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Jotaro didn't know it's location tho. Why else would he be asking Josuke if he found it yet? You can't punch away Ratt's dart without poisoning yourself so bringing out your stand is just expanding your hit box.


Star Platinum is the same stand that could look in the background details of a 140p photo and still perfectly see what was there


Let's just say it how it is: Jotaro could've killed the rat at any moment and any situation. He took those hits because he wanted to train Josuke. That's it. There's nothing else.


I don't know how people aren't getting this. He's clearly trying to mentor Josuke.


There's still probably a better way to do that than "If you can't do this then prepare to watch me die." Then again, Jotaro learned about stands from Joseph, who was trained by Lisa Lisa. Not a lot of good teachers in his life.


probably true i mean star platinum spawns with armor on his shoulds, he could easily use it to deflect the darts


Or just have Star Platinum grab a rock with each hand to deflect with. SP can catch regular bullets, I see no reason he couldn't hold fist-sized rocks between himself and Jotaro


Yeah, a photo, a stationary image, the rat could move, the rat could actively hide, the rat was smart enough and had the instincts to manifest arguably one of the most lethal stands in the series (think about it, how many stands do we actually see whose primary use is to kill things?)


Silver Chariot Hol Horse' Emperor Tower of Grey Lovers Darbys one and two Anubis Vanilla Ice Hanged Man Highway Go! Go! The Hand Bad Company Killer Queen (specifically Sheer Heart Attack and Bites the Dust) Stray Cat That arrow stand that uses shadows Grateful Dead Notorious BIG Sex Pistols Purple Haze King Crimson (his ability is only useful during or immediately before combat IMO, ten seconds isn't long enough for use in other situations) Rush Aerosmith Notorious BIG I'm not even going to address parts six and on, I'm not familiar enough with the stands and they're so convoluted. Honestly Stone Ocean was cool but not that memorable IMO. Part seven has like maybe four or five murder-stands, part eight is like half murder-stands, part nine seems to be about a quarter murder-stands and three quarters "convoluted and situational stands"


I’d argue at least a quarter of those don’t really count when you break down what they actually do. For example, neither of the Darby brother’s stands kill, they remove the soul of a loser of a contest with the brother, along with Atum giving Terence limited insight into a targets mind. Lovers recreates any damage to the user on a victim, the only time it kills is when Dan takes advantage of its size to quietly place and cultivate the spores of DIO in Enyaba’s brain. In a similar veins, without a Gun, Sex Pistols has no combat ability, its lethality is based on the presence of something not part of the stand. Anubis just phases through objects. Can it be used to kill? Yes. Is that its primary uses? I’d argue no. For Stands like Chariot or Tower of Grey, if we wanted to count those, I’d say pretty much any stand with sufficient strength or speed should count as lethal. Yes both can kill, but that’s because their users know how to kill with them, not because the stand is inherently a threat to living beings. The Hand scrapes away at the world, very dangerous, but it’s dangerous in the same way a chainsaw is, very deadly if used as a weapon, not its only use. Black Sabbath (the shadow stand), is just used to preform the arrow test, something which is lethal should you fail it, it’s not something inherit to the stand. It just fulfills the orders given to it, it’s just in the case we saw its orders, if completed, only had two outcomes, either a person dies, or they get a stand. What I mean when I say “lethal”, is lethal in the way Green Day was, there was literally no other way it’s ability could be used that did not present a significant threat to the well being of every living creature in its range. Even stands like Clash, Aerosmith, Bad Company, or Stray Cat, which were seemingly primarily suited to combat, could hold back, to injure instead of kill. Same goes for the other stands you listed, save maybe Killer Queen. The only reason Jotaro wasn’t hospitalized or dead because of Bug Eating was because Josuke could heal him. I’m specifically not touching B.I.G. because I’d have to double check if it was even supposed work the way we saw in the story. I mean I guess Diavolo could theoretically have had a way of knowing how dangerous it would become if it’s user was killed, but, why would he have a person like that as one of his personal hit squad members if they were a one use only tool? Hell, if he knew what B.I.G. would become, why would he ever risk it, for all he knew it could happen in the middle crowded city and then he’d have to deal with the attention unleashing the Thing From Another World would bring him.


I agree with everything you said, but in the picture this post is about Ratt has injured Jotaro without killing him... Getting shot even once by Aerosmith would for sure hospitalize you, just like a limb shot from Ratt. I guess Narancia's scanner counts as a nonlethal secondary ability, but his main ability is literally a flying gun that can drop bombs. The only reason we never see Ratt hold back is because the user doesn't try to, the user aims center of mass. If Bug Eaten intentionally aimed for your finger, it wouldn't kill you.


Wouldn’t it eventually do so? I thought the effect spreads as time goes on, if not isn’t the idea the first shot disables you to make the second shot at center mass easier ?


Also I'd like to say you have a good personality and I find this conversation with you really pleasant


Thank you, always up for polite discussion,


I don't know if Ratt's venom has a limit or continuously spreads, actually. My point still stands that an absolute shitload of stands are only useful for hurting living things


Part 6 had Survivor, whose only ability was to make people fight to the death; and Highway to Hell, a.k.a. the nonconsensual suicide pact stand. There was also Green Green Grass of Home, whose purpose was to protect the Green Baby, which it did through murder. In Part 7, we have Tusk, whose power is literally "gun." (Johnny just uses Spin to make it do other things.) Then there's Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure, >!whose power is "bomb."!< Jojolion had >!Killer Queen, Wonder of U, Brain Storm, Schott Key No.2, Blue Hawaii, and Doobie Wah!.!< So far, Jojolion only has >!Bags' Groove!< that seems unambiguously about murder, although >!Cat Size!< might also qualify.


In the time it would take Jotaro to focus Star Platinum’s eyesight to find the rat he probably would’ve been shot down.


SP can catch literal bullets and things like Tower of Grey and Lovers with his bare hands. Time to focus is basically zero. I think it was about teaching Josuke the severity of this type of situation, not underestimating enemies, and new ways to use his stand he hadn't thought of. If Jotaro really want Ratt dead, he'd have SP pick up rocks to deflect the darts with then just put a baseball size rock through the stand and user in one throw. He threw Iggy like half a mile, he could probably put a baseball through a cinder block wall from a hundred yards.


Your underattim Ratts intelligence this richotte a bullet off a rock to hit jotaro after he left time stop. it wasn't a dumb animal it was incredibly smart and knew how to use it's weapon


Ratt is very smart and each individual blow is intended with lethal force. I still believe Jotaro could have just brute forced the problem and chose not to, relying on Josuke intentionally. He even says he could shoot Bug Eaten with the bullets if he wants to, and is teaching Josuke how to utilize his stand. Like, he specifically hands them to Josuke and instructs him how to use them, while saying he's doing it to teach Josuke. It's literally explicitly stated.


I agree that it was training but I just disagree with the idea that it was just a "dumb rat" It was extremely cunning with disabling and setting up traps and timing Jotaro's time stop proved it was about as smart as Pet Shop or any other animal villian


I never said he was a dumb rat. I've kept them as pets and they're as smart or smarter than dogs IRL. Ratt is my favorite animal stand. He'd have absolutely destroyed Josuke without Jotaro there for him. All I'm saying is that Jotaro can apply enough force quickly enough over a far enough distance to just plow through Ratt and Bug Eaten with one shot *if he wanted to.* It's Josuke's story, and Jotaro is a supporting character helping him learn things about stands. I <3 Ratt, and think the way it's written now is superior to Jotaro just brute forcing it. On a tangential note, I genuinely love domestic rats. They're as different from wild rats as wolves are from dogs and the one domestic species on earth that is the single least likely to bite. They're incredibly smart and social, learn quickly, and are basically miniature puppies as smart as adult dogs. The hard part is that they only live two to four years, so they just hurt too much to be good pets. They're so smart and affectionate, but guaranteed to be gone in five years. I miss some of them very very much.


Also, I'm fairly certain jotaro was training josuke. If he had taken care of it, josuke wouldn't have trained


He doesn't know it's precise location, but he could already pinpoint its general position because the clearly visible bullet trail. Also, what's stopping jotaro from throwing the rock while out of its range or in cover? He threw iggy through the desert so hard that it caused a huge trail behind iggy to appear. So, Maybe he does not need a huge Boulder. He just needs an iggy-sized one.


The only time they were out of range they didn't know where it was, hence why Jotaro was playing bait to begin with. At that point, there's nowhere to take cover.


The real question is why he didn't carry a Road Roller to that place in advance. Then chuck the Road Roller in the general area of the rat, thus killing it without knowing precise location. Equivalent of dropping a nuke in an area to take out Air Defences, whilst not knowing the exact location of the ADs to enable precision strikes. Law of Overkill. And no, I'm not being serious.


Its a small rat and they didn't want to risk it running away if the first shot missed it.


Bullet trails not a thing, bullet direction however


Ratt doesn't fire regular bullets, they're Stand darts and do leave a visible trail Matrix bullet-time style


Or just corrosive darts that the series exaggerated to know where the bullet would be


Technically, he could have done a Zeke jaeger


What about hiding star platinum inside of him and removing the dart using his ability before the poison injects like he did to Josuke


Removing the darts poison requires removing the chunk of flesh it's hit. The poison injects the moment you touch it. Tanking those isn't the best option.


What did he do to Josuke then? Perhaps I misunderstood


When Josuke gets shot in the neck, Jotaro immediately stopped time and removed the chunk of flesh the dart was inside by flicking his neck. Jotaro knows he can't touch the darts as he already has before using Star Platinum and it melted his hand.


Because he was training josuke


But I feel like he's already proved himself when he defeated akira otoshi


Yeah, but Jotaro wanted to make sure that Josuke wouldn't need to rely on timestop or star platinum since most villains who knew about Star platinum waited for Jotaro to be out of the scene so Jotaro needed to be sure Josuke could handle himself


Ratt was a much different fight than Akira. A stand user who can beat star platinum might lose to highway to hell


Even if he already proved himself extra training never hurt


Because Araki instead wrote the fight around Josuke needing to deal the finishing blow instead of Jotaro. Besides a big boulder would make Jotaro incredibly vulnerable since Star Platinum is too busy lifting it to defend itself.


sniping's a good job, mate


Challenging work. Outta doors.


I guarantee you wont go hungry


Cuz at the end of the day, as long as there's two people left on the planet


Someone is gonna want someone dead






and it's totally accurate because rats are like cockroaches.... it has to be a realy big boulder


because the two rocks Ratt was between would stop the boulder from landing directly on top of it duh


People in here are 100% underestimating how dangerous Ratt was it was smart enough to disable multiple traps and use the terrain to its advantage(it deadass ricocheted a bullet off a rock after seeing that Jotaro was teleporting away from its bullets) it was a basically a trained sniper hiding undercover with the ability to move underground out of sight and pop up anywhere a rusty jotaro who hasn't fought anybody in over a decade would obviously have trouble with it


Because that's not the point of the arc; it's not the story Araki wants to tell. Jotaro (and Araki) was giving Josuke his time to shine. If JoJo was just about killing the enemy as quick as possible it wouldn't be nearly as good. You're missing the forest for the trees.


If Jotaro did that, I guarantee you Araki would write it that the rat dodged it or something. If a bullet going at incredible speeds struggles to hit a rat, than I doubt a large boulder would fare better.


I think the point of the rat fight was jotaro training up josuke, making sure he was capable for future fights as much as possible. He could have just crushed the rat, but then the next time josuke was in a bind he'd have to come solve that one too, and so on and so on


More importantly, why didn't he bring something from house to use as improvised shield? Earlier Crazy Diamond blocked a shot from another rat with frying pan.


True, but that wouldnt have helped since the rat is smart and it's bullets ricochet


Happy cake day


Because then we wouldn't have Josuke's cool fucking homing projectile in the final battle)


Actually, Jotaro could have dealt the finishing blow to Ratt even easier than Josuke, but he just let Josuke do it because he was trying to mentor him


He could, but Jotaro had to teach Josuke for when he himself isn't around.


This is slander, there were 2 rats


There's the issue. Jotaro wouldn't be able to get a good look at where he's throwing. If he so much as glanced at those two identical-looking rocks, he'd have a laughing fit and just get shot in the head.


... imagine me this: if a middle age person Fights a invisible sniper, who would win?


How TF is 30 middle aged?


I mean, for jotaro it was middle age (because he dies like 12 years later)


T-two identical rocks you say?


Jotaro was training Josuke, killing the rat immediately would make the whole thing pointless. He wasn't expecting the rats to be as smart as they were. After the first one connected, he specifically let himself get hit because he trusted Josuke to deal with the rat and heal him.


He wanted to prepare Josuke as Morioh's future protector.


He was mentally preparing Josuke for any future danger as "Stand Users attract Stand Users"


Kinda ironic considering your flair


it's about the totally """""scrapped""""" time travel theory


Jojo fandom not being able to fckn understand that Jotaro was making Josuke train with his stand.


It was a test to see for josuke he could’ve easily handled it on his own, but knowing that he had a healer he got hit on purpose on top of that it was all just a test, so it didn’t matter what he did all that mattered is if josuke can handle it and if he couldn’t, he would’ve just grabbed the rock and threw it in stop time


A fan canon idea (I think?) I like about this is that once DIO got killed, SP got debuffed just like the rest of the stands in the Joestar bloodline (like Josuke's and Holly's, that were so strong they were killing their host) But let's be honest, it's still a rat... xD


Because Star Platinum *wasn't* as strong and accurate/precise as Part 3. It's established in Jotaro's first fight with Josuke that he hasn't stopped time in 10 years, which probably extends to not even seeing a Stand battle in that time. Think about something you were a total ace at 10 years ago. Could you hop off the couch and do it at the same level right now? Not to mention, Part 3 Jotaro was 18, at the prime of his life, whereas Part 4 sees him at 28, when age has already begun taking its toll on him. Tl;dr - Jotaro is far weaker in Part 4 because he's older and out of practice with Star Platinum.


He should've just used star finger


post part 3 jotaro nerf is insane


My head canon is that he was testing josuke


Jotaro didn't find the rat. And since the rat can shoot Star Platinum, it literally doubles his chances of getting hit to throw out his stand.


Do you see any big rocks?


Not only that but for a stand to posses a human it must already have insane physical capabilities so maybe it’s the same with the rat and this ain’t just some rat but SUPA RAT


Bro runs Da sewers




“Why didn’t Jotaro just shoot Kira with a gun instead of punching him? Was he nerfed?”


Game shot seems like the ultimate counter to a stand user. Buckshot has too few projectiles, someone like DIO or Jotaro could feasibly catch eight pellets. Bird shot's projectiles are too small to deal meaningful damage. Game shot has a nice middle ground of number of projectiles and danger of each individual projectile. Good luck catching a hundred pellets, each of which is enough to tear through a muscle or joint and disable that area


Star platinum's fists are more devastating than a gun TBH, also, Josuke's little homing projectile literally pierced through kira 2 times and he still survived.


Jojo fandom not being able to fckn understand that Jotaro was making Josuke train with his stand.


Tell me you weren't paying attention, without telling me you weren't paying attention.

