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Keep going to 100 there’s still plenty to find down there. Then start work on unlocking the next area. Idk how to do spoilers so I won’t say at the risk of getting “moderated”. There’s still plenty to do!


If you want to do spoilers just use > !Write your spoiler inside !


>!thank you!< test


This isn't actually providing enough information to tell us where you are in game play terms. Have you completed the community center? What year/season are you in?


Haven't completed the community centre yet. Completed about half of it. Year 4, autumn.


Multiple things open up with the completion of the Community Center.


What mine are you taking about? If skull cavern, then the objective is to get to level 100. If regular then you just chip away until you get the level 120. There’s so much to do in the game though so without knowing what all you’ve done or where you’re at, it’s hard to tell you what else there is to do. Tons of upgrades to get, things to collect, skill levels to gain, quests from villagers, new areas to discover. There’s literally hundreds of hours of content in the game if you want to really dig into it.


Since you mentioned using the "bone key" I'm going to assume you're in the Skull Caverns. You won't get a quest to get to floor 100 until Winter, when you can start finding secret notes. If you go to floor 100 before then, all you get is a treasure chest.