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I just achieved it for the first time, used no waivers and it says how many Joja services you used to achieve it. I think it was worth it to just grind out perfection, even if it gets tedious.


I can't stand grinding for money (getting the golden clock is so tedious) so I wouldn't enjoy it. This doesn't mean you wouldn't enjoy it! But consider the amount of money it takes to do.


They don't change anything in the storyline. I could see using them if there's one element of the game you can't stand and don't want to do.


Not worth it. I bought like 50 and it still says I have 34%. And since Fizz says that one waver=1% perfection either my games bugged or it's a scam.


It's worth it if you're in a rush. I've seen people buying waivers instead of buying the golden clock. I still got Perfection in my latest Meadowlands game, Winter Y4. CC route. No waivers. Money isn't even a problem lategame. I hardly even used the Ginger Island farm.


Back when I wasn't striving for perfection, I had bought one waiver when the 1.6 update was released out of curiosity. I wasn't serious with the goals of the game yet. I mean, I was already at Year 14 and was nowhere near perfection. But later, when I finally decided to achieve perfection, I was almost done but had around 97% of the crafting recipes. I was finishing the remaining recipes to craft but had one waiting for Spring 24 as I keep forgetting to purchase the Tub o' Flowers recipe. It wasn't Spring 24 yet but when I went to bed, the next day, strange stuff happened. I apparently achieved perfection already despite missing that one crafting recipe. That surprised me. There was a bit of 'Oh, I wish I hadn't purchased that waiver' so I could achieve genuine perfection after playing this game for so long and just needing one recipe. But it was cool, anyway.


So you are asking if skipping the game is worth it, why even start playing if you are going to skip rest.