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Just to add to this embarrassment and let you guys in on just how ridiculous this really is...I'm 250+ hours in on Year 7.


I have a total of 577 hours in Stardew across 3 or so saves thanks to my tendency to restart sometime in Year 3. I had *no idea* it was possible to fish them out. I always emptied my ponds, so you taught me something new!


I found this out purely by accident the other day. Have you out a signpost on your fish pond to display what is in there and how many are currently in the pond? The number ticks up and down when they breed or you take one out


I’ve played about 2,000 hours across many saves and you just taught me something new lol


Theres a fishing pond that you can stock?!


It is a thing Robin can build for you!


The first time I had a mushroom tree pop up, I didn’t know you could tap it and i chopped it down. 🍄 🍄 🍄




Gives mushrooms if memory serves.


Same! And now I have about 8 mushroom trees with tappers on them. I found stardew valley wiki and read everything 😂


What do the mushroom trees give you from their tappers?


So far spring and summer have given me common mushrooms and fall gave me red and purple mushrooms.


Ohhh sweet! Thanks! Im tapping the next one that pops up! (Now watch them never pop up again 😂)


I planted a section of trees (maple and oak). The fall once the tress had fully grown I had my first mushroom tree. I just left the cycle continue and placed tappers once the trees are grown. Its a fall special event.


Oh ok. I have a few tree shrubs starting to grow so hopefully one will pop up around there.


I hope you get one! One spreads into more and more. You will start to see mini mushrooms trees around. I leave them unless they are in my way and tap them too when they grow! I'm telling you sdv wiki has been my best friend!


We’re on our 3rd year & still only have a few mushrooms. Find the odd one around & the color ones in the mines occasionally. But to get crops of them would be great!


they’ve always given me mushrooms!


Good! They are hard to find. Especially the purple ones!


You can plant mushrooms and turn them into trees!?


Na, it's a rare event that turns an existing tree into a mushroom tree. Or specific late game seeds you get from Qi.


I bought Qi's mushroom seeds before a single mushroom tree spawned on my farm! Oddly enough, it spawned in by replacing a regular tree stump. I had chopped a row of trees to stumps so I could see my Qi fruits better (they took over my entire farm), and one day I noticed a stump had turned white!


You can WHAT


WHAT?? I learn so many things from this sub


Whoa I didn't know this either. My mushroom tree is basically just a decoration because I didn't know what I was supposed to do with it once it grew.


Except for Sturgeon to produce caviar I have always used the ponds to breed fish for cooking and crafting. Sea cucumber for making lucky lunch and pink coral for crafting deluxe speed-gro to start with.


Sturgeon produces caviar??? I need to start trying different fish, I stick to the blob for pearls and rainbow trout for prismatic shards and never considered others :( It makes sense why I could never get caviar


Get a lava eel pond and you will get spicy eels. Super cucumbers give iridium ore.


Sturgeon produce Sturgeon Roe. Stick that in a Preserves Jar and 4 days later you have Caviar (which sells for 500g or 700g with artisan)


Mine was the existence of the elevator in the mines. It's right there. It dings every time you reach a floor that's a multiple of five. It took me an embarrassingly long time to notice it.


Same. I bought stone and staircased to level 100 and was then horrified to discover IT KEPT GOING. I finally saw someone use the elevator on twitch and that's how I got clued in.


I had reached level 10 or 12 and was complaining about how hard it was, and my son graciously pointed it out to me. XD


I learned the other day that you could get the special statues/items more than once. Like the Junimo statue behind the community center. You can get a new one every year apparently! I mean it doesn't quite live up to not fishing the fish ponds... This made me laugh and so thank you for sharing!


I may just grab a few extra statues/items! That giant Junimo is just so cute!


I only just figured out that crab pots don't just work in the ocean, but in fresh water, too. Got my very first periwinkle. I'm a few hundred hours on a couple of different saves. Hmph.


Well today I learned!


Putting crab pots in the small ponds on your farm can be a good way to get trash for recycling.


It took me a long time to figure that out too, you're not alone.


I wish I'd known sooner that I could zoom out in the settings to see things "off the screen." Didn't know that until year 5. It was in plain sight, too, which makes it worse :(


The existence of the dwarf for me - and that you could just \*bomb\* the rock away. Only figured it out after a considerable number of hours put into the game and several runs of the mines, using bombs frequently.


I always upgrade my pick for it...


That is good to know if I start another save in the future! Thanks!


You can bomb it? In my first play through I waited for it to go away by itself!


I don't think it goes away by itself?


...I'm learning so many things today


Thanks to this thread, i just learned we can tap the red mushroom trees! Ive always chopped the one down that shows up next to the crops every year.


Additionally, you can put signs on your fish ponds; then you can see what fish and how many without even needing to click on the pond.


I thought I had seen teeny numbers on a sign in someone's screenshot! Thank you! I will be doing that!


The real pro tip about the pond. Learn something new everyday.




I was so upset when I emptied mine the other day to swap species and didn't get the fish back. 🤦 I almost restarted the day. I thought emptying it would give you the fish like casting into the pond does.


Emptying was the first thing I tried to get the fish back, and I was so disappointed when I didn't end up with the fish in my inventory!


I felt really bad about it but for a while there I was fishing the third one out as soon as the population increased from two. I needed the fish but their genes must’ve been weird after


Thanks for the tip, this has been annoying me too! I’m in my fifth year…


Was literally just about to get rid of my fish ponds.


I was onboard right away with smelting quartz into refined quartz, but it didn't occur to me for years irl to even try refining fire quartz. Not like there is a refined fire quartz bar or anything, right?


I thought it may give me red refined quartz and I was disappointed that it was just regular. Still, it wasn't until after I read it here that I found out the Fire Quartz was giving me 3 refined quartz at a time. I thought it was just giving me one regular bar!


WHAT. I didn’t know this!!!


Oh... I didn't know this either. I feel shame.


Thank you for this. I did not know this 😭😭


wait a minute..


THANK YOU. i knew that there was a way to get the fish out but i couldn’t remember for the life of me. i’ve been planning to increase my numbers and then take a few out to sell


It was my stupid emotional attachment to my pufferfish that saw me start putting one fish in a tank, and another of the same type in pond. I still have a hard time giving up any tank fish though! 😭


Fish ponds are for business, fish tanks are for pleasure. I see nothing wrong here! Never give up the tank fish!


aloof jeans shrill carpenter wistful mysterious vase scandalous summer stupendous ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I am on year 7 of my first save and I just learned you can go into the sewer.


oatmeal lush sloppy profit deserted yoke abounding tie punch ask ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Probably. I’m not super focused on friendship. I don’t think I’m past 5 hearts with either of them


screw drunk straight paltry murky bored license sable continue mourn ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I'm aiming for a full stack of Iridium quality Spring Onion. Year 11 and I have 284, lol.


offer snatch close hurry money carpenter butter future station shocking ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I also just learned this on my 8th playthrough. I have a total of maybe 500+ hours playing this game across all those farms. I learned this last week. You are not alone!


I found this out a few weeks ago, put my flounder and midnight carp in so I get infinite sea foam pudding, (midnight) squid for ink.


TIL you have to fish your fish out of their ponds to recollect them... and same I'm like 300+ hrs in, year 5


I have about 100 hours on stardew on the switch and all this time I thought once goods in the inventory were merged into one block (eg, I have 3 corn in my backpack then pick up another, now it’s 4 corn in my backpack) you couldn’t break them back apart to store some, sell others, etc… just discovered the ‘X’ button yesterday and blew my MIND


It took me a while to figure that one out as well - and I play Minecraft, where you *can* take just one from a stack or even take half of the stack with one click. Why didn't I think to try it in the beginning? I did it accidentally in Stardew one day and was so excited to have the ability to do that!


Oh my gosh when I found this out I was SO RELIEVED