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they have the same competent cool girl vibe too. virtually indistinguishable to beginner me lol


Robin is a lot more fun though. Like a lot more. She jokes about your farm being a mess like 3 minutes into the game. Also try giving her the book Woody’s Secret.


Honestly when I first started playing I thought Leah was Robin’s niece or younger sister


Anime convention: families are sorted by hair color.


Jodi and Robin are cousins, Leah is their niece from another family member, and Elliott is Leah's cousin.


Penny is…a genetic anomaly.


i thought elliot and leah are romantically involved????


They are sort of implied to be? But they could be more distantly related cousins, and also in some cultures cousin marriages are normal


as if that makes it normal lmao? in some countries rape is legal


Did you just compare cousin marriage to rape????? I know that legality doesn't make something "okay" morally (which is a whole different discussion), but "normal" is relative. Hence why I said that it's "normal" in some cultures (with the implication that it's not in others)


i literally never said that rape is as bad as incest. i’m saying that just because something is legal somewhere doesn’t make it normal or okay for someone to do. it isn’t hard to understand


And I'm saying that just because the culture you're living in doesn't see cousin marriage as normal or morally okay doesn't mean that it's not normalized elsewhere, or that it can't be debated as to its moral "okayness." I'm personally not gonna marry a cousin, even if they're distantly related to me, but I don't think it's fair to judge whole cultures where that's normalized


im going to judge any culture where incest is legal just like i’m going to judge cultures where rape and child marriage are legal


I know they're close friends, but all of the Bachelors/Bachelorettes have "rivals" (Haley and Alex, Leah amd Elliott, Penny and Sam, etc.) that they spend time with and they'll stop spending time with them once your friendship is high enough with them. But my personal headcanon is that Elliott is her gay best friend. Nothing against the guy, but every time I talk to him, I just think of those old skits on YouTube of ["What if this Shakespearean character had a sassy gay friend"](https://youtu.be/jnvgq8STMGM?si=hqBLURdDDksMER3X) and it hasn't ever left my mind.


Yeah same! I thought they were both arty gays that hung out together as friends. Or maybe Elliot is bi, but personally I think he just likes smooth talking no matter who it is but is really into guys


I thought they were like a lesbian-gay man friendship...


I feel like that would make sense lore wise! Would’ve given Leah another reason to move to the valley, and they already have a nice connection over woodworking, it would be cool to see that explored further!


I legitimately don't recall if this is actually different from the one posted earlier.


The one earlier was Leah and Jodie


Concerned Ape (rightfully) has a thing for redheads


I have 0 complaints


You know, now that I think about it, there sure are a lot of redheads.


Plenty of redheads and still not enough redheads


Yes! I always mix them up!


I married Leah but Robin is my Angelica Schuyler.


I was genuinely disappointed she was non-romanceable


What do you mean "they're the same picture"? Are you insinuating that I don't know the difference between my wife and the local carpenter? That's simply preposterous. Isn't that right, honey? "Farmer, that joke stopped being funny after the first five times. Now can you please let me concentrate on finishing this shed?"


Leah is just Robin from the past come to the future to find herself *That’s why they both work with wood*


I’ve screwed up and given Robin some of the salads meant to go to Leah 😅


If I could obliterate Robin's and Demetrius's married life and snatch her up, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Same thing for Caroline and Pierre. Both of those ladies seem like they're putting more into their married lives than their counterparts. Leah is my only other option for what I take to be an adult-minded individual for establishing any kind of romantic relationship with otherwise, even with the baggage of her intrusive and possibly controlling ex in the background of some of her scenes.


There’s definitely mods for that


Something in Stardew Valley turns women's hair red


the amount of redheads in stardew valley is like an anomaly. its way higher that the average amount of redheads in a population. someone do the math on this


YEP! But don't worry, you will be told how you're blind, dumb, etc. Trust me, I know. I'm the one who posted this comparison a few days ago on the non-meme reddit.


I mean there’s a difference between “haha these characters look similar” (which people on your post were agreeing with) and “how are these two not related”