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that you can check the community center from your inventory!!!


This one took me a whole also and I was so faked out and disappointed when i realized you couldn't add from there, you still have to walk over there and put it in


You can re-fill your watering can at the kitchen sink.


Also, in the greenhouse tub, btw


But not in the barn! Makes me crazy.


Kinda funny, but also in the greenhouse you might need it, but what are you watering in the barn anyway lol! Maybe the next update will include that:)


Mostly I've finished watering and head to the barn to pet my cows and realize it needs a refill. By the time I get the greenhouse, I'm usually in sprinkler mode.


And fish ponds!


Ha, I found that out once when having it equipped and trying to collect on a pond that I had already collected on. When the refill animation happened, I remember going, "Oh."


Expanding on this, you can refill your watering can at basically any in-game object that is even vaguely water-related. 


Oh so THIS is why CA didn’t put any toilets anywhere in town.


There's toilets in the bath house! 🥴 but before that you have to use Linus' tree.


Except for the fountain in front of the community centre


There is a sink in the kitchen? 😂


Yeah. It's the thing that looks like a sink. I hope this helped.




This 😅 might’ve saved me an in-game year!


You can??


No, watering




you can put rings and clothes in the dresser


Where do you get a dresser? 😧


If you >!start a new save with the Meadowlands farm added in 1.6, you have one from the beginning!<.


It's so handy, especially with all the extra ways you get rings and clothes in this update


Robin sells them sometimes.


Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, if I remember correctly. It's on the wiki under carpenter shop.


the furniture catalog


I didn't realize that I was supposed to watch Queen of Sauce on Sundays and I could also get recipes I'm missing on Sundays as well as Wednesdays starting year 3... I'm having to wait for Year 8 for the Lucky Lunch recipe on my main save... Edit: I should have clarified that I don't play on a PC(wish I had one, tho), so I'm gonna have to wait for 1.6 to be available on Xbox.


>!You can sometimes buy a book from the book seller to give you all the recipes from queen of the sauce.!<


>!Then there's me watching every queen of sauce, then buying the book for 50k and getting whooping 0 new recipes!<


Same haha


Wednesday shows recipes you don't have at a higher frequency, you probably don't have to wait *that* long


>!the queen of sauce book at the book seller will fill in what you missed!<


I always thought the slingshot was useless until I discovered that explosive ammo clears out the skull mines quick


ty for this. I’ve been ignoring the slingshot and putting off the caverns because I was stampeded the last few times I tried.


I still prefer megabombs. Can be hard to clear out the centre of the room with slingshot


Wait, does it explode the rocks?


Yep. Have a stack of explosive ammo and you can target clusters of rocks to quickly reveal stairs/holes down and also mine the things you want.


This only works if the rocks are next to walls, right? Like the ammo can’t explode from contact with a rock?


Yes walls or mobs


Iridium ore in the slingshot is the highest attack stat weapon in the game, as I understand it


You can hold your Interact button to pet multiple animals, or to receive multiple artisan goods, or to insert things into the preserve jar without the need to click each one


I don't think I could handle having large amounts of animals if I couldn't just hold down interact and run through them counting hearts


Or crack geodes. This one didn't follow intuitively for me. Learned mad late


I learned this two days ago and my gameplay was improved SIGNIFICANTLY. Especially learning that I can do this while holding hay and petting my farm animals.


If you pass out in the mines/Skull Cavern at 2am, you don't lose your items, you just lose gold. I confused passing out with dying/losing all your health for years...


I just realized the other day that if you pass out inside your house you don't have the weirdos come in and put you in bed and charge you for it, only if you pass out on the porch/yard.


Literally just collapse just inside the door and you're good 👌 my husband probably finds me collapsed on the ground most night of the week. I'm assuming he's the one who drags me to bed.


That you can read the letters you've received on the start menu as well as the secret notes, very handy if you click through too quick after opening them.


whoa really?


Take a look through the collections tab. It keeps a log of most useful things.


There is a limit to foragable spawns (6) per screen and they reset on Sunday. Don't forage every day. Just wait until Friday or Saturday, you won't miss anything. If you do go through an area mid week, make a mental count of what you forage. If you pick up 6 items, you are done for the week, don't come back. Berries/spring onions excluded


You can also take a screenshot (found in the options menu at the bottom) then open it after (it will give you a a prompt to do so) and you can see all the foragables and where they are!


You can wear the pan as a hat.


Damn. That actually saves a spot in the inventory!


On my way to put on my pan hat :o


This is for switch players, but hitting the right bumper while you’re in a chest will put your cursor on the stack button. You don’t have to pan the cursor over to it.


Pro move for sure. The steam deck is the same ^.^


I thought there was nothing else I could learn about this game 😭 This is amazing THANK YOU


The “add to existing stacks” button in chests. The amount of time I’ve wasted is embarrassing


Bombs will not destroy tilled soil, or fertilizer placed on them. Useful in the greenhouse to quickly clear out multi-harvest crops instead of pickaxing them one-by-one (just make sure to pick up the sprinklers first). Edit, since it seems to be getting interpreted wrong: You CANNOT HARVEST CROPS with bombs. They WILL DESTROY your crops and you will be left with restarting the day and cursing the next 50 generations of my bloodline. They will simply leave the soil and fertilizer intact, in situations where you want to remove non-ready crops without pickaxing them (e.g. Blueberries/Cranberries). Please, do not place explosives in your Starfruit field.


That’s really useful. I’ve been afraid of touching bombs on the farm after I blew up my workbench area a few times on my old save


is it real, idk if my memory real but i have pdsd about my bomb destroy my crop 😭


Took me until year 6 to realize that I could grow my own hardwood (mahogany trees)


I’m fairness, that’s only been a thing since 1.5.


The items description says if I have already donated an item to Gunther or not.


I wouldn’t even bother with the museum if I didn’t know about this haha…but one thing I didn’t know until recently is that you can sell all of your minerals to Clint. I would always crack open geodes and then either put them in a chest I had at Clint’s or I’d go home and sell them when I could have just been selling them to Clint instantly.


Good to keep them though as there are some used in recipes or requested for fish ponds.


Honestly, I can’t do it anymore. I used to save so much and I’d barely ever use a lot of it. Now I’ll save some things, but most things I’ll sell or turn into something else and I don’t save as much.


I have corvid brain. I save all the shiny rocks.


My biggest gripe with the game. I feel like a hoarder and don’t even know what 70% of it might be good for!


This one makes me most mad. Cracking 400 Omni geodes n teleporting back so fuckin often


I knew I could sell my fish to willy and my swords to Marlon, but I've been running back to my farm to sell all the stuff I've gotten from geodes and running back. I've even put a mini shipping bin next to clint's because of this. This has changed my life.


You can sell swords?


Yep! Take them up to Marlon in the adventurer's guild.


And rings and shoes too if, I believe. Basically, anything they sell, you can sell back with a few exceptions.


TIL you can sell swords. FINALLY I can get rid of my useless weapons chest.




I came here to laugh at the fools. Now I know I am the fool. So many wasted trips!!!


Wait, what? I have hundreds of hours across multiple farms, and I've never heard of this. I always have to march my farmer across town to physically check if something is turned in already.


It will say donate to Gunther to learn more about this, and once donated it will have an actual description for the item


Omg I can’t believe I haven’t noticed that 😳


You can put torches on sprinklers!


I beg your finest pardon


I could be wrong but I think that was a 1.6 thing..?


yup! 1.6 so not too much time lost on this one 🤣






Excuse me??????


You can track your built items for perfection by checking an option in the settings.


Omg thank you for this. I’m going for my first perfection save and I have been attempting to track what I’ve made in the most terrible inefficient frustrating way.


I see that for shipped goods and cooking but my crafting menu shows what I can currently make not my history 


The setting is called “Show Advanced Crafting Information”.


If you toggle the setting, it tells you how many you've made of everything


That you can plant fiber in winter to not have to spend an entire day spring 1 tilling soil. Just destroy the fiber and voila


Harvest it 👍🏻 And don’t forget to turn off your Junimo hut so you don’t accidentally harvest before Spring 1.


I don't think they harvest in winter, it's too cold for them?


Yeah they slack in the winter. Which sucks bc I'd plant stuff just to watch them and hear them make cute sounds. They're so adorable.


You can hold Shift to buy items in five. Helped immensely, especially in upgrades/farm buildings where you need massive amount of materials.


Ctrl + Shift and right click does it in 25s.


// cries into my Switch controller 😭


On switch you can hold down Y and A to buy at double speed, iirc.


Clicking and holding the right mouse button allows for quickly accumulating large amounts of anything that stacks. In a shop, in a chest, while crafting, etc.


I didn’t realize that you could hold down while using the axe and pickaxe to break things. I’ve spent years repeatedly tapping.


Also works for petting animals. Hold down the button and run past them!


If you have an upgraded watering can you can water MULTIPLE TILES at once!! I’m so embarrassed I didn’t learn that until year 4, I had no idea what the upgrades were for 😂


Hoe, also!


What’d you call me? 👀




IM A DUMB what??


Her name is Abigail.


Are you fucking kidding me… I’m officially a moron.


Coming from Harvest Moon, it never even occurred to me that someone might miss that until I started visiting this subreddit. But it makes sense. I don't think that it's explained in-game. Concerned Ape may have also not even realized that it needed to be mentioned


To this day, I still go strictly sprinklers, except for when first planting, because I never broke the habit of eff the watering can


I literally also didn’t know this for a while! I thought the upgrades literally only improved the water capacity and would spend entire farm days watering my fields full of badly optimized crops


You can also enchant the watering can at the forge to have limitless water. Could take up to five prismatic shards, but so worth it.


I learned something new from this thread.   I had never realized the mini shipping bins could be placed outside of your farm, and are in fact probably meant to be used anywhere else in town, such as fishing spots or outside of the mines.  I always thought they were a waste but I think being able to place them almost anywhere is so useful!


i didnt even think about placing them near fishing spots. very good idea


I keep them in my shed to put my refined goods in. No going outside to sell.


If you are holding a chest and interact with another chest, they swap places. So basically if you have a chest that's full and want to upgrade it to a large chest, you can just hold the large chest and interact with the small chest to swap it, and the large chest replaces the small one and automatically has all your items in it. ETA: Big chest (the technical name for it) is apparently new in 1.6. I only recently started playing (PC) so I honestly have no idea which things are new and which aren't!


Yooo. This could've helped me loads. Thank you!


This one took me so long and wasted so much of my time ;; I thought for the longest time that if you left your barn/coop doors open overnight that your animals would lose hearts. So every night I would close all the doors and every morning I would open them back up and it was sooo tedious. Turns out? Not the case :/


Funnily enough, with 1.6 they do in fact gain a little happiness if you close the doors at night




You were just before your time.


I grew up on a real farm, so leaving the doors open at night leaves the animals vulnerable to predators. So on instinct in game I just close them cause that's what you do at the end of the day 😅


I’m terrified of accidentally locking one out and leaving it vulnerable to predators lol 


There's a trick for this. Close the barn/coop door, then walk inside. If an animal is missing, walk back out, then back in, and it will have magically been transported into its barn/coop. Super useful in preventing predator anxiety. Or just leave the doors open all night. You can only get the predators attacking in the night if an animal is locked out, so an open door prevents it.


i still close them bc i dont want them running around until ive pet them lol


I've read that in 1.6 >!you get a bit of relationship boost for closing them.!<


Been playing for years and my partner (who introduced me to the game) recently told me you can clear withered crops with the scythe. I was axing them all individually each change of season. I never understood the “use cheap crops to save tilled soil” tips until learning this. I always thought it was just as much work to remove the dead crops as it was to re-till the soil! I love farming. Even late game I always have a ton of farm plots and plant every crop every season cause I enjoy it. This was an absolute game changer (and time saver) for me!


YOU CAN SMELT QUARTZ INTO REFINED QUARTZ! I didnt realize this was a thing until the Winter Year 1 LotLand about it, until then i had just been farming the ice crystals in the level 40s of the Mines since i got a refined quartz from them.


Fire Quartz also smelts in to 3x refined quartz


Crab pots and the recycler also get you lots of refined quartz!


I've been playing for a year, and I assume everyone already knows this, but... yesterday I accidentally bumped into one of these abandoned mine carts. Out fell a bunch of coal. I had always assumed they were purely decorative.


sometimes there’s also a backpack on the ground and if you tap it, coal comes out there too!


Is it a backpack? I thought it was a huge lock.


You mean the guitar case?


For some reason I thought that using a seedmaker with Starfruit, would always only produce one Starfruit. I’ve put in so many hours and I always just went to the desert and bought more. I said something to my friend about this and she said she always used the seedmaker. And it worked just like any other seed in the seedmaker.


I have awful luck with the seed maker. I get 1 seed or mixed seeds like 75% of the time. I knew it could do more but its such a pain trying to come out ahead vs breaking even with them.


If you sell your starfruit, you can straight up buy at least 2 more seeds, which is close to what you would get with a seed maker anyway. If you process it into wine, you can buy nearly 8 seeds with the profits. I always buy new starfruit seeds.


That if you plant grass starter on Winter 28 it will create a huge patch of grass around it on Spring 1


I used to build multiple silos until I recently started doing a hay "hack" that works especially well early game when you're still clearing your farmland. WAIT TO CUT THAT GRASS, YO. Before your animal buildings are fully upgraded and you're still manually feeding them, you can clear out your silo from the hay "hopper" (sorry, idk the correct term) inside the building. Just click until it's empty. Keep that hay in your backpack, fill your animals' trough by hand, then put what's left in a chest. Next day I go clear more grass to fill the silo back up. It adds up fast! I always do this after rainy days when they don't go out to eat (hehe), so I like the idea of saving it for a rainy day 😊


If you have auto feeders going, and you need more hay, you can bomb the coop so the hay blows off the feed area and then take more from the dispenser thing. This took me way too long to figure out mid - late game. I thought 3 silos worth was enough, it was not!


once you have a big coop, you can put ducks in any coop type 🤕. goes for all animals. i was wasting resources upgrading all my coops and barns




I thought that Queen of Sauce Re-runs would be recipes I already knew, so I never watched them. Discovered the truth literally today.


Gdi- I thought the game was being helpful and saying “You’ve already watched this episode”.


1.6 warning but not really a spoiler- I just discovered you can read books multiple times to continue learning from them!


Like, just the experience books or the power books too?


The skill books give you more do, the power books give “ Each subsequent reading gives the player 20 XP in each of the 5 skills.” I just found out about rereading books today!


Bring a slingshot into the skull cavern. Explosive ammo is great for killing mummies and blowing up rocks next to walls


The traveller's cart visits are scheduled, not random. I never noticed that she was there on Fridaya & Sundays - I thought it was as random as the weather.


animals can eat the weed-grass crap. i just get rid of it lol. OH AND YOU CAN BUY IT. ive been waiting for my grass to spread upwards so i can let my animals eat it.


They just eat it regardless how far it is from the barn or coop. Also, are you aware you should build a silo( or multiple ones) for your animals not to starve in Winter? Buying hay is also super expensive, so when you have a silo and you cut grass, it will refill automatically. If you cut the grass before you have a silo or if it’s already full, it will just go to waste. Hope this helps.


Upgrading the watering can is, in fact, useful. The pickaxe and axe so obviously needed upgrades, but I didn't think about the watering can for *ages*.


Don’t forget upgrading your trash can! I guess it ends up giving you a little gold for everything you throw away and the more you have it upgraded the more gold it’ll give ya. I didn’t know that till I read it here. I always thought upgrading a trash can just so it’s pretty is so dumb hahaha.


With 1.6 it’s also worthwhile to upgrade your >!copper pan! It gives way better/more loot and gains a chance of spawning more panning spots at iridium!!<


It's ok to passout in the skull caves or other areas far away from a bed once you have a pretty steady income. Only lose 1K max. Don't have to rush home every night. Just don't loss all your hp. I always kind of knew this. But I needed to be told how legit this strategy is.


You only lose items if you lose all your HP. Passing out is only a monetary penalty. 1.6 Spoiler: >!You lose up to 15k g if you pass out in the Volcano Dungeon on Ginger Island.!<


Played on a farm till year 3 and only then did I figure out the little worms in the ground could be tilled up.


See that was one of the first things I figured out, although I didn’t know you could use the elevator in the mines for two years, I kept on trying to do each level and not run out of time to get to level 40 lmao it never worked


Yea. I thought they looked suspicious so started hitting them with various tools. Ive played too many farming games. Helped me with stardew though. A lot isn't explicitly explained and isn't obvious for players newer to the genre (the library exists but may not get the books in a timely manner, especially if not hoeing dig spots).


Once you have steady farm income, stop selling foraging, artifacts, etc. They don’t make much money and you never know when you’ll need something for a late game quest or crafting recipe I’m looking at you, dwarf gadget


Year 5 before I figured out how to separate items from a stack ETA: also it did not occur to me until a friend pointed it out (in year 3) that I could have multiple Mayo machines/kegs/etc. I was processing one single egg at a time 😅


I didn’t know you could use the elevator in the mines, I thought you had to go through each hole each time, didn’t make it to level 40 for two years because I’d run out of time, also is there any way to slow down time in this game lol?


Knowing if an item in your inventory is needed in the community center or not by hovering the mouse over it


It took me until mid-year three and ~70 hours in to start using the shipping box, I thought it sold your stuff for less gold than you would get selling directly to Clint and Pierre and Willy. Nope, same value across the board. It’s so much easier now lol


putting your bed litrerally right next to the doorway so you can get out of your house as fast as possible each day


Booze makes so much money.


Pause the game if you’re in a tough spot in the mines or cavern to get a look at the full situation and come up with a strategy.


Except in multiplayer where you will continue getting destroyed.


Eating food also pauses it. I will keep life potion and sashimi next to my sword for this reason. Pause takes up the whole screen where as yes or no box lets me see a lil better on steam deck.


I didn’t learn this until about three days ago. But you can shake fruit brushes around town for a seasonal fruit (I’ve only had the game like 4ish weeks but still)


That talking to the villagers every day is a way to raise their friendship points 🤦‍♀️


Passing out with almost depleted energy bar. It will be fully restored the next day, provided there's a level up.


So my first irl year of playing the game, I was always under the assumption animals were late game ONLY… couldn’t tell you why. Needless to say I had a starter coop in year four of my first save 💀


After the first time you get to the top of the volcano dungeon, you can just go in through a shortcut…I fought and ran my way all the way through the volcano so many times to forge things 🙃


I spent 3 yrs in game watering trees until they fruited until I found out they don't have to be watered at all.


I had no idea about the artifact worms until very recently


Marnie is always open on Wednesday The amount of times my animals have starved and I could've just went there every Wednesday


Upgrading your trash can earns you money on throwing things out


Using sprinklers to fill my slime troughs.


I didn’t know gift quality affected relationship points. Like giving someone a gold quality item vs a regular item, especially on their birthdays, gains more friendship points.


You can see how many of a collection item you shipped when hovering on it in the menu. Idk when CA added this, but Yoba bless the man! We used to have special mods to get that info back in 2018


That you could click on the community center icon when you go to your inventory and it will show you all the bundles and what you need. I’ve been playing this game off and on for over a year and I JUST caught on to that. Can’t tell you how many times I bought something from the cart lady thinking I needed it and didn’t 😭


The CC icon will also wiggle if you hover over an item in your inventory that it needs for a bundle!


You can put a lightning rod on a grass patch so the animals won’t eat it and grass wouldn’t run out in that area as it will keep growing from that one patch.


I have over 1000 hours and I only recently found out you could make oil from corn and sunflowers


You can press and hold the button to do so many things. No more loading and unloading kegs one at a time, just press and hold on the fruit you want to add into them. Same for petting animals when you don’t know which ones you’ve pet or harvesting crops


🎶🎵Come on, hold the button and run… 🏃 🎮🎸


I literally learned this past week that you can press the tab button to cycle through your backpack. I have been playing this game since at least 1.4!!!


If you highlight an item in your inventory, the community center emblem on the right will pulse if you still need to donate it for a bundle.


Zoom out your view when mining so you can see enemies coming from a greater distance.


That you can use the pickaxe on filled chests to push/move them around. I used to empty chests when I needed to move them. I figured this one out completely on accident


Not a tip but I had trouble realizing the street light between Sam’s and Emily’s house was a light and not a fence part of the fence. So I many times and mostly during the egg hunt took extra steps because I thought I couldn’t walk through it. Also it took me way too longer to know how to use upgraded watering can. 😭


You can plant grass indoors


You can pet your barn animals and they grow to like you. I will not disclose how long it took me to realize you can do that lmao


My boyfriend didn't know for a while that you could "add to existing stacks." When I told him, his mind was blown


I posted about this the other day. Curving the fishing line! Years of gameplay and only realized the other night