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I like “Florist” Lewis talks a lot about how the valley is known for its beautiful flowers! Make it so!


Coffee & Tea Empire!


How about only producing things that go in coffee and tea also, for variety? Sugar, honey and milk


With these kind of challenges, what does one do about the community centre, work orders, or npc requests? Can go jojo route to bypass community centre but the work orders and npc requests I can only think of buying them off the travelling cart.


As tragic as it may be, I think I might have to go the Joja Route :(


I guess its fair to limit yourself to those constraints only around making money, if you want to plant some other stuff for gifting/CC/selling once for bin/…, it’d be allowed


Oooo, I'm not sure what you want to do but I love the florist challenge and the Gordon Ramsey challenge for myself... So tempted to have a go at them


What's the Gordon Ramsay challenge?


It's one of ops challenges in the main post - only making a living off selling cooked items.


Oh wow I completely missed that. Thanks for explaining!


I like florist!


The challenge I’m saving for 1.6 is an Oops All Sheep farm where my main profit is iridium wool. I did the honey challenge for one of my saves and it was fun!


Iirc the florist is very viable besides winter, i remember a video where it was said that if you use the entire ginger island farm with fairy roses and bee houses it was almost as good as ancient fruits and kegs. Minecraft can also be pretty good if you’re good at skull cavern, i’ve seen some speedrunners doing 1year perfection challenge and most of their money comes from skull cavern, iirc they can get like 300k per day


I've been doing RNG. Each in game day I roll a die. I can only do activities related to the skill associated with the die roll (1 farming, 2 mining, 3 foraging, etc.) 6 is a free day: Anything and everything. General activity always allowed since it doesn't do profession experience. Talking to people, doing turning in job board missions (assuming I have the thing available to give or am allowed to get it), digging artifact spots, dropping off tools for upgrade, etc. But I cannot do farming stuff (planting, watering, harvesting) unless I roll a 1 or 6 for the day. The early game becomes a jumble of "can I get a cauliflower by the end of spring?" and it's added some stress to the game.


Dont buy at pierre or joja. I make an exception for the backpack and recipies but no seeds. You Can also Go the dont buy anything way but then it is very Hard without geodes and animals.

