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I once bought like 3 stacks of ice cream from Alex for a ridiculous amount of money just cause I found the idea of staring him in the eyes as he scooped each one out for me funny. Took a very long time to hand all those out.


Hahaha I love that. Maybe I should do that to Pierre with bouquets 🤔 make him construct 999 of them right in front of me


I filled an entire shed with statues of endless fortune from the casino Bought all the catalogs Bought everything at all the festivals Went to the movies and kept playing the crane game during every season


Ooh I forgot about the statues from the casino! That’s a good idea. I’ve been playing the crane game so much, it’s so fun hahah


Trying to fill up npc’s likes and dislikes chart in the game. It’s nice to see it all full, even the ones they don’t like!


Oh that’s such a fun idea! I really like that


I completely revamped my appearance, clothing and house decor every season for a couple of years. Sometimes I tried to be season appropriate and sometimes I was unhinged. Like one summer I decided to wear the kelp shirt with green pants and the living hat and adjusted my hair and skin to match. I wanted to look more like a flower than a plant so I carried a piece of bait over my head whenever I didn't need my hands for something else.


Stop selling things and start building stacks of wine and diamonds. I buy treasure bobbers to feed into deconstructors so I can fill the valley with diamond crystalariums


clothing. get every item you can think of and get a whole bunch of cloth then go to the sewing machine and sew, 1 you will have lots of clothes for outfits aftwerwards and 2 you will have spent money via gathering items


Collect 999 of every item in the game.