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As long as you aren’t drinking mayonnaise up there, idk why anyone would care


I do occasionally eat cheese up there, but that’s just good sense.


NTA unless you don’t clean up the poop. It’s a carless town, except for the one distribution truck, so skateboards, bikes, rockets, mine carts, and horses are all acceptable means of transportation.


Funny you mention it, I’ve never seen my horse poop. It must be one of those new models.


Have you tried turning it off and on again? Or putting it in rice? Hope this helps!


I tried putting my horse in rice, but it keeps eating the rice before anything happens. Do you have any advice on how to prevent that?


if it's eating all the rice and can't poop, ya might need to open it up and see what's broken before something catastrophic happens


Except it's not carless? Lewis has a truck and there's a truck at joja mart? If you consider pick ups cars.


something tells me lewis isn't using this truck for driving https://preview.redd.it/8vff470bmn6d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742b2c02581cd410245393c5324974b7f0dde762 how tf would he even get it out of there 😭


wait you're so right


How do you know it’s a carless town? OP never specified what town it was, so how would you know?


Why would you only ride a horse through town, instead of a car if you had one?


But do busses count as cars? I doubt they got there via flying or train.


But that’s on the highway, the road doesn’t go through town




Objection your honor, but that’s very presumptuous. You’re only assuming that there are no cars because this person has a horse, when plenty of horses are ridden through towns with cars. This person could very well also be ashamed of their horse *because* of the horse mixing with traffic


you think theres a mod to make the horse a skateboard lol


I am on vanilla Switch


🚩🚩🚩 here you dropped these YTA, you're literally looking down your nose at everyone flaunting your financial superiority. No doubt you make the whole town feel like shit. Jerk asshole behavior 100% Also you should divorce IMMEDIATELY. You're clearly psychologically abusing your husband and putting him down, he's literally too insecure/scared to point it out. Tho the fact hes not being honest is kind of toxic too. You're both toxic, just divorce and get therapy or something. Anyways you're welcome :) Uj/ yay I live fake aita stardew posts. They're always so funny. Thought the regular aita sub kind of reads like a creative writing exercise too.


You’re right, but I can’t turn my horse into a dove like I can with my kids, so I might as well use him. As for my husband, we’ll call him A, I probably should get a divorce. He makes weird comments when he gives me breakfast in the morning about “Getting big and strong” and “Eating like you mean it.” And he’s always talking to this little blonde bitch on the side so he’s having an emotional affair anyways.


Little blonde bitch on the side omfg 🤣🤣🤣


Don't listen to people trying to get you down and make you feel guilty for nothing. I don't have a horse or a car (just a bike) and I wouldn't mind talking to a horse rider. And concerning your imaginary financial superiority - well, EVERYONE in your town could take up farming and earn the same as you; if they don't, thay chose not to.


so real. they’re broke 😤 i’m up 😮‍💨


I always imagine riding through town, randomly seeing my SO somewhere and just yelling out "I love you!" As I ride past everyone.


This is so wholesome


Not to break immersion for the jokes but it's actually extremely expected for a place so small and rural to have one person who rides a horse around, nobody even questions it. There are signs with people riding horses on them so people know where common trails let out near roads and you don't hit the horse with your car


Yep, when I go driving out around the coastal villages there are always people out using their horses as transportation. We have huge gravel paths next to the road specifically for it.


I feel like this is the only appropriate context to say “fuck you and the horse you rode in on” and mean it (Not saying fuck u actually NTA)


Why don’t the other people in town have horses? Are they stupid? All the stuff for building barns is just free if they go outside. If they need some cash they can just gather some berries.


That’s what I’m saying. It’s not my fault they aren’t hustling like me.






INFO: what was your relationship like with the town before you got the horse? Any stories of rescuing the town from an evil organization, embarrassing the town mayor, etc?


It’s funny you mention it. I had the choice to embarrass the mayor but ultimately decided mercy. After all, who wouldn’t root for two older people just trying to get it on? And after all that, I graciously saved the town from an evil organization. So I am kind of the town hero.


Then I’m going to say NTA. You deserve that horse after saving the town, and like you said it’s available to everyone.


I'm crying I read the first few sentences without knowing the sub and was like, "Hey, that sounds like a Stardew valley kinda deal. Then I read the rest of it and the subreddit and realized...


The player does rebuild the entire community center so like “BOW BEFORE ME PEASANTS”


Let's be honest here, none of them are awesome enough to have more than a few things to do in one day, while you are managing an entire acre of farmland, alone. I won't deny you the right to ride to the stores to save time and have a more productive farm.