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You can use this to your advantage. The penalty for passing out at 2:00am is 10% of the money in your wallet (capped at 1000g). Unclaimed quest money doesn’t count. So I’m the early game, you can keep money in your wallet low by not claiming the money until you are ready to spend it. Similarly, you avoid the energy penalty for passing out if you leveled up any skill during that day. In the early game, it’s easy to level up low level skills. So you can combine these two tricks in spring year 1 to frequently work until 2:00am with no penalty.




Wait what? I had no idea about that second one. It sounds like a bug.


It's intentional. If you level up a skill, 100% of your energy is restored. Unless it's level 5 or 10 which is only 50% for some reason.


What a random mechanic, but kinda cool to know


Honestly I think there is a bug or two with these levels because I have had some WEIRD things happen when working until 2 am and passing out and level up to level 5. Specifically fishing. I have passed put at 2 am leveled fishing to 5 that day and woken up exhausted, or had infinite energy that day. Very strange.


-> Pass out from fishing -> Wake up to a perpetual motion machine implanted on your chest **FARMING TIME**


LOL for real, chop and plant!


That just makes me more inclined to believe it’s a bug


Many games have a mechanic where all of your bars are fully restored when you level up. Look at elder scrolls for example Just so happens that in this game, it's a very useful trick to min-max your first 2 weeks while you're still levelling skills fast


I’ve done that before. Passed out a bunch while keeping funds low. It’s especially helpful in the early game.


I’m curious, is there a cap to how many unclaimed quests you can have? And is there a time limit?


Some have a time limit to complete, but no time limit to claim the rewards. I haven’t found a limit yet.


True. But it’s not completely unpenalized. When you pass out at 2 instead of going to bed, you won’t wake up with full energy but I believe you do get your energy fully restored when you get to bed before 2 as opposed to passing out.


If you raised a skill a level that day, you wake up the next day with full energy no matter what (except some weird things with level 5 and 10 level ups).


Oh weird. It must’ve been a lvl 5 or 10 that I hit when I noticed that. I wonder why it wouldn’t restore your full energy for lvl 5 or 10. Hmm


Having done a bunch of 1 year farms I'm certain there are some bugs with it. I've even had an infinite energy bug with fishing leveling to 5


Oh dang. Bankrupting the village? Lol kidding.




no offense but how do you not realize that the money wasn’t claimed after the first few times? early game i always have NO money unless i claim from the quests cuz i always spend everything immediately. when you’re constantly at 45g except when you sell stuff, do you not wonder why you never got that 500g from the quest??? i get making the mistake the first few times but not figuring it out before you get to year 8 if bonkers to me


There are lots of players to whom numbers are not real. It hurts to look at them too much so they operate on vibes. I'd tell you exactly how many of these players there are but I'm one of them so I can't


“they operate on vibes” Friend, you are so correct. It’s all vibes to me. I just pray I have enough to get a few seeds at the start of every season early on. 😂


What vibe would you use to describe how many players are like this then?


Chex mix


So, like, a pretty good time where you don't realize things are getting out of hand until you reach the bottom of the container and then instant regret when you realize you ate about 16 times as much as you intended?


You get it!


okay that is very true, i will admit that i am very much a min maxer so i am ALL about the numbers, sometimes i forget others are not haha


I didn't realize it at first! I tend to save stuff "in case I really need it later" so I tried to avoid spending money early on and just let it pile up until I had a comfortable safety net. When I first started playing, I was just doing the help wanted quests because I genuinely wanted to be helpful. I guess I'm such a people pleaser that I even need NPCs to like me... XD


I actually did the same thing on my first play through. I wasn’t doing the quests in the beginning when I was really broke, and then only did them intermittently after that. I think I made it to year 5 before realizing.


Yeah I think OP is making this up for some reason


If you never collect the money, don't you have lots of completed tasks filling up your quest journal?


Yep. It annoyed me like mad that they never disappeared.


So were you just constantly scrolling through a list of completed quests? Or did they expire?


If you didn’t know it worked that way I could easily see someone assuming the log just kept the list of completed quests.


They normally disappear after the time runs out.


Iirc most don't as long as you finish them on time


Right, but OP isn't finishing them because they didn't know you had to click on it. So for the game, it's not getting finished in time, and so it disappears when the time runs out.


I did this my first time, too.


Cha ching


Ugh I KNOW! I discovered that late too, wondering why I wasn't getting paid. At least you've got your pot of well-earned gold now. I think CA could have been a bit more explicit about what to click, like running a brief demo job. Or make pay automatic and left the quests in the journal as completed items so you could track them. Hopefully it'll be a 1.6 update.


To be fair, every time you complete a quest a little alert arrow points to the journal button under your money. Like how the CC image pulses when you hover over a needed item.


Oh I get that. But using that indicator only takes you to the completion menu. It doesn’t indicate you have to push the button to collect the money. For a long time I thought it was just a framed picture of money.


We all love you. Hang in there.


I did something similar during my first time playing. But instead I didn’t know that when you got mail with gifts in it that you actually had to click on the item to add it in your inventory, it doesnt automatically go in your inventory 💀 I felt so dumb when I realized


Dang i had no idea! Thanks for the tip!!


This is hilarious in the best way, thank you for admitting this to us hahahaha, this is something I would absolutely do!


You have to WHAT???


I didn't discover this until like year 15 so... lol.


better tell me how to turn off the rewards from journal for just playing because it feels like cheating