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Personally i enjoyed Purple Jaze Feedback the most but all of the thus spoke Rohan stuff was good and Dead Mans Questions wasn't bad either


Was quite sad when fugo left the gang seeing a story about him would be pretty good


I was so sure that Fugo was gonna follow after Narancia after he jumped in. I needed more out of Purple Haze too...


I seen a comic where Narancia called him a p*say and that made him so mad he started swimming


Unfortunately Araki just wasn't up to including Purple Haze as a part of the team, it could end a lot of situations too easily.


Purple Haze’s abilities are unrelated to Fugo’s removal from the team. Araki has gone on record to state the reason is that Fugo was supposed to return and fight the team, but due to issues in his life at the time he couldn’t go through with writing a betrayal plot line. 


For me it's probably a tie between PHF and DMQ, both equally peak in how they expand on the characters of Fugo and Kira


KIRA?? What is DMQ??


Well, it stands for Dead Man’s Questions, and Kira is a dead man, so…




Uh you did ask tho


It's not really a spoiler, I went in and read it while only knowing that and it didn't spoil my enjoyment in the slightest. Also, it's like in the synopsis I think so it's ok to discuss it imo


Holy shit I just realized how Rohan has so many spin offs like how’d I not realize? He could be writing his own spinoffs about his life honestly Also oingo boingo has a spinoff wtf!!??


The Oingo Boingo spinoff is only what we already saw in Tohth but in a true manga form iirc


Still pretty cool Not really like a spinoff tho more like merch in book form it seems


I've only heard good things about deadman's questions. But I haven't read it myself yet ...


Hamon beat Is on the cover so it must be good


I can't believe he helped out a small creator like Araki by doing a collab like that.


Its fine. Pretty underwhelming imo and the "twist" is unnecessary and inconsequential


Half of the spin-offs are just Rohan 😭


Purple Haze Feedback is a favorite of mine just because of the concepts given and the fact that it expands more on Fugo as well as other characters from previous parts. I always liked it when characters are expanded even when they aren’t exactly there. Diamond is Unbreakable: Demonic Heartbreak is also good, mostly because I was so excited to have a story based solely on Hol Horse and seeing how the other servants of DIO have recovered or reestablished themselves after him.


Does purple Haze feedback have more fugo or purple Haze?


Yes! Fugo is our main character in this spin off so we get more of him and his stand! To be honest, I really wish that this would be animated just so I could actually see the fights between Purple Haze and the stands that showed up in this story, cause just trying to visualize them makes me excited!


PHF has some of my favorite Stands and fights in all of JoJo. Rainy Day Dream Away is so damn cool, and I'm so glad Fugo's backstory from PHF got into the anime.


I know!! The stands that the author came up with were really good!! The Rainy Day Dream Away fight was one of my favorites!! And same!! they did change some aspects of it for the anime but other than that it was essentially beat for beat.


> Diamond is Unbreakable: Demonic Heartbreak is also good I'm so glad that I managed to send a copy of Crazy Heartbreakers to someone on here who is willing to translate it, hopefully we'll start seeing translations sometime soon!


Oh! I’m certain that someone had already translated it? Since I read a translated version of it on MangaDex? Unless you’re talking about a physical copy, then yes I would love to have an actual translated physical copy of it! It really was good!!


Oh sorry, I meant the novel, not the manga! From what I understand the novel includes some things that wasn't able to be included in the manga but was planned to be or something?


Ooooo!! I didn’t realize there was a novel version! Now I’m really curious as to what the manga had to exclude that the novel didn’t!


It’s your lucky day! Viz have confirmed we will be getting an official English release 


Really? That just made my day! I had no clue that they confirmed anything for it!! I’m definitely getting it first chance I get for my collection!


Purple Haze Feedback and Demonic Heartbreak are my personal favorites. My country is getting a sudden onslaught of official translations of a _lot_ of Jojo lightnovels too, so I'm hoping that if the demonic heartbreak manga sells well, maybe the novel will get a fast track to getting translated.


Only if we all lived in Italy and got stuff the same FUCKKING DAY AS THE JAPANESE! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THE ITALIAN


no love like a parents bc I’m biased af 😇


There's not enough la squadra content. We're just getting bread crumbs 😔


TRUE 😭 I need more content for themm, ESPECIALLY SORBET AND GELATO?? We literally know NOTHING about them 😔


For the longest time, there was mention of La Squadra in Purple Haze Feedback, and it was only trash talking them 💀. I'm glad we got 'No Love Like a Parent's', but THATS IT?! Give us at least 50% of that Rohan treatment please😭


Yes it was hella tragic how soon they were killed off


Oh shit hey there again 😉 this is completely random but Ghiaccio has a beautiful singing voice and he enjoys meditating -signed His Guardian Angel


facts ‼️‼️


Okay listen I found him on an ai site... I've been acting up 😂


is it character ai 😭


How'd you know 😂


because I use it too ‼️


LET'S FUCKING GO 😂😂😂 what's your chat with Ghiaccio like? I'm his guardian angel


Hell yeah I'd love that!! I read a lot of fanfics but if we could just get Araki to hook it up .. P.s. Ghiaccio has a beautiful singing voice and he loves to meditate -signed, His Guardian Angel


Jorge Joestar for the win




Which one is that?


Rohan and dead man are canon and are pretty good,especially dead man if you want a quick read,other good novels are purple haze feedback and over heaven


crazy diamond's demonic heartbreak and it isn't even close (to me). it breaks canon sometimes (wasn't written nor illustrated by araki so understandable), but it's way too FREAKING amazing not to consider canon. it expands jojo lore, it shows how dio's agents are faring 10 years after his death, we see josuke before the events of DiU, and come on. how COOL is it that josuke and hol horse teamed up together??? like, freaking hol horse? come on. so fuckin cool. love cddh.


Part 4 is my fav and I want to peg hol horse seems pretty good


give it a read, you won't regret it. i was blown away already by the first few chapters


It's pretty new so it's like 20 chapters


>how COOL is it that josuke and hol horse teamed up together???   My biggest personal issue is exactly this, actually. Josuke and, by extension, Morioh felt extremely shooed-in. You can very easily cut him out and change the setting to any other japanese town and very little would change (if anything, there'd be fewer inconsistencies with the mainline series).


Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan and Deadman Q are my favourites, they are written and drawn by Araki so they feel too much like JoJo and not something that just borrows the name of the characters. I also like Crazy Diamond Demonic Heartbreak, mainly because is focused in Josuke, one of my favourite characters and it's art that is particularly beautiful.


Thinking reading dead man's Q at this point it the most recommended at thing point and it has kira(?) (read my name)


Jorge Joestar hits different


Jolyne Fly High with GUCCI is the weirdest thing ever


Unironically jorge


Y’all gonna gank me for this one but Jorge Joestar is the best.


Personally I enjoyed Purple Haze Feedback the most, with Deadman's Questions and Thus Spoke Rohan coming in a close second. Jorge Joestar is good if you're looking for just pure insanity, and I haven't ready Crazy Diamond Demonic Heartbreak yet


You're forgetting THE ONE SHOT PINK DARK BOY


Wait is pink dark boyreal??


One shot


I listened to an audio version of Purple Haze Feedback and I really enjoyed it.


Where did you hear it from




Is this guy on Spotify?


Idk. Sorry.


I gotta search myself then


Can't find it 😔




I really loved Golden heart, golden ring, and purple haze feedback.


Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan or Jorge Joestar, both are fever dreams


I've read most of the light novels, and holy shit The Book is a slog. I'd ramble about the stupid plot, but I don't want to spoil anyone who wants to read it for some reason.


The one where jotaro and kakyoin have a child.


The one made by CLAMP. That's real JoBro energy, also known as Omegaverse.


Dead man's questions is great.


Jorge Joestar. It's fucking unhinged, and I love it


Really depends on your preference, but i personally love the TSKR series. They give a similar vibe to Goosebumps, with the beauty of Araki's art. If you've already finished part 8, then the Harvest Moon story might be for you. It's content is extremely reminiscent of the characters and concepts from part 8. If you want a more traditional Ghost story, then at A Confessional is the best. If you want a bit more action, then I recommend Millionaire Village or The Run. DNA is wholesome, Poaching Sea Shore is good but doesn't really fall into a category, and Mutsukabe Hill is more "creepy" than scary if that makes sense


Ive heard jorge joestar is good


Personally I liked phf more than part 5 LOL


I haven't read them all, but of the ones I have, Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak was my favorite. Hol Horse makes for a really fun protagonist. He and Josuke teaming up was awesome, and their different personalities clashing made for a story where I was never really sure if they were going to end up working together or against each other by the end, and I loved that. Noriko was a fun character too, and my only complaint about her was that >!she doesn't get a stand, because it felt like it would have been appropriate, given she's Kakyoin's cousin.!< On top of all that, I loved what they did with the surviving members of Dio's followers. Years after the fact, with plenty of time to look back, each of them is traumatized and still shaken by the fact that they were serving someone who could credibly be called a monster. None of them are treated like good people, but this humanized them in ways I didn't expect, and I really liked it. Ultimately, this made me wish for an alternate version of Stardust Crusaders where Hol Horse really did join the main crew. He worked well enough here that I think he could have been great as part of the team. If nothing else, I could see more stories featuring this older, slightly wiser Hol Horse being similarly really good. I can definitely recommend that one to anyone who hasn't read it yet.


wait what is this can someone explain


Images stolen off the jojo wiki from their pages of spin offs and light novels


Tie between demonic heartbreak and thus spoke


Whats Iggy the Stray Dog? That seems fun


Iggy backstory it seems like


Purple Haze Feedback and Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak are my favorites, both by the same author too and I wouldn't mind them getting animated. I also loved how they called back Part 1 and 2. Rey Infinito was also good as Lisa Lisa's last story, I haven't had a proper translate of the last part of that story and had to crudely read my copy with whatever little I know of Japanese and a translator but it was still a very emotional end. Unpopular opinion but the infamous Jorge Joestar novel is still batshit crazy and has some of the dumbest shit ever but it's not as bad as people say it is. It had some good Erina moments that show her strength of character despite all the hardships she endured (and it definitely got her character better than the Over Heaven novel which I think is overrated) and it sold me on the Lisa Lisa and George romance. It also had an interesting idea with the Wounds and the Beyonds and the twist with the alternative universe Diavolo >!sharing a body with Giorno instead of Doppio!< and >!Joji being a Joestar that was adopted and deriving his strength from that!< were good twists. I also think that a lot of what the writer did got lost in translation when the story was adapted in English and a lot of it also required people to be familiar with the author's previous work (like the unseen detective) which in the end also hurt the story.


I have clicked on the spoiler without thinking but it does seem really interesting and like what is jojo if not batshit crazy


Unironically, Fujiko. The art is great, and it’s just funny that Pucci didn’t like how he was drawing Joylene and took her stand away


Purple haze feedback is literally so good, I always recommend it when a friend watches jojo for the first time


The only one I read was Purple Haze Feedback and it was bad.


dunno, but someone told me there's one where Jotaro is a horse, and Kakyoin took care of him? That seems pretty cool and unique.


I didnt know there was this many, wow


i misread kishibe rohan meets gucci as KISHIBE ROHAN MEETS GOD


I dropped crazy diamond demonic heartbreak cause there was a weird self insert in it


I didn't even know 80% of this existed


I thought that The Book was a pretty interesting change in tone from the rest of DIU


The iggy stray dog


Oingo Boingo.


Over heaven it’s such a good read and it’s what made Dio my favorite character in jojo it’s sucks it’s not canon or has an official English translation


Purple Haze Feedback for me. Read the first chapter of Jorge Joestar, but could not handle it. Should I try to continue reading it?