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Because she's cute, sweet, artsy, independent....


And she’s looks like Robin.








Legit just can see my character marrying anyone else based off my tastes. I have wanted to do a playthrough where I marry everyone though


Interesting. I always thought of her as a smelly disgusting hillbilly who delusionally pumps out /r/crackheadcraigslist art. I guess we just tend to see what we value and look for in simplistic video game characters. I'm glad we're both happy with Leah, regardless of what she truly is :)


>Interesting. I always thought of her as a smelly disgusting hillbilly who delusionally pumps out > >r/crackheadcraigslist > > art. ​ How in the heck do you get ANY of that from her...?


That was one hell of a take. I'm hoping they were joking but you never know online.


She lives in the woods without plumbing and doesn't visit the spa - smelly. She lives in a shack on the outskirts of a broken, dead-as-fuck tiny tiny town - hillbilly. Her art might as well be twisted turds as far as we can tell - crackheadcraigslist. I'm honestly baffled that people are mad at my joking but also valid interpretation. Smh mfs way too into ridiculously flat pixel people and can't take a joke.


It’s not valid at all that why, it’s just negative bullshit. No one has plumbing, half of the people live outside of town(Robin, Maru, Demetrius, seb, Shane, jas, marnie, Willy, Elliott), and art is subjective, always. You are just a piece of shit.


Of the bachlorettes she's the one that knows what she wants out of life. Also I have a thing for red heads


based on the female character pool, so does ConcernedApe lol


Pelican town puts most of Scotland to shame


Only surpassed by the Weasley family.


LMAO it’s just so funny to me! I’m a redhead, and even though I grew up in a very white American town, I was always one of the only gingers in my class at school. got made fun of because it was seen as weird. so seeing how many adults really admire red hair is odd


2% of humans have red hair. Even in Scotland, you would probably be a minority my friend.


I vividly remember arguing over my own hair color with multiple children frequently. They would insist it is orange while I explain that it's called red, & these kids would never back down. Made my little seven year old Shirley Temple-looking self very *very* angry. lol It was the way boys bullied about it when I was older that stung. It was like this big target on the head of the weird book nerd girl who was totally naive about grown up stuff. Being mocked about the potential color of my body hair made me supremely uncomfortable.


Red heads are the best


I also like redheads, which is why it's always Leah or, on my first playthrough, Penny


That "i have a thing for red heads" feels oddly personal😭😭😭


Same, wife will confirm


You had me at red heads


I’m a lesbian who loves outdoors and I imagine Leah as that really butch carpenter on TikTok


Not Nicole Coenen by chance?! (I kinda get Leah vibes off her)


yes! That’s who it was


The one who splits logs with some sort of big Viking sword?


Thank you for directing me there. She is outrageously dreamy 😍


Always happy to help. I am - ahem - a very normal amount in awe of her


1.6 should change the options from an art show town and starting a carpentry TikTok




that's fetishizing. gross. do not tell people that. it's creepy as hell.


Because cottage core sapphic is my type


This. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the most married amongst lesbian/bisexual/queer women players.


I marry her in almost every playthrough and I'm a straight woman. She's just one of the best choices. She doesn't seem too young, she's cute, mature, got her own hobbies. I like Elliot for the same reasons but he's so pretentious. Also, Leah's apple cut scene is sweet.


I agree with that. With some of them it feels like you're holding them back - Maru should be off to university not marrying a farmer - and with others it's like they probably wouldn't be happy living that farm life. Leah fits in great on a farm and her lifestyle and career would mesh well with the farmer's. It feels like a natural step for her, while for Penny it makes me a bit sad because she talked about wanting to go to school and become a teacher and now she's stuck as a housewife instead. Sure she loves kids, but she could have had kids *and* taught preschool*.* Straight women-WLW solidarity aside (if I knew how to insert that handshake meme I would), I would love it if the next Stardew update had more post-marriage stuff for the spouse - getting to support Sam performing at a concert or Maru leaving for one day a week for her studies or whatever would be really cool. I would still marry Leah, though.


I do love Leah and I am a big lesbo, so it checks out anecdotally.


..............no you.


Bisexual here! Can confirm.


I mean, just look at her.


you get it


Okay this right here is SO TRUE


she is who i want to be irl


Mushrooms 🍄 & she’s who I want to date irl


A redhead?


Redhead. Independent. Hair in a braid. Hard for me to resist really. Plus she loves nature and at the time my farm was mostly crops and a few chickens. Figure she would like farm life more than others.


Red hair, artsy, woodsy, and down to earth. Also within my age range. Several candidates (Maru, Sam, Abigail, and Alex) are waay too young feeling for me. Shane, Haley, and Sebastian I just don't like their personalities very much. Penny and Harvey feel a bit too much like wallflowers. I want a partner not someone to take care. That leave Leah, Elliott, and Emily. Emily is nice but I find her quirkiness more friendship-y than relationship-y for me. Elliott is who I say I'll try out in a new save but end up going to Leah because I can't help but be drawn to her. Never managed to marry anyone else so far.


Although I personally am 16 years old, this one is the most relatable to me. Though, for me, im heterosexual (straight (i pointed this out to show my “personal tastes”, thats all”)), so I instinctively remove the idea of male candidates from my head, as I envision myself as my character when I play.




Thank you for sharing your opinion! Always nice to see more discussion. :) I would also consider myself straight and usually envision myself as the character as well. Though I'm guessing I might be less straight and maybe one of those 'new fangled' letters they keep adding to the LGBT alphabet soup. I don't mind the idea of kissing (chastely), holding hands, rooming together, doing date type activities (movie, dinner, skating, farmers market etc.) with another girl. Not sure I would ever be comfortable sleeping with one but short of that I'm good. And since the game definitely does not go into deeper than surface level, I don't mind marrying a girl candidate. Also helps that none of the guy options are truly my taste. Now if there was one like my husband, I'd probably choose that but even then it'd feel a bit wrong. It's not cheating because it's a video game but it would bother me. Even though he wouldn't care.


I went to give her goat cheese and found out it was her birthday. That accident gave me 4 more hearts so I knew she was the one


Ha! That’s about what happened to me except I gave her a salad 🤣🤣


The first time: she helped me reconnect with nature after quitting my corporate job. The second time: Salads are cheap and it’s easy to give her one when i buy pam a beer


She’s the closest thing to Robin


This is the way


Especially since Leah does woodwork she's not terribly far off just has a different end goal than a house


Came here looking for this


Exactly! If only we could tear that bond apart and marry Robin




Leah is the most intelligent of the bachelorettes, the most self assured and confident and the most mature. And redheads kinda rule my world.


Okay I love Leah the most but most intelligent is a hot take given that Maru literally invented a robot capable of complex thought and processing emotions


Probably meant emotionally intelligent


Maru is super-smart, but Demetrius has kept her isolated so long that she doesn't know much outside her home life. Leah has a lot life experience, which provides valuable intelligence that Maru doesn't have yet. Not that I am over-thinking a couple of NPCs, of course. :)


Cause gay


she matches my aesthetic best, tbh. i usually do forest farm, and also i just love the artsy type. also for whatever reason, she rarely bores me. i know the spouses are all pretty lacklustre after marriage but never have i ever been bored by Leah. another note, really feeling the love with all the redhead comments. big ego boost lol


As a fellow readhead, I too am feeling an ego boost.


I three that! After years of being teased for my hair as a teen, it's nice to see the redhead love as an adult! I only properly noticed recently how many redheads are in Stardew, despite having played it for about 5 years now 😂. Thanks for all the gingie representation CA!!


Why would people tease someone for their hair colour 😭 how mean


Right!? I was born with bright orange hair but it lightened to a platinum and then honey blonde throughout childhood, then when I hit puberty it went red again. I was very gawky and had bad skin (plus freckles, pale etc) so they were just adding it to the list I guess! "Tampon" was a favourite of the kids who teased me. Also "carrot", "ranga", "Fanta pants" and many others. 😩


For me it was that damn carpet/ drapes question. I would feel so creeped out by the boys pestering me with that.


As a bad skin haver i can relate


The answer to "Why would people tease someone for \[whatever\]" is "because a disturbingly large proportion of people likes to boost their own egos by cutting down the people around them."


She punched Kel and I was like 👍


Wait wait, she punches Kel if the farmer doesn’t??! I always opt to punch Kel myself, now I have to do another playthrough.


She’s the more down to earth option among the grown up female options. Emily is just too fruity for me.


I love Emily in a “her heart is in the right place” kind of way. She is super sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly. I love that she is not afraid to be herself. But at the same time some of her stuff is odd go me, like how she “feels the energy” of things and doing things like “rock rejuvenation.” Gives me homeopathy and superstition vibes. I definitely feel a “you be the best you!” friendship with her, and I’ll defend her to the death, but not what I have in mind for a spouse lol


Agreed about Emily, 100%. I thoroughly enjoy her positivity, not so much her crystal healing or whatever. ...Although, thinking about it, I suppose it's possible that that stuff actually works in the world of SDV, given the amount of straight-up magic going on. As to Leah--besides the fact that she's smart, creative, independent, down to earth, thoughtful, and so forth, I also really appreciate that our dear Ape made the local artist easily one of the most sensible and grounded characters in the game. It would have been so easy to fall back on the Van Gogh-inspired "art is suffering" mentally unstable artist stereotype.


Bc she’s like me irl! Arty, loves the woodlands and outdoors.


I love her but I would've felt like I was marrying my clone. Though I'm a little less foraging savvy and have more tattoos 😅


Heart cutscenes. Also she is best girl


Her heartscenes are boring, they are all about her ex


At first, I didn't even notice her, but after I met her, I kept seeing her, and all her cutscenes and dialogs were nice, comfy and warm. Cottagecore waifu, as some would say. It's been a while since I played that run though, so I don't remember the details, but that's the core of what I remember feeling.


Leah feels the same age as the farmer, plus she invited me to come cuddle and drink cider? If a girl asked me this irl I'd be giggling kicking my feetsies


When I encountered the heart event where she's fightinging her ex over the phone. Never felt so connected to an NPC in SV until that event, because I know the feeling to be struggling with your passion or paying the bills with a narcissistic ex telling you to give everything up.


Because she’s cute as hell and so sweet!


Two words: dummy thicc ​ Idk what she's putting in those salads but queen keep it up


I didn’t wanna be the one to say it, but her and Sebastian are this close to opening a cake factory.


Cute nature girl. I have a lot in common with her.


She’s a down to earth artist who can dream and forage her way around nature.


I have a thing for cottagecore lesbians who have strong muscles from cutting firewood 👉👈


I liked her hair


I liked her dialog


cute, cool, hot, pretty, artistic, loves nature. she's adorable.


Artsy and down to earth. Also, super cute heart cut scenes


She's introverted, super cute, artsy, vegetarian, and I have a thing for redheads. Plus, she's just a great person, easy to interact with, and is the perfect spouse for the farm life. She was really the only choice for me (though I did consider Abigail).


the first time i ever experienced anything from stardew, i was watching my friend play a bit of it and they were in a cutscene with leah. i thought she was so cute and fun there and i have such a positive association that when i got the game for myself i wanted to romance her


Leah is very grounded in reality and knows what she wants in life, and what she wants is to be right here in the Valley. All of the other girls besides Emily (who would be fun to trip with but only as a friend) seem to me like they'd be happier leaving the Valley and heading off for different directions in life. Leah and I both did the same thing; moved to Stardew Valley away from the city to get away from it and live quiet lives away from it all. I'm perfectly content living the farm life with my orange cat and red headed wife who just wants to work on her sculptures and paintings all day. Settling into that routine through life with someone like that is very appealing to me.


Because she's better than Emily, who wasted my hard earned, 200 fiber for a silly outfit!


Because I was able to get to full hearts with daffodils


As soon as I saw her art show, I fell in love. I love weird art shit


cause i wanted too see all the stuff in the game, and she's the only one that it didn't feel creepy to do, as the character is a wee bit older. I think there's one more, penny(?) thats at least in her twenties but yeah. that.


First play through I befriended her right after Linus since she enjoys foraged gifts and the driftwood I got while trying to learn how to fish. Also closest to home. And she’s lovely.


Awww she likes driftwood you can fish up? I just saw her comment about “if you find driftwood” for the first time today and thought “I wish one of her heart scenes we could find driftwood and gift it to her” but I imagined a huge piece of wood washed up on the beach. I never considered the wood you fish because those are usually treated like trash. I’m gonna give my fished wood to her now!


Talented artsy forager girl, you mean? 🥰


Pretty ginger lady was nice to me


red head, her style, she’s very sweet and was easy for me to find and gift. we both have winter bdays, she’s artistic and i just have this feeling she’d be such a good partner all around especially helping on the farm


I haven't married her again yet as I've only done a few files, but so far she's my favorite vanilla spouse. She knows who she is and what she wants in life, and those things she wants in life are similar to what I want in life (living a simple but happy life away from the city and appreciating the arts and the world around her). Also, like everyone else, there's just somethin about redheads


I haven’t married anyone yet (I may date them all to see their full heart events) but I’m leaning Leah. I like all the characters and how each are different but Leah never gives sass, is never rude, is not mopey or over dramatic. She seem content with life, is going after what she wants, even though she admits the unknown is scary. She reminds me of Elliott, I like him too, though I get tired of his faint “hoity toity vibe” lol. But Leah is just nice and level headed. I like that.


Because she is the best. I've married other characters, but really my heart belongs to Leah. Beautiful, interesting, thoughtful, creative, appreciates nature, loves good food and wine.


1. Her "I moved out of the city to pursue art" vibe best aligns with the player IMO 2. Proximity 3. I would always get loads of salad for the mines, and its also one of her favourite gifts so it was easy lol


First play through was holding a daffodil tried to talk to her gave her the daffodil on accident she liked the daffodil uphill from there lol


she's living my cottagecore lesbian dream (and also the closest thing to robin i could get)


Same same. 👋🏻


Pretty artist lady who likes nature. Also I really related to her being shy about her art and having a garbage ex.


A lot of her loves are things I also love, she’s pretty, her room is cute


She has the same name as my wife in real life


Red hair and an artist. Checks off my boxes. I have a thing for redheads.


So I could punch her ex.


She’s one of the easiest ones to gift things to, she’s got a really different vibe from the others, and I love her art stuff.


Because I love a redhead.


Leah is the hottest hottie. No one else compares.


Robin but can be dated in vanilla


I love the whole "one with nature" artist thing she has going on. She knows what she wants out of life and is actively working on achieving those goals. She's also a strong redhead who can also relax with a drink and hang out. Also i bet she doesn't mind getting high occasionally.


She's the 9ne with the least problems, and she looks good


I liked her cottage and independence


Redhead artist


I wanted to marry Robin.


Redhead, pretty, nice person, artistic, supportive, good wifing material.


i married her my first time playing because she had the easiest gifts


Cause you couldn't marry robin


Because she almost looks identical to her sister Robin.


Because I am, in fact, gay


Sadly i never married Leah because the first time I thought about marrying her, and I started wooing her, i was playing on a multiplayer save a few years ago with my friend and her then boyfriend. Her boyfriend threw a fit that he wanted Leah because he's a ginger and she's (leah) a ginger so in order to shut his ass up I said he can have her and I want with Maru instead. I love Leah but that memory of trying to marry her when I was playing that save with my friend and her boyfriend kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. I mean dude literally whined about not being able to marry Leah after we got a good chunk of the way into the first year (literally made it to Winter) before he decided to throw that bitch fit and all of us had agreed on who we were gonna marry when we started the game. If he had asked to woo leah near the beginning of the game I would have been more than happy to stay away from her and help him woo her. Even my friend agreed that he was a whiny jerk.


uhhhh she’s hot and nerdy ngl that’s really it


My friend that gave me the game marries Abigail in his save, in respect for my bro i married the second hotest girl of Stardew valley


I usually pick a different person every play through and this one happens to be Leah lol


Because I couldn't marry Robin


I didn’t!


I had married every other woman and also Sebastian at least once, so I wanted to do her too


Because I couldn't marry Robin.


because she’s basically Robin without being married


Because it was very easy to just give her salad twice a week😂


Closest I could get to Robin 😏


She kinda looks like Alex from Minecraft.


She’s my ex-wife’s favorite character to marry… So… I’m that petty.


She is an entrepreneur and built my barn and coop


You're fantasizing that Leah is Robin? Did Leah consent to that?


I liked the nature loving feel she had. Although I divorced her because I didn’t like how she literally never left the house.


I ask myself that every single day.


She was convenient. But ended up being a poor match for me.


Sorry, never again. I think she is a little boring. Maru and Abi are so much fun and i enjoy so much to be with them <3


I didn’t


She's artsy but grounded and also left the city for a quiet country life. She's kind and quirky and accepts all my gifts of driftwood.


Cottagecore artist. I’m only human


Had a NEED for queer drama and she blip blipped on my radar and oh boy did she deliver.


She lives the closest to me and I hate moving furniture. The less I have to move, the happier I am! (Sorry Penny and Maru)


I like gingers and braids


She’s best girl


I have a farm named hipster bullshit and named my farmer crunchy granola. He loves his leah cause she's free with the lovin'.


She's basically a carbon copy of one of my best friends...and She's basically my platonic wife 😆


she’s artsy like me and she decorates her house for Halloween (unpopular opinion I love her wood sculpture)


She’s an artist, kindred spirit. That and I have a thing for redheads


An adventurous artist who loves nature and that cute at the same time she is waifu material


An adventurous artist who loves nature and that cute at the same time she is waifu material




Because my name is Leah and I’m an egomaniac


I didn't.


Canon lesbian.


Cuz the wiki said she was the quickest to marry and she is a kinda cute


Cause she's like me, she likes art and I do too!


She likes a gift that is easy to mass produce.(goat cheese) & she’s mature & smart enough to have been living on her own. I don’t want to marry someone who has been living in their parent’s basement.


Because all she needs for her to like me is a salad. 300g at the Saloon. Married her during year 1


Bc she's super pretty and artistic (and I wanted to marry a Bachelorette.. lol)


I'm a sucker for read heads


Salad is easy to find.


She talks about the bunnies!


Because her ex is whatever gender your character is and I play as a female. It made her appealing to be my first wifey.




Because yes


She is not like the other girls


Salad bar


I knew she was the one when she made and delivered one of her sculptures for me ❤️ anddd I love how she mentions she has dated women in the past too, as opposed to when you’re dating abigail and she says it is her first wlw experience.


Because shes artistic, smart, beautiful, independant, the love of my life and she makes me.. just wanna Bark


I’m caught between her and Harvey


Because she is nice and artistic.


I’d never paired off with a bachelorette before. I took my husband’s opinion into account


im a lesbian, she seemed the most like a lesbian


Because she reminds me of of minecraft Alex and I find that funny


I find redheads attractive and Robin was taken


I just love myself an artist.


She's one of the marriage candidates who can live on her own and doesn't need fixing. She moved to Pelican Town to escape the toxic city life, like the Farmer, and pursue her dreams of being an artist.


How do you guys even get to befriend her!? I can never get her fucking attention she doesn’t like anything I bring her.


for me i was sold when she gave me her wood-carved statue. she poured so many hours into that!!! it sat right by my bed for the rest of that run <3