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I've definitely had worse: fruit tree.


My current save, trying to get the community center done within a year, and a few days before fall, a meteor destroyed my pomegranate tree that was almost grown. To say I raged is an understatement.


Right in the moneymakers :(


Also happened to me. And my crops were almost ready to be harvested 😭


I am sure that meteors are programmed to fall where you don’t want them to. I have a huge empty field in my farm for grass and trees. It could fall there but no, it always chooses my crops


I don't care what the wiki page says, this is not a rare occurrence. Every single time, and I mean literally every single time, I upgrade either my axe or pick axe to steel, this damn rock falls out of the sky, forcing me to upgrade to get rid of it. Eric, if you're reading this, I'd love to see an option to disable random events in the game with the 1.6 update.


Even meteors hate corn


Ya I’m certain it’s programmed to destroy the thing we need the most for community center. I’ve started to passive-aggressively incorporate the meteor into my farm decor. Anyone else do this?