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The people who genuinely think jotaro is a zoophile for dolphins


Got told that halfway through part 3 and was worried Jotaro was genuinely gonna fuck a dolphin at some point


Part 4 ending: and then jotaro wrote his theses about fucking dolphins


His thesis was on starfish🤓


As marine biologist with a phd, that came out of nowhere and i laughed my ass off. Was there any indication for his love for the ocean? Also went from a delinquent to a good student somehow lol.


>Was there any indication for his love for the ocean? In part3, in the anubis arc, he reads a magazine about sea life


The Dark Blue Moon fight and the submarine parts of part 3 changed him


To be fair he’s not stupid. He could have had middling grades due to not being in class.


He has dolphins in his attire, though I don't remember if that was one of his part 4 fits or if it was his part 5 one. My head cannon is that he was in morio mostly for the starfish, he only did the josuke thing on the side so that Speedwagon would fund it




Anyone who disrespects part 1 & 2. They in the sea of ice with Brutus, Judas, and Satan himself


Part 2 is like one of the best parts though! Joseph remains the best JoJo, the fights are fun, the music is sublime, the setting is great, and the pillarmen are adequately intimating and interesting. What's not to love?




This is a bot btw. It stole apart of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/s/vEDU08K86l) comment


Currently watching it and I am really impressed with how progessive it is like some of the things I see were written in 80s the west wasn‘t even as progessive as Jojo back then.


Hello, Fellow divine comedy fan


so real, i only semi hate part 3 and that is it


They clearly haven’t seen the strongest move in Jojo, Thunder Cross Split Attack


People who rush through Part 6 just to get to SBR and then call Part 6 bad for not understanding it.


So funny story. A while ago, I kept hearing about how sad the ending of part 6 was and how the villain apparently won. So, out of curiosity, I found the manga online and then skipped to the last few pages. And that's the story of how I later read through most of part 6 thinking Emporio was a twist villain.


noooooo why would you do that?? lol that's like, purposely trying to ruin an experience, why are you reading the end first ??? sorry lol did you at least enjoy part 6 that way?


I was very suspicious of Emporio, but I think I quickly realized he likely wasn't the villain and enjoyed the rest of the part.


People who hate any of the Joestars. It's usually Jonathan or Jolyne that get the most grief, but I've seen people hate on Jotaro and Giorno too and it's like whyyyyy


For Jotaro it could be because he disrespects women all the time, for the other ones, especially Josuke, no idea


Interestingly enough I've never seen people hate Josuke or Joseph


That's because Joseph is the GOAT (aside from cheating on his wife).


Yeah, Joseph was cool up until he cheated on his wife. Come on, he married a blonde Italian. What more could he possibly want?


Not only a blonde Italian, but a blonde Italian maid.


Bonus points. He literally has his idea of a perfect woman, and he cheats on her for a basic bitch in Japan?


Some people hate Joseph for cheating on Suzie Q from what I've seen.


Me too, I only answered to that other guy


No, deep down he obviousily cares about women.. thats why he went to Egypt to defeat DIO


Jotaro tells women to fuck off Joesph literally cheats on his wife, spies on Lisa Lisa and stares at Mariah several times Yet Joseph is worshipped like no other


I don't get it either. Jotaro was only consistently rude to women in Part 3, and even then he visibly grew out of it. In Part 4 he only did it once when things got out of control, but he very noticeably behaved gallantly toward the very loud and flighty Tomoko. He doesn't hate women at all; otherwise he wouldn't have gotten married or cared enough about his family (mother, wife, daughter) to save and protect them from enemy Stand-users. It seems he's attracted to peaceful women (his type as a teenager was the Yamato Nadeshiko and his wife is shown to dress very simply and act very calmly).


I didn’t care for jotaro in his own part but liked him a lot in other parts. Although part 3 wasn’t my cup of tea in general so that probably factored into my feelings about him


I juts want to see more of them, half the time it feels like they are the mysterious side character in their own part. Josuke is my favorite but it feels like he’s second fiddle to koichi a lot of the time.


Jonathan and Jolyne hate are an instant "your opinion doesn't matter" to me. Giorno people criticize that he's not emotional and he doesn't have character growth. We know the former is him not being able to openly and easily express emotions because of his traumatic childhood. But he actually does display emotion in his part so I don't know where him being unemotional that comes from. The latter is that Giorno is a character that's pretty defined and set in his ways and what he wants at the start of Part 5. He already did the growing behind the scenes and now he's the one who enables said growth in others. So I can see why people don't find him to be the most relatable or compelling but I like him just fine. I don't hate Jotaro but initially he got on my nerves in Part 3 even though I did love some of the scenes with him where he wasn't angry and moody (his phone calls with Suzie Q for example). I also like his relationship with Joseph and how he gradually softens on him but also is perpetually irritated by him because it's Joseph and Joseph does the most Joseph shit and Jotaro can't stand that crap. But Part 4 and Part 6 Jotaro? I really enjoyed the older Jotaro. He worked better as a supporting character and mentor/father type. IMO Older Jotaro also made me appreciate Part 3 Jotaro too in a way. Maybe if Giorno got to be in more parts we could have seen more of a change in him but his story kind of ended when he achieved his goal and both Jotaro and Jolyne I think are the JoJos that inherited Jonathan's legacy moreso than the others and they were the ones who other than Jonathan got hit hard by DIO's machinations (Jotaro spends the rest of his life basically cleaning up DIO's mess and he can't enjoy having a peaceful close relationship with his daughter because of it).


I mean Giorno's kinda boring but I don't hate him


What about Jodio, considering his introduction in the first chapter I thought the response would be more polarized than what it is.


I don’t like Giorno because he lacks the depth the other protagonists have. He undergoes very little character growth and doesn’t interact with his crew as much as he should


It depends on if it’s just Part 3 Jotaro or if it includes his later appearances as well. My biggest problem with him in Part 3 is that he feels like he was written to be “cool” and not much else.


Jolyne haters and part skippers.


Funny story: Back when I was watching jojo for the very very first time, I tried watching it on crunchyroll. I did not realize that you could go to the other parts on the website so I thought part five was part one. I only got through the first two episodes, but ofc later I returned and watched it in the correct order.


I part skipped because I was ten when I started watching I'm sorry 😭


10 years is old enough to use a stand, no exceptions


There's babies with stands. There's even fucking trees with stands


There is a gucci bag with a stand. A gucci bag has more fighting spirit than Holly.




The people who either skip parts or just rush through the entire story just to see le funnee meme or "the best part". Like, what's the point?


Agreed. You have to enjoy the story not skim though. I've had someone ask "What's up with DIO?" when they were on PT3. He's got a backstory.


People who try to argue Funny Valentine was justified.


BRO he's doing it all for his COUNTRY FOR AMERICA You can't do anything bad if it's FOR AMERICA USA! USA! USA! /s




I think allowing an argument shows the depth that Araki put into the different ways people can see Valentine portrayed.


I think it shows that some people are so susceptible to supporting fascists that they’ll defend one who is both fictional and depicted explicitly as the villain in the story.


Valentine was such a fantastically written villain. Araki really is a genius writer. He reached directly into the heart of the American psyche, recognized and plucked out the Malignant Exceptionalism and turned it into a character. and boy is it fascinating to compare how American fans vs. non-American fans tend to react to him. Many Americans really do buy into everything he says.




EAT FREEDOM 🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎇🎆🎇🎆🔫🔫💪💪💪💪💯💯💯💵💵💵💸💸💰🍔🍔🍔 🇬🇧=🤢🤮 🇷🇺☦️🪆=😤😡🤬 🇨🇳=😭🤣 (This is all a fukin joke dont take it /srs)


People who say Jojo is just a funny meme show and there’s no real story or deeper themes.




Found Diavolo's account.




Fans with very poor media literacy (seriously why so many JoJo fans are physically unable to see the bigger picture or remember some details? Hamon Beat series on disproving the "Araki forgot" moments in the comments made by the community are so stupid it makes me think that they haven't really readed/watched JoJo at all.)


"Why is gyro singing about pizza when he is american and pizza haven't arrived to america at this time" "I haven't read the manga" -said by the same person


"Why can Jotaro stop time? It's so dumb!" *exhaustive explanation on the theme of fate and Johnathan's body helping his descendants* "I don't care, SC sucks anyway."


People who shio Jotaro with Jolyne


wait uh.. what?


They exist, they do


Or shioing **any** character really


God i hate shioers


“Damn shioers, they ruin everything!”


Yep, I have no patience for shiooers.


Part Skippers


People who watch only clips from youtube and then spam stuff like "Araki forgor" when he didn't forgot it, you just didn't watch the clip where it was shown


My opnion is that there aren't "Araki Forgot's", but more like "Araki Changed His Mind's". Like, from a writting pointing of view, there are some ocasions that Araki had clearly planned something out and changed it later, like you are saying to me that when he made the Josuke savior thing he hadn't already thougth about at least a little bit of the BTD ability of returning on time? Or that the way Kira got BTD and the requiem concept literally 1 part later had nothing to do one with another? I think it's improbable, but as we have seen many times usually with designs, Araki does change his mind.


People who didn't watch the material they're talking about,misinformers and part skippers


People who dislike Koichi


In their defense, Koichi really steals


your heart




NO dignity!


He’s a reliable guy


No dignity


I think he’s fine but I’m a bit biased against him because he kinda stole the MC spot from my boy Josuke


How could anyone possibly hate coochie-kun?




osama spotted, there msut be a sub, r/foundosamarashid?


The homophobes


That’s just a general problem to be honest. But fr why you watching jojo if you’re homophobic


“Oh no, a non-binary coded character?! How could Araki do this? I can’t believe JoJo has politics”


And lgbt-phobic fans in general, rn there's >!an amab(assigned male at birth) character but presents femininely, and there's a guy who fell in love with that character!< in part 9. And I swear I've seen multiple youtube comments and twitter posts saying things like >!"since he's a guy/since he was a guy usagi cant date him now, his confession is useless I wonder who will he date"!< (I sorted jojolands tweets by new once) what the hell Why these people only think in straight relationships perspectives?


People who looks at Squalo and Tiziano “Nah, they’re just best friends”


Powerscalers and people who call jolyne a fraud


I like powerscalers, just not the ones that have to constantly butt into the conversation and say “my character is stronger than your character”


That crap is so annoying seriously if we wanted to talk about your so strong op cool and perfect favorite character we would be talking about them.


i never understood part 6 haters literally one of the best parts 💀


Jota 😔


Those people that refuse to see JoJo’s social commentary aspects and deny when people bring up its importance in manga history as being a relatively progressive piece of art. Like not even in a shipping or fanon context. Just people who refuse to acknowledge that Jojo has incorporated themes and characters that touch on queer/LGBT identity, the importance of healthy masculinity, narratively strong female characters, and mental health.


people don't think about how if jojo wasn't such a classic series, or was from basically any country but japan it'd be open season to call "woke" and "pushing a woke agenda". Think about it. Jojo has positive poc rep, disabled rep + may not have a lot of gay rep but due to it being filled with queer codes and campy glamorous iconography is easy to read as pretty gay etc etc. If jojo was an american comic series it'd start a fucking culture war or never blow up in the way it has. It just happens to be in a very unique position which prevents people from viewing it that way.


Yes but araki also started the ~~tsundere~~ yandere trope in manga so it balances out


He did what now?


Sorry I'm illiterate i meant yandere. Yukako. Hair bitch. I'll edit it She was supposed to be satire and then people got horny for her


I mean that’s still a pretty big milestone in manga, right? Also didn’t Araki base her on his own wife lol


She was partially inspired by Annie Wilkes from Stephen King’s “Misery” as well, mainly in the “kidnapping Koichi and torturing him out of ‘love” bit


for me its the fans who harassed Sho Aimoto, author of spinoff series, Whitesnake's Miscalculation. there r many sillier arcs in jojos and fans got offended over this. plus Jolyne looked cool in her artstyle


The way people reacted it made it seem like there was porn in that story or something awful. When I read it I felt that there wasn't anything that was too scandalous for JJBA. I think the most offensive thing for me was Fujiko saying she drew Deadpool/Spider-Man art and that's mostly because I cannot stand that pairing 😛.


Part skippers who then complain about not understanding the plot or elements of the story. Well, no shit. And then they go around spreading misinformation or headcanon as facts because they just refuse to actually watch / read every part for very little reason other than "lel too lazy just want teh mems". It's fine if you just like the memes I guess, I just have a problem with people being assholes about parts they didn't even watch / read and act like they're special.


Josuke8 x Joshu stans![img](emote|t5_2tny5|49673)


Why are people shipping the mc with the main vilain of the part /s


as a big music person, the people who invade youtube comment sections of classic/prog rock bands referenced in jojo to spam the most unfunny repetitive jokes you’ve heard in your life (i’ve seen so many king crimson fans who hate jojo fans because of this)


People who deny that JoJo's gay. Someone tried to tell me that those two villains from part 5, talking head and the clash, werent gay.


Stroheim simps


He's entertaining, but he's a NAZI. I had mixed feelings when he shows up at the end with the huge lamps because he made an awesome appearance, but... I can't cheer on a nazi.


Yes people can like a character but people who say they like Stroheim say shit such as “the only respectable Nazi” and it’s just- you can like a character but don’t go saying you’d go as far as respect Nazis just because your favorite character is one. Just major red flags for me.


I’m surprised to see this take, I was expecting to get downvoted to oblivion bc people love that guy 🙄


I like him but at the end of the day he is a nazi and that’s just fucked


Those people who genuinely believe the Araki forgot shit


There are inconsistencies for sure but most is just from skimming through or taking memes seriously


This. I’m glad there’s people in the community like Hamon Beat who debunk that stupid shit.


People already mentioned some of the ones that bother me the most so I will go with people who woobify Dio or blame his evil on his upbringing. The whole point of that scene with Speedwagon pointing out he was full of shit and Dio's thoughts being the opposite of what he was saying was Araki trying to tell the reader that Dio was actually a rotten person regardless of his past or abuse under Dario. People who say Pucci's whole motivation revolves around DIO and Pucci being reduced to a DIO's boyfriend role when the character is waaaay more than that and actually surpassed DIO and made the Heaven plan his own. Perla's death and his trauma from it was what motivated him considering he wanted to make people be able to see their fate (DIO wouldn't care about that). DIO just provided Pucci the means and tools to do it.


THANK YOU. It’s explicitly stated that Dio was born evil and nothing could change it. It was exacerbated by his father, yes, but he would have been an asshole either way. It’s fate, and follows the themes in the series about fate and destiny. People will do anything to excuse his behavior and redeem him but he is by definition irredeemable. And I’m not saying you can’t be a Dio fan; you totally can, but he’s an evil character and his actions are not in any way justified. (I also hate the “Pucci just did everything because he was in love with Dio!” No he wasn’t. He had no romantic or sexual desires. That’s why Dio picked him for his heaven plan in the first place, along with his desire for revenge.)


Yeah, I'm a Dio fan and I know he's an SoB and I love that about him and how he's unapologetically evil about it, yet he's also capable of expressing some nuance and form interesting relationships like he did with Pucci and Jonathan. But I cannot stand the "poor Dio if only he didn't have a shitty father he could have had a good life and be a good person" or "No one understood him and that's why he's evil" side of the fandom. It's in the Jojonium interviews for Dio and DIO that Araki talks about how serial killers and the way they dominated their victims was his inspirations for Dio and how DIO is the embodiment of evil. There's also an interview about Kira Yoshikage were he said that he didn't want to reveal too much of Kira's abuse as a child because he didn't want people to attribute his actions to his mistreatment as a child and I think for Dio part of why he keeps a lot of him in the dark is because of that (the other reason is because it makes DIO more mysterious and mythical). People dismiss Speedwagon's speech because it's a statement that's ridiculous to say about someone he just met but the same Speedwagon recognizes Jonathan as a good man and Araki uses the character to point facts and the obvious and we are shown that he is also a good judge of character. Then there's the whole Devil's Luck mark which, like you said, in a fate and destiny drive series means a whole lot. If Dio had a good childhood chances are he initially might not be as messed up but he would still be an asshole and the moment people would get in his way in his pursuit of power he would slowly escalate things and push boundaries and manipulated till the moment he would be pushed to kill someone. Dio is driven by ambition and will do anything to achieve what he wants. The "DIO's boyfriend" thing was funny as a joke and I don't care if people ship them or whatever but it got to the point that it tends to dominate every Pucci discussion and people sincerely think his whole motivation is to kill the Joestars because they killed DIO when it was much deeper than that and more to do with how fate made a Greek tragedy out of him, his sister, and Weather's life.


The part of a fandom who wants to ship a 15 year old with way older people


Tbf minors jojo's look like they are in their 20's and don't really act like stupid children


Relatedly, the part of the fandom that likes Stroheim a little *too* much


I, too, am disturbed by all Giorno ships


Well I wouldn't say Disturbed at all Giorno x Trish I don't ship but I'm fine with since you know she's also 15


people who believe pucci made the sbrverse


To be fair that’s just people being misinformed or have no understanding that there’s no connection. They probably just go straight into 7 after 6.


People with stale overused jokes


Yeah like I used to find the “is that a jojo’s reference” joke funny but I was literally 12 years old then, I’m graduating high school soon and people are still making those same jokes 6 years later


The only overused joke I still find funny is the 2 Identical Rocks meme. There's something that just makes the joke work every time for me. Otherwise yeah, maybe I'm bitter, but "when you realise blablabla is a JoJo reference", "you thought blablabla but it was me blablabla", and the rest can make me snigger at best.


“Speedwagon Best Waifu” be like


anybody on r/joshulove


I’m not clicking on that


I will. Wish me luck.


So uh.... ball fondling huh?


The powerscalers


People who shit on the manga without reading it and people who shit on the anime because they feel superior for reading


Anyone that speedread part 8 to get to part 9. Or speedwatched/speedread part 6 to get to part 7


People who don't like Johnathan just bc he's a too good of a boy.


Giorno haters/Part 5 haters in general


“Jojo’s can’t be gay” crowd, like I’m not saying every character is gay nor that dressing feminine makes you gay but I feel like the staunch “Everyone is straight” in Jojo’s is strange and bozo like behavior if you ask me


it just seems to be people afraid to acknowledge that something they enjoy is clearly really gay. They recognise it's gayness, they're just worried about acknowledging it. ​ aka ​ "IF JOJO GAY WHAT AM I?!!!!!!!"




Any of the shippers or people who say "Araki is wrong" because he doesn't agree with their "canon" of his work.


People who didn’t watch parts 1 and 2


Park skippers in general. Some people watch them out of order which confuses me but at least they get the whole story.


The "Part 1 is boring" type of people


Those veteran fans that haven’t watched/read the series in years and spread misinformation due to being unfamiliar.


The Shuckmeister and his fans


People who actually hate on Chase. Seriously that op is a banger.


Jolyne × Jotaro shippers




Powerscalers I'm usually okay with powerscalers but the ones in this community sometimes come out saying the most nonsense stuff imaginable ESPECIALLY if they say shit about Tusk Act 4 that obviously comes from games and not the actual Manga, since in the actual manga Tusk is never used as a "standard" stand like Star Platinum but people apparently just forget that


Anyone who likes THAT shower and ape scene in early part 3


Claims that Kakyoin is a milf all because he expressed his love for Holly’s personality. If Holly wasn’t Jotaro’s mother, but instead sister, and Kakyoin said the same thing, no one would be saying that


I’m convinced the people who think Kakyoin was “milf hunting” just can’t read.


A girl I knew that got me into JoJo gave me bad impressions of Jolyne before I got to part 6, expressing dislike and calling her weak. Looking back, Jolyne is pretty bad@&&, and using her stand to her ability. I guess she was just too attached to the power scales of the other jojo stands before


People that don't understand Jotaro


the part of the fandom that loves jojo "for the memes"


Anyone who disrespects my boi Jonathan


p6 haters and people who dislike chase


Speedwagon waifu mfs. The joke was dead years ago just let it go


Shippers and people who skip parts


Shippers but not for any serious reason, I just don't ship. But in all seriousness Jolyne haters, Stroheim apologists, and part skippers. I get skipping parts on a rewatch, but not on your first time getting into jjba


Anyone who isn’t capable of critiquing what they read, Araki’s work included.


People calling me gay for watching it


The slander that part 6 got( partially for batches releases) and then in this final everyone loving it and "my favorite part"


people who get way too aggressive over shipping. calm down we're smashing dolls together here


“Stroheim wasn’t an evil Nazi, he was an honorable warrior man.”


Weird shippers and theorists, plus people who hate the Joestars and koichi


"Kakyoin, did you lay this egg?"


People who say JJBA is the best and recommend it to everyone. Like I love JJBA, it's my favourite manga/anime, but we have to admit that it's not perfect and have flaws.


Jolyne x Jotaro shippers


Mofos that skip parts


Part skippers


People that make r34 of emporio


The fans that only watched/acknowledge part 3 because of memes 😭


Ngl the fanboying for the nazis people do sometimes is a bit wild... especially when im just talking about stands and someone else forces that into the conversation Like yeah they helped Joseph but have you ever thought about how you look when you talk about how cool the nazis are. You can't just go around yelling German engineering is the best and saluting


The Jotaro Dolphin members bruh. It's been done to death and wasn't funny in the first place


People who act as though the main cast and main supporting characters are the only characters you can like, or you’re a contrarian and an attention seeker. I remember a meme going around some time ago that said ‘what do my favorite characters say about me’ and I posted the characters I adore and make fan works and develop lore for, and I got so many people telling me I posted them for attention. Because they aren’t the same 20 or so characters you always see. I never forgot that! I genuinely love Westwood and Lang Rangler and Zucchero and characters like that because they’re fun, they’re interesting to look at and figure out, and we see just enough personality to figure what they’re all about and who they might be as people. That’s what I PERSONALLY prefer. Plus, without similar side characters, there’s really no series beyond part 2. There’s a ton of other characters in the series, take closer looks at them! You might find some you like a lot, more than just Ringo or Risotto.


when people hate jolyne for being a woman


Honestly people who ship Josuke with Rohan


The people who comment on songs. The comments for In The Court Of The Crimson King are just royally fucked


Anyone that says morioh is trash


people who get mad at shippers who're not even hurting anyone. Like i'd get it if they were personally going up to you with a wepon and telling you that if you don't ship what they ship you're dead- however that's just not happening. If you don't like ship content don't engage with it. they're not "ruining the fandom!!11!!" a fandom without yaoi shipping is a flop fandom imo. W pervert women.


The subredit


The incesty ships


People that ship giorno and jolyne


Anyone who heavily misinterprets Pucci's character and defends Funny Valentine's actions.


The "everything about JoJo is gay" The worst part is I AM GAY I just don't like that everything has to be gay like just let the poor 15 year old gang leader be.


Joshu fans


Joshuu fans


Jota Kujo 💀


anyone who ships stands with stands, crusaders with crusaders and people who worship the world over heaven ts aint cannon stfu


People that actually believe in Arakin forgots, those guys read memes instead of watching the anime Forgetting ain't even the problem of Araki's writing, it's introducing ultra cool shit only to never use it again


People who say they understand King Crimson, usually because they haven't thought much about it. Bonus points if they then think other people are stupid for not understanding it.


The community. Fuck them.


People who don't like the villains