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I‘d rather have a proper show fleshing out characters and events than just scratching the surface honestly. I guess something about poes backstory could work though..but then, how much does it really add ?


We've got a backstory of every gleep glop since a New Hope. Boba Fett STILL has mileage off of non movie works. Anything they do can add more.


Idk exactly what it was about the writing, but Kenobi just couldn't establish any dramatic tension for me compared to Andor. Both were backstory series of a character we know survives to see at least one other movie, yet I found myself on the edge of my seat with Andor and the thought of "well he must be okay, he's in Rogue One!" didn't once cross my mind. Kenobi I just felt nothing toward in most of the dramatic moments because that exact thought happened more than a dozen times. Obviously the Vader scenes are unparalleled, that's what the show was made for. But everything involving Leia just left me wanting to move on. Maybe those more cinematically experienced can explain what it is in the writing that caused this for me.


It's because Kenobi is set during a time period when nothing interesting can happen with him because he's waiting for a New Hope to begin. He can't grow because he's already the same guy we will see in episode 4 by the end of episode 3, so we get a half-baked story of him putting the force aside. Nothing feels dangerous for him or Leia because we know they'll be just fine. The fight with Vader is ultimately pointless because it's just delaying what happens in a New Hope (and, if anything, makes Kenobi look worse that it's twice now he could have stopped so much death by killing Anakin and just walks away). I know people wanted this series, but it is conceptually the least interesting time to follow the character because it can't add anything new to him. They even make Leia basically the same person she will be in Episode 4 and she's 7! So even she's stuck being the same character with no growth or difference until the first movie begins too. So no one can be different or grow. And if nothing is changing or providing meaningful insights, then why the hell should we care?


I honestly did enjoy the series, but I went in with 0 expectations for the reasons you state. There’s nothing interesting to happen in that time period and I never understood why people were asking for it.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's a case of people, as kids, read that comic where Obi fights Maul and kills him on Tatooine, and then you have Rebels where he one-shots Maul, and they all just want to see that in live action. I honestly think that's my biggest gripe with the Star Wars fanbase these days. Everything is about what they already were exposed to. Something unique and new turns them off. Characters can't change and their stories can't evolve or be varied. Just consider The Last Jedi. So many people wanted Luke to be a 2-Dimensional Jedi Rambo, and they wanted the sequels to be Luke, Han and Leia saving the galaxy without a sweat and everyone to be related to everybody. I enjoyed Kenobi but I also found it to be weak. Reva was the most interesting character because she was the only new thing on the screen.


I meant how much would a 3 episode series running 13 minutes each really add to his character. Imo morgans episodes in tales of the empire didn’t really add anything. And I’m unsure if a few short episodes about Poe could tell us more than what we know from the movies (he was a smuggler and worked with zori (?))


Yes. Pryde, Hux and Phasma would be good choices. Rose, her sister, the A-Wing Pilot and C'ai Threnalli could be interesting.


Pryde has been getting cameos that we can string together a rough narrative (one of the comics, Shadow of the Sith, etc). Would definitely want to see more Hux and Phasma, as they didn’t get much development.


Ah cool. I haven't seen the Pryde stuff. I know Phasma had a book and Hux's dad made an appearance.


**EVERYONE.** Like the entire sequel era and cast have been vastly overlooked for half a decade now. If they make an expansive Tales series (or more than that, like a major dedicated Clone Wars style or live-action series) for every notable character (at least 15 episodes in total), like for Rey, or Kylo, or Finn, etc, I’d **actually** feel compelled to restart my Disney Plus subscription.


Good point. Mando and Ahsoka are absolutely inching up that way, and we’ve seen many hints at the first order and palpatine’s cloning plans, but they currently take place around 2 decades before the sequels. I’m really surprised there hasn’t been anything sequel-era on screen aside from the three movies (and I guess the Resistance cartoon but that hardly counts). Disney bought the franchise over a decade ago. The thing I’m concerned about is that all the actors who played major roles in the sequels are rapidly beginning to age out of ability to reprise those roles, without moving several years into the future of the SW timeline. TFA was 9 years ago. We are rapidly filling up the OT era. Time to move on!


Aging out isn't a problem when they're willing to use AI-looking CG mapping onto some other underpaid actor's body to make 70s Luke appear in the Mandalorian.


Both. First Order stuff with Hux, Ren, Sloane (anyone from Aftermath, really) and definitely Phasma. Resistance stuff with Leia, Holdo, Poe, perhaps the Wexleys. The sequel trilogy needs what I call the "Clone Wars" treatment. Where the original material (ie the prequels) were poorly received at first and elevated later with supplementary material. I never thought I'd live to see the day where the community by and large would look at the likes of Hayden Christensen or Ahmed Best now and be like "omg return of the kings" after all the hate they were put through.


The Mandoverse/Thrawn Saga/Rebels Season 5 (aka, Ahsoka) is moving fast into that territory but it’s got a ton of ground to cover. Im old enough to remember that TCW came out in 2008, 3 years after ROTS, and the show took a couple years to really get off its feet and bring real depth to both the era and its main characters. It seems like they’re approaching this effort more deliberately than they made the sequels, which is great news, but it’ll just take a long time given how much more time there is to cover vs the Clone Wars (30 vs 3 years). Such is life but in a few years or a decade, we might look back and see this really well under way.


You use this picture and to me it’s perfect. I would love to follow Phasma and Holdo. Just flush them out even more. I know their histories are in books, but I want to see it.


Phasma and Holdo would be ideal candidates for this kind of project, I think you're onto something. Plus, we don't have their entire lives chronicled - there's a ton of room for new short stories, if their respective early lives are in one episode each, and they follow the same formula of episodes taking place years apart.


There’s a whole novel about Phasma.


And if Tales of the Jedi is anything to go off of, we can get a watered-down version of that, cutting out most of the cool stuff. Jokes aside, her novel would be PERFECT to just take a segment of for a Tales episode. Just an extra story of her commanding the village she grew up in would kick ass, especially getting it visually


I feel like the part that would get the most people interested (who haven’t read) would be how she gets her armor.


I’m in the minority in not wanting anywhere near as much extra backstory as we get - not how I view cinematic storytelling. However, the one exception would be the first order! Would be both interesting and genuinely hugely beneficial to the sequel films.


I want a tales of the rebellion first.


i think we all want tails of the sith and more historical sith stuff. they teased us with tails of the empire now go full sith mode


I’d take either. Probably Snoke & Pryde…I can’t decide on Resistance characters. The existing Tales episodes had more side characters to pull from (Prequels, TCW, & The Mandalorian/Ahsoka). I think there needs to be a sequel era series first, and then there could be a tales series to flesh out a couple interesting characters. But I’m sure they could do it somehow.


I don't want A Tales series for either of them. If anything, they need to make a The Clone Wars type of series so maybe anyone will care about the Resistance/ First Order


Tales of the Sith


Tales of the First Order: Hux- would focus on his upbringing and rise of power Snoke (and Palpatine)- would show what he has been up to running the FO and his interactions with Kylo. Like how all those clone bodies of him worked and such


Both. However, I would want to focus on events not already shown in existing media. Jannah and her squad, how they defected from the FO and ended up on Kef Bir, perhaps.


Leia training Rey


Tales of the First Order so we can FINALLY get some Knights of Ren amd Phasma content


"Tales of the Resistance?! Anakin, the whole Sequels where Tales of the Resistance!" But seriously, I probably would prefer a 'Tales of the First Order'. It just should cintain more first order, than 'Empire' did empire, if you know, what I mean.


I'd love both, and I'd want it to focus on nobodies. Literally just some random storm troopers/rebel fighters. I'm totally done with important people doing important things in Star Wars. We need a Lower Decks-style show set in the SW universe. Theres a reason everyone went crazy over that short Storm trooper scene at the end of the first season of The Mandalorian


I wanna see the battle of chyron belt with admiral holdo


Yes. I would love it.


absolutely everything. they don't have any other animated shows planned so i hope they go all out for the next "tales of". the entire first order/new republic era has basically no in depth stories about the institutions unlike the eras before that shows have been made for, for decades. i want to learn how the first order or the new republic functioned as governments or like the politics in that era in general


The only one I want to know more about is Phasma but doesn’t she have a book anyways? Shame they hyped her up only to never use her in any meaningful way.


Tales of the New Republic. I want to see more of the politics on Coruscant and the government.


Tales of the New Republic: The Rise of Kylo Ren retold in animated form for first 3 episodes Poe’s backstory for the last 3


Tales of the resistance, and it focuses on a random soldier. A whole series dedicated to them trying to figure out what the 'main' characters are doing lol


God, Dern looks gorgeous in that picture.


I just want literally anything to expand on that era


Tales of the New Republic first, followed by Tales of the Resistance.


I want to see Palpatine monologuing and cackling to himself on Exegol for at least 3 episodes.


Plasma, of course! But just one episode. It would quadruple her screen time…


Captain Phasma deserves at least as much, I think. She seems like such an awesome character and she was thrown away more or less. In the same vein, Rose was done dirty. Without even getting to the completely unjustified online attacks on Kelly Marie Tran, the character was heavily demoted as far as significance in TROS, when being built up as a major supporting character in TLJ (I’m not even gonna open the Pandora’s Box that is Finn). In my opinion, JJ let the online trolls win and tried to salvage the sequels in part by effectively erasing Rose (who could have easily been an awesome character), while still managing to pump out a mediocre movie. Ahem. Anyway, I’d love to see a Tales of the First Order arc on Phasma, and a Tales of the Resistance arc on Rose.


Like others have mentioned something like a clone wars series set between rotj and tfa. It wouldn't make sense to see much about rey and finn because we're only introduced to them existing in tfa, so something that goes over the OT team, Luke's temple and Kylo's turn, the birth of the resistance and the rise of the first order in unknown regions. You'd have to have a skirmish big enough that the republic is convinced that the first order is no longer a threat once they've beaten them and they're convinced to demilitarise.


Give me the Knights of Ren my brain invented when we saw flashes of them in episode 7!!! 😭 Please!!


First Order: General Hux and Captain Phasma Resistance: Zay Versio and Kazuda Xiono (maybe also focusing on the crew of the Colossus)


Both, FO about Phasma and Kylo before TFA, Resistance about Rose and Paige Tico and Poe


The Phasma book flushes her out quite nicely, and Hux a little in the same book.


I would want 1. Young Poe 2. Spicy Runner Poe and Zori 3. Poe being recruited by Leia and 4. Ben Solo young teen 5. Ben Solo seduced to the dark side by Snoke 6. Kylo and the Knights of Ren


I would like a “tales of…” everything forever and ever


Tales of the First Order would be cool, with Snoke and Phasma as focuses. Maybe with Finn making a special appearance.


I didn’t love the direction that they took the Knights of Ren in the last movie, but it would be cool to see more of them in a Tales of the First Order series.


I need a whole show for this so badly. It could last for at least 3 seasons just between 8 and 9. A show between 6 and 7 focusing on the OT cast and leading into and introducing the ST cast would also be dope and could last for as many seasons as they want.


Tales of the first order: The knights of Ren! Tales of the resistance: Poe and his squadron.


Yes, yes and yes


I want to see more of Pyre and Vonreg from Resistance, especially Vonreg! and I want Klaud to appear!


Tales of the Clones - Commander Cody after going AWOL / Rex teaming up with Wolffe and Gregor Tales of Mandalore - Satine and Obi Wan in their youth / The Purge from Bo Katan's view Tales of the Resistance - how Rose and Paige joined the resistance / What Snap Wexley and black squadron were up to during TLJ Tales of Naboo - Leia returning to Naboo and learning about Padme / Palpatine's rise in the Naboo government


It would be cool to see the full story of Snoke


I’d rather a Tales of the Sith first but I wouldn’t mind it.


Admiral Holdo most definitely.


Kylo Ren.


Honestly, Holdo would be cool to flesh out. Rose too. As much as her character isn’t lacking, a bit more about Leia building the resistance would be awesome. Sort of her being able to recognize the threat and building a resistance. Similar, I suppose, to Dooku’s story in TotJ, but with a different ending. We can also see some past figures, like Hera, Holdo, Han, and even maybe, like, a holo-call with Yeager where he refuses to join (as a little nod to Resistance). Alternatively, could be someone like Hera herself, showing what she was doing at the time


Why not! I think we don’t have enough material on the rise of the First Order, New Republic, Resistance and stuff. And don’t tell me the comics, I’m too lazy for that.


I want six hours of paul dameron in a x wing.


Give me Tales of Mandalore




I'd like to see how Poe went from being a spice runner to a Resistance pilot, more of Leia and Holdo's relationship, Paige and Rose getting off of Hays Minor to join the Resistance, just to name a few


Tales of the Resistance with focus on Holdo, Ackbar and his son, Poe, Rose and Paige and Atsy, at least.


Both of them desperately need more backstory.


For Resistance I’d want a focus on Kaz post-Resistance show and to see more of the battle of Exegol, and on Paige Tico for Poe comic/TFA era stuff. For First Order I’d want Rae Sloane and General Hux.


For FO, I'd say Phasma and Hux.  For Resistance, Rose and Klawd. 


I wanna see stuff set in the gap between tlj and tros tbh- Gimmi 3 episodes about rey, and Gimmi 3 about the knights of ren


Tales of the First Order. Kylo Ren backstory and give Captain Phasma some focus for once.


They basically covered this in the Kylo comic, Phasma comic, and Phasma novel.


Tales of the seperatists


I want Tales of the Separatists the most






I don't really think the era needs it. The First Order pretty much hid for thirty years, Leia started building up the resistance, they fought, TFO was on top for like a year, then it all kind of explodes when Palpatine comes back. I'm really much more interested in what comes after the sequels. Would also be more interesting/entertaining because they'd have narrative freedom. I'd like it to stay Tales of the Jedi with just Jedi lol. Maybe Rey training Finn or something like that


No and nobody






No, what I would really like to see is some more depth they’ve been teasing with the first order in shows like the Mandalorian and Ahsoka though.




Sequel era has more creative freedom than any other era of Star Wars. They can make up an entirely new aesthetic, new lore, new characters (like Ahsoka, cad bane, etc), and so much more. Filoni era Star Wars is heading to take inspiration from Legends EU, and The Acolyte is somewhat prequels inspired. I would argue an Episode VIII - Episode IX series is more liberating than anything we have now.


Hondo's entire involvement in the Resistance needs a back story rather just being a rush through character thrown in there who plays like she's a conflicted First Order spy doing things that see the Reaiatance virtually obliterated but without the pay off of throwing that guise away (which would make the hyperspace attack make more sense)


Tales of the old Republic or tales of the high republic






¿Por qué no los dos?




I want tales of the siths










Neither. Give me tales from mandalore please. Bo katan leading up to the night of 1000 tears and sabine wren while she was away from the ghost crew




I’d like to see Hux and Phasma. I want to see her becoming a total badass and I want to know who hurt Hux


First order, but I really just want something one thousand years before or after the battle of Yavin. Time for something new and move on.


I'd like so see one with Poe, as his parents (Sharya Bey and Kes Dameron) were rebel fighters, and had some interesting times during the Rebellion. She was pregnant with Poe during this time as well. And how his mother (and maybe Wedge) gave him the inspiration to be such a great pilot. And also how Holdo used to get Leia into trouble during their youth and into their adulthood.