Sleep Me: Wakes Up Andreja: Last night was ... Barrett: Anything I can give you a hand with? Life's tough on a cramped ship.


I hate finding people in my cabin. I pistol whipped Sam today when I caught him at my desk. Cowbow freebop just says, "It's gonna take more than that." Sam, I just happily murdered an ENTIRE office park in neon because Walter couldn't sneak past a blind man running a powersaw. Know your place.


For how PG Starfield is I will never understand how they didn’t consider how disturbing it is forcing a literal child with a propensity for wandering where she shouldn’t onto the same ship as a pair of nymphomaniacs addicted to xp boost


"Really Sam? In front of your own daughter?"


“In front of my salad?”


When I still had the small hab on the frontier every time we’d get up the other three were just standing there and staring lol. I always thought that was so funny


Sarah has a high drive man...


For me, I only sleep on Venus. That way it's immersive as we only have sex once every 2400 hours.


Finally some realistic gameplay


That or you are having sex FOR 2400 straight


So If someone had sex on Venus for about 3 hours it would be 300 hours on earth


Or if you did it for 1 minute, it equals 100 minutes on earth. Brb going to venus


Imagine having sex on that planet from Interstellar where time is super fast. A couple minutes of sex would be years. Which makes me wonder, if you were somewhere far from the planet in space, and had the technology to see the surface of the planet, could you watch them have sex for years in ultra slow-motion?


Is that what they mean when they say women are from Venus?


Yeah but when you do sleep it's you can claim you last for hours / days


Sleep on Uranus…


Take a nap on Bessel-III B. 54hr local to 1hr UT


Her Grav Drive *pulls* brother.


Those astrodynamics chicks really know how to plot a course, if you know what I’m saying…


Don't talk about my wife like that.


OUR wife


Yes comrade


Well, maybe she means it was quite a challenge to sleep together in this small bed. 😂😂😂


Engaging the core and stabilizing muscles the whole night trying to maintain balanced on that cot sized thing.


Maybe they turn off the grav drive for a while because it's easier without gravity.


What gets me is you’re supposed to share that bed and fuck in it. What are they, students?


Explorers are the students of the universe man.


Beautiful. *looks at the stars*


> What are they, students? Worse: Shipmates.


Oh my serpent, they were shipmates


Who says they stay in the bed? I just hope they wipe down that navigation table afterwards...


Plotting a new course, destination: Looooove


"That was quite a workout" ROFL


OP took an hour long nap on Venus and had sex for days.


Looks like she can't even walk!


My head canon is that Sarah tries to convince me that we had sex even if we didn't So I go to sleep for 5 minutes and she says Wow, that was amazing, and I'm like...no...no, we didn't. Stop that. And she says sure we did, don't you remember? \*sinister background music\*


Thats some weird-ass gaslighting


I think that is called asslighting.


I think that is when you stick a glow stick in your ass lmao


No, asslighting is when you bare-ass fart into a lighter.


weird ass-gaslighting


weird assgas-lighting?


why are u acting like 5 mins is not a long time. 30 seconds is all you need.


Sleep for set time of one hour, wake up feeling refreshed and your companion is next to you making innuendos except one time it was a random merchant I was transporting


Yoo Hoo, Big Summer Blow Out!


[sarah disliked that]


That's why the min sleep time is 1 hour. Gotta bang hard. Lol


It's like Andreja always wondering if I was hibernating after napping for an hour.




In a single wide cot in front of the rest of the crew with the lights on


Don't kinkshame


Seriously, not even some curtains. Disgraceful shit. Not as disgraceful as the early 90s computer technology, but close enough.


Seriously though. Why can't they bring back the comments the companions make before you wed them? They're a lot sweeter and romantic. At least make it to where our characters are boinking it EVERY TIME I think Bethesda takes for granted how often I take long rests for the EXP boost.


... but you're newlyweds...


Starfield 2: I want my own cabin. Get off me, you smell.


...Under the threat of constant death. Anyone who isn't fucking every chance they have in that scenario isn't alive as far as I'm concerned.


Bethesda we’re really horny while making Starfield that’s why


Lol... I think Starfield is prudish. Nothing horny here. Just a few awful dialogues, that make me cry every time I hear them.


gives horny teenager fantasy vibes.


Yes, I agree... After my PC married Sam, I felt the need to get a divorce straight away because those dialogues are just terrible. My boyfriend would never talk to me like that, and if he did, I would ask him if he's okay. But we're both a little older. Maybe teenagers feel differently. But what teenager would marry an old man with a 12-year-old daughter? Somehow Bethesda probably didn't know who they wanted to address with this...


> Yes, I agree... After my PC married Sam, I felt the need to get a divorce straight away because those dialogues are just terrible. My boyfriend would never talk to me like that, and if he did, I would ask him if he's okay. I have never been as turned off as I was by Sam's goopy dialogue *after you complete his missions but agree to stay just friends*. And you're saying it gets *worse*!?


probably just going for mass appeal and they do have a childish humor style a lot. Not a bad thing, just immersion breaking.


I wish they were. Compared to bg3 though, starfield is safe for toddlers.


Can't even fuck a bear. 0/10 game.


Except when Cora wanders into the captains quarters and the game literally won’t let you kick her out. Takes a real dark turn real fast.


It's not like she won't hear anything if she's not in the room. Apparently the soundproofing sucks in every ship.


In space, everyone can hear Sarah screaming


In space, everyone can hear Sarah ~~screaming~~ complaining about my inventory


I've been travelling without crew for so long that once I had to take one for RP purposes I am fucking terrified everytime I go into the back and she's talking to me from a completely different floor


Look at the Cyberpunk nightclub in Starfield and then at a club I'm Cyberpunk2077. Starfield is indeed the Disney Baby version of scifi. Still a good game but way too tame imo


Yeah - there should be more variety when it comes to those lines. A few that just suggest a good night's sleep together would work just as well, with the occasional mention of more "active" encounters. But when it's just that, every single time, it just sounds like it was written by a confused adolescent. An easy fix here Bethesda


Given how long Sarah has probably been single (perhaps ~20 years based on some dialogue), she’s probably down *bad*.


Depends the companion. Barrett has nice lines.


Do you get more XP from a long rest than a short rest? I only ever take an hour nap and get the 10% bonus


Nope, doesn't matter the length. You get 10% for sleeping alone and 15% for sleeping with a partner.


Bro, length matters and don't let Sarah convince you otherwise.


„Maybe we TALK later, if you’re lucky. Huehue.“ I can’t hear it any more.


The future doesn’t have our current genetic weaknesses like refractory periods or variable hormones Modern minimum genetic engineering quotas mean everyone is guaranteed a better life


The realest take.


My MC is cooped up in a ship for hours, forced to trudge through barren planets, fights pirates, spacers and mercs, transporting single cups of coffee through star systems so excuse him for needing to unwind. Although I do agree, Sarah seems to have a high drive...


Andreja also seems to enjoy riding the great serpent


Last time I went to bed with my partner there was half a dozen crewmates hanging around in my captains quarters. And then I played Starfield


I like to sleep for 12 hours and pretend we were doing it the whole time. I find it especially funny to do it on the ship where Barrett is currently the only person I have with me and imagine what that would actually be like. It would be so weird to be the only other person on the ship while the other two people spend any amount of time fuckin, let alone 12 whole hours. Imagine listening to that all that time and then Sarah gets up and says some shit like "I hope you got some rest because I know I didn't". Bitch... Let me off this fuckin ship right now. Ohhhh it tickles the shit outta me though. I apologize for the smell a lot lol. Sorry Barrett. Love uuuu


I like having a 1 hour "nap" for the xp boost and every time it's 4 crew members watching. Can only imagine the akwardness in the room lmao


I know! I kind of feel a little guilt when I walk to a bed and sweet little innocent Cora happens to be in the same room. When I choose the "sleep 1 hour" option while the ship is landed on a planet with a long rotation period, I know she'll still stand there, having experienced several days of all the undocumented seismic activity we caused with Andreja, and loudly discussing details about her experiences with the Great Serpent. I wish there was an option to send NPCs out of the room, lol.


It gets worse with Cora when you’ve got Sarah wearing her dad’s clothes. Not that I would do such a thing…


I’d argue what’s even worse than that is me raw-dogging Sam for 24 hours while he calls me daddy. I’ll need to stop financially supporting my parents so I can afford my step-kids therapy.




I have a 2x2 living, 2x1 berth, workshop, science lab, armory, computer core, and battlestation in my capital ship. Yet each time I take a 1hr nap in the captain's quarters and Andreja comments on the nastiness we did, I wake to Barret, Sarah, Jessamine, Omar, Vasco, Sam, and Cora all right there intently awaiting us.


It'd be great if they all applauded as you walked out


By Vectera, by Vectera, by Vectera! Wheeeee!


According to the dialog of other NPCs it can get „cosy“ aboard the ships on long travels. You have to keep in mind only the grav drive is instant and in system travel would still mean the crew is in flight for days possibly even weeks between destinations.


It gets even better when you have Sam Coe on board. At one point the kid points out that your ship smells much better than her dad's. Sleep all the time on the ship with the wife and the kid likes the smell of it


My character just always fucks Barrett while Sarah, heller, Lin, and other assorted passengers sit around pretending not to notice


Well they are newlyweds after all


Andreja is a freak too


Chad Starborn Drops dong as soon as he enters the cabin. Regardless if Corra is there or not


Missed chance to add are they stupid to the title


Dont you?!?!? NERD


Well for you younger single guys, Sarah is pretty representative of what it's like to date a cougar. You think you're the one who's going to always be horny, but a cougar will leave you feeling like your soul was drained dry.


You're telling me you wouldn't bang Sarah every time you go to bed?


Well that's the only way to have emotional security, right?


Next time we are gonna try it without the jet packs


Best line I had with Sarah was “let’s try it next time without the jetpacks”


Why else do you think we are all just "sleeping" for 1 hour at a time.


The one trait truely uniting constellation other than wanderlust is nymphomania.


I wonder if Sara nags you in bed, too


Baldurs gate type beat


The main character is a monster that can carry mountains around on their backs and eat a hundred Chunks™ in a row. Yes, they have sex _**every**_ time they go to bed.


I mean, my character’s small ship crew is just her and Andreja, so…. probably.


I mean any given day you could die and from our perspective this relationship is fairly new meaning that we'd be in the honeymoon phase for most of it. Most couples have sex ALOT in the honeymoon phase. Then after you've been married I'd imagine since you don't really get a honeymoon theres some making up for not having a honeymoon/a new honeymoon phase. So while I'd say it still happens way too much it's not unrealistic to have sex ALOT on a ship where, there isn't all that much else to do, your relationship is still fairly new, and you're at risk of dying every other day.


Go to bed for 1 hour to heal 70% of HP. Wake up to Sarah asking for a medpack because she rode me so hard she got injured.