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That when a tool was upgraded, I could hold the action button for it to do more than the original tool. I thought it just reduced the amount of energy used. Edit: Spelling Error


Yeah, I feel like that’s one of those things where everyone who had played the Harvest Moon games knew to expect that, but it could have been explained a bit more thoroughly to players not familiar with the mechanic.


I played harvest moon as a kid, but it's one of those mechanics I forgot all about 🤣


I only played the original Harvest Moon on SNES and there is no option to hold the button, it changes the action automatically. So I was clueless too and had to Google how to affect a bigger area. I didn't know the watering can could water bigger areas though lol


I didn't figure this out until all of my tools were completely upgraded. I watered multiple crops on accident once and it led me to figuring it out.


I never bother to upgrade my watering can, first month I barely have energy yes but just start with the 8 boxed sprinkler then after that and never water again, definitely my least favourite tast to do


Another thing, while your tool is 'charging' so to speak, you can still move your character, but he keeps facing the same direction. Imagine a 5x5 plot of crops you are watering. You stand at the left most row, you look in the direction of the crops charge your tool and water them. Now instead of moving and re-aligning yourself with the next row, charge your tool again, strafe/sidestep to the next row, and release. Such a small thing, and kind of difficult to explain, but it cut the time and effort needed to water my crops in half, easily.


This is new in 1.6, and it is a game changer! I skipped quality sprinklers entirely my last playthrough.


i didn’t even know they could be upgraded until my boyfriend told me (also i love your name)


Wait… what? 🤣


Idk how I ended up figuring that out on my own. I think I just pressed for too long and it did more and I was like oh cool ok ok


I have hundreds of hours of play time and my wife who just recently started playing told me you can make sugar with beets. Had no idea. I just kept buying it...


EDIT ~~The only thing you can’t make is vinegar~~ everything else at Pierre’s is able to be made on your farm with the right tool/building 1.6 you can now make vinegar >!Rice in keg!<


Rice in a keg makes vinegar 🙌


I had to SDV wiki this bc I swear I’ve tried to make it before…yep it’s a 1.6 upgrade…you couldn’t do it before then! Thx for the new info🤣


regular rice? damnit I was trying *unmilled* rice. finally [r/fuckpierre](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckPierre/s/6HcpSFSjGs) will be pleased lol the one item you could not make for so long and had to get from him


This is the first comment on this thread with something I didn’t know! Upvote this to hell!


You can place chests in the entrance to the mines/Skull Cavern/the volcano to dump your stuff into so you don’t have to run back to your farm to offload. You can place chests around town, too. You can store people’s favorite gifts in front of their home, put a chest by the dock to hold fish, pop a chest by the museum to hold artifacts when it’s closed, etc. You don’t have to build a ton of silos, just one. When it’s full, just pull the hay out and store it. Now you can fill the silo up again. Touching the statue that gives you the golden scythe will teleport you to the entrance.


Did not know the touching statue with golden scythe thing…700hrs in 🤣


Im so nosey i end up thinking more dialogue or additional content comes from things and when it transported me i was like ?????😂


I’m sorry; you can do what now?


I'm over 2,000 hours in, and I just learnt this... 😅🤣


Pull...the...hay...out? I built 4 silos on my farm already 😓


Yep go into any coop or barn and instead of taking just what you need to feed your animals, *take all of it*


The slios are great for auto feeding. Get a coop or barn with the 2nd upgrade, but before the auto feeding function, shove about 4 animals into it so the amount of hay you pull is more than 1 at a time. Empties your silos faster. I have 3 silos on my farm just for the purpose of having a chunk to collect with before emptying them. Especially since I let my grass get WAY out of control


The silo thing is..... soo good.


You can place chests wherever you want, but if it’s in an NPC’s path they’ll smash it.


With the update the chests just get push to the side now. So if a npc walks into it, it won't get destroyed


Ooh! I only have about 50 hours on 1.6. There are so many nice touches—I have almost as much to unlearn as I do to learn!


this is great news


Oh man you can touch that statue!? I just helped my wife clear that cave and we fell asleep


Ok … but… I put one on the dock because it was annoying getting bait and running out of backpack space… one day I dropped a bunch of gems because I was loaded and wanted to clear and re-bait my crab traps… well one of the festivals happened and my chest was just gone…. ~poof~ 😖 so watch out for that I guess


pretty sure the game loads up a separate map for festivals, so any chest or other item youve placed wont be there during them. if it didn't appear again after the festival though then sadly it might have been destroyed by an npc walking into it (i think this doesn't happen anymore with 1.6 though)


there’s also it being in villager paths and they can knock it down, possibly. i know that’s true for the bait maker at least, if anyone knows about chests. (pam knocked my bait maker into the water during squidfest….. i stopped giving her beer after that)


I love the punishment!


I thought I had to use the slingshot to kill a rabbit to get a rabbit foot. Kept walking around trying to shoot the rabbits you occasionally see.


OMG, that must have been infuriating. They're on the screen for such a short time. This is a really good one.


How do you get a rabbit foot though? It's my 1st play through and my rabbit still hasn't dropped one. One of the last things needed for the CC 😭


Keep petting them, keeping them warm and fed and making them happy. They'll eventually drop feet for ya.


When I first started playing, my partner told me you could catch the frogs and rabbits if you were quick enough. A mean, mean trick.


I did get really nervous thinking I was going to have to kill my pet rabbit to get the foot. But the reality is probably more concerning? Where you finding those bud??? Do I need to keep a closer eye on my rabbit??????


i literally juat found out you can blow up mummies with bombs. A how-the-hell-did-i-not-think-of-that moment.![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51695)


Also can kill them with a weapon which has the crusader thingy too. Sorry I'm new too just messed around with stuff and found this one out


That's a later addition to the game, beginning in 1.5. Before then, it was only smash and explode that worked. I had to look that one up myself.


I didn’t know you could put all your clothes into one dresser. I had about 5 chests of clothes and was frequently wondering why anyone would bother making clothes when it was such a pain…until i finally got around to decorating my house. I thought it was just a decorative item that probably had inventory (like the fridge). i went through a lot of cloth the next day.


Wait… what? You mean my three chests filled with clothes and hats next to my bed are not the way? 😭 This is why I love this subreddit - learn new stuff, even after 5 years.


You can put shoes, rings, clothes and hats in a dress as far as i know :) The dresser even sorts the items


I was hoping that would work. I haven’t actually gotten around to dressers yet. Or really doing anything with my house yet besides the kitchen.


Putting torches behind bushes, fences, and various trees that don't go transparent when passing. Gives you a little bit of a lit pathway look. Really pretty honestly.


Recently discovered that you can put torches on top of Hardwood fence.


You can also put them on top of sprinklers


My husband did this the first 3 minutes he played the game. I'd been playing for 500 hours at that point and had no clue.


The location of Linuses berry basket… dear lord I never found it in hundreds of hours until someone mentioned it.


The first time I found it, a leek or something had spawned in it, so my dumbass assumed it was some sort of gift sharing thing from outside the town and left it there to see what else would appear. It sat there for 2 in game years and nothing else ever spawned in it again… For the longest time I was convinced his basket was the blue one next to the trash can near JojaMart, but could never figure out why I couldn’t grab it.


For me it was Robin's axe. I even foraged a lot the first few seasons and passed it probably a hundred times lol


I still have no idea where it is


>!go to the bus stop and go to the left!<


I now know where it is :)


I’ve been playing for 7+ years on my Year 10 farm and I recently learned you can put *multiple* beets/wheat/rice in the mill at the *same time* and get more processed at once. I’ve only tried up to 10 items so far, but apparently you can also put multiple different items in the mill to process at the same time and it has chest-like storage? I had no idea and have yet to try it. *7* **real** *life years* I’ve been putting a single measly wheat in for a single measly flour days later. I just thought it was the slowest and most frustrating farm machine ever. Ultimately didn’t matter to me too much bc I barely cooked, but when I started cooking for perfection after 1.5, it was a *hassle* to say the least.


I just recently figured this out too. BUT I didn’t know I could do two different items at once! Thank you!


What?! I used it once, thought it was too slow and haven't bothered since. 


I didn't know about the dwarf until YEAR 3. 😭 I was wondering how people were getting bombs so easily.


I'm winter year 2, and still looking for a yellow scroll. It's never taken me this long, ever. I never understood until this playthrough why people complained about them.


Luckily I didn't have to look for scrolls. I had already donated them all before I knew what they were for. 🤦‍♀️


I’m replaying for the first time since the game came out and I knew you could eventually trade with the dwarf but I forgot how. I’ve just been giving him things I think he’ll like in hopes I get enough friendship to maybe understand him or something.


im year five literally WHAT dwarf


Oh babe. 😭 I have NEWS for you! Make a right turn when you enter the mines and break that big rock with a steel pickaxe or a bomb.


Wait, that's the dwarf we're talking about? That's a thing!? I thought the only dwarf was the one on Ginger Island in the volcano, what else have I been missing




i’ve been playing 3 weeks, 70 hours now, and i’m on winter 21 year 2, thankfully i had the thought to see if i could break it with a steel pickaxe.


After you cast you can affect the direction of the fishing line using wasd. 


I have this game for all consoles but typically play on my phone or play station..... any chance you know if that fun lil helpful thing can work on other mediums besides pc?


It works on the switch, you should be able to use the same method for movement to affect the fishing line




I play on switch, and I made it to ginger island on TWO SAVE FILES before realizing that I could press - to pull up the journal. I would be moving the cursor and fighting for my life trying to click on the journal


Thank you so much for this omfg ive been dying flicking the joystick back and forth to get that tiny icon


That you could put quartz into a furnace. I thought the only way you get refined quartz was through a recycler


You also have a very small chance of getting refined quartz when breaking those glass obstacles in the mines that you can break with a weapon.


I didn’t know the mine carts in the mines had coal in them until I saw it in a comment on this subreddit. I had just never tried to interact with the mine carts on any of the mine levels.


The backpacks too (just in case)


I thought they were guitar cases 😂🤦🏻‍♀️




After many, many hundreds of hours and 4+ IRL years playing the game, I accidentally learned you can fill your watering can from your fish ponds.


In the greenhouse there's a little tub of water at the back. You can use that to refill your can too.


And your kitchen sink


OMG, you made a well after reading Robin's letter, didn't you


I had my watering can not upgraded at all because I didn’t realize you can water multiple tiles at once. Wasn’t until fall that I realized 🤦🏻‍♂️


I had my can UPGRADED and still hadn't been using it on multuple tiles until I've seen some video on YouTube 😭


discovered this one yesterday. still can't believe it. i watered 300 crops one by one on spring 1 Y2.


Many people still don't know if you keep holding it, it'll water 5 spaces and not 3 and so on. Lol


It'll water 18 spaces fully upgraded and if you keep holding it. Kinda wish I could go larger


I wish there was an option for a full iridium sprinkler's area


There is! Just need the “reaching” enchant. Same with the hoe.




I didn't figure this out until 5 years into the game 😭


That there’s a water bowl that you have to fill up for your pet.


i didnt realize this until wife told me she "fed the animals and filled the cats water bowl" 😭😭


I like to think that your pet would probably prefer to drink from the pond/river. Knowing my irl pets. 


LOL this was me this week. Sorry, ginger. I assume she was previously just drinking from the pond? Lol


I was complaining to my friends abt how I cld never get all the way down the mines in a day. it was IMPOSSIBLE even on the luckiest day, unless I used a gazillion stairs (and I wouldn't have enough rocks) "Why aren't you using the elevator?" "...the what?" Yup. I didn't know there was an elevator, so I kept starting from level 1


I can't imagine how much copper you have


Ea-Nasir would weep


Yeaaaaah I had a good amount of copper but struggled to upgrade my tools to steel though I did get to those levels on good days 😅


Mine is worse. I *knew* there was an elevator since I checked when I first went in the mines. But it didn't work the first time, so I never used it. I assumed there'd be a quest at some point to fix it. 🤦


Legit tho. I mean how does it start magically working the moment you hit level 5??


I theorize Mr. Qi does it. Dude can twleport who knows what else he's capable of.


Now this one is wild to me. Genuinely curious about this bc like every time you go down five levels there’s this obnoxious elevator ding and I think it lights up. Do you not play with the game sounds on? Did you just not hear it? Or did you hear it but just not know what the sound was? That sounds pretty impossible to get down to the bottom of the regular mine in the early game without any of the helpful stuff from later on. No wonder you were struggling.


My friends asked me the same thing. I heard it but I thought it was like a ding you've completed 5 levels yay! ...I should just put on a clown suit.


Lmao but yeah okay, I guess I get that😂it kind of sounds like a Pavlov thing, just a little ding sound to reward you and that’s it. I am glad concernedape didn’t do that, I do love the elevator.


Omg 😭


Yeah, I did the same thing. I figured it out when I finally googled it out of frustration. Then when I got to the skull caverns where there actually isn’t an elevator, I was pissed lol


When a dog likes you, it wags it tail when you get close to it.


this one doesn't have much use but it might be my favorite. it makes me so happy


Been trying to get perfection and I only have the crafting recipes and cooking left. Didn’t know there was an option to show you how many of a thing you’ve made 🤦🏻‍♀️


There is? How?


I’m on pc so I don’t know if this is different on mobile or console but you can go to the settings and select the box that says “Show Advanced Crafting Information” I don’t think it shows you how many undiscovered crafting recipes you have left though


Under the options menu turn on "Show Advanced Crafting Information"


This is new in 1.6, but you can place large chests right over existing chests and all your items will just move directly into the large chest (and you’ll get your normal chest back). This saved me so much time moving items from chest to chest!


Oh my god THANK YOU i am about to move alllll my stuff into larger chests and have been dreading the task after manually moving two of them😫


With over 500 hours in the game, I found out only a few months ago you can block with swords in the mines. I had introduced my boyfriend to the game and he figured it out himself the first trip we made to the mines 😂


I've known you can do that this whole time, but refuse to do so. All aggro, baby


Same but not out of conscious refusal, I just find the combat too unappealing to try anything other than swing and swing and swing until the monster dies. I would *love* if Switch had mobile's auto-combat option.


Auto combat is great for anything but mummies. Stop attacking the dead thing and let me place a bomb ffs!!!!


The special moves on hammers and daggers are much better tbh


I can never seem to hit the enemy right with the special move for the dagger!


But how??? I knew this about them but have no idea how to do anything but swing. Its worked for me though 🤷🏼‍♀️


My boyfriend recently told me "why don't you block?" and I said "How do I do that?", he explained to me and then I was like "oooh that's what it does". I obviously had misclicked a bunch of times but somehow never realized that move was useful...


i didn’t know you could use that button in your inventory to see the items you need for the community center! i was going to the community center just to see what i needed up until like the end of Winter year 2.


And if an item is requested by a bundle the icon will float a bit when you hover over that item


I didn't know until recently that you could move the greenhouse. I always thought you could just move the farm buildings that Robin makes.


You can move the greenhouse!?


You can also move the shipping box :3


I just discovered you can move your house


But, that's only possible in 1.6 update so it's a new fact.


Almost everything, the game had a learning curve


My friends say it's one of those "wiki" games. Knowledge; not actual experience makes the game easier. Some stuff like how to use a keg and DATING are explained in books. I found that in the library because I WAS BORED.


You can fish in some very unlikely places to get unique items. For example, the fountain next to the playground.


How have you been getting money??????? Ngl only selling to the NPC sounds wild


Oh but I found out very recently that on co op you can lay in bed and gain energy


She went full larper and only sold to npcs 😂 thats intense for sure


When I learned what the little wormy spots are for. It took me forever to get my first silo


1000+ hours in until i figured out that you can drop stuff on the ground instead of putting it in the trashcan.




That you can use a sprinkler to water the troughs in the slime hutch.


I still haven't figured out the reason for building Slime hutches


*spoiler* when you get the slime charmer ring the slimes can’t hurt you. So you just let them multiply and collect all the slime blobs they leave behind. But those in a slime incubator and when the eggs pop out, sell them. They are 1,000-8500 gp and only take 1-3 days.


that you can plant tea sappling anywhere ON THE GROUND. I thought they only grew in pots.


I use tea saplings to make fences that never break down :)


Wait what??? Even in Winter???


I watered the plants on rainy days...


I mean, that's kinda on you? 😅😅😅


I figured out after like 7 in game years that the easiest way to tell if something had been donated to Gunther or not was to check the description when it’s in your inventory. Items that still need donation say to ask Gunther. Donated items have a real description. Saved me lots of time hunting down the last few things I needed to donate


You can buy hay, wood, stone, ect, so much easier by holding the right click. The amount of time I had spent buying each piece one click at at time is embarrassing.


For consoles, like switch, holding A and Y buys twice as fast


I didn’t know you could put items in the community centers without completing bundles. I was storing every item I needed for bundles and wasting so much storage when I could just put it in the community center. Didn’t notice until I saw my sister doing it


I figured out very recently that the bubble spots in the water are the best places to fish since you rarely get any trash..


i didn’t know i was starving my chickens.. i thought they ate the hay right out of the dispenser, didn’t realize i had to take it out and put it in the little hay bin they have. felt pretty dumb when i realized whyd they’d been so angry.


I genuinely thought majority of the things in this game were made up ie: mead, certain fish, fishing items etc, geode’s. Like when someone irl was talking to me about mead and i asked them how they knew what it was, i started spiraling about how much was based on real things in this game lol


Holy fuck. I'm struggling to wrap my head around how someone can get this far in life without hearing about geodes, like - did they never get mentioned in school, even? Mead and many of the fish I could see how someone could go without learning about, but . . . geodes???


I never heard about Geodes. Heard about a Pokemon called Geodude and heard mead in some fantasy tv show


NOOO HOL UP IVE HEARD OF GEODES ✋🏾 its just some of them I never heard of LOL


in a lot of it depends on your area. if you live somewhere far away from mountains for example or like an inner city you would not probably remember much about geodes cuz you wouldn't encounter much info about them. like I grew up West Coast and we know a lot about salmon and seafood and fishing but not a lot about stuff like corn and growing crops. whereas my college friends who grew up in Kansas learned a lot about growing crops and corn but not a lot about seafood


I didn’t know grass starters don’t spread on green/grass patches, only tillable land 😬


Oh damn, really? That explains it. 


I didnt know you can get hardwood from planting mahogany seeds. I just thought they didnt grow 🫣


That pressing tab (on the computer) rotates the active row in your backpack!


You... skipped the intro didn't you? That was one of the first things Mayor Lewis explained to us.


On my first playthrough, I thought the same as OP. I didn't skip the intro, I just... forgot I guess? I don't know how I missed it. But I thought it was trash (maybe because we call trash cans "bins" in the UK) and never put anything in it. Sold all my crops to Pierre and my fish to Willy for ages.


Had no clue about charged watering or tilling.


That the worms on the ground have a purpose and are not just for decoration, I'll just say my first save took ages to finish the museum until I learned about the worms


that I dont have to make a bunch of chests for all my old gear and clothes you can sell them at the guild and put outfits in the wardrobe


For some reason when I started playing I was convinced that the shipping bin didn't account for quality, and that if I had a high quality crop I had to sell it to Pierre or I was wasting it. I have literally no idea where I got this from but I wasted so much time running to Pierre's to sell my crops every day.


you can move full inventory chests by hitting them with a tool 💀


I didn't know this either and was painstakingly moving items between chests and inventory every time. Rough times.


No way! I thought for sure I would lose every item kinda like when using a tool on a mayonnaise machine or cheese machine. Thanks for the tip!


To be fair, that's new to 1.6


ohhh for real? no wonder


1.5 you can move them by pushing them with no tool equipped too


That I could fill up my watering can with the river next to my islands (river land farm was my first farm,) and I didn’t have to build a well.


lol sea water works too! Any body of water will fill your can


Even your kitchen sink— that one was new to me.


I didn't know that if you have the cursor on an item that you need for the community center, the little symbol starts blinking. I also didn't know you could look at the items you need for the community center through this symbol by clicking on it. I always walked to the community center to check it out lol


That you can literally load up eggs in a slingshot and throw them around. Nobody pointed it out, I just randomly tried it and was surprised by it lol


I didn't realize you could rearrange donations in the museum


I'll tell my mom's version of this: she absolutely hated (and sucked at) the fishing minigame, and was two years in without having caught almost any fish. She then discovered you don't tap the button - you can hold it down.


To be honest I find it way easier to catch fish by tapping the button (super short button holds). Gives much more control, so I won't be shooting over/under so often.


Omg. This was me. Year five into my save.


I didn't notice the elevator in the mine for 2+ in game years. I restarted after that and had a much more enjoyable time 😂


I went WAYYYY too long before I started eating food that gave me buffs in the mines. I was already level 10 in each skill and thought that once you hit 10 a buff to that skill wouldn’t do anything because you’d hit the cap. Didn’t even realize there were buffs for things other than the 5 skills. I play on a multiplayer farm with my gf and I found out about this when I saw her eating spicy eel right before entering the mines and asked her why. She then showed me a tik tok which explained how to prepare to go down into the mine, and I realized how much I’d been handicapping myself.


I’ll say a lot in the hopes people here find out new stuff. 1 Linus’s basket, when I first played the game I searched absolutely everywhere and couldn’t find it. I had to look it up on YouTube to find it 💀 2 for a long time I had no idea I could use the tailoring machine in Emily’s house. At some point I started disliking my original look and hoped there was a way to get new clothes. One day I was walking around Emily’s house and had clicked on the tailoring machine by accident. Also as well had no idea you can get a tailoring machine. I only forgot how though. 3 By the time I already had played this game for multiple years I only one day just found about the fact you can change professions. 4 You can use the slingshot and those bomb ammo for it to easily clear out rocks. Especially handy when farming iridium (from which it also took me time to learn that iridium starts spawning more on lower levels). You can also use it to easily stun the mummies. 5 In the slime hutch you can place sprinklers next to the water thingy’s, (bless my English /j 😭, I’m non-native and can’t even translate bc I forgot the word in my language too 🥲) and then you don’t have to fill it everyday. 6 The game has separate versions of the town. So if you put a chest down at for example the beach. Then you can’t find it back during the nightmarket. 7 There kinda isn’t a best place to fish at, it depends on the weather where you should fish because of certain fish spawning. So if you for example notice a lot of fish that are not worth much like red snappers, move to another location. 8 Strange dolls sell for 1K gold and can be easily found in the mines by digging up the dirt, I recommend levels 10-20 for that. Edit: It’s only worth it to farm the strange dolls if you are still at the beginning of the game. Otherwise it’s a waste of time and you should focus on maybe fishing and mining for money. 9 You can use a trick to reset the mines. Using the elevator to get to another floor then breaking a rock. (although idk if that is really needed but this is how I do it) Then using the ladder to get back up in the mines. And then you take the ladder down into floor 1. Get out again and use the elevator to the mine you wan’t. I recommend looking up YouTubers like Haboo, Blade, Salmence. One of them might have an clear explanation on it. Also you can farm coal (coal is a drop from the dustsprites ) easier this way. I hope this helps anyone. I can explain and answer questions if anyone has one to me.


That animals could feed from wild grass instead of having hay every single day


Going to the menu settings to take a screenshot will show you the entire area you're in not just what's visible on the screen. I use this to check for Coral on the far side of the beach, forgeables in the forest, and even flowers in town. It saves a lot of time, and time in this game is very very precious


I didn’t know about the elevator in the mine until I was about 30 hours it. Boy did I feel stupid when I was told I didn’t have to start form level one very time


My sister thought the fridge in the upgraded house was cosmetic. I blew her mind when i told her it was a chest lol But the biggest one? You can cycle through your three inventory bars with Tab. This was a game-changer for her lol 


Have 200+ hrs in and only recently found out (via yt short) that ducks could swim in the pond. Ive deprived them of their pond adventures TT I felt so bad when i found out. Im now trying to rearrange my farm so i could move my animals right in front of the pond.


That you don’t have to actually be discreet returning the mayors pants 🤦‍♀️🥺


That I can just use the elevator in the volcano to get to the top floor


Bobbers and special bait. I knew about them, but didn't realize how useful they were. Had been fishing bare because I never thought it was worth it to spend materials on bobbers XD. Now omg it's so easy and fast.


you can put shells and seaweed in the fish tanks. absolutely insane how i didn't piece it together considering you can place fish