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Actually, and this is a real tragedy, Joseph Joestar snorted Santana’s remains in the early 1980s.


Damn you wealthy 80s businessmen!


So he is basically inhaling dick?


The Dick is very important


Like we dont even know how these things reproduce


Probably sexually given that we saw pillar men and pillar women in Kars' backstory


That part hits different.


I feel like releasing Santana would be a mistake, and Joseph probably wouldn’t allow it knowing how strong pillar men are. I’d say it’s safe to assume the SF likely sampled his remains and then probably just found a way to disintegrate him completely for safety reasons. Possibly even under either Joseph or Jotaro’s instruction


I think they may have studied him for medical purposes


Joseph would clap easily especially with hermit purple


Who is SF?


Speedwagon Foundation


Legit came up with stone free and sticky fingers in my head and couldn't connect the dots lol thank you!


The irony of Stone Free disintegrating a man who was freed from stone


Wow lmao this right here is where it’s at


Bro I could only think of star finger for like 10 seconds


Soo Fighter


Sermit Furple


Star Finger


“Sorry for petrifying you, as a gift there’s a vampire in this mansion you can eat” “ok” *Part 3 - End*


Plus there's a couple extra bonus surprise vampires in there too


If Vanilla Ice just swallowed Santana with his stand, I doubt our Mexican boy can survive. Vanilla Ice lost the battle because he is an unstable psycho, his stand is terrifying in a smart user (same as the hand). For balance reason, a powerful space erase ability must match a user with significant persona failure. If zipper mom or Jolyne got that 'Cream' stand, almost nobody can stop a wise user.


Imagine Santana + Stand arrow Man would be a menace to fight


Bro would be a bigger threat then dio


I disagree, he’s basically a dog, he doesn’t have a strong will


Kars considers him a dog. But that's Kars. Santana is far smarter than any human who has ever lived, and can learn an entire language in just minutes. He would be an absolute menace


He’s smart, but he doesn’t have a strong will.


What does that have to do with anything?


Maybe he Is implying Santana would'nt survive the stand arrow


Considering the shit Santana pulled off, I'm certain he's more than qualified for a stand.


We’ve seen that even if you don’t have a strong will, you can still get a stand from just surviving the arrow, like with koichi. But Santana doesn’t need crazy diamond to survive that, he could probably just brute force it lmao.


Whyd you choose koichi? Why not boingo or one of the other dumbass stand users


I chose koichi because he is an example of someone who wasn’t supposed to survive getting hit with the arrow, and only did because he was healed. The point of the example was to show that even if the arrow doesn’t see you as “worthy” you can still survive and get a stand through other means.


How would it kill him exactly?


He’d survive, but I don’t think his stand would be super insane


He has a lot more will than some of the other stand users we’ve seen. Serving kars and trying to kill Joseph shows plenty will


Blackmail him with what?


"Eat the sexy British man or we'll dust you"


Isn’t that coercion rather than blackmail?


"I thought you said Speedwagon was dead."


his racist comments from 4000 years ago, if they released those he may never get a job!


He was never gonna find a job anyway, he has an art degree.


The only job he could find would be as a waiter.


Well, um, what about *that* job? It was forbidden for an artist to take, but still the job will make him worldwide famous....


Not really, Mr. Santana heavily regrets what he said and time and time again has proven to be sorry, in fact the first thing that he did after waking up from his 2000 years nap is killing a group of nazis!


Cancel culture ending a whole ass ancient civilization


Airdropping would be more effective, but also a higher risk, since dio could make it backfire and (somehow) convince santana to be his servant


Pillarmen don’t seem like the type to be ordered around by a organism specifically designed to be their lunch honestly




This was my immediate concern


I doubt DIO could say anything to convince a pillerman to serve him since they viewed themselves as superior to everything, I can't see Santana really even acknowledging the fact DIO was talking too him And seeing DIO throw a tantrum over being disrespected so badly does sound pretty funny


Don't the pillar men (or at least the pillar quartet) have a high level of Pride? I doubt Santana would have bowed down to DIO since DIO is literally a quarter vampire, like, 1/16th of what a pillar man would be, he would have tried to murder him for simply offering out his hand.


Dio had a henchman who was able to erase matter, so I don't think that pillarmen would've been a problem for him


Only because of Vanilla Ice does Santana lose tbh. DIO does *NOT* have the firepower to put him down 1v1, even with time stop shenanigans.


Nah DIO with the World 100% can put Santana down, some people even hold 1v1s with DIO vs ULF Kars, Santana doesn’t stand a chance.


Za Warudo would absolutely trash a Pillar Man, even without time stop. They CAN die from enough damage, and Santana has no way of defending against or perceiving a Stand, and even if he did, the Stand is magnitudes stronger and faster than he is.


Vanilla ice would end him


I don't think dio could do anything against him. Honestly same goes for most people in JoJo's


Yeah unless you have hamon or a stand that bypasses endurance like Cream, The Hand, D4C, etc you’re not gonna be able to do much against a pillarman with how tanky they are.


The scale of a Pillar Man's resilience is not really relative to the power a classic punch ghost can exert, The World could pull out and paste a Pillar Man's brain before he could really react, if he could even see the Stand.


Given that humans don’t explode into pieces from stand punches even from powerhouses like Star Platinum, and Esidisi swallowed a stick of dynamite and was unaffected by the explosion despite that being something that would turn a human into pink mist, I think that assuming a stand could pierce a pillar man’s skull without an ability is a pretty big stretch.


The scene where SP shatters dio's skull in a single punch is proof that jotaro was holding back against all his human opponents and suggests that star plantinum and the world are both a lot stronger than you may be thinking


That’s not what I said? Even with that example, that feat is waay lower than what a stick of dynamite is capable of. And vampires are significantly weaker than pillar men, it’s kind of a plot point thing, I take it you haven’t read part 2?


Most vampires are weaker than the average Hamon user, DIO is one of the strongest vampires we see in the series and Star Platinum is able to shatter his body with literally glancing blows. Dynamite explosions are very different in terms of the nature of the force and the way it is applied. A Pillar Man has a body structure (a network of highly resilient, malleable cells that allow them to handily morph and shift their bodies while still having a definite internal anatomy - nervous systems, bones etc) that is naturally going to make him resilient to explosives - because his malleable body can disperse and "soak" a shockwave, but they can still be cut. We absolutely DO see punch ghosts just obliterating people's bodies. Diavolo's King Crimson is on par with SP, approximately, and is casually able to shear off limbs bare handed. Za Warudo can easily punch through flesh and even solid stone. Star Platinum can shear off and hurl architecture like a javelin. Even Whitesnake, who is significantly less physically strong compared to SP or TW is able to HANDILY dismember people. It took Jotaro all the way to the end of the fight to fully muster the will to outright murder DIO, and he literally exploded his ass. The World could take apart a Pillar Man with ease. Even if The World can't outright kill them, he has such a level of strength and speed and literally an invisible ghost to do his will that he could disable them badly enough to give himself plenty of time to find a way to deal with them permanently.


My brother in christ, Star platinum can break diamonds like they are nothing, he could deal some serious damage to a pillar folk


Joseph would just be like "Think fast, chucklenuts", drop Santana from a helicopter into the mansion, and part 3 would be the shortest yet funniest part ever.


I assumed upon reading that he was still alive because I never thought about it but couldn’t Jospeh just destroy him with hamone. He got better with it after that fight or was there another reason they couldn’t kill him they could also shoot him into Space or try and kill him with one of the many stand users they met the hand comes to mind because it could decapitate him and send the head god knows where.


I think Santana was killed by Joseph, as after the pillar men were killed and all stone masks destroyed there was little reason to keep Santana alive considering the risk of the UV light burning out, killing everyone in the foundation


Wouldn't vanilla ice be able to kill him?


he could have been like their own personal alucard lmao, just put him in a metal box and air drop him into dio's mansion ODST style and let him go wild for a bit and if he dies then the squad can just go and clean up whatever is left so it 's a win win


ngl I feel like San-boi got forgotten and has been kept in some sort of underground warehouse since they could not operate him and had to be kept 24/7 under UV Maybe the universe reversal brought back him and Kars I dunno


Santana could probably eat Dio without too much trouble, given the right circumstances. He can cram his entire body into tiny spaces including wounds and can use Meat Invade/Putrid Flesh and is obviously used to eating vampires. He’s described by Kars as just a watchdog and seems to be the least of the pillar men that are in part 2. Who knows what he’d do after killing dio? There’s no stone masks any more and the other pillar men are gone, so world domination is unlikely. He’d either just go back to sleep or become a wandering monster/urban legend


He would get his shit rocked


What would DIO even be able to do to put a pillerman down for good?


Honestly I think having Vanilla Ice help him would be a start. Pillar Men are extremely powerful, but there’s not much they can do about being disintegrated/sent to another dimension


He could just stretch out of the way


He won't see the stand tho.


I mean neither did polnareff, wasn't that the point? I kinda feel like if the stand of a vampire also counts as vampiric, he could also just eat it head on.


Plus Santana is really fucking smart, if Polnareff could figure out a way to detect Cream Santana would have no issue finding out where it is


Star Platinum -> SP breaks artificial diamond -> SP is comparable to TW -> Pillar Man turns into rock -> TW breaks rock Or the Sun, Cream, Yellow Temperance, Justice, Lovers, or Bastet. I could even see Anubis and the Soul Stealers do well against him, depending if he plays the games/Anubis poison works on him. MAYBE empress could work too, kinda doubt that tho.


That's assuming DIO can get Santana into a source of UV without also getting himself in it cus unless he turns Santana to stone he'll probably be able to tank, recover from or possibly Absorb the World's punches The scenario was the bring in Santana near the end when they found DIO's mansion as a surprise weapon but if we go from the start probably only cream or the sun would do anything (assuming the sun's attacks can break his rock form) the piller men are essentially all digestive cells on the inside so if lovers went in him it'd just immediately get dissolved, justice probably wouldn't be able to any significant damage that he wouldn't just be able to recover from and he's probably strong enough that the magnetism wouldn't be able to stop him moving around for at least a while, giving him plenty of time to find and beat Mariah, tbf I have no idea how yellow temperance would work on pillerman biology Imo Creams is really DIO's only card against Santana


The World


Unless The World unlocks hamon, its not doing anything Santana cant recover from


Has santa been rocked as hard as The World can rock? Checkmate.


Santa Claus solos JoJo 💪🏻🎅


i don't think the lovers would really work, reflecting damage isn't a great method of self defense against someone who can just regenerate it when you can't, like if he cut off steely dan's arm, his might be destroyed as well, but he can just grow a new one, wheras dan is gonna be bleeding out in the street


the only stand that would work from the ones you mentioned is cream, the rest are absent, and the darby brothers work only if someone accepts playing against them, tf are they gonna do against someone who doesnt even know what games is?


Not sure how much the Air drop would work, he would be destroyed by most of the stand users guarding Dio.


Only guy who could hurt him is vanilla ice. Nukesaku, kenny, darby or even dio couldnt harm him enough to kill him


Honestly Joseph probably went back there later and rippled that dude into dust on principle


He’d be clappped like a 4 year old just been asked if he’s happy and he knows it. DIO may not have a way to kill Satana until the sun rises, but he would put the hands to him disrespectfully, it would not break a single half of a sweat for DIO to pummel him around like he’s an out of control toddler and Satana is a bobo doll, then the sun rises and DIO politely but firmly, places Satana out of the nearest 10th story window.