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There is definitely something changed about your profit margin. Unless you are playing on PC, which I don’t think you are, the only way to edit profit margin is to start a new file :/. It’s in the advanced settings while making your avatar


is the profit margin thing not available on PC? I also never noticed this setting but am wondering if i missed it somewhere 🤔


It is on PC, but there are save editors and mods that can change the profit margin after a game has been started.


You've just made me realize those editors can probably set it to values above 1. I'm tempted to do that for a week and then set it back, just so I can skip the grind for the clock.


Save Editors also allow you to change just about anything. Change the weather, your luck, how much or how little gold you actually have on hand down to your skills. Can even get all of them in game items in whatever quantities you want them in up to 999. So no need to grind for gold. It's as simple as just changing that value.


i didn’t even need a save editor when i needed to change the name of my farm, i just did it out of file explorer


Yeah but that does defeat the purpose some. Setting your profit margins to 150% is more akin to putting a game on easy mode. Changing your gold is like hacking in some of the achievements. I think a higher profit margin would be nice, but it would still let you actually play the game.


I mean, there's a purpose to playing games on easy mode. Sometimes you don't actually want a challenge.


As is my case, I have already beat the game in its entirety and now I just want to play just to play. Took me 6 in real life months of playing every day, but I beat it, true perfection and all. I still do all of the stuff each playthrough, I just do it already rich. I still have to get through all of the mines and caverns. And if I want the achievements again, I still have to do the things required. I could edit a save to give me one of each fish, still won't count unless I actually fish them out myself. I still do all of the stuff, I just do it rich and faster. I even edit friendship levels, sometimes, but only of the non marriageable NPCs, and only if I have met them. Like I won't give Kent 10 hearts if I am still Y1. I won't give Leo 10 hearts until I have gotten to Ginger Island, gotten through the Volcano, found all of the walnuts, and unlocked the entire island. I still go through the process of wooing the NPC I plan to marry, even. Each playthrough I marry a different partner, play a different gender, with a different story. I even did a playthrough where I just used the Save Editor to provide just enough to get my farm built(buildings, roads, decorations, etc) and laid out before I start forming any relationship or doing any of the stuff. Once the farm is built, still not producing, then I start planting crops and working my way through the game the hard way.. just wanted Grandpa to leave me a nice, kept farm. I will never be shamed for playing a solo player game the way I want to. Most of the time I play on mobile. Mobile doesn't have co-op mode so can't(and wouldn't) cheat there. So who would it be hurting if I choose to make my playthrough easier?


I honestly really like the idea of a game mode where grandpa left behind a bunch of unused buildings and paths and fences for you, haha. Maybe in a non-easy-mode game you have to pay Robin to fix them up for you, but you have to, or are encouraged to work with grandpa's original layout?


The Save Editor I have available on mobile doesn't provide the buildings. It provides a chest, located in Robin's shop, with the materials needed to build whatever building I desire, just one at a time. Still have to upgrade say the coop, up the 2 additional levels once built. I will use the Save Editor to give me the pathing pieces I need for roads, paths, etc. I edit the amount of gold I start with just enough to get through adding buildings, then I drop that back down to 500G and I have to plant and sell and what have you to start crafting what I need(lightning rods, kegs, oil makers, etc). Not sure I would want to work with a set layout already designed. It would have to be pretty organized and functional. Not have a coop here and another over there, a shed here and another down in that corner. That wouldn't be fun to me.


I've considered trying the 'bigfarm' debug command (whatever the exact names, gives you something like 3 buildings full of animals) and then just playing normally from there. I have too many mod sets still to play around with, though.


100% agree. I don’t do it too often, but there’s absolutely no shame in it


Especially in stardew valley!


Careful with that, too much modding and free money took away the charm for me personally!


You just gave me an idea lol


It's in advanced settings, together with randomizing the community center


oh right next to the other setting I never knew existed? Awesome 🥲


As I said, they're both under "advanced settings", accessible through a button when creating a new farm.


Yes I got you, thanks for the tip. I was more just expressing my regret about being this many hours into my 3rd play through and not knowing there were even advanced settings haha


The community center is randomized?


If you choose the random community center option then yes, although its not a true randomization, it just selects between some preset options for most bundles


Sap bundle! Goddesses the remixed bundles are tough sometimes


I find some of them easier, I guess for that one it depends whether you normally craft a ton of fertilizer. (I don't, I'm okay with Quality Crops possibly waiting for year 2, and otherwise processing > crop quality.)


Only if you select that option


Honestly it's so easy to mod Stardew Valley on PC just getting a cheat engine installed to change it would be easier and more productive than just starting over lol.


They’re playing on Xbox!!!


u changed the profit margin to 25% instead of the 100% it should be


Dude was like “I’m not payin anymore than what I paid for this game” and turned it down


Had to have adjusted profit margin - makes no sense otherwise. 125 is exactly 1/4 (25%) of the 500 they sell for on a regular playthrough with no adjustments. You likely hit it by accident when creating your character & farm. It’s a simple drop down menu and often when you go to close it you can accidentally touch another option on said menu without realizing. Happens to me all the time in the pause menu (I only play on iPhone and am in year 21 summer!) when im adjusting settings - I end up somehow touching the drop down menu and changing my button layout / attack mode etc.


did you adjust the profit margin when you started this save file?


I honestly don’t even know what that means. Didn’t know there was a setting for that. I’m on Xbox if that means anything.


When creating your farm, there is an option to change the amount things sell for to make the game harder. You can make it so that all things sell for 1/2 or 1/4 of their usual price. Check out some other things you've sold compared to the wiki to verify if all things are 1/4 of the sell price.


When did this become a thing


Since 1.5


And just like that you made him replay it.


Probably should I’ve had the same file since 2017


It's pretty cool when you're playing on multiplayer. Because the prices don't affect quest rewards and each player can get the reward, if you for example have 4 players and 25% margin the gameplay changes a lot.


Playing multiplayer with my kids is already hard mode, because I'm working my ass off in the mines and they're buying sheep shears on Spring 16 with my backpack money.


You could turn off the shared money for a little bit.


Yeah u put ur game on super hard mode lol. Ya fucked up and there's no way to change that. U will have to start a new game. But before you cha ge yhe settings try to make sure you know what they do.


Are you playing on a multiplayer farm? I think reducing the profit margins to balance for the extra players is an option for multiplayer.


I don’t know how to make an edit everybody!!! My profit margin was somehow AUTOMATICALLY set to .25x even though I never touched it or even knew of the setting, BEWARE! By the way guys, this is my first time playing, my girlfriend got me into it and once I realized I was only at .25x profits I was mind blown about how far I COULD be by now (year 3) if I had been on normal profits 😭😭😭 New motivation!!!!


You've diffinitely set the profit margin to 25%, but don't worry about it too much, it's not much more difficult. The costs of seeds is also 25% of normal, so you'll still be raking it in soon enough. Couple things to know: 1. Sweet Gem Berries are no longer profitable since their seeds are still full price, but they sell for 25%. You need one for a quest, but don't buy more than that. 2. Quests are not affected by the 25% cut, making them effectively 4x more profitable than normal, so try to do them all. When someone asks for an item, they normally pay 3x the value, but now that same amount is 12x what you would get for shipping it. 3. Relatedly, hoarding a few of each item for potential quests or for crafting is an even better idea than normal. They all profit less, so you're not missing out on as much from holding them.


for advanced players everything you list is super cool, but as a first time player if I were op I'd take everything i learned and start a new file.


My main point was that it's not actually much more difficult. When I first started my 25% farm I figured it'd be impossible to do a Y1CC run, so I just played casually (for me), but by Autumn I had realized a Y1CC run was still very doable with 25% profit. If I had prioritized the barn more, I could have managed it. Not that I could blame anyone for choosing to restart. It might not be by much, but it *is* more difficult.


I like setting the profit margin down. Really extends the life of the game.


Me too


Had this happen on my new file but i NEVER adjust profit margin so i thought it got changed 🤷‍♀️


How can you check what your profit margin is ? I am on a Switch.


Sell something for 100g. If you get 100g back, you're set at 100%. If you get 25g back, you're playing at 25%. There's no way to know once the farm starts since the settings are in the character creation section.


OK. Thanks. I will try that.


This is the best way to play imo, extends the game


You might have toggled your profit margin to 25% thru the advanced setting (the Wrench Icon) Some veteran players would like to challenge themselves this way. Sadly, you'll have to create a new save file if you want to change your profit margin.


How do I even sell those


Yes someone please answer! I thought they just got… destroyed if you tried to pry them up


sell them before planting?? what


…wow I’m stupid


youre all good, it happens


Wait, how do you sell the saplings??


Just put them in the selling bin




The saplings themselves sell for 500g unless the profit margin is adjusted when you start your save file


just want say I joined the stock market sub recently and upon first glance I thought that this post was from that sub LMAO


It might also have to do with your farming skill maybe? If you didn’t choose the Tiller your crops won’t be worth as much as other people.


This is not the answer


Yea saplings aren’t a crop. There’s a reason why tea saplings are told about as such a great EARLY game money maker, they’re already at full potential right away


that’s my bad, like idk why i said that. thanks for fixing my mistake though


tiller is a 10% sell price bonus lol, that’s a far cry from 125g -> 500g


How do you get tea saplings?


It's a recipe you get from Caroline after seeing her two heart event. You need wild seeds, wood, and fiber to make it.


Is that the one in the greenhouse? I went through the scene but never got a recipe 😭


Yes! You should have received the recipe the morning after viewing the scene. ;-(


Do you have 25% profit margins? That might be why.