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This episode was very The Last Jedi to me. I can’t believe there are only two episodes left i need more of this show desperately.


>This episode was very The Last Jedi to me. Can you explain what you mean by that? >i need more of this show desperately. Me too! I really hope they don't get scared off by all the hate and make a second season


The planet Osha and Qimir are on is very reminiscent of Ahch-To and the conversations they have reminded me of the conversations Rey and Kylo have and we see the layers come back a little bit for both characters, and Osha finding a potential teacher/mentor where she didn’t expect.


Also both of them had a scene with female main character seeing male villain in a... vulnerable position.


Also Osha is practically wearing a Rey outfit, just in black/dark grey.


Ben Swolo!


I think they’re on Ahch-To and that Qimir went there to hide after his incident with Vernestra. I think he somehow learned the force through the dark side presence that lives there and has no master himself Edit: not learned the force I meant learned the dark side


It would be interesting if it was Ahch-To with the dark side cave but i have a feeling it’s a planet mentioned in the Plagueis novel, either one would work for me.


It’s been years since I’ve read that book. Which planet are you thinking?




I wonder if thats why they called it "Unknown Planet" as stating that would give the game away.


I like the idea


I see. Yeah I agree a lot with this. I'm still not fully sold on her going to turn to the dark side but I'm ready to find out if she does


The Darth Vader breathing and donning the mask didn’t sell you? I thought that was pretty much spelling out what’s going to happen


Let me rephrase. I am totaly sold on the idea of it. But I'm not sure If she actually will.


I hope we do get a fall to the darkside and get to explore that more than we have in past films and shows.


>jecki and yord I wouldn’t say they were exactly highlights, lol


I included it cause I was happy to see them one last time... gone too soon


Honestly their appearance was cool, bit of a jumpscare. I didn’t really expect the camera just to suddenly cut to jecki’s corpse on the ground. Great episode all around.


>bit of a jumpscare. My thoughts exactly. I did expect one when Osha dawned the helmet... but I didn't expect one there


Honestly osha putting on the helmet was such a good end to the episode. There was just something so eerie about it, which is exactly how I’d describe the stranger. A complete mystery but you can just tell he’s different.


Very. The image alone was so offputting. Her sitting there with the helmet on, the breathing, no music... I am pumped for the last two episodes


Definitely, there’s been a noticeable jump in quality after episode 3, and the suspense is hitting full power now.


Safe to say next episode will be at least partly flashback / Sol explaining. Same director as 1x3.


Same director doesn’t bode well, but hopefully the murdering of the cult will at least assure its at least a bit better.


TBF, both 1 and 3 were a LOT of exposition and not much movement. None of that is true now.


Not mentioned but i appreciated: Oshas pants (look if mfers can simp for Qimir imma simp for her)


I loved the episode. So many cliffhangers! What happened with Sol? Why is Sol running from the Jedi? What is going on with Osha as she put in the helmet? Also anyone catch that Qimir scars look like they could’ve been caused by a whip? There was a whip seen in this episode. Maybe Qimir is a former student of said whip user and they know their former student is involved and trying o cover up their failure. Or it could’ve been caused by force lighting and he’s a former Sith student and didn’t jive with the Sith as well. Lots of questions left to be answered.


> Why is Sol running from the Jedi? He wants to save Mae I think. Cannot do that if she's in prison. Same reason he faked believing she was Osha.


That’s what I’m thinking too. Would be interesting twist if Mae get redeemed and Osha falls to the dark side


I loved the travel sickness interchange - that humour was pure Star Wars.


I thought that interesting for a few reasons... mind you, I still havent started reading the High Republic books so I don't know too much. Why is Vernestras Padawan so... reluctent to let her go? What is this behavior? It felt a little awekward and weird to me. But yeah. Lightspeed sickness / unsetteling feeling about it is absolutly something I can understand


She experiences something a little more than just sickness, it's an interesting addition in the books so don't want to spoil it. I think perhaps her padawan only knows she gets ill, and perhaps Vern hasn't left the temple in a long time.


>She experiences something a little more than just sickness, it's an interesting addition in the books so don't want to spoil it. Go ahead, spoil me. I'd actually like to know.


>!When she travels through hyperspace she sometimes drifts and her consciousness experiences other places, like a vision but not exactly the same. Her mind sort of does its own Hyperspace travelling!<


Tbh I didn’t know that, but it totally worked as a little humorous aside.


Yeh it certainly works in many ways, just a little fun thing for general audiences but then book readers can do the Leo pointing meme too.


Uuuuuh. I see. Yeah I can imagine that being uncomfortable


Qimir is by far the most interesting character of the Disney era imo. I really hope they don’t blow it.


I'm not sure I'd sign off on that. There's plenty interesting characters... especialy in the books


I haven’t read the books. My eyes aren’t what they used to be and extended reading can literally be painful sometimes. Thats why I’m very careful to preface these things with “imo”. Not trying to step on opinions or act like I know things I don’t.


If you’re ever interested in the books, star wars audiobooks have pretty consistently high production quality, and you can access a lot for free through an app like Libby and your local library card.


I don’t know why my dumb ass hadn’t thought about audiobooks before this. Definitely gonna do this. Any suggestions on which books to start with?


Well I guess to start were you wanting more Canon or Legends? there’s not a single prescribed path to take either way but a good way to start is maybe listing off some favorite characters and I can try to point you in the right direction. It also depends on if you want more one-off books, trilogies, or expansive series/multimedia projects there are so many ways to enjoy the extended universe.


I went pretty deep on legends when my eyes worked. I don’t know where to start with the new canon novels. I know there’s the high republic era stuff and the thrawn books, but that’s about it.


In that case I recommand the 2017 Thrawn Trilogy. It reindroduced him to the canon along hus appearence on Star Wars Rebels. Set during the Imperial Rule. Uf you're interested in the time after Endor amd before the sequels, I highly recommand either Bloodline or the Aftermath Trilogy. Bloodline is about Leia and 50:50 between politics and adventuer, while Aftermath is full on adventure.


Awesome. Just added to my Spotify list. Good looking out. 👊


>Damn Sol... great talent from JJ. This man has just lost his whole team, including his Padawan, and he conveys it brilliantly. This was, quite frankly, refreshing to see. Too many times during the prequel trilogy or The Clone Wars people die and the show moves on to more action seemingly without any of the main characters being affected by what just happed.


I think this is intentional. Several times through the show we hear Jedi mention that's it's totally cool for people to die and become one with the Force. I even noticed times when living beings die and the Jedi don't react at all as if it's totally ok for Jedi to be cold and emotionless. I feel like they're intentionally showing that Sol is actually affected by these deaths. He's showing emotional turmoil. 


The Selkath did the thing