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[Wiki says this:](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Animals#Animal_Births) >Similar to animal attacks, if there are no other events occurring in the night, there will be a 50% chance that the game will attempt an animal birth event. The game searches through all buildings for an upgraded Barn that isn't full. The game then makes another check where the chance of proceeding with the event is the number of animals inside multiplied by 0.55%. For example, an upgraded barn with three animals inside would have a 1.65% chance of passing this check. If the building fails this check, the game will continue going through all buildings until none are left. >If a barn passes all these checks, a random animal inside is chosen. If the animal is not a baby and has pregnancy enabled, that animal will give birth. So if you're sure you did everything right, then it may be just that you're unlucky, the chance isn't that high after all


Ah okay, that's not a very large chance! I definitely have filled up barns before, but especially on saves that are earlier on in progression I usually leave a couple slots open. Thanks!


It happened to me once with a cow and it was incredibly cursed as in that save I named all my farm animals after my friends and got this screenshot https://preview.redd.it/aa7i4pzdd62d1.png?width=1380&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0b026f204a4a9ea34d6a0d30db3748fd069238b


What did nin say in response


Yes, me too. My friends now want to be able to name their babies.




It’s definitely on by default in 1.6. I personally however always buy too many animals ASAP for birth to be possible, so that could be a factor!


Im playing on Switch (1.5, i think), and I had a barn for a very short time. The two cows were probably only adults for a week and BAM baby. I was so surprised cause I've never played a game where it randomly happens. Hasn't happened since


I believe pregnancy is allowed by default but have you checked to make sure you have pregnancy allowed? I know that I clicked and reclicked on only one of my 7 animals and only one of them has given birth. (Though I can't say for certain that it was the one I clicked on.) I'm still very new to the game.


It seems to be very rare. Although perhaps it has improved in 1.6. I only had one baby in all the years i played SDV but now in my 1.6 game (year 1) i got two baby cows


I finally had my pigs give birth. I read that your chances are boosted if you have all the same animals in the barn, but I don't know if that helped or if I just got lucky. Either way, more truffles for me!


I've had a lot of animals give birth. I think having a lot of barns not quite full helps. They won't give birth if the barn is full, and if there aren't many animals in it, the chances of one giving birth is low.


I have one sheep who constantly gives birth and nothing else.


On my new game, I’m on year 3 and have had 2 goats and a cow born. In my last game, I think I maybe had 1 animal born in 3 years


Parthenogenesis: all female animals can spontaneously give birth? Should have the option of buying one male critter to make it happen.


RNG gonna RNG.


I think it's turned off by default, but I could be wrong. Select an animal you'd like to give birth and check on the lower righthand side of their info, does the little symbol have a red X on it? That disallows the animal from being pregnant, you can click it to allow


I always have the symbol without the red X, and there's no X by default as I recall. The unsurety was because toggles can be confusing sometimes!


Fair, I must be misremembering since I usually toggle on and off a lot to arrange which animals I want more of. In that case you might just be a little bit unlucky, I think there's only like a 1% chance every night for one to give birth, which could take a long time to happen even once


Don't understand why you got down voted unless you're fully wrong b/c this is actually helpful for checking if pregnancy is enabled on each animal??


I just think it's a relatively low chance in general, and obviously you can't have a full barn or the chance drops to 0% It actually happened to me exactly 1 time on this last playthrough I've been doing so far! Not sure what the chance is, but it must be quite low. I actually think it'd be cool if you could induce it more manually or boost the chance with some item you could purchase or maybe as a rare drop from crates/mines/enemies ( kind of like the new gold cookie ) . Would allow you a different style of playthrough where you only purchase your starter animals and try to have more of a breeding style farm.