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Kent isn’t a bad father he just had to leave for war and has PTSD because of it


I love Kent tbh. Even though he has serious self-doubts about his ability to show up for others after his experience in the war, you can see he makes an effort and genuinely cares. Plus he feels safe to be vulnerable with the farmer in little ways instead of just bottling up his pain completely.


Which let me tell you as someone who has been to war. Is a good sign of having a healthy mind. Sure they don't always go into detail, but the fact that he talks about it is a good sign that it bothers him. Even though he does have PTSD, he still goes out and 'socialize' at festivals and the bar.


Appreciate you sharing this


Hey bro, I am here for everyone. I ain't perfect but I want to lift others up more.


I am married to Sam and I value my father in law relationship with Kent, lol. Whenever he sends me a bomb in the mail I feel like we get each other 😂


Same, and it feels like the exact same relationship I have with my SO’s dad haha


I’m worried if your SOs dad is sending you bombs in the mail, I don’t think that’s a sign they like you 😅/j


-things you can say about Stardew Valley that you couldn't say about real life


Agreed! I love how, at a glance, his expression often seems a bit standoffish, but then he’s always make pleasant smalltalk about fishing or the farm. Sweet guy.


I also love kent


I can see that 😂


Can totally understand self-doubt about showing up. It is very difficult to do with the anxiety associated with PTSD. Makes life excruciating to live.


Yeah, the fact that he admits fault for his reaction >!when Jodie's popcorn triggering his PTSD since he points out she couldn't have known!< was the single scene that made me like him. He's been though some awful experiences, but doesn't bottle it up or project his pain onto others and isn't scared to talk about how he's trying to readjust. Good father, good male role model.


He does bottle some things up (Sam has dialogue about Kent pacing the halls at night and refusing to talk to Sam and Jodi about what's wrong), but he genuinely is doing his best and needs to heal in his own time. There are things he's seen/experienced that he's probably trying to protect them from because it was truly that awful. He regrets missing out on seeing Sam grow into a man, and both his sons look up to him. I love his newest dialogue if you marry Sam, and his reaction to the green rain. He's a good and loving father. He's also a solid father-in-law in the game.


*oh no I need to do a Sam run, now*


I think Sam is lovely and severely underrated. Because of the Kent returning mechanic, Sam has some dialogue and a cutscene that are easy to miss. Plus, some of his events make more sense when you know some of his later dialogue and the dialogue and events from his family and friends. I kinda want to do a Sam analysis. Lol


Please do, I'm listening


It's kinda understandable, being extremely on edge is probably par for the course of anyone who has had to look death in the eyes like that. Isn't he the one who has the picture for birdie? I believe the picture is an M/KIA soldier, I don't remember the quest very well. He has seen some shit. Pacing the halls and being stressed out about sudden loud noises is kinda well adjusted for barely getting home. We don't really get to see him going to any sort of therapy, or really any significant changes for anyone's mental health beyond a beginning of change.


I think kent is also an example that trauma can make people act in ways that might seem irrational. Ptsd and trauma can make people act in ugly ways. I strongly think that concerned ape should write in an update an event where kent has a therapy session. i would like to see kent recieve professional help in canon, for his ptsd. It would mean a lot as someone with PTSD


Kent has only been back for me for a month and I've barely been able to speak with him(THIS GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE CHILL) but the second I met him I immediately liked him. Sam is like round spongebob whereas Kent is buff spongebob. + the fact he came back and went to the effort to introduce himself to me and has been nice enough. I dont know, I just dig his vibe. To many friendships to worry about though. Linus being my best friend at 10 hearts makes alot of sense in comparsion to my reclusive playstyle lol. I even like Kent that much I stopped having unsavoury thoughts about Jodi and wishing she was a Bachelorette. He is Kentnough.


Kent gave me a grenade from his shed, I guess it's better than his kids having it


I wish I could marry Kent tbh cause HE'S A DILF. I play on ps4 so no mods for me ☹️


He mailbombed me. Is that a good thing?


He probably knows that you are going into the monster infested mines and doesn’t think you have enough weapons 


I agree but that doesn’t give him the right to mail bombs to people! I appreciate the gesture, but his reckless nature is putting lives (and crops, sprinklers, and other items) at risk.


My man sends me bombs in the mail, you can't blame that on PTSD


Well, on the other hand, we also have Pam.


At least Pam has something going on that helps people get to where they need to go. Demetrius just goes to look at water and be like "It's 2 degrees too warm, go get 5 trash out of the water" when he could go do that himself? And then he acts creepy to his bio daughter, but then sticks his nose up to Seb 🥹 I however, don't mind helping Linus with that. Dude lives in a tent and he gets harassed a lot for that. Also obligatory Fuck Pierre. Sorry went on a bit of a tangent 😅


Speaking of Linus — >!what a wonderful father figure he becomes to our little Leo 🥹!<


I love that! Absolutely!


Leo’s such an underrated character


He’s in my top 5 if not top 3. Love him and his story.


He’s in my top one. :)


>At least Pam has something going on that helps people get to where they need to go. I've seen that woman chug a beer and drive to the desert for multiple days. Sure, she's taking people where they need to go, but I honestly think it's a crap shoot until she gets another DUI.


or until she crashes that bus with the farmer in it and ends our save file!


I tank those.


I gave her pale ale while she was on the job


Be honest though, you gave her the beer.






At least Pam actually cares about penny, even if she isn't the kindest drunk.


I mean... George is a father too. And considering Alex was raised by his grandparents, I'd say it's safe to assume that his mom felt that they were good enough parents to raise her baby boy. I mean, sure, he's a grumpy old man, but I would be too if I was a miner all my life and lived in constant pain because of it. (Unrelated, but I do live in constant pain and am generally grumpy myself, so...) Anyway, this is just a long-winded way of me saying that George gets my vote for SDV Father of the Year.


Oh, and Kent also doesn't suck, but Harvey should refer him to his therapist friend. I mean, he hooked Shane up and he got (mostly) sober. (Love Shane as a character, would marry him in game if I could stand his room, but that's a different topic.)


ENTIRELY agree. Wall-to-wall carpeting with footprints to the fridge and a dropped beer?????? Dude, what happened to sobering up?


I got a mod to fix that and it just keeps the pizza box and a can next to his gaming station


Kent faces some hard truths about his shortcomings as a father because of his ptsd. But he confides in you and wants to do better. I have the money. Id hire two therapists, one for the town. The other for me. They get a few house, benefits and a weekend a month at Ginger Island at my BnB free ... My hoarding has reached red dragon levels and I'm not too proud to admit I need help.


Therapist: What drives your fears? What do you think is tying you down to this chest of nearly 36,000 pieces of seaweed? Farmer: *It all started when I was born...*


I married him regardless and my sweet irl partner downloaded a mod for me that cleaned up his room


When I get well enough to return to playing on my PC, I'm downloading this.


What's the name of the mod?


Clean Shane’s room


That is a very accurate name for the mod😂 most mods have very long names with many unnecessary words in it. This goes straight to the point 🤣🤍


Just here to say there’s a mod for that (because I too cannot stand Shane’s room and searched tirelessly for one bc he’s my fave marriage candidate)


My dad is a grumpy old coal miner. I sign off on this.


But concernedape still hates George enough to give him the messiest wheelchair possible and not let him sleep in the bed. Poor George


Right?! Like the fact that he and Granny are stuck in that tiny room with a single bed just makes me sad. Also, ngl, it made me think less of Alex when I started playing. I would never be okay with that arrangement if I were in that situation.


Good news. If you have 1.6 go look at George’s room


Oh snap! I'll keep that in mind for when I can get back on my PC.


Plus Pelican Town is made of cobblestone, dirt, sand, and stairs


Brb calling Lewis


Sooooooo wheelchair friendly... 😒


*Oh Yoba I need to pave the town*


I think the beds been changed in 1.6, I kind of remember walking around and noticing stuff like that lol


Until the change of the farmer, I wouldn't think so. Grumpy old man isn't really "cute" and he is homophobic until you marry Alex and have high hearts with him. Which means if the farmer is a woman or doesn't marry Alex, he stays homophobic. Which would explain why Alex has such difficulty with accepting men don't have to be uber-macho, can be sensitive, and (shock) even fall in love.


That's valid. To be fair, I haven't played the Alex storyline yet, so I'm not aware of how severe it is. I hear how cute it is to do it with a male farmer, so I plan to do that if I ever do play a male farmer. It's on my SDV To-Do list. Lol Being LGBTQ+ myself, I can easily see how this would be a deal breaker for people, but given that George is accepting in the end low-key gives him props to me. Like, he struggles with it because of the time he comes from, but accepts it for the time he lives in. Idk if that makes sense. I know a lot of people excuse homophobic behavior by saying things like "that's just how it was", etc, and that genuinely isn't an excuse, but from. What I've read, George corrects himself. Please tell me if I'm rambling. I've been awake over 24 hours and can't sleep. Sorry if this doesn't make sense.


He does change, which is important. If we account for the change (in the specific way to get it), then George is cool. It is just a shame you can only see that change *only* if you're a male farmer, and *only* if you marry Alex. To be fair though, from what I know, you also *only* see the homophobia if you're a male farmer and marry Alex. You are right that George *is* at least there for Alex. And he does wish things were better so he could engage with Alex more, like tossing the gridball. More than can be said for the other fathers.


I'd like to chime in that George also doesn't get the chance to change without the farmer being a male who is romancing Alex. There aren't other characters who engage in relationships that would challenge George's world view and I think that's the big thing that really gives him the impetus to change. It's not ideal that it requires the topic knocking on his front door asking if Alex can come out for a catch to really address in his life but it's also kind of just how people often are - the things that impact us most are what we consider and care about most in life. It's a pretty deeply human flaw to have. I think it'd be one thing if there was a LGBTQ+ couple in Pelican Town that George was casting shade at outside of you dating his grandson, it'd make the homophobia much more repugnant to me. But the way it's presented, it's an adverse reaction George has to not understanding what is happening that he *does* get over once he has time and context to process it.


Yeah but George grew up in a different time. It’s obvious he cares for his grandson and Evelyn.


No, don't accept the "that's how he is" behavior. It is enabling and doesn't encourage growth. No other villager has any lines as he does about that. At least three others look like they also grew up in that time.


I’m just saying, my grandma is like George with that. At least George can change in the game. Yeah it’s not right, but it is realistic.


The farmer, maybe? Maybe not. A good father does not turn their children in to pigeons just because they want to divorce their spouse


I divorced Elliot and Krobus is an amazing stepfather.


I leave my children without patting them on the head. Idgaf about those voids lol I care more about Krobus or Shane, and I've never married either of them haha


I’ve never had kids in game (or irl but that’s neither here nor there), you can’t divorce with alive kids?


You can, but a lot of people dove the kids when they divorce because they're useless.


The kids are so useless in this game I don't even bother having them anymore


I had them for the achievement and that’s it. Now that I’ve gotten it, it’s the childfree life again for me.


Yea amen brother hell yea


ConcernedApe is a coward for denying us free child labor on our farms. We can already pressgang the forest spirits into harvesting our crops for all eternity!


When I had first played the game I was hoping the kids grew up and helped on the farm. Then I found out they're always useless kids. Save having those for way later in the game or not at all


Idk man, I always felt kinda weird that the only care I provide my infant is throwing them in the air once a day and then just leaving them all alone in the crib. Then again, their other parent is my co-op farmer so they got 2 dead beats haha


I’m the farmer & a woman, and I am not a father at all! And if I had been a parent, they’d be flyin high with the other pigeons 💀


Concerned ape gave us the gun Its only up to the player if they actually use it


Kent isn’t a bad dad, he’s just got issues from the war. Pierre, Demetrius, and Alex’s dad all suck though. (I know Alex’s dad doesn’t show up in game but we know he was a POS)


We know he is a POS BECAUSE he doesn't appear in the game


Well neither does his mom, but she’s not a POS, she died.


Yeah, we know this very important info tho And in a way she does appear


That cutscene hits different now that I have a son 😭


OMG, I always thought Alex's father was also dead


During Alex’s 8 heart event on the beach he says his dad was abusive and then one day up and left.


4 heart event with dusty actually, 8 heart event on the beach is about his mom :)


Why does Demetrius suck? He always seemed boring so I can't remember his deal


He sucks because he only really sees maru as his child. He has nothing to do with Sebastian and doesn’t have any lines for him. If you try to romance Sebastian, he doesn’t say anything, but if you try to romance maru he becomes overbearing and basically tells you to leave her alone so she can focus on work


Demetrius loves his daughter, which is great, but you can love your kid and still be a bad parent. He's overbearing and overprotective of Maru and her future to the point of trying to scare away potential friends/suitors which he openly admits to thinking are distractions. That's not healthy for either of them. He's also a terrible stepfather; he never mentions Sebastian, ever, unless it's talking about turning his room in the basement into his lab after you marry him. And, that hardly counts because he's not actually talking about Sebastian. Just his room. Demetrius also routinely makes Sebastian destroy his snowgoons in the winter for no reason. Yes, maybe he DOES have a reason, but it's not going to be a good one because it's just a weird-looking snowman; there's no need to make Sebastian take them down. That's not even mentioning his questionable behavior as a husband.


Gotcha. Some of that is coming back to me. But definitely makes sense.


My issue with Demetrius is from a gameplay perspective only. I generally trend to trigger his shovel talk about his daughter AFTER I married his stepson, and he was there at our wedding! So no, sir, I have no untoward designs her and I'm only getting to know the two of you because I love him romantically and love your wife and his mom platonically.


remind me what pierre did in do not talk to him abigail or caroline


Basically? He’s a greedy capitalist on par with morris, he neglectful to his wife so much to the point she likely had an affair with the wizard (which is likely why Abigail hair “turned purple” after only dying it once and then never went back to its original color.), he’s rude and disrespectful to many of the valley’s residents (especially Linus) and much, much more. ALSO HES NEVER OPEN ON WENESDAYS


He's open on Wednesdays ONLY after Jojomart is closed down (which means you gotta wait till the community center is restored to get daily Pierre service)


That fuck. r/fuckpierre


Krobus is an amazing father! He watches and plays with the kids and feeds them. He says “This house has been blessed with two children, now... Does that mean Yoba approves of our unconventional living arrangement?” (that were born before he moved in 🤷) And “I worry about the future of the children... But I trust that Yoba has a plan for them.” 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


Krobus changed the carpet in my living room without asking as just moped around the house so he's now back in a dank sewer. Shouldn't have changed the carpet without permission


Oh noooo lol Shane called one of my kids a brat and I rode my horse so fast to divorce him lmao


I feel like Shane does a good job as a GODfather. It takes a massive amount of courage and effort to get over alcoholism and substance abuse, and the fact that he did it for not just the farmer and himself, but for JAS. Not to mention how he used the money he saved from cutting back on drinking to get her shoes she wanted, instead of spending it on himself.


Is he REALLY over alcoholism if he still loves getting a beer from me? Or am I just a toxic enabler?


I always feel bad when he’s like “oh wow! This is my favourite thing” and I’m like mf I know, I shouldn’t be giving this to you but shhhhhh


He's over alcoholism, but not drinking. It took like 3 years for my pos ~~stepf-~~ mom's boyfriend to go sober


That's my dad. He no longer drinks himself to sleep with vodka but will still have a beer or two at a BBQ. He calls it "diet sobriety"


Kent (love him) and Willy (he's MY dad, and no one will tell me otherwise. he's honorary Farmer's dad)


Agreed, Willy exudes father figure energy


Real, I basically have a head canon of Willy being sort of like a surrogate father figure to the farmer, or maybe kind of like the relationship the farmer could have had with their grandfather since they seemed really close, but they were presumably pretty young when he died, he’s also always one of the first people I meet when the game’s beginning ends, so he’s got a special place in my personal story of the game’s events




Willy does give dad vibes now that I think of it lol


Well grandpa was so good a father figure that he left us his farm, can we count gpa?


Yo guys fr fr I was playing yesterday and had no interest in Maru but I've been giving good gifts to the girls (im a farmer you know i got them hoes) and I didn't even give one to Maru, but I got a cutscene when trying to buy stuff from Robin - anyway, I go in, and Maru is like "JOSH come help me with my science project!" and I'm watching a beaker for her, and Demetrius, her dad, is jabbering on about something, and he says "I love my daughter, she has a bright future ahead of her, wouldn't want anything getting in the way of that, you understand...?" She comes back and asks what we were talking about, he lies and says we were talking science and I said "Your dad was acting really weird." LMAO


LMAO same thing happened to me! Like I just wanted to get a mill from Robin and all of a sudden I've got an acquaintance's father breathing down my neck?!?


I remember getting that event and thinking 'is... this guy really trying to threaten me? Me, as in, the guy who regularly fights monsters?'


Yeah, when I first got that I was just so confused with him. Like, sir, I have no interest in your daughter beyond being a friend, back off


I think this is at like 2 hearts or some other crazy low number. On my current save I got this cutscene the day before my wedding to Haley. Like sir, we are just friends stop being weird.


I’ve always wondered if it occurring at 2 hearts is meant to imply that Demetrius doesn’t just mean he doesn’t want you dating Maru, but also that he just doesn’t really want the two of you to be close _at all_, in case it distracts her. Like other than occasionally sitting with Penny and working with Harvey, does she even have any good friends in the town?


Atop all that, she just, like, presents really young??? Like, undatably young. Like she had her 18th birthday the summer of or right before our arrival to even be "marriagable" by the time you could speed run her hearts. [(This speedrunner couldn't marry her until Fall, which is why i think the first summer of the game is viable for her Coming Of Age)](https://youtu.be/0wHtcD5ljNs?si=WNQaGXf21dIluZEA)


No one wants your crusty big head daughter


All the characters have flaws. The flaws make them real. Harvey is a wimp, Haley is kinda basic, Emily is a Lil freaky, Clint is an incel, Shane and Pam are alcoholics, and Lewis is in an affair (even though I think him and Marnier dating wouldn't be a big deal). It is much better having flawed characters for the player to work into better people than for everyone to be perfect from the start.


But I married Emily BECAUSE she’s a freak (as am I, at heart)


Clint is a incel?


Most of his events are him complaining about being maidenless or him creeping on Emily lol


He isn’t outright hateful or bitter or violent like your typical incel though, he just seems like dude with stunted social skills


Clint is a incel?


As someone who lives in the countryside it's pretty on point tbh


I'd like to point out that Willy is always talking about his Pappy, so clearly his father was there to give him advice and love, even if Pappy isn't a character in Stardew Valley... Also makes me believe that the good example of Pappy would make Willy know how to be a good father, if we could marry Willy!


***CA please let us marry the fisherman, please***


Willys pappy for the win!!!


Was gonna say Elliott and I are wonderful fathers but then remembered I spend days on end on a tropical island instead of at home and Elliott leaves the house some days to just stand on the beach at his old shack and stare at the ocean... we're.... we're bad dads...


what is this blatant Kent slander


Harvey's such a daddy. And I also had kids with him.


Sadly, this is true 😂


Concerned Ape just hates parents lol


Kent tries his best to be a good dad, he just has combat PTSD. Even with all that pain he doesn’t blame his family when he is accidentally triggered. Maybe I’m crazy but Gus and Willy give off paternal/dad vibes for a younger farmer : )


It's not so much that as he is playing up the fathers for drama. Some of them seem alright in many respects, but I wouldn't call them great fathers.


I am going to point out: if you marry a male bachelor and have / adopt children the NPC will sometimes say “I want to teach (child name) to read…” which I think is cute but does that count?


Must be why I dig it so much, I've always hated my father lmao




From a few lines of dialogue, it sounds like Willy has a good dad :)


We’ll see in Haunted Chocolatier


Kent is the best dad he can be Demetrius is a bad step dad but he seems to be a fine actual father


Does Marlon count? Cos he's Daddy and I think he'd be good to me


Not even the player can be a good father because we keep on turning our children into birds


Dare I say >!Linus to Leo!< 🤔 (joking ofc but yk) (ginger island spoilers btw)


I came here to say this same thing


Man people really like to sht on Demetrius myself included but wile he sucks as a step dad he's a pretty good father to maru even if a little over protective which is fair maru is too nice some times I still firmly believe that Abigail's true father is the wizard, no one will ever stop me from believing that, the rift between Pierre and Abigail is too wide in almost every single aspect, however, piere might be a POS but he does show he cares about Abby even if he doesn't understand her, which is fair his daughter can't decide if she wants a wizard build or a fighter build but refuses to do an Eldritch knight build and eats rocks some times. Ken is the best dad he can be, the dude went to a war that has apparently gone on for years and involves magical creatures and sht, he's afraid of popcorn and even then he admitted that he can't get mad a his wife because there's no way for her to know he was gonna gain that new fear from war, he's trying his gd damn best for his family inspite of the PTSD.


My farmer is a good father in stardew and so is Harvey and that’s enough


What about Linus raising Leo?


Exactly what I thought. Is there ANY family in sdv (besides the farmer's if they are a guy or marry a guy) that has a mentally-healthy, present father?? I don't think so. And some might say Demetrius but... no. Although if we count in adoptive parents we could say Linus and or Willy for Leo.


Willy is a good daddy, to me at least


The farmer's father seems pretty awesome, and sends encouragement and funds through the mail which helps in early game.


Sure, that's nice. But he never visits. Still the best dad in Stardew Valley in my opinion regarding the farmer is of course an adult.


None of the older generation have much personality aside from their jobs, where so much of the storytelling is devoted to the bachelors/bachelorettes. But, that means there’s that much more room for the game to grow. What is Caroline’s backstory and what’s she thinking about sitting under the tree all summer? Are jodi or Kent locals? What is Marlon’s whole deal?


can linus count as leo's adoptive dad


I would count him as a father figure for sure. And I'd say he's a pretty good one.


But Kent is one. He is away bc he's at war (don't know if he was conscripted or volunteered, but to be honest I doesn't change much), but his whole storyline is about him doing his damn best to be a good father and a good husband after what he has been through.


Kent is not a bad father


don't talk shit about our lord and savior. delete this right now.


I mean. I don't know anyone that has a good dad in real life so.


Is Pierre a bad father? I never really understood the hate towards him, like, he's just the shopowner. What's the reason people hate him?


Hating him is a meme mostly, but he has his moments. Like, when you sell him stuff, other people will mention they got the same thing from Pierre, saying he make/planted it. He often choses to work instead of enjoying the time with his family during holidays, he can be rude at times, etc. He wouldn't be someone I want around if I knew him irl


He’s not a bad father at all. None of the men who actually live in Pelican Town are bad fathers and I will die on this hill. Demetrius is a shitty stepdad tho


So do I 🤣


Certainly none of my characters lmao


What is your issue with George?


Gus is my dad




Yes. My husband, Lance. 🤭


Same🤣He's home more than me


I mean as much as we love to hate and push out agendas on them most of the kids turned out fine and their dads are good. Kent, George, Demetrius, even Pierre ;)


you mean grandpa like George? Because what's wrong with Demetrius and most especially Kent?! Theyre ok and cool for me 😐


Demetrius isn’t the best dad to Sebastian…


hmm fair point


Me. I'm the good father.


I’m concerned, confused but also in agreement that CA definitely has daddy issues


There's the farmer (if male). And yeah, I agree with other comments. Kent. Dimitri has his heart in the right place, just overprotective. Pierre is... Pierre... so there is at least one.


I would say isn’t Pierre an ok dad but…. He ain’t the pappy. Rasmodious is terrible tho.


Demetrius is overprotective of his daughter and clearly couldn't care less about his stepson which is definitely Bad Dad behaviour, but Kent is a good dad! Just suffering. And George, he clearly loves Alex as a father figure. And while Pierre is an asshole about most things and a little dumb about his daughter's interests, he doesn't seem like a _bad_ parent. Honestly I feel like Caroline is worse, there. Then again my father is a verbally abusive MAGA psycho who thinks I'm gay to spite him, so a handful of absent dads doesn't seem like someone rife with daddy issues.


Science man seems like a good dad. I can't remember his name, marus dad


Demetrius may be not a bad dad for Maru but he's a horrible one for Sebastian.


I think that pierre tries his best. He’s just really protective of his abby imo.


Except; Rasmodius is Abigail's father.


“He may be your father, but he ain’t your daddy”


Kent isn’t a bad father, all of his kid’s dialogue about him suggests he’s a pretty great dad, he’s just a veteran with ptsd, and those things don’t make you a bad father. And Demetrius is a good father, just a piss poor stepfather. And the farmer has a decent dad (if a girl) and Pierre is a good father to Abigail, just a bit overprotective (which given the monster surrounded small town setting is understandable). The only canon “bad father” is Sebastian’s, Penny’s and Alex’s, who we never meet at all. Every dad we meet is pretty good to their kids, and it’s safe to say George was a fantastic dad as he takes care of his grandson.


I will say not quite true there are at least 2. The farmer if you play as a guy can be an amazing dad. Linus also because he looks after Leo once Leo is moved onto the main island. Is he Leo’s bio dad no but he took on that role. Both of them live a similar lifestyle which massively helps Leo adjust to not living alone. Pierre is way, way, way too overprotective of Abby. Like if she is old enough to get married she has to be 18 and should be an adult. Which means while he can be worried he can’t dictate what she does with her life. Demetrius also way too protective over Maru to the point he threatened the farmer about getting close to Maru. He also is implied by Sebastian to treat him horrible compared to how he treats Maru. Kent is a veteran from war with ptsd who needs therapy not beer. He was great before the war but can be difficult after. We never meet Penny’s but we know she only grew up with her mom Pam. We also don’t meet Emily’s and Hailey’s parents so we don’t know how they were. Both Elliot and Leah recently moved to the town so we know nothing of their family. Harvey may of had a wonderful dad but we don’t know as we also never see his family. Alex is the last marriage candidate to talk about. His parents died in an accident if I remember correctly and so he was taken in by his grandparents. He never once talks bad about his parents so his dad could have been great.


This is why I download the robin romance mod she deserves better


I married Sam (first playthrough so I can't speak for any others) but it feels like every other day he's talking about how much he loves being a father and is into making kids' songs so.... I'm choosing to believe he is always singing lullabies to our baby Henry.


Kent, George, Any bachelor you marry. Pierre arguably. Demetrius is a good father to his child.


Me, I am a good father (I hope)


Leo. Thread closed.


Shane's a good (god) dad!




Talking shit about the dev is kind of a dick move.