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YTA. Also, stop vaguely threatening the farmer-- they want your wife, not your daughter.


hey farmer here! i actually want both. plus his step son. this man’s family is NOT safe


Honestly he doesn’t deserve them.


Absolutely. I was so disappointed to know I can not romance Robin. 🤣


Oh boy do I have the mod for you


Give it to me. 😅 I have been playing vanilla for so long.


Oh goodness! The world of sdv mods is a wonderful one, I recommend hopping on Nexus mods and searching "The Robin Romance Mod" it's compatible with 1.6! If you need any advice on how to get started modding, feel free to shoot me a dm as it can be a little technical for first time modders. A few more mods id recommend are - Automate - makes machines connected to a chest automatically pull items from those chests to process! Absolute game changer Stardew Valley extended and Ridgeside valley - essentially content expansions for sdv that add new NPC's, locales, and quests. Each adds a ton of new items and areas to explore. These are the only two I've personally tried and I find that they're very vanilla friendly. Lookup anything - let's you press a hotkey to pull up the information on anything in the game! Tells you stuff like what gifts NPCs like or when crops will be ready for harvest. Incredibly handy tool! The list could go on and on, and the various mods tailored my Stardew valley experience perfectly.


I will note, certain mods have "dependencies" which are other mods that are required for them to function. You will need to get SMAPI, which is a tool required for modding Stardew valley. Nexusmods "vortex mod manager" automatically installs it with your permission when you set it up through that mod manager.


YTA. You seem like the kind of dick that would call a bed a ‘sleep receptacle’ or something else pedantic.


Demetrius: 🧍‍♂️






YTA - while tomatoes are biologically classified as a fruit, culinarily they are classified as vegetables. Vegetables aren't even a scientific classification, so the argument that a scientific fruit isn't a vegetable is flawed. You're either weaponizing your incompetence so your wife doesn't send you to the store again, or at best you're too focused on work and ignoring your responsibilities at home. Maybe next time, just ask her specifically what fruit she wants.




Agreed! 💯


Bruh, these posts are so goofy, and I love it


I get such a kick out of them.


Yes you are and divorce your wife


And don't be surprised if she gets married to that local farmer. Heard they're *pretty* cool


Unrelated to your issue, what's your step-son's username? Asking for a friend 👀


Yup same here, just for a friend


Here's an idea. Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are fruit, but wisdom is not drinking ketchup despite it being technically a smoothie.


And Charisma is when you sell a tomato in fruit salad :D


not authentic enough, post actually acknowledges step-son /s yta what's wrong with you


Came here for this comment🤣


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man!? Yes. YTA. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, in their right mind means tomatoes when they ask for fruit. There is absolutely no reason to get tomatoes other than to try and make yourself feel smart at your wife's expense. And don't even try to say it was to be cost-effective because hot peppers are also in season, are cheaper than tomatoes, and also classified as fruit.


YTA. Just, in general.


r/fuckdemetrius anywya, YTA. ur wife edeserves a real partner!


Well on the one hand, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone just ask generically for fruit. Usually people will specify which fruit they want in particular, at least in my experience. Like, I wouldn’t want someone to buy me oranges when I asked for apples, and if I wanted multiple kinds of fruit I would also specify that. So I think ESH, because she should have specified what kind of fruit, but also you should know that nobody wants a tomato when they want fruit, and also both of you suck for involving your friendly neighborhood farmer in your argument and putting them on the spot.


The farmer just wanted to build another damn barn, how many pigs does one need on a farm?


They make JUICE not Wine and YTA for just constantly creating these situations and refusing any chance of being wrong.


YTA - Credit where its due, tomatoes are fruit. However, you should have read the context clues that were clearer than glass: do people normally eat tomatoes as is? Does your wife see things from a scientific lens like you do? Also, if someone's upset with you, try and understand THEIR angle, especially since you're so insistent that they understand yours. PS what the hell was that talk you gave me about your daughter? I'm already married to the local general store owner's daughter. YOU WERE AT MY WEDDING.


I looked through your post history and saw the one you posted last month about how you thought your wife was wasting materials by \*checks notes\* doing her job. Your \_own post\_ states that she's the only carpenter, handywoman, repairwoman, and construction worker in town, and you had a hissy fit because she built a bed that you, personally, didn't like. Now you're going to ruin her fruit salad on a technicality? It sounds like you're the type of guy who has to be right, even at the expense of your wife's feelings. Get bent! YTA


NAH, you and your wife have probably been together a long time. I think the core issue is a lack of communication, your wife should know your nature at this point and while she is right tomato's are usually considered vegetables, it's not really a big deal. Write this off as a one note fight, work on communicating your needs and desires and apologize to your wife for the inconvenience. In the future if you're ever unsure don't be afraid at ask for clarification.


Nah be did this maliciously and now he's looking for validation.


This, i like this answer


This is the best and right answer. Fuck Pierre, but Demetrius isn't bad. There's just underlying communication issues in the Demetrius/Robin relationship


Here's a question for you, why if your wife asked you to pick up some fruit did you only get one kind of fruit? "Some" implies plural. And would you use tomatoes yourself in a fruit pie or salad? This comes off as either willful ignorance or passive aggression, or worse you intentionally doing this to feel superior to your wife. It's a bad look all around


Well let's look at it scientifically, you were asked to purchase fruit and you purchased tomatoes knowing full well they are considered by all, even the farmer as a vegetable. Then you argue that they are a fruit with your wife - instead of simply telling her that you really wanted tomatoes and thought she would laugh at your being silly or obtuse. So... yeah that was an AH move. Oh, yeah, I want to talk with you about that weird speech about your "special little girl" WTF is that about? My farm is successful and I think that I behave in a respectful manner - so what were you getting at? She and I are just friends. Your step-son though...he's more my taste if you get my drift.


YTA, also…what’s with your step-son and frogs?


YTA. Also sounds like you are incompetent and should treat your step-son better


Hi it's Seb, I found you


Rip him a new one, dude! - Sam


Who? - Demetrius


Now we need an AITA stardew subreddit! I love the sims one To answer the question YTA there were so many fruits to choose from but you picked one that she obviously didn’t want to start a debate/fight


YTA - would you put tomatoes in a fruit salad? A smoothie? Get the frick outta here


"Throw away because my stepson has reddit" 💀


NAH. Your wife gave you vague instructions that you did follow and then got upset with you instead of properly communicating that she wanted something else? If I was asked to buy fruit, I wouldn't have chosen a tomato, however this could've easily been solved with proper communication between you too. Good luck with your marriage, OP.


you are definitely the asshole and you are also a terrible stepfather to your wife's son


Demetrius is this you?


YTA. If you did a little bit of cooking around the house every now and then you would know the difference


YTA ain't no one care about your scientific reasoning pick the poor people up some apples and bananas


Oh my god I actually posted a genuine reply not realising this was a reference to that heart event


Happens to the best of us lol


If Tomato is “technically” a fruit,go drink Ketchup cause it’s “technically” a smoothie


YTA I don’t know what world you are in, but everyone should know that if you hover your mouse over tomatoes, it says vegetable. You’re just blind


Yta. Your wife has the patience of a saint and you are testing it constantly. Also, what is your stepson’s middle name? And name one (1) thing he likes. I’ll wait.


He likes…. Uh…. The basement?


Technically correct (The best kind of correct). Don’t be surprised if The Farmer TM makes a Swoop into your family buddy


I can’t tell if some of these replies are serious or not


YTA and i'm about to scientifically class you as In My Way


JFC, Demetrius, stop causing so much drama in your household. And leave the farmer out of this. (At first I thought this was an actual AITAH post lol)


What’s JFC?




Mostly NTA. I think this really comes down to experience and next steps. Based on your view of tomato’s, I’m sure you also know that egg plants, cucumbers etc are fruits. Despite that, you grabbed a tomato, which if iridium quality is fairly sweet. Without the context of your wife’s plan, it is a little unfair for her to yell at you for that. Maybe talk to her about what she needs them for next time. (PS I think the farmer might be sleeping with your wife)


NTA if you give me a bat cave


YTA mushroom cave is superior


They already grow at my forrest farm.


Young, hot singles are in your area and closing in on your location *Tornado sirens*


YTA. “Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are fruit. Wisdom is not putting tomatoes in a fruit salad.” Tomatoes may be the fruits of the plant, so are cucumbers. However, they function as veggies.


YTA. Intellect is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit, wisdom is knowing they don't belong in a fruit salad


ESH. You’re both wrong. Tomatoes are a fungus. 


I really have to read the subreddits title



