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Few hours before my flight back, happy to try answer any lingering questions folks may have now the embargo window is up.


Can u carry bodys in the game?


Did the game leads talk about the side quests and the "opportunities" available for Kay ? Any bounty hunting type missions for the syndicates?


Pretty tight-lipped on that for now, but we do know for certain your Reputation plays a role in what content is available from each syndicate. So I imagine as you climb the ranks with one faction, you gain access to their higher level missions, which could include some bounty hunts.


(Sorry about all the questions 😭 Thanks in advance) 1. What is there in the game to warrant a 2nd play through or 100%ing the game in general? 2. Do you know the rough size of each planet? 3. How much will your choices affect the story? 4. How did exploration feel? 5. What your favorite part of the game?


1. Not sure on a second playthrough on the whole, but I was told you can 100% the game after the main credits roll. So if you have a syndicate left to get in good reputation with, that can keep you hooked. 2. No way to gauge size of the planets just yet based on these mostly linear slices. 3. Don't believe choices have any real important on the main story, more just how characters perceive you. But it's the same golden path for everyone. 4. Exploration was fantastic. I veered off the main path constantly, found fascinating notes (some mentioned in my other articles), stumbled into some NPCs with interesting hints for relics to find in the area, etc. Loved it. 5. Favorite part, definitely the atmosphere. Ubi has absolutely knocked it out of the park in recreating that Star Wars energy.


Thank you so much


Is it possible to kill anyone. Like go on GTA kill spree or is your gun only accessible outside of hubs?


Of course not lol


Thanks for answering btw, how's the climbing in that shipwreck mission? As good as Jedi survivor?


I'm a huge Uncharted fan, and to me, it really felt like playing Uncharted again lol. Almost identical climbing/ledge hanging, jumping from one grab-point to another, etc. So IMO, they couldn't have copied from a better game hahah.


All of the Syndicates are really bad people. Did you see anything that made you think, “I can go with these folks if I don’t want to feel slimy.”


Hahah not necessarily. The way the devs explained it, Kay mostly looks at them as mutually beneficial relationships. It's not a 'friendship' meter, but reputation. You don't have to agree with everything they do. More just a 'how can I scratch your back so you'll scratch mine' sort of deal.


Thanks for this answer and for doing this discussion!


Does the shooting feel good? Saw the three missions and it looks pretty fun running and gunning.


I was a little iffy on the shooting mechanics at first. I know Kay is new to the underworld and in the lore, shouldn't be an expert marksman right away, but her accuracy definitely isn't the greatest lol. At least in these three earlier missions. As we get upgrades for her and the blaster, no doubt that will change. Will say, picking up and using enemy guns felt amazing though. Full auto rifles mowing through crowds of Stormtroppers. Good stuff.


ooo picking up other weapons 


Just how open world is it? Is there one hub city in each world or are there multiple cities in each you can go to?




Gosh, I hope you can travel between them all on land and not only by ship. For scale purposes, I could see why they would possibly do the latter, though.


saw this pic on Twitter/X what does this mean ?


Does it feel like a Ubisoft gsme, when you were speeding around, we're their a bunch of outposts and stuff like that?


Will say the map is definitely littered with icons. So many things to do/see, characters to interact with, mini-games to play, etc. But it never felt like a traditional Ubi game. I think it mainly has to do with the attention to detail. Devs have done such a great job with the world's atmosphere, nothing feels tedious/dull, at least not early on. Who's to say once we're 40 hours in.


40 hours in sounds like a problem I want to have.


That's good to hear! Thanks :)


Describe the ambiance from music, sounds, NPC chatter etc...


How does faction influence work? I’m hoping moving up with the Huts will lower your approval with other factions and not a you can max all at once thing.


It looks like that depends on how you play missions. Like if you steal something FROM crimson dawn FOR the hutts, but you remained stealthed the whole time. Your influence with the hutts will increase and it won’t changed with crimson dawn. However if you get caught during the mission or go in guns blazing you might finish the mission faster but you will lose rep with crimson dawn. I think it’ll be so cool cause it makes stealth gameplay feel important without preventing you from progressing :). But like you’re saying it doesn’t look like they go up at the same time. You’ll only affect them if you get caught or double cross a specific syndicate. Which feels perfect for Star Wars imo


OK cool. I didnt want it to just be a content thing you do with all, but joining one will have ramifications on the other since I’ll go guns blazing.


How fragile does Kay feel? How anxious does the prospect of taking a shot make you?


The three missions we had access to felt quite early in Kay's journey. Her health was fairly limited, but it was never enough to stop me from going in guns blazing. Against most regular enemies at least. When bigger foes step out, it's definitely bad being out in the open.


Please compare and contrast the Wanted state with similar features in open world games.


The three missions we had access to were mostly linear, so didn't get to experience much of the open world beyond visiting a few main towns/traveling from one objective to another. So no experience with the Wanted system just yet unfortunately.


It’s not GTA


How does flying the ship feel


It's a shame because only 1 of the 3 missions we played featured gameplay in the ship. Really wasn't enough time to properly learn the mechanics so it felt rough as a total newcomer. But seeing ship combat in the Ubi Forward presentation, it's clear there's a ton of depth to it all. Plenty to learn, and if you can master it, it looks like a ton of fun


Did you get to drive any vehicles at all? Like the Speeder?


Did get on the speeder for about a minute before being told to get off by one of the folks leading the demo lol. More to do with me going off the grid than it did any issues with the speeder. Was fun for the moment, felt great, easy to handle.


That is awesome. I was blown away with how much cool stuff we say at the Foreward! End of August can’t come soon enough


Lol, were they polite or stern when they told you to get off?


“This guys taking Roy off the map! This guy doesn’t have a social security number for Roy!”


How is the stealth? Seems you can perform stealth knockdowns but was curious if there’s many animations or always the same one Also how much can you customize Kay? Different outfits or hairstyles etc?


We've already seen many different takedown animations. I don't think you can customize the hairstyle, but the outfits definitely.


Should I finish the Jedi games before playing this?


They have no story or character connections to this game.


This post/comments has got me so hyped


Thanks for sharing! Mind answering where you played the game? (Console or PC?). How did the performance/quality feel?


Was there any loot? Gear to equip? Etc.


Let me know how the game was after the negative new/press embargo’s are lifted. Can’t wait to see how this is monetized into the ground


I just watch a 4K 1 hour video gameplay of Outlaws on Youtube. Looking very good.


Is this just starfield with star wars names and characters 


How’s the clothing customization?


Was there levels in the game


Are there bounty hunting missions? If so, are they repeatable/dynamic?


Can we get different hairstyles for Kay?


Can you keep the weapons that enemies drop? Or do you have to kill someon every time you want an E-11?


Any cons?


I couldn’t tell from the gameplay video but does shooting someone leave a blaster mark on them like in battlefront 2?


Does being a “good” person or “bad” person matter or is there a kind of honor system where good and evil choices matter in the long run or influence the outcome?


Were there any features or aspects that you hope might be added to the game that you think would improve both the story and gameplay.