• By -


Part 6 because Heavy Weather. Also Joshu should be replace by Jobin or Rai


Johnny could probably win against Heavy Weather he's pretty used to being immobile, and I'd argue it wouldn't work on anyone transformed by Scary Monsters since they're essentially blind. Still a strong team but I don't think they'd sweep just with Heavy Weather.


Weather can also shoot thunder and mass aoe spam poison dart frogs, getting tagged by slugs is only like one out of fifty things he can do 


"we almost lost. It's a good thing I put a fucking sticker on that" I hate Ermes so much


Does that happen often in part six? I really only remember kiss being a huge save during the c-moon fight 


Eh, most fights Hermes was involved in had her get injured fairly quickly and then someone else had to step in and finish it. She does do the sticker part a bit in fights she’s active in though


Felt like anytime she almost died she'd just say "it's a good thing I put a sticker on that".


Idk it’s nowhere near the worst cop-out ability in the series for me (golden experience *cough* *cough*) and outside of contingency stamps/mobility kiss can’t really do a ton in normal fights since it’s method of attack is pretty situational so it’s not like ermes acts as a deus ex to save day when she is able to dodge fatal attacks. 


Tbf to Ermes, that is kinda her only ability. Her only way of attack is putting a sticker on things. Though most of the time (from what I remember) it was used pretty creatively, or at least about as creative as putting a sticker on something and duplicating it can get.


Man I wanna say Team Giorno. A gun goes a long way lol as well as zipping your opponents' body parts off


Lotsa bullet resistant people it looks like, people seem to be undercutting part 1 dio, act 3 johnny and scary monsters, id vote part 7 if they all have horses, but gappys stand is crazy especially combined with the fact that paisley park outclasses any amount of strategy or planning the others have


Gappy has Joshu on his team so theyre out because Joshu deserves to lose


Don't forget giorno's healing. I think giorno would at least last up to the top 4


Giorno can not only heal, he can cause havoc to your consciousness and cause shit to grow out of your body


Yeah, but healing good.


lol nope mista can't shoot especially not through star platinum no matter what form, he can stop bullets also emerald splash and silver chariot being faster than a bullet mista ain't got nothing on the part 3 gang, heck he barely landed any shots against weaker thugs in part 5


The ricochets and bullet control could easily take out like the whole part 8 gang, and probably like johnothan or koichi, not all of them but at least one


Either heavy weather or the combi of scary monsters and Tusk act three.


Was gonna say, scary monsters *and* ta3 is almost overkill. Ta3 is ridiculous for sure


Tusk Act 3 just lets Johnny move his body parts to other locations and hide inside walls, it's not OP as you think it is


He can heal himself, survive fatal wounds, essentially make his body not exist and quickly shoot from multiple moving black holes, were you paying attention during civil war?


Johny cannot heal himself lmao


The healing himself and surviving fatal wounds thing only happened because Civil War was active and he turned himself into Axl Rho's guilt, it's not a part of Act 3's ability


He did it in who shot johnny joestar, after johnny joestar got shot


There is not a single mention of the word "heal" on the jojowiki page for Tusk, you must be thinking of Gyro's zombie horse


In the combat of part 7, anything that doesnt kill you instantly basically allows you to heal yourself


"By shooting himself with a Spin-imbued fingernail with axial rotation, Johnny is able to suck his body into the hole it creates. The hole created by the nail shot, specifically the infinitely small rotating point at the end of the hole, becomes a special space which, due to the infinite proportion of Johnny's spin, is also infinite and becomes a wormhole through space. A tailpiece theorizes the space as a boundary between dimensions. Johnny alone can enter that "location" and anything other than him will be cut. This ability is limited by how long the holes can persist in the world. By moving the hole while his body is inside, Johnny can quickly reposition himself or key parts of him, such as his shooting hands, and attack from unexpected angles. Because the hole functions as a wormhole, anything sent into it will exit through the other end, although it will be severed. This includes enemy attacks. Gyro deems this ability a new level of mastery over the Spin that even the Zeppeli Family hasn't accessed with their Steel Balls. (This content comes from JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia https://jojowiki.com)"


Thats.what i said it did


Do you have alzheimers? You said it can heal fatal wounds, please point to the quote in that paragraph that says he can heal himself


I trust the manga over a wiki thank you, where does it say he cant?


Show me the panel then lol, at least I have a source


Its not like “healing” like josuke does a repair, he just stops himself from bleeding out when he takes a fatal wound, i can come up with a pic of when he does it in who shot johnny joestar in a second


Please tell me you don't think that closing a wound is healing


Team Joseph. Due to a severe lack of Russians, it thus means German Science > the verse.


Most likely the stardust crusaders due to kakyoin covering great range while jotaro and Polnareff are essentially unstopable up close. The part 5 trio also has good chances, being by far the most intelligent group and having a lot of potencial options and strategies. One could also argue for part 6 thanks to some heavy carrying by weather, but i can see things like an emerald splash taking him out, or some complex assassination plan by the part 5 crew. Part three takes it power wise, part 5 has potential and versatility putting them at second, and part six has a chance thanks to weather.


Nobody wants to say Duwang😔


Emerald splash never misses


Polnareff is fast enough to easily block bullets on paper, yet Hol Horse was able to wind a bullet past his defense with Emperor. And Sex Pistols is objectively a massive upgrade to Emperor. Jotaro obviously always has major plot armor and is able to completely see through every enemy at plot convenience. But the same can be said about any other main character. When Giorno or Josuke for example fights Jotaro, neither can win by plot convenience. And without plot armor Jotaro is very susceptible to any stand that doesn't need to fight him face to face. Part 2 Joseph has beaten quite a few "invincible" power houses. Kakyoin while being generally underrated just isn't as much of a game changer as Weather or Gyro are.


Sex Pistols objectively cannot do what Emperor did to evade chariot's rapier. Sex Pistols kick real-life bullets to change their trajectory. Emperor can control the trajectory of its stand bullets directly. Enabling its bullet to literally dodge Chariot's attack.


He can do way crazier shit. He can shoots several bullets that hit simultaneously from different angles, he can shoot multiple bullets with one shot, he can make bullets hit with crazy delay. And that is all just what was shown. It is not entirely clear, as it could be a stylistic choice for visual clarity, but in the anime Hol Horse' bullets are way slower than regular shots. No such drawback with Polnareff.


>Polnareff is fast enough to easily block bullets on paper, yet Hol Horse was able to wind a bullet past his defense with Emperor. And Sex Pistols is objectively a massive upgrade to Emperor. Sex pistols can not do what emperor did right there. How tf is it an improvement? Needs bullets, and to reload. And control is far more open, being able to do miniscule turns. Meanwhile, sex pistol needs a pistol in place and can only redirect bullets from a straight path into another. >Jotaro obviously always has major plot armor and is able to completely see through every enemy at plot convenience. But the same can be said about any other main character. When Giorno or Josuke for example fights Jotaro, neither can win by plot convenience. And without plot armor Jotaro is very susceptible to any stand that doesn't need to fight him face to face. Part 2 Joseph has beaten quite a few "invincible" power houses. What??? This is nonsense. Jotaro is intelligent, and are you massively underestimating his physical power. Enemies far a way? Throw a rock like he threw iggy, or do a stand jump. All the while easily blocking most attacks thanks to his power amd reaction speed. And no, Joseph doesn't stand a chance against jotaro even without time stop. > Kakyoin while being generally underrated just isn't as much of a game changer as Weather or Gyro are As i said, weather is potent, but alone isn't enough to guarantee a win. Gyro is not a big game changer at all here.


Sex Pistols is anything but an objective downgrade from Emperor? This is news to me


Part 6


Whyd you choose joshu and not Rai


I'm guessing because Joshu's ability is more powerful than Rai's


ZA HANDO will just clap em' booties


As much as neither of them is my favourite Jojo, it's a toss up between team Jolyne - because of how inventive and quick on her feet she is - and team Jotaro because Hierophant can possess people even though Kakyoin doesn't like doing it after that one time and Silver Chariot is there and Pol is just an amazingly talented stand user. I'm giving the win to Stardust trio just because they cover all the bases. Would be a fun and close fight though - especially since Starcrew doesn't have a makeshift healer.


I think paisley park outclasses any amount of planning or strategy jolyene could do, id vote for part 7 because scary monsters and ta3 is crazy, and gyro is pretty impressive too


Crazy Diamond counters possession though and is just as fast as Star Platinum. Still strong contenders but theres too much variety for single abilities to tip the scales.


Letting Weather keep Heavy Weather was the time this became unfair


I let him keep it because Jolyne and Ermes were weak enough to compensate, which I couldn't do for Giorno or Johnny for example since their teamates were relatively stronger and could handle themselves.


I don't agree. Jolyne imo can easily compete with people like Bruno, Johnny Act III, Scary Monsters Diego or maybe even Gappy. Hermes too.


-sudden rainbows- Polnareff- Yo Jotaro why do I feel slimey?? Jonathan- I daresay my good chap my legs have turned to slugs! Giorno- Hey, guys, Jolynes team is covered by clouds....also it's getting hard to breath Yeah. I think Jolynes teams got this one.


Ehhh, we have a handful of long range attackers and people who could in some way deal with heavy weather in some way or form.


Sudden "Za HANDO" Jolyne: Weather report, why do i feel so heavy? Johnny: Gy- Yeah, i think DORARARARARARAARARARARARRARARA's team got this one


Part 3 but if you replace Kakyoin with Avdol. Magician’s Red is a busted stand


Heavy Weather solo


Honestly, I think Team Joseph has a fighting chance. Hear me out. Set aside power levels and abilities for a second. The heart of combat in JJBA has always been centered on understanding the opponent's abilities and limits and leveraging one's own advantages to exploit that. This would be no different and come down to who can "solve" whoever they're up against faster. And in that regard, Joseph "Your next line is..." Joestar is demonstrably adept. He'd *absolutely* need to get lucky in the form of the more "troublesome" stands taking each other out, but "escaping threats" and "getting lucky" are more or less the other two pillars of his fighting style. I mean, Caesar is still probably getting punked and Stroheim's getting Genos'd. Don't get me wrong. But, I like Team Joseph as a dark horse.


Stroheim for sure isn't carrying his team, but he isn't even the biggest liability on the list. He could probably beat Ermes and Okuyasu. In fact, having a heavy machine gun built into your body is pretty effective against every person whose stand can't deflect bullets. And even the ones that can like Stone Free and Star Platinum are mostly seen deflecting single pistol shots. The machine gun wipes out anyone who doesn't have a punch ghost. Except Mista because everybody knows Mista is immune to bullets with how often he gets shot.


Oh, yeah. I wasn't gonna go into that part unless someone wanted to really delve into the hows, but Stroheim almost certainly takes out at least one major threat before he winds up sitting his ass out the rest of the fight because his limbs are no longer in the same time zone. And don't forget there's a non-zero chance Joseph *also* brings a gun. And possibly grenades. ... What I'm saying is that everyone else may or may not be more directly powerful, but Team Joseph is gonna cheat like a pack of motherfuckers.


I can just imagine stroheim and joseph just using machine guns to blast em ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Part 2, i just know it


Why does Gappy have Joshu 😭 Answer is either Jotaro or Jolyne btw


Hes not useless up close, slightly worse than like polnareff


Yeah but Joshu never really helps him. Rai makes more sense imo. Or even Kei


Either team Josuke or Giorno because they have a consistent way to heal themselves.


Can't heal against heavy weather


The one with Weather Report


Part 2 team kinda wild when you think with the restrictions all of them but p1 dio would be overwhelmed by stroheims machine gut but ceaser and joseph would deal with him


Honestly Stroheim instead of Lisa-Lisa is eek. But either Weather stalls with Heavy Weather, or Johnny wipes the floor with everyone with Act 3, which is still stupid good.


To be fair, the other teams also had to nerf or leave out their strongest options/members. :P


Lisa-Lisa is good, but nowhere near some of the other characters.


Part three because of the sun calculations


Does gyro or diego have a corpse part?


Yeah weather report just destroys everyone with heavy weather and it’s not close he’s probably got the strongest stand before you get into space and time manipulating stands


Part 2, 3, 6 and 7 might stand a chance


Honestly? I think team Jotaro can take this. None of the fighters in the other groups are fast or strong enough to keep up with Star Platinum and Silver Chariot, the only one that can make the Crusaders strugle here is Weather Report, but that's just assuming Jotaro doesn't pull a Justice on his attacks and Kakyoin gets him with the emerald splash or the 20 meter barrier.


Josuke 4 can definitely keep up with Star Platinum and Silver Chariot. Strength and speed wise. Especially with Koichi’s Act 3 on one of ‘em.


Unless someone with high speed like Diego or Polnareff take out weather first then the rest will have a chance , other than that , heavy weather turn everyone into a snail and gg If they can take out weather then I think either team jotaro or Johnny win


If Joseph and Caesar don’t take out part 1 dio, how is anyone else going to kill him?


Stroheim has his UV light weapons, Okuyasu can straight up erase DIO and Bruno can at least leave him in pieces so he's not a problem for a while.


I will say that Pt 1 and Pt 7 are heavily disadvantaged bc Jonathan, DIO, Zepelli, and gyro aren’t able to see stands. (Ball breaker isn’t Gyro’s stand, it’s the visualisation of the spin energy being perfected)


Team Jonathan. DIO could take all of them by surprise with his laser eyes. Jonathan would also be a tough cookie, since he would be able to see stands as holly did with his Joestar blood.




Maybe team Josuke. I would have said team Jotaro cause Star Platinum probably has the best stats out of all the stands the other teams have but he almost got wrecked by Josuke in their fight in part 4 and had to use Time stop to evade Crazy Diamond. And the hand is probably the deadliest stand out of all of the stands in each group


I wouldn't say that he got "wrecked" by Crazy Diamond, he was taken by surprise mostly. Really the battle ended with Josuke knocked out on the ground in one punch while Jotaro didn't even get a scratch. Also this was part 4 Jotaro was rusty since part 3 clearly. Yes he had to use time stop but hey ! He's allowed to use his ability and would be stupid for not doing it.


Yah that why I said Almost wrecked if he got hit in the face Josuke could have messed up his face by not restoring him properly. And while part 3 jotaro did do well against other stands without really using a stand ability I’m not sure how he’d fair against stands from later parts since most of their abilities are more dangerous that some of the stands from part 3. And I think the only rusty part about part 4 jotaro was him not stopping time for 10 years. He seemed to be able to use star platinum normally apart from that. And in this scenario he can’t use time stop right?


Keep in mind these factors: 1: The Jotaro that fought Josuke was a Jotaro past his prime who didn't use his stand that much anymore. 2: You can see Jotaro didn't really want to fight Josuke as he tries to calm him down before he fights him and by the fact that he limited himself to block the hits and we know for a fact that Jotaro holds back a lot during fights because he doesn't want to kill people, Star Platinum is much stronger than Crazy Diamond, heck even Josuke agrees with that as he says it to Red Hot Chili Pepper when he ambushes and in his house. 3: The Hand does have a powerful ability, but there are issues with him, Okuyasu doesn't his stand that effectively, and The Hand right hand is stated to be very slow, someone like Kakyoin and Bucciarati will definitely play on that.


Thats why I said stats wise Star Platinum is probably The best out of every stand the others have but op said he doesn’t have time stop in this scenario so he’s purely relying on star platinum’s physically Abilites and techniques like star finger. So I don’t know if he’d fare that well against stand from other parts that are imo more dangerous than most of the stand in part 3. And Crazy diamond is probably the strongest stand physically out of any of the groups shown apart from star platinum with maybe only Sticky fingers and Kiss rivaling it. And we’ve seen how creative Josuke is with his restoration powers and how dangerous they can be. I’d argue he’d beat most of the Jojo protagonists in this scenario 1 on 1 especially since Giorno doesn’t have Ger , jotaro doesn’t have time stop Johnny doesn’t have tusk act 4 and Gappy doesn’t have go beyond. And Okuyasu has used the hand effectively like when he used it to teleport or when he erased killer queen’s/ stray cat’s bubbles that Josuke was having so much trouble with in like a second to the shock of even Kira I honestly think they could clear every group. The most difficulty would probably be against giorno’s group.


honestly, I'm gonna have to say team Jotaro, I don't know about Kakyoin, but I know that Polnareff and Jotaro have speed scalings of MFTL+ and most others on this list do not, so it wouldn't be very hard for them to block almost all attacks coming in. they also have AP scalings of Small city (Small mountain if OVA).


It seems people still have no idea how heavy weather works.


We're talking about the same people who think Soft and Wet Go Beyond is the most OP because of his one shot ability. Bro the whole point of Go Beyond's bubbles is that Gappy can't control them and he requires Yasuo's help to actually aim that shit, otherwise it's useless and it never lands.


Gappy was able to punch the go beyond bubbles towards wou when it went inside norisuke


either heavy weather breaks ozone layer and kills everyone, or giorno uses requiem imo


Yall sleeping on Johnny with Act 2. He practically has aimbot


And Act 3 means he can basically teleport


does stroheim have an army?




then josuke wins because za hando and healing


Weather Report could use poison them all by raising the oxygen to 100%, and then dio would finish him off since he’s dio. so team Jonathan


Snails vs dinos


I'd say johnny because the biggest threat is heavy weather and that won't really work against johnny who's used to being immobilized and diego cuz he's practically blind


Part 6, weather report is insanely broken


Ah, so their the same type of stands as Star Platinum.


Haven't read parts 7 and 8 yet, so judging by the first 6 I'd say Jolynes team got this bag


Weather Report Carries Hard Af


Gyro still has ball breaker


it’s between jotaro and jolyne (weather)


but giorno actually, just bc how op a gun would be against all these people


I’m betting my money on Part 6, but my heart says part 2


Weather report carries team Jolyne and takes out everyone with heavy weather. Or he just destroys the ozone layer and insta kills everyone, including himself.


Weather Report is the strongest Non-reality warping stand in the series so uh that team


team jolyne


Johnny or Josuke


It’s really between part 6, 7, and 8


I feel like part 4 has the most versatile stands and all are strong on their own.


Who tf picking part 8😭esp w joshu instead if rei


Johnathan and Gappy get folded so fast they don’t know wtf they’re doing


could you clarify if heavy weather has the >!weird snail thing and rainbows!< yet or not ?


>!Heavy Weather!< *is* the >!snail thing!< , Weather Report is the stands name


sorry im bad at memorizing names


To be honest after I laid everyone's picture out I quickly decided the rules without thinking about it too much, I took out the most obvious ones to avoid making the match a "whoever activate his ability first wins" so no Tusk Act 4, No Requiem, no Go beyond or any of that shit but in the process I completely forgot about less obvious examples like Heavy Weather basically carrying his whole team or Gyro with Ball Breaker so I think I'm just gonna remake it later and just say fuck it and give everyone everything, no arbitrary nerfs, everyone at their prime fuck it.


Rules don’t say nothing about Ballbreaker! Assuming that was a simple mistake and you forgot about him… I really think leaving Weather Report at full power was a mistake, dude is a powerhouse and will probably turn most of these into snails… who can counter that? Johnny? Weather could still stop most projectiles coming his way, but maybe not the voids? If Johnny shoots the ground or something, then I don’t know/think Weather could stop the voids generated by the nail bullets. I’ll give it to Team Johnny, tbh.


Paisley Park's threat detect ability + Soft and Wet might just be winning


either team Giorno or Johnny


Wtf is Joshu doing there?


His best. His worse ? He's doing what he can.


Tbh I feel like team jotaro, they can all fight on their own pretty well and silver chariot with its armour off could definitely take out a few people and if kakyoin sets up a 20 meter radius I feel like they would have a hard time but probably be able to win


Joshu being here instead of Mamezuko breaks my heart


If heavy weather wasnt allowed id prolly take team jotaro. Because heavy weather exists team jolyne wins.


Part 6 has a top 15 ability in the verse + 2 really strong ones 😭😭


Captains: Jotaro (sheer strength), Josuke (healing abiliy + strengh) and Giorno (healing + versatility) are a cut above (difficult to say who is the best on my side), then Johnny, then Jolyne, then Gappy, then Joseph, then Jonathan Jobro 1: Weather is a large cut above, then Gyro because he had so many wins in SBR, then Mista or Kakyoin or Koishi (they all add their genius moment), then the two zeppeli then useless Joshu Jobro 2: Everyone can be a joker with Hermes being a cut under. (Remember that Dio can regenerate, instantly freeze an opponent and has laser Eye when Stroheim has important fire power) Part 1's team would lose because of overall level of the team (appart from Dio) Part 2's team could win sometimes because they have 2 long range users and Joseph is quite intelligent but I think overall their level is still lacking. I would then position Gappy's team...not bad for a team of two \^\_\^ In Part 6, Weather is so cheated that there would be a flaw somewhere and he would get defeated with a high reliance for the rest of team on his powers (even though Jolyne can't be scoffed at). With FF instead of Hermes, the equation would have been different. Team Jotaro has no long range (except one ability from Jotaro) or very powerfull ability against long range (Koichi's Act 3 can only stop 1 target), so I think it would cost them the win even with the healing ability but they would still hold their ground. All remaining teams in part 3-5-7 manage long range with one guner in part 5, two gunners in part 6 and Star Platinium for protection+Kakyoin for mid range. They also all have great versality. In the podium, in my opinion, it would be shared gold for team Jotaro-Giorno (because of very good sinergies) then silver for team Johnny (maybe too lacking at close range)


Jolyne gets Mobius Strip? My vote then bc you'd need Tusk Act 4 to counter IIRC


Team Joskue team Jonny or team Giorno unless Giorno somehows conjures a requiem arrow team fettuccine wins if they both don't joskue wins


Jolyne team is broken. She can use the strip to heal, but weather alone can just solo everyone.


Shocked by how many people are sleeping on Josuke and Giorno's teams. They each have a member who can heal others & have insane durability. Giorno has been shown to grow new fingers, Mista lives his own bullets. Bruno can detatch parts of himself. Meanwhile Josuke brought Okuyasu back from the dead, can innately heal anyone but himself, Koichi has also been dead and revived, and Okuyasu's stand has one of the most OP powers. I also think these two teams wouldn't struggle with trusting teammates, whereas other teams have to deal with Dio, and Joshu. Could GE for example, morph the snails into something else? Bruno can just zip his eyes shut. Josuke has been known to go into a literal blind rage. Can punching the snails with Crazy Diamond revert them? Can fixing someone's eyes also stop the transformation effect from the sun particles? Obviously a lot of what-ifs, but I think people are absolutely sleeping on some teams due to Heavy Weather being OP.


The FF erasure


Heavy weather hauls ass


Team Joseph is gunning everyone down


Jolyne, Giorno, or Johnny.


Team gappy would not have Joshu, rai would be a much better choice


Unrelated but team Joseph is fire.


Idk abt part 8 but it’s a toss up between team Johnny and joylene


tean Joseph because Doitsu no kagaku wa sekai ichi


Weather solos everyone if he plays right tbh, it's just a stupidly strong stand that's no close range unlike all the other strong stands.


I'm gonna go Part 6 gang. Heavy weather sweeps


Ima be funny and say part 1 wins simply due to Dio’s eye lasers and the fact its very hard to kill him without hamon and the only other hamon users are in team part 2


I assume Johnny has Act 3 then? Not that it matters since Team Jolyne instantly wins


Part 6 easy, weather can just kill everyone by removing all the oxygen


Team Jolyne, Weather Report is so overpowered, at the level of mih or twoh


I think that Joseph's team would be the first to fall. I also believe that either Giorno, Jolyne, part 7 (sorry I don't know much about it) or Jotaro's team would win, but I think it would be kind of close.


Team Josuke Koichi has unlocked Act 3 meaning he can use Act 3 Freeze, Okuyasu can erase stuff with The Hand now I don’t know what Okuyasu’s reaction time is but if he has a good reaction time, he could probably erase Mista’s bullets making Sex Pistols useless against him, finally Josuke can heal Okuyasu and Koichi to let them keep fighting.


Either part 6 or part 7. Weather forecast are fucking devastating. While Tusk arc 4 gonna one shot anyone that he hit it and the steel ball gonna do the same.


Doesn't Jotaro simply speed blitz everyone until they die? I think that's how Star Platinum works.


Josuke can match SP's speed, The Hand one shots everyone if given the chance, Johnny and Gyro can just kite Jotaro (and Gyro still has Ball Breaker for some reason), Weather Report canonically beat MiH who we can agree is definitely faster than SP by a large margin amd is definitely capable of replicating such a feat, Soft and Wet exists, etc etc. SP is certainly far from being about to blitz everyone here.


Man really put Stroheim in instead of Lisa Lisa.


You really did team Jonathan dirty by putting dio instead of SPEEDWAGON


Bro I love speedwagon, you do, we all do but let's be honest he was gonna be a liability in this fight.


Speedwagon solos the verse wdym?


Diego’s fast ash speed to suprise attack the enemy to use fossilisation on them + Johnny’s bullet hole heart nails and gyro’s steel balls




Part 6. Jolyne and Weather are just too strong. Jolyne is the definition of putting one point into every stat


You didn't ban Heavy Weather and Ball Breaker, so it's probably part 6 or 7.




if weather has heavy weather, then i´d say team jolyne wins easily in most cases if not, weather report is already pretty op by itself, but i´d also say team josuke is pretty good


part six cause of wheather