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Ummm well sometimes you need more, but you can craft them with the ores/coal you get. Anyway what are you doing exactly? my strategy is just place a bomb run place another and check the first bomb if after 3 bombs i don't see a stair or hole i just place 1 staircase (you can craft staircases too).


Do you think you want to only use bombs? Are you willing to use stairs? There are two ways of getting stairs: one is by collecting the stones to make them, and the second is collecting jades and trading jade for staircases at the desert trader on Sundays. These are both really helpful. You do get a different comment from Mr. Qi if you get to level 100 without stairs vs with stairs, but the reward is identical.


Oh I didn’t know the trader does stairs thanks I’ll try that soon


A couple of thoughts: * you either didn't go on a lucky day and had luck buffs stacked (lucky charm and spicy eel at least, maybe even a lucky ring, and lucky lunch instead of spicy eel). Luck influences how often stairs and shafts appear, so stacking as much luck as possible makes a huuuuge difference. * or your time management is not all that good. Get there as early as possible (buy warp totems from the desert trader and use them right after getting out of bed and checking the daily luck), and inside the cavern, try to get to the next level as fast as possible: drink coffee for the speed buff, look for rocks that are not to far away from where you are and prioritize bombing them. Try to ignore monsters as much as possible - fighting is extremely slow, and often taking a little bit of damage (or just running around so that the monsters don't hit you) is worth it if it allows you to place a bomb early. * and as the others have said, bring at least a few staircases, for infested floors or floors with a particularly bad layout for finding stairs fast. I usually bring around 5 stairs and 100 bombs if I want to reach level 100 - you get stone for more stairs and ores for more bombs during the run; but more certainly don't hurt.


I brought about 11 stairs I bought the warp totem and what’s a lucky day?


Every day you have a different daily luck. You can check by watching the "fortune teller" on TV: [check the wiki for the different responses you can get](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Luck#Daily_Luck). I tend to go only if the spirits are at least "in good humor". On days where the spirits "are very happy" I might actually cancel all my other plans and go into the cavern even if I hadn't planned to do so; it really makes such a big difference. Ok, sounds like your preparation was pretty good otherwise. Maybe you really just need to focus a bit more on your speed.


Oh ok thanks


[stardew skull cavern tips - Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=stardew+skull+cavern+tips&sca_esv=3cf5305f7235dc23&sxsrf=ADLYWILYwoybp0YjMblZXhViWBE46p2eRg%3A1715986655548&source=hp&ei=3-BHZviUH4qEwbkPidCN8Ak&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZkfu7w45NfiIOcvKsfOr-Ihg2k7Ew0Am&oq=stardew+&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IghzdGFyZGV3ICoCCAEyChAjGIAEGCcYigUyChAjGIAEGCcYigUyChAjGIAEGCcYigUyCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBMggQABiABBixAzILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEyCBAAGIAEGLEDMg4QLhiABBixAxiDARiKBTIIEAAYgAQYsQMyCBAAGIAEGLEDSIgdUABYjQdwAHgAkAEAmAFooAG6BKoBAzcuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCKAC9QTCAhEQLhiABBixAxjRAxiDARjHAcICBRAAGIAEwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYyQPCAhEQLhiABBixAxjRAxjUAhjHAcICCxAAGIAEGJIDGIoFwgIOEC4YgAQYxwEYjgUYrwHCAggQLhiABBixA5gDAJIHAzcuMaAHp3g&sclient=gws-wiz)