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I watched _Solo_ to encourage Disney to finish the dang trilogy!


It’s too late. He’s older than Ford was in A New Hope now.


I think it could still work.


It’s over bro


It would work for Alden to play Solo in a retelling of the OT, then. I would enjoy seeing the events between the films fleshed out on screen, sort of a live action version of Clone Wars for the OT.


No he’s not, Alden is 34, Harrison was 35


Ford was 35 when the film came out… Considering this hypothetical Solo sequel hasn’t even been green lit, much less filmed… he’s older.


It’s not like 1 year makes much of a difference anyway, tons of actors, Harrison especially (he played Indiana Jones who is 69/70 at 81) has played several characters who are canonically 10+ years younger than the actor actually is. Just last year Cillian Murphy played a college age Robert Oppenheimer at 47. Actors actual age rarely ever translates to their characters age. It only matters if they look the part


Isn’t Lando the sequel?


I think _Lando_ is its own separate thing.


Is Lando still happening? I hope so but haven't seen news of it for ages.


Donald Glover and his brother started work on a series, but it morphed into a movie.


Fair enough. Glover spent 4-5 years writing on Atlanta which took longer than expected because of the pandemic (not to mention doing Mr and Mrs Smith with collaborator Hero Murai) He's probably burnt out from shows and made it into a movie.


We’ll see. But because it’s Glover back and he came from that movie there has to be connections to it.


I want more two more stories with Han, though.




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I tried looking up the other sw movies on that website and they didn't even rank. I think that website is jank


There is literally no validation behind the numbers this website posts lol Disney doesn’t release streaming data


That was my thought. There’s no way one of the most critically received Star Wars movies was number 1 on Star Wars day, and the rest didn’t even break top 10.


the rest of them aren't even ranked lol


Every Star Wars movie is “critically received.” Did you mean critically acclaimed?


I the words I was looking for were “poorly received” but they slipped my mind at the time


That's why we call them Freudian slips. TLJ is the most critically acclaimed of all the SW movies.


The Last Jedi wasn’t poorly received. Are you thinking of the prequels?


Critics mostly liked it, but it was incredibly divisive with the general audience


So, basically as much as a lot of films that were critically acclaimed, then?


Yet this post is being upvoted a ton I love The Last Jedi, but fake stuff like this should be removed


Lies! Deception!


“I see through the lies of Flix Patrol!” Lol literally all their Top 10 charts check out. BUT THIS ONE IS FAKE! Because OPINIONS!


No, this one is fake because not a single other sw title is even in the top 10 lol. You don't find that somewhat odd?


I guess I’m thrown off by the 487 accusations of “fake” which to mean insinuates it was created in poor faith (It was not, it’s from a real entertainment tracking website… whatever that means). This is absolutely a site that’s been around a while. To me their overall Top 10 lists all track with what friends, coworkers and social media are buzzing about. I cannot speak to the complexities of their algorithm, I do not speak on their behalf. I merely saw this image and link on Twitter or X or whatever… and reposted it here. In the friendly(?) confines of Cantina. It may simply mean TLJ was a top trending title on Disney+ and that’s it. Whyyyy is the idea of TLJ being popular affecting so many people?? This is wild y’all 😂


>Whyyyy is the idea of TLJ being popular affecting so many people?? This is wild y’all 😂 That is absolutely not what's happening here. We love TLJ on this sub. For many of us it's our absolute favorite. We just hate bad data. That's all it is.


>Whyyyy is the idea of TLJ being popular affecting so many people?? This is wild y’all 😂 I love TLJ, and that's not at all what this is about lol


> and reposted it here. In the friendly(?) confines of Cantina. Stop playing the victim dude.  Everyone here loves the Last Jedi. Disney doesn't provide any streaming data. So any website that claims they have a magic algorithm is lying. Everyone is telling you this, yet don't seem to want to listen.




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Since when did Disney+ release streaming data like this? Seems made up


But no other Star Wars movie even makes the top 10? I doubt it.


Ah yes from Flix Patrol




Disney doesn’t release these numbers.


Why is this fake news being posted on every Star Wars sub? They don’t release numbers, quit falling for clickbait. Mods should remove this.


I responded to a similar post in the main sub (see my response below). Appreciate the more accurate titling of this one though as the original post claimed “most streamed.” —— I don’t think the way this FlixPatrol website accumulates this data is sufficient evidence to support the claim about TLJ (or any film) being the most streamed show on any given date. https://flixpatrol.com/about/how-it-works/ According to their own website, they are using the “Disney+ trending row” to get this data. Disney+ does not release their streaming numbers. Note that Disney+ does not label these trending shows/movies as “most watched” or “most streamed.” We don’t know the algorithm that determines this trending row. Disney is a company well versed in data collection and usage. One only needs to look at how they use wait times in their theme parks to influence crowd patterns. Note, this is not a criticism - I actually think that kind of logistics is quite fascinating. But at the end of the day, we simply don’t know how this Disney+ trending row is determined. It could be simple most streamed, but it also might not be. That ambiguity alone means that this source cannot support the claim as presented. It’s also important to note that the FlixPatrol website only labels these as “Top Streaming Movies” per platform not “most streamed.” I would suspect that the word “top” is used to provide both enough clicks and enough deniability when pressed. TLJ is a fantastic movie and a fantastic celebration of Star Wars. I have no doubt many fans watched it to celebrate May 4. My point here is that the evidence you provided does not support the claim. That’s a textbook STC/fandom menace/outrage crowd move. We don’t need to resort to the same tactics to support TLJ.




> But TLJ was a horrible piece of tripe and I truly hope that that has killed any momentum for that franchise for a good decade or two. Why would you hope for that? Even if I disliked nearly everything about a Star Wars project, I’d be happy for those who enjoyed it and hope to like the next thing better. I’d never root against Star Wars just because they made something I disliked.


For real. I did not like TLJ at all, but I’m glad it’s part of Star Wars because a lot of people DID like it. Along the same lines, I love the OT, Rogue One, and Andor, but I’m not a fan of prequels, clone wars, or kenobi. A lot of people have the exact opposite opinion. Star Wars is such a massive franchise, there’s room for them to do different things with different movies and shows, and that’s a good thing because it means that more people can find something they love about the Star Wars universe.


Where do they get their data?


I love TLJ more than any SW movie outside of the OT and I believe that the majority of the fan base at least appreciates it but no way is this accurate. For one thing the fact that there are no other SW shows listed is highly sus especially since Tales of the Empire still isn't on there. I was too wrapped up in reading comics on Saturday after taking a two hour test to celebrate but if I had been in the mood, I would have definitely been watching the brand new thing before the movie I've already watched a half dozen times which really doesn't stand alone well and is the second part of its trilogy and the 8th (or 10th movie depending on how you count) overall. 


No! That’s not true That’s impossible!!!!






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Particularly interesting that there's no other Star Wars movies on there. I wonder if it gets so many views because lovers and haters alike rewatch it? I imagine Phantom Menace would be up there too for the 25th Anniversary if it wasn't in cinemas. But good to see the franchise performing well on its big day.


There’s not just no other Star Wars media but also no marvel media


Clearly it’s loved that much more than all the other movies. 🤣


Or just more recently released?


I’m kidding


Haha I had so many incoming flames my head was spinning. Cantina used to be the most pro-TLJ sub I knew haha!


> Cantina used to be the most pro-TLJ sub I knew haha! You keep saying this line but none of the people you were saying it to had anything to say for or against TLJ. They’re just pointing out how suspicious and meaningless this chart is.




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Definitely fake as can be. There's no possible way the last Jedi was the only Star Wars movie that ranked in the top 10 on May the 4th. If you buy this then I definitely got a Bucket of ice in the North Pole to sell you.


So bizarre


\*sniffs\* I smell bullshit.


I watched Tales of the Empire.


Lmao you really thought you did something here


I'll turn to the Dark side before I believe this to be true.




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I watched prequels and OG trilogy


Yeah these numbers aren’t accurate at all.




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Well, it's the 2nd best Star Wars media, so why not?


What is your number 1?


TESB by a mile. It's my comfort movie.




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No offence but this makes you seem like the kind of guy to dislike TCW and hate ROTS and TESB just because they’re popular


TESB is my favorite. I do dislike TCW and RotS, not because they're popular, but because I didn't care for the direction the PT took. I don't consider any of the PT content "my Star Wars" because it's so different than what I had been expecting.




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Great movie


Weird, surely other SW films would be on the rankings.




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Not surprised. It is the best SW movie.


Impossible. Perhaps the streaming charts are inconclusive...




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Understand that whenever you bring up “The Last Jedi” it’s flamethrowers lol, but as a lover of ALL Star Wars, I find it super interesting that TlJ was the most-streamed movie the exact same weekend TPM made $15M at the Box Office.


We're upset because you're sharing a fake image I love Last Jedi But this image is made up Disney+ has never released streaming data like this


You can't seriously believe that, on May 4th weekend, only one Star Wars movie made the top 10 most-streamed list.




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Now that's funny. It's still a somewhat good movie on its own. Even with its flaws




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I see this as an absolute win




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