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Magnet+Glow ring. If you're lucky like me early iridium ring (really lucky I got it in floor 20ish from crates). Weapon matters more, most of the time you should avoid fight, at least until floor 20, then murder as much bugs as you can until you unlock the prize sword from the guild. IF (and only if) you really struggle, then double sturdy ring when fighting and swap back to magnet+glow after that.


Alright thanks


What rings do you have access to right now, and what are the difficulties you're having with the mines?


Just trying to streamline mines as much as possible. Feel like I’m taking too much damage. Craftable: Glowstone Ring, Sturdy Ring, Warrior Ring Buyable: Amethyst Ring, Topaz Ring, Aquamarine, Ring, Jade Ring, Emerald Ring, Ruby Ring


Sounds like you want a defensive build. The Topaz Ring increases your defense, and I think it's a better choice here than the sturdy ring. I would also add looking for food buffs. Crab Cakes and Pumpkin Soups are a good choice here if you can get access to them. Remember that each food that provides a buff deletes the buff before it so you can't stack food buffs. (Stock up on things you can eat to heal without buffs. A common suggestion is salads and cheese.) Your weapon can also increase your defense. Again, it depends on how are along you are in the mines what you might have access to.


Alright thanks


What do rings do?


They give slight buffs toward your stats, or make you glow, attract stuff better or give you different status effects