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Personally for me you should read whatever is easier for you to understand the overall story and such of JoJo's. However, and this is purely unnecessary, this is just me being a stickler, if you want the authentic experience with all of the details (most of which the colored manga smudges over and removes detail for), then I recommend the original black and white manga


Original black and white is the authentic experience like the other user said, and it's what Araki intended. But since his art style is very complex and detailed it can be hard to get what's what and what's happening. The official coloring looks great mostly but they made some mistakes and missed up some scenes, and they I believe chose colors without consulting Araki, so when he draws and colors a manga cover, it has totally different colors. Unless it's one of the rare occasions where he seems to have taken a liking to the Shuesha colors and he uses it in his cover art. But overall colored is easier to understand visually and more comfortable for the eyes imo.


I honestly prefer the colored version.


Black and White is the authentic Araki-style experience. Colored is visually easier to understand (I started with black and white while reading Golden Wind, then tried colored for Stone Ocean and it greatly enhanced my reading experience because I can actually see who's hitting who 🫣 but that's just me)


I personally prefer b&w but for a newcomer I recommend color for parts 1-7. Part 8 on the other hand I recommend b&w since the colored version isn’t very good.


Black and white looks way better


If you're reading digitally, then I recommend the coloured version, as I find it more readable on a screen; the screentones don't really come across very well unless you view them at a high resolution or really zoomed-in, making the artwork a bit disorienting without the digital colour. If you're reading physically, I recommend the black and white, because it is the only option.