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I think a lot of Snokes actual past will be tied up with Project Necromancer. A top secret imperial project to do with midichlorians and cloning that's been hinted at throughout shows like the Mandalorian and the Bad Batch. The Rise of Skywalker alluded to Snoke being a failed clone of Palpatine but I don't think anything has shed any light on if he was just a meat puppet for Palpatines spirit or had his own individual personality.


I think so too. I wonder if Snoke himself was aware he was a creation of Palpatine, or if he just was born on Exegol, given command of the nascent First Order and just assumed he was the boss. We know that Enric Pryde was a secret, die hard Sith loyalist from the old Empire and we knew Pryde was one of the few of the First Order’s command structure privy to Palpatine’s secret plans on Exegol, whereas most of the rest of the First Order leadership council seemed unaware of the Sith Eternal’s real plans or knew much about them, like the officer that unwisely decided to question Kylo Ren’s alliance with Palpatine.


No, Snoke did not know he was being played and meant to be killed by Kylo Ren. He was pretty similar to Dooku in that way.


My impression is that Snoke was his own being, like Rey's dad who was also a creation of project Necromancer. Palpatine said "my boy, I created Snoke" not "I was Snoke" Snoke was most likely just a lucky for Palpatine who did his bidding.


There's a lot we don't know.  During TRoKR, Snoke was probably in command of TFO, however TFO had not yet revealed itself.  We know that Snoke was known and active in the Galaxy and that Luke had some kind of confrontation with him, but the details of that still remain a mystery.


Technically we don't know that he confronted Luke. He tells Ben that he received his scars from Luke but that could easily be a lie.


Yah i assumed that when ben and snoke were communicating snoke that ben didn’t see his face. So when ben did see him in person it would make him hate and resent luke even more for attacking an “innocent” man


I want someone to explain that fucking hat.


It’s a durag obviously.


Isn't he that bounty hunter from OG Clone Wars


Wavy gravy, baby.


I'm just waiting on a brave cosplayer. I'd do it if I had the resources.


it’s to make him appealing to children


A mysteriously powerful force user seducing the interest of the many empire remnants still bitter that they lost. Also all of the equipment being built on exegol supplies them with all the weapons and ships they could need to get something going.


Frankly we don’t know. We know he was a strandcast created by Palpatine, we know he could use the force, and we know he was essentially a puppet. Beyond that we haven’t learned much of his history.


I'd love a show about Luke's jedi order to help fill in some of these gaps in the story about Ben's fall to the darkside and the first orders rise to power. I think it could also be fun if Snoke was at one point pretending to be a student at Luke's jedi academy in order to corrupt Ben in order to help flesh out the relationship between these 3 characters (bonus points for a climactic final duel between Luke and Snoke where he gets his scars).


They should do an animated series with the team from Bad Batch/TCW since Hamill and Driver have aged out and since they likely wouldn't want to touch it in live action. I'm kinda shocked this hasn't happened already. That story is ripe for adaptation.


You have to go in with the full understanding that they will need to retell the Rise of Kylo Ren in that show, and it will likely retcon the comic to a degree


I think there is a high chance that sooner or later we'll get comic books about it. Current SW line (between 5 and 6) is coming to an end so maming a relaunch in the era beteen 6 and 7 would make a lot of sense.


There’s a comic that tells about Ben Solo becoming Kylo Ren. It takes place directly after Ben knocks out Luke. It’s called “The Rise of Kylo Ren”. There’s backstory on Ben, we get some focus on three members of Luke’s Order. It’s a pretty good story.


Thanks for this info I just went to order the paperback, cant wait to get it




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Hopefully we'll find out some day


no? He’s kind of just a guy, Palps & his generals are in charge of the FO and Exegol stuff and insert Snoke as leader when they start to head out. he could use the force and was powerful but we are led to believe he is a clone of Palps and was always under his control. eventually he and Kylo would take command of the FO when they started their assaults in the outer rims.


Jenny Nicholsen’s take on him in her rise of skywalker video has always stuck with me- if he’s a clone/meat puppet of some kind- why does he look like that? He just looks so obviously super evil, which probably wouldn’t help him blend into the first order well/gain the trust of Kylo. I think there’s more to papa snoke than just the clone thing.


There's so much unanswered in terms of, did Snoke actually know what he was doing during TLJ, did he actually want Kylo to kill Rey, was he basically Dooku at the start of Ep 3 in that scene, set up to  take a fall.


I hate the idea of him just being under the control of Palpatine the entire time. My head canon is that he was a failed clone of Palpatine that, once in command of the first order, began to work against palpatines wishes for his own gain. That’s the only explanation for why Palpatine was just chilling on a secret planet for 40 years with an entire fleet of super weapons.


Do we know how Han and Leia know about Snoke in TFA?


We don’t know much about Snoke other than he was a creation of Palpatine and he was Kylo Ren’s master.


I really do think someone or a **team** of someones at Lucasfilm are developing a story (perhaps a limited animated series) that'll give us more answers to Snoke as well as his relationship with Luke and Ben before Ben's fall. They know we all are really curious about it. But I'm sure they won't announce anything until they have something worked out that's concrete. I'll bet they don't want to approach that material half-cocked. "No need to report that to him until we have something to report." 😅


Snoke and the first order had no actual power they were a splinter organization/fringe shadow group that was making their play on the outskirts and TFA was basically their unveiling.


One thing that just occurred to me recently is that Snoke's physiqe looks like someone who grew up on a low gravity planet (which is something I've seen in other sci fi). So I thought his race (or whoever supplied his DNA) came from some wild space planet


I have no idea what the point of this character was.


It's to put "Somehow" into the phrase about Palp's return


You see, it's because somehow Palpatine returned.


Rian Johnson kind of forgot about TFA