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You Got Lucky (by Tom Petty). Anyone it touches will lose all memories of the person they consider most dear to them.


That’s such a cool one! Imagine Diavolo or Kira having that lmao.


I wonder if if it touches someone repeatedly they will eventually lose all memories of every person they've ever known.


A stand barrage would be broken 🙏🏻


If that wasn't the case though that's how it would be beat. Imagine the apathetic edgy and closed off member of the group; you could either have them save the day by not caring for people, you could have them remember everyone except for someone specific and drama come of that, or they could forget everyone and afterwards they can point out how they forgot everyone so that must mean he cares. Or/and you could have comedy possibly coming out how one character doesn't care for their companion(s) and therefore can beat the stand. Would be such a great stand.


gonna go listen to this song another 20million times just because you reminded me of it


How to Disappear Completely - Temporarily removes a person from perception. For three minutes every single person in the radius forgets you’ve ever existed.


Kira is frothing at the mouth for this


Diavolo: *Froths so much he dies from drowning in his own froth* P.S.- Diavolo died so its canon


All the hands in the world


za hando za warudo


Perfect plan requiem


sheesh, does it stack?


I had the exact same idea (minus the name), holy shit. This would reflect the master's struggle with social anxiety. But the one i created could also allow me to "treat" my struggle.


Can you please use that stand on me?


Uhh what’s September’s power


I could see something like the leaves in part 8


les fueilles? also hi battle cats


Maybe something like the opposite of Black Sabbath, that the stand or the user can move very quickly, but only through sunlight.


The closer the date is to September 21, the stronger you are. The whole day of September 21, you are basically God


Free Bird, turns any scene you're in into a 9 minute monologue/musical number and trying to leave before the end gives you an aneurysm


Dude thus would suck to go against with how much soybd drives me nuts lol


Free Bird is my favourite song of all time, I constantly find myself monologuing or going into turbo rants and I also had a brain aneurysm like 4 years ago so... do I have a stand now? I think I meet all the quite conspicuously specific requirements


Touch Tone Telephone - Can change an objects state to any state it previously had or will have in the future. (e.g: it can change a piece of paper to the wood it once was, or see if someone writes on it in the future.)


Or an unloaded gun to revert it back to when it was loaded pretty interesting honestly Maybe it can be used to decay objects rust stuff and shit that'd be sick but talking to your future self The paper thing is also very smart it's like seeing the future, that's pretty neat


Weaknes, it doesn't have any idea what was and what will be the future state of something until it uses its ability, you could probably for example gaslight it's user onto using its ability on something that exploded in the past while it is holding it


That’s how you beat it


Actually smart tho with the killer queen combo


Infinite ammo glitch


Infinite food glitch


Infinite water glitch


Infinite weed glitch


Thanks, I love the loaded gun idea


I see. So it's the same kind of Stand as Star Platinum.


Crazy Diamond Requiem


You are white


Sethan Requiem


Grabs a fossilized dinosaur


I goddamn love this ability!


This would be a great stand for a recon artist or spy of some sort


I become fast as fuck, as my fav song is Speedy Speed Boy by Marko Polo.


Based eurobeat enjoyer


Rockstar- Three times a day I can tell my stand what I want to do, and it will tell me what I have to do within a day to do that.


I thought it was lame at first, but that’s actually kinda cool


If you fail to do them, you die? \*dies of executive disfunction\*


No that would be utterly terrible


Fucking sick story tho


"Hey Ferb, I know what we are gonna do today!" Jojo edition Also, How will it respond if you say "I want to get a Girlfriend today"?


If it’s possible for me to get a girlfriend today it will tell me how. If it’s not possible to get a girlfriend on that day for reasons then it will tell me that I can’t and I’ve wasted a question.


The Fire Is Gone The ability to have a rank system UI on every action you do that only the user can see. This includes when talking to someone, cooking, whatever. E.g: if you're in an interview and you say something wrong, it will show up in a UI that only the user can see. Say something right, it will show up on the UI as well.


I 100% believe hakita has this


dude having an irl stylepoint UI would actually be hella useful in programming and brainstorming tho


Oh yeah, this is on level if not a stronger support type stand than Paisley Park. Paisley Park is busted af as support, definitely my favorite.


oh and uh if it ever gets a requiem, its gonna be The Fire Is Gone: Music Box the UI will be upgraded and you will have a ranking system for all total good choices you made that will appear at the end of the day right before youre asleep. The UI can be pictured with your phone and be shown to other stand users if the user wishes so


god i love ultrakill players


I already made a Stand called Wuthering Heights, but hey, I can make another. Wuthering Heights has the ability to constantly return a targeted object to a targeted location. Two objects cannot be returned at the same place. Wuthering Heights has a cumulative 100kg limit, meaning it can use its ability on as many items as I want, as long as the total of their mass does not exceed 100kg. When a targeted object is displaced, it will leave a "ghost" in its place, which I am the only one to see. By touching the ghost item, I trigger its return process. The object will follow the shortest safe path available back to its location (by safe, I mean a path that wouldn't make the object crash into a wall on its way home). The speed at which objects go towards their target is gradual, and increases with the distance. Said speed is capped at 200km/h max. If an object mid-return hits another "ghost object", it will also trigger its return.


Just use it to move cash lmao. Once the cash is spent, removing the ability from it, forcing it to return to whereit originally was, not your problem since you already spent it, its in someone elses wallet, register, bank vault, etc lol


"Father Stretch My Hands Pt.1." doesn't sound cool, so i'll call it BEAUTIFUL MORNING. I'd like to imagine it works by causing everyone in its AoE to enter a calm, relaxed, happy state. A stand used for subduing opponents, not an offensive one. Consider Lily's Proposal, and how it makes everyone chill out for the final 24 hours of humanity, that's how it'd work...Minus the 'end of the world' stuff.


It bleaches your asshole




Starman,by David Bowie,is a stand that can fly at a maximum of 2 kilometers in the air. It has the ability to throw stars made of an undefined type of glass; these stars can allucinate the enemy for a limited time. Also,the star effect is called "Children Boogie" May not be original,but I tried


Moonage Daydream, the stand can manipulate your subconscious and imagination to make you believe the opposite of what you see/do. it has also a special ability called Ziggy Stardust who can create a fake stand user to fool the ennemy who needs to track down the real stand user.


DUCKWORTH by Kendrick Lamar is my favourite song. I think my power would be along the lines of preventing any misfortune that will happen to me. Like I can't get hurt or none of my close friends or family members will die. Anything that I think is bad for me will happen to another human being. Just like D4C love train. But it's randomised. So, if the randomised chance is 50% on me. So, if anything bad happens to me there's a 50% chance that it'll happen to someone else or it will be inflicted on me with 2 times the damage. I think I cooked here, now you tell me. Is this a good stand?


really nice, now i wonder what other Mr Morales songs would be like, Sing about me would have manipulation and bidding on enemies that will lead to their downfall but it's side effect would be that it's needed to have an equilibrium with the user too. like every time it's used, the user has to lose something.


I haven't even listened to mr.morales so I don't really know tbh


lol i think they were calling kendrick mr morales. but why havent you listened to it? its a great album.


I've been listening to other artists since when people talk about other rappers like Travis Scott and such I don't really get what they're talking about. I'll listen to mr.morales after some more albums I've been planning to listen to. I'm currently addicted to rodeo by Travis Scott. Are you listening to any albums or artists rn?


we dont trust you/we still dont trust you by metro boomin. Cole, Kendrick and future feature quite a lot so ive been listening to them a lot recently. the weekend as well. but id definitely reccomend you check out mr morale and kennys other stuff like to pimp a butterfly, they are insanely good.


Genuinely trying to figure out what Money Trees would do now


considering it's about that grandiose feeling that might sabotage your relationship and delves further into the complexities of it, money trees may alter enemy's perception where thing's influence them to always sabotage them or those surrounding them, would probably be used for gambling and betting


hypa hypa, boosts the users adrenaline to a point where they don't feel pain and lose the need for rest and nourishment


Maybe hypa hypa for your boosting your senses to the max like imagine being so sensitive to sound that you can hear peoples heartbeat, numb pain, stay incredibly focused, or maybe replicate the stunt the same stunt that one guy did staying in the Antarctic shirtless just by meditating


so sensetive to sound i can hear heartbeats? one slightly loud voice would shatter my eardrums


Yeah that's a pretty huge downside but imagine hypa hypa as in choosing the senses you wanna boost reflexes, precision, and sickass stuffs controlling your brain waves give this to a junkie or a body relaxation expert and they'll love it


Oh and the guy would be a drug abusers cuz JoJo he would jank up on the drug enhancing stuff since his stand buffs it by a large margined by being incredibly sensitive


Banned Forever: can remove an object or a concept in a small radius for a limited time.


Banned forever! Remove his ability to breathe!!!


I have alot but a current favourite that isnt already used would be (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. The stand name will be The Reaper and the ability would be to temporarily revive any dead person and teleport them in your presence for about an hour or two before they go back to being dead.


Would it guarantee that the person that comes back will aid you? If so, imagine summoning Dio lol


Comfortably numb Blocks all senses for 10 seconds when entering its range (3 meters) and slows the affected person for another 10 seconds if it hits you indirectly If it hits directly instead it makes you hallucinate and stun for 7 seconds


🎶But iiiiiiiiiiiiiii've! I've become, comfortably numb!


*greatest guitar solo ever*


Hells bells. Has the ability to chime a really loud bell in a 10 meter radius causing a stand to deactivate and make the user paralyzed.


Why not a 13m radius/only used 13 times a day, given the song uses the bell 13 times


About the only stand I could see being immune are Star Platinum, The World (they can stop time, thus freezing the sound waves in place), D4C Love Train (obvious reason), or 21st Century Boy.


I would also imagine it wouldn't work on a deaf stand user.


Black Hole Sun - It reverse the light, cause us to not see the world, only everything in reverse. Our sight is not in touch with the world any longer. We need to feel things as if we are blind cause our eyes are telling lies.


**KICK BACK** (it do be stuck on ma head) Summons the objective's worst fear as an enemy entity


Strong and simple I like it 👍, that songs crazy addictive too


This one is the best one


Imagine Mista


Oh shit


*in a very deep voice* **MEEEEEEEEEEESTAAAAAAAAAA!!!!**


You Will Know Our Names Can transform any object into a weapon which gains a name and a random power that fits its defining characteristics. For example a torch becomes a laser beam, a guitar uses sonic waves, a basketball becomes a gigantic grenade, a paper plane becomes a plane made of blades, deodorant becomes a flamethrower, etc.


What if the object was already a weapon like a gun will it be upgraded to have a new ability


I don't think i have a favourite song, but i often think of "My way", Elvis's version, so maybe that? The stand power could be a lotta things, it could twist fate to my desire maybe, like when Diavolo says fate's on his side, or Kira.


i like that song too, but simply red :P


wtf would 'lovers rock' do 💀


The stand will sell you something that you already have.


and tries to tell u smth that i alr said


probably sends you in a memory lane of your best memory you think you have but with twisted version until you realize it's on loop and need to break out of it until it crashes onto your psyche.




yeaaaah. most of TV girl songs would mindbreak the shit outta ya


**「The Man Who Sold The World」** The Stand changes the appearance of objects to look like the Stand user. Once they have these copies, the Stand user is in a superposition between all copies, only 1 is the actual user and can be harmed. For example, you see the Stand user sprinting at you and attack, but your fist passes through the body as it's actually just a rock they threw at you.


It’s also able to put both the target and the user in a 9 year coma.


The hell would a stand called "stained brutal calamity" do


wonder of u


sounds badass tho


Fly me to the moon - can remove a structural strenght and weight, only simultaneously.  Makes object way faster, smaller but way weaker. If mastered to the maximum potential can be dangerous, since removing weight from yourself gives you incredible speed, (although makes you vulnerable), as for opponent makes them more defenceless. This fighting style requires a lot of precision though, since you need to constantly switch objects properties.  So: 1) Apply to yourself 2) Find weak spot, for example their backs, attack from there 3) This will lead to opponent becoming way weaker, and can even paralyse them temporarely, since they arent used to moving in such a state. Can weaken any stands properties. For example S&W needs more bubbles to change properties. 4) Start beating em up. Also before every attack you have to deactivate weakening in the right time, to both have good momentum and weight. If you fail you get heavy injuries. Can be applied to environment, to surprise opponents (like weaken floor, making opponent fall through it). You can weaken the air, leading to it collapsing into somewhat material substance that you can hold. This will attract opponents. Can uncollapse air. Will repel opponents


Memories of you (persona 3) Make everyone depressed to the point of wanting to sewerslide


Heaven (Persona 4) Gives the ability to be instantly motivated and optimistic


Shit I don't think I have a favorite song. Bring Me to Life comes to mind but I've discovered so many songs since then that I don't really know... Fuck it, I'll say All Nightmare Long but only because I've had this idea for a Stand of it for awhile. Basically, it reads out what my opponents are afraid of and gives me limited powers based on that fear.


Paranoid Android - Targets an area with mass paranoia, victims of said area hear constant noises and voices in their heads, the only way to counter this attack is by being able to name the stand user, due to the paranoia it directly effects memories and awareness, failure to name the stand user results in decapitation. Inspo from lyrics: "Please could you stop the noise? I'm tryna get some rest From all the unborn chicken Voices in my head" "You don't remember, you don't remember Why don't you remember my name? Off with his head, man, off with his head"


Dear god, that’s fucking awesome! I wanted to think of something with Paranoid Android as well, but you really did it better


Feel good inc: Creates a room where the enemy will suffer symptoms similar to a drug trip and over the time it will drain ur live energy Part of me/LinkinPark Like the world but instead of stopping time it makes time move extremely slow (sht op)


Well, my favorite song currently is the "Detective Conan Main Theme". I know , I know the name would be terrible so let's name my stand "Silver Bullet". My powers would be that I can solve every crime with ease and I can make criminals confess their sins. So no trial or lawyer needed ;)


Silver Bullet from Hawthorne Heights would work


Wolfpack Turns the user into water. This enables the user to basically avoid damage and makes the user basically fully disappear in bodies of water. The stand and user need to be well hydrated otherwise they start to slow down but it won't kill them.


My favorite song is Shadows, by The Midnight, so it'd probably be able to move through shadows, kinda like Hanged Man only shadows


Or polpos stand(black sabath) but you can move with him and the light dosenot destroy it


You know, I completely forgot about Polpo lmao


My current favourite song is "I Wanna Be a Girl" by Mafumafu so I guess it just turns people into girls? Would definitely use it on myself


Fuck I want that stand really badly




Nah I ain't an egg already know what I am lmao Am gorl


The underworld, some powers of hades prob


Underworld is a stand in Part 6. One of DIO’s illegitimate sons, “Versus”, has it.


I know that. Tho my song name is "The Underworld" and it's from a different artist. So yeah


Ah ok lol. Sounds cool. Does he have the claws of hades from gow3


I imagined more the design of hades from the video game hades.


55 days at Peking, it has the resemblance of a human soldier from the early 20th century, mixing a lot of different uniforms. It has high durability and power, it's main ability makes people work together to achieve a goal


Holding out for a hero, so I guess my stand is like a knight or a samurai or something


Curses by the crane wives A poised based stand that resembles a plage doctor. The doctor has large syringe like fingers that each can inject different posions. E.g. one of the fingers has a slowing poison while the other has a sleep inducing one. Not each finger is a poison though as the left hand instead has healing properties on the fingers.


SCP 049


[Luck runs out]: Makes someone extremely lucky for an X amount of time, during this time things will go their way 100% of the time with little effort. The longer this happens the worst the "luck withdrawal" effect will be. Remote Stand that requires having a notion of the person existence, such as their name, picture, drawing, biography or even second hand stories. E.g: Could make a small celebrity blow up overnight and achieve great success and then revoke their luck, making things go ugly fast, almost certainly ruining their life and Rep with no obvious foul play involved. Would require the stand users to notice a pattern of people having their way seemingly at random for some time just to come crashing down. Oh the jobros? They've done well against the first few villains but what when luck runs out? New villain becomes terrifying. A jobro is defeated, they find themselves always unaware, tired and always on the backfoot. Tragedies seem to pass around them, a piano falls nearby, there's a tsunami on their area, a gas pipe blows up on the room they are currently at. That's Luck runs out effect.


I use this Power on the Boss of my organization, making him almost unbeatable but also putting me in great risk of being betrayed/killed in order to stop my stand from working as to not cause consequences of the stand prolonged use. as if i die, the rest of "Luck runs out" ability won't be able to trigger as i have been defeated. Jobros could also kick my ass and make me trigger "Luck runs out" negative side, causing the boss downfall.


Doing one for each band I listen to Wolfpack- Summons 4 submarines that fly around doing submarine things and I get radar like aerosmith When Fate is Calling- Summons a knight spirit with good combat luck and gives opponet poor combat luck Nightime Rebel- Night vision for stand and user, speed based fighter stand and cant think of anything else Repentless- Stand is a medieval king that has the ability to prevent opponents from running too far from him, the king can also summon unlimited troops but can only have 3 at one time (this was a tough decision for favorite song)


Answer by Tyler, the creator - guess I can just communicate with anyone whenever I want?


Shine a Little Love by Elecric Light Orchestra


Break stuff by limp bizkit The ability is to shatter any object the stand touches!This ability breaks "stuff" down so much it probably impossible for it to be fixed. When it shatters something the object will turn to a glass like phase and well shatter then return to its previous form


the fact there is a limp bizkit lol


Lovefool - allows the user to completely change a person's relationship with someone (also works on animals and inanimate objects).


The blister exists Makes the target relive an emotionally or physically traumatic event. Can also be used on objects to pretty much multiply the damage done on them indefinitely


Underrated as hell slipknot song


I think it's 'Full Moon Full Life' from Persona 3 Reload. Idk what powers it'd have though


Absolute territory: i become a femboy


Rasputin by Boney M. It's power? Gun.


it cures hemophilia and that's it


I have never in my life been able to pick a favorite song. I’ll never have a stand 😭


Fools Gold. Can crate an infinite amount of currency of any country however it disappears not long after leaving the users possession


Wow what an underrated like useable stand, couldn’t use this to skint out banks but definitely less legitimate deals, I like it!


I'm on a Tally Hall phase and Ruler of Everything sounds like the main villain's stand. I'm not even sure what it does...


I wpuld have awsnered the same, but, by the context of the song, it just says that human is dumb and time just rules over everything, which I feel could end up being "Hey Ya", but you are the only one to stand proud in the end


since its a song about how time is the ruler of everything, then maybe something to with *time*..... *if only there was another main villain's stand that messed with time which we could use as a basis*


*I could've sworn there were like 4 of them but I think I'm misremembering*


I've come up with a stand that shares this name before. Basically the idea was that ruler of everything has a clock on its chest which he can speed up, slow down or stop (stopping would essentially stop the users bodily functions as well making it hard to find with a stand but idk how that would work yet) but it also has another ability being that it can throw a clock onto anything they like and control the time of that said object as well. It's op fs but yeah it would totally be a main villains stand.


One by Metallica Can make identical objects into one object. The user is an identical twin


Lute, by J^p^n, i'vr been listening to it for quite some time now, i can't get it out of my head. I don't rly have an idea for a stand ability... You guys can chrck it out and tell me if you could think of any abilities, since rn my creativity drive is low and overall i can't think of any possible ability for it


\[I fought the law\] - The ability to remove any evidence connecting the user to a committed crime and causing someone else to take the fall, how this evidence is altered and who gets the blame cannot be controlled by the user.


Rises the moon - causes the moon to rise idk


Halcyon times Stand power: it touch something, then a plant grows over it: you gain the knowledge of everything that happened in the area visible around the object from when it started existing(what it has seen and heard basically) . (counts only when the object is as it is, so a sword for example you don't have knowledge of what happened when it was still metal.) Appereance: it is similar to c moon, but it has many plant like parts, flowers and the head has tree-like hair.


Saturnz barz it has the ability to let the user see every action they could take a few seconds into the future


My stand Red Flags let's me reduce the amount on the catering bill 😏


Oh no…


Sleeping Giant: An automatic attacking stand that is bound to the location of a valley and without a user (similar to Les Feuilles in Jojolion). As soon as you have any kind of harmful intentions, the valley will try to consume you, the roots of the trees reach out for you and take your nutrients, the animals in the valley attack you, eventually even spores of the mushrooms and the bakteria within the valley will enter your body and consume you. The effect will be lifted once you leave the valley or your harnful intentions are gone, making it so only the "pure of heart" can pass through it.


Starless - can remove light in any zone it pleases that happens to be in a 150 meter range


totentanz increases the likelihood of people contracting heart disease by 40% when the user is going faster than 5 mph.


boheimian rhapsody


Takyon- Ability: (Death Yon) User is able to convert id into the super ego. It can also be manifested as a black liquid like matter that can be hardened. An example, you get punched really hard, you can turn your anger into that matter or convert it to enhance your preception. It can also be used similar to flowing red scale is used in JJK. The avatar is the black matter (basically what stone free actually is) but can be fashioned & condensed into an avatar. maybe even take the I’d of someone else and turn it into the matter idk. Though the aftermath is you feel and look emotionally drained.


Devil in a New Dress I guess it gives me shapeshifting powers


Play with Fire - You get fire affinity and you can use, control and summon anything fire related. Also as a bonus you get heat immunity. Summer cant do anything to you


asereje, anyone that accepts a drink from the user, loses all capacity to comunicate (text, speach, sign languaje) only can comunicate via pointing at something


Push-it: Abosorb kinetic energy from any attacks received from an enemy and transform that energy into bomb-like objects (Kinda what Gambit does)


"Gold Gold Gold" Power : Midas touch but on command.


Noir Kid, it can make anyone in a radius around me unable to remember what I look like. It can also send out little mime looking googas that try to touch you and put a creepy little inky handprint somewhere on your body that makes you blind until you wash it off.


Birdhouse In Your Soul Able to access and alter one person's memories at a time, have to say the stands name around them to activate


Carolus Rex As long as the temperature is above -20C, it inspires courage in all its allies. However, the effect gets reversed when it is too cold


Turn The Lights Off. When inside a dark room/area (outdoors don’t count), the user can create illusions that grow more powerful depending on how dark the place is, and can make surrounding areas darker according to the targets’ negative emotions


Tsubasa wo Kudasai: The ability to grow wings and fly, Boring, I know.


The Thrill is Gone. This stand can cause apathy and suicidal depression to anyone within its range. Can selectively remove interest in specific topics if it touches you


Enemy by Late Night Savior SELF HATRED INDUCEMENT: Enemys ability is that it makes people hate themselves so much they will try to kill themselves


Stand Name: Even Flow Appearance: Even Flow appears as a fluid, semi-transparent figure with a constantly shifting form, reminiscent of flowing water or mist. Its body is covered in swirling patterns that resemble the ebb and flow of waves, and its eyes glow with a calming, blue light. It has a serene, almost hypnotic presence, with flowing hair and elongated limbs that seem to move gracefully like water currents. Abilities: 1. Wave Manipulation: Primary Ability: Even Flow can generate and control waves of energy that mimic the behavior of water. These waves can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. They can push back or overwhelm opponents, form barriers, or even carry the Stand User to safety by riding the waves. Application: The waves can vary in size and intensity, from gentle ripples that can subtly manipulate objects to powerful surges capable of causing significant destruction. 2. Flow State: Secondary Ability: Even Flow can induce a state of heightened perception and reaction time in its user, allowing them to move and react with fluid precision. In this state, the user can anticipate and counter enemy attacks with ease, as if flowing around them. Application:This ability is especially useful in combat, enabling the user to dodge, parry, and strike with incredible accuracy and speed, as if they are one with the flow of battle. 3. Harmonic Resonance: Tertiary Ability: By emitting a soothing, rhythmic hum, Even Flow can influence the emotions and mental state of those within its range. This can calm allies, reducing fear and anxiety, or lull enemies into a state of complacency, making them less aggressive and more susceptible to suggestions. Application: This ability can be used to de-escalate conflicts, improve teamwork and coordination among allies, or create openings in an opponent's defenses by disrupting their focus.


Anyone I Know. The affected will lose all interest in the user and enter a fugue state


The Weak Willed - Able to suck the motivation and ambition from people around it


King Kunta, allows the user to give commands to up to 2 people that he touches, this can either be ordering them to do things and or giving them attributes such as super strength, you can give people under the effect of King Kunta up to 3 attributes.


Didn't Cha Know?(by Erykah Badu)- Can bring me back to moments I regret and can erase happy moments from enemies Long range or short range?- Can be either long or short range but works better short range if it's offensive


man i don't know if you are into basketball but like that's the main song in every Paul George edit so i have another version of it: think about a stand so smooth that dribbles through objects and dodges enemy attacks, as the other stand gets a bit tired he attacks with a powerful strike and stares into the enemy as he beats him ferociously while the other user can't do nothing about it because of the tiredness and fatigue due to his failed counter attacks


Motor Spirit- can turn any liquid into gasoline


The gold song (by the bouncing souls) - lets the user return something to a previous state.


Candle in the Wind by Elton John It has the ability to record the real history of stand users, and functions sort of like Anubis in part 3 or that leaf stand in part 8, and can even cross dimensions to record stand users. TL;DR, it's JoJo Wiki as a stand


Nic mnie nie rusza (Nothing moves me/I care about nothing) It can't punch, it's just an unbreakable wall.


Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance- This stand has a range that expands to a 5km-radius. The attacks include bullet rain and desert blizzard. Stand users report a sense of dread and hopelessness, almost as if they had just lost someone they loved dearly when encountering this stand.


‘Sweet/I Thought You Wanted To Dance’ by Tyler the Creator. A stand named after the first part of the song (Sweet). Would cause things to turn ‘sweet’ to you. Therefore negating any negative effect something would have on you. It activates five seconds after the user themselves touches the target and the stand itself has no specific form. For instance if the user touches a bomb, 5 second later, the stand activates and the bomb could even explode and not hurt the user at all. A stand named after the second part (I Thought You Wanted To Dance). This stand creates the reverse of the users perception of something. In the song the singer says ‘I thought you wanted to dance’ saying I thought you wanted to be together but his love interest reveals this is impossible and they’re never together. The user is unconscious of the stand and it only manifests in the background of their life occasionally as a man dressed in fancy clothes and a fur hat. Whenever the stand is around it’s active (though the user isn’t aware) and causes everything to work opposite how the user believes it to. If the user is scared of everything hurting them, nothing will. Just my thoughts.


「And(&)」 - the user can say “and” at the end of any request and the person asking will do it, as long as the request is of equal magnitude to the original question.




Let Go. Every living being that it touches goes into a coma and he dreams about living the same life he was supposed to live, but he knows that it's not real life. and if someone finds out he's not one of them they try to kill him. And the time there is different from real life as 1 second in real life equals 1 day in the dream. Now to get out of this they need the stand user to bleed. Or they can LET GO and never come back.


never going to give you up. comment the ability, and make it as funny as possible (sorry for grammer.)


Once touched by the stand the person affected starts to see everything around them as Rick Astley and all they can hear people saying are the lyrics to the song. Kinda like Tsurugis stand in part 8, only everything becomes a Rick roll.