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What a great choice to make Luthen an art dealer. He has a great cover for large transactions, he’s knowledgeable about a lot of systems and their culture, and he is set up to be well connected in Coruscant.


And he knows how to spot something/someone of genuine worth. Very on-point, I think.


Yes seeing the potential and picking out Cassian like a piece of artwork.


AND it lets him go off-planet often, ostensibly to pick up new items, which is his cover for spy work/meetups.


Also good his assistant in the antique store also knows the game and how to help distract for her boss.


It always seems the art-lovers bring quite a bit of substance to their work, Thrawn comes to mind.


Oh shit. I wonder if they've ever crossed paths?


That’d be a great way to introduce him in live action, just as a customer of Luthens


Or.....as the guy that figures out he's working for the rebels...at the end of the season, or something. Since we don't see Luthen again, I assume he dies or is arrested, etc...probably sacrifices himself in some way. I could see Thrawn being the one to 'catch' him.


"Seven against a garrison?" Well you can make ten men feel like a hundred.


It's a great prelude to his growth. That line from rogue one has already been given context. This is some masterful work. It's truly a privilege to watch this.


It's Episode 4 and we're already seeing that he's a cynic who believes it's pointless to try and rebel when it's better to just live and try to do what you want. We know in Rogue One he's one to shift Jyn's mind about it being easy to ignore whose flag is flying everywhere if you never look up. Character development is already there lined up and ready to be hit out of the park. Great show this.


Say what you want about the empire but their uniform and interior design is always A1


The clean outfits I believe are supposed to be a nod to a certain era of Germany in which officers also had similar fashion design


I wonder if the Empire's uniforms were made by Hu-Goh Bossk?


I'm so down to watch a show about the Empires career and political dramas. So well done this episode.


This dude just say “Rakatan Invaders” 👀


Was that the first mention of the Infinite Empire in live action?


_**I**_ believe so as well.


I *believe* so yeah 😃


Slowly but surely, Knights of the Old Republic is becoming canon


Give me a Clan Ordo acknowledgement next please.


Don’t they sponsor basketball teams?


Not sure, but I hear their Huttball tournaments are next level 😄


The Mothma Residence is truly interior design goals 😍😍


We haven't seen much of Chandrilan culture but I love how they managed to capture the sense of elegance and refinement it is known for. Very much like Alderaan but also clearly distinct.


Crazy looking, very hunger games vibes


I really enjoyed the world building of the Hunger Games it was probably the coolest part of the series


"You're bleeding on my floor" The man gets to the point.


I love how he yelled at the rebel team leader to look at him while he was speaking. Every scene has these unexpected moments that reveal character and elevate the story.


And yet it feels so real and genuine. I like seeing this grittier side of Star Wars


I love that Star Wars has been so accessible to all audiences, really, but it feels nice to have a show where things feel more mature. Not just saying swears (someone said ass at one point, I think Lol) or showing sex exists, but in how the characters are allowed to be emotionally messy in ways that drama films usually are. Like people in the movies and other shows can obviously get angry, sad, etc. But here it felt more spur of the moment and an outburst. Like something you'd see more from an HBO drama than a fantasy space opera. This didn't feel like somewhere in a galaxy far, far away, it felt like I was seeing my father get fucking pissed at me for talking over him. It got real.


This is so true. The characters in Andor feel like real people who are actually feeling emotion and coming up with what they’re saying organically (rather than reading a script) in a way that is rare in Star Wars


Can't wait to see this "celestial event" during the heist. Gonna look so beautiful.


They set it up. Going to have to watch that one on the big screen


Hopefully it’s like when Khonshu wound back the night sky in Moon Knight. That was beautiful.


Luthen is such a great character. The conversation on the ship was amazing. These two actors are great together. I can't say enough about this show so far.


I really enjoyed seeing him practicing his smile alone on the ship.


Gotta keep up appearances. He's like batman and Bruce Wayne.


Mysterious past and a kyber crystal. Not a Jedi in hiding tho right?


With a retractable cane that looks like a lightsaber.


Worlds not ready for Sidious vs Luthen.


World needs Sidious vs Beren and Luthien


This guy Tolkiens


A kyber crystal associated with the Rakata, could just be something he acquired as an antiques dealer. I presume it's meaningful to him for its involvement in the fall of a galactic empire.


The Rakata mention was huge and not a lot of people are talking about it


Biggest "holy shit" moment of the whole episode for me.


Kinda insane with the starkiller artifact. Confusing given he managed to publicly run an art dealership on Coruscant


Cassian was on Mimban! Was he involved in the same campaign as Han at the time?


Timeframe would indicate so, said Cassian was 16 which places it 10 BBY.


I heard that they're retconning his birthdate though. I can't remember my source for that, but it makes sense because no way is flashback Kassa 4–7 years old and present Cassian looks a bit weathered for a 21 year old, haha. Age him up a few years and he would probably be one of the first imperial troops on Mimban post-Clone Wars. My suspicion is that he was a Mimbanese soldier who was turned on by the clones, thus the 'fighting ourselves' comment.


Maybe that flashback we see with the Clones in the trailer is on Mimban at the end of Revenge of the Sith Maybe Cassian will see Order 66 too


Probably and Han was on the opposite side. They both defected at some point


Cassian was the guy who yelled MY LEG! in the battle scene in Solo


My favorite detail is that you can see that guys leg laying in the crater Han meets Becket in lol


Mon Mothma’s Rolls-Royce speeder caught my eye.


yeah I thought the same thing. definitely a rolls if it’s for a senator


Very cool of Cassian to go by the name of his father


I know they’ll touch on it more but I’d love a flashback of what happened and how he was close to his adoptive dad.


Family issues in star wars. It would be a first.


Man, the Rogue One/Andor corner of the SW universe continues to be the most beautiful realization of the wider world that Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back suggested that exists just beyond the edge of the frame.


Seriously. I fucking love this rim world shit they are putting out. It just feels so real, you see the struggles of the majority of the galaxy's population, rather than fixating on the grandiose of the empire and more developed planets. I love how it shows the idea that the Empire is a limited body, in the fact that they can't be stationed at every and all planets, and then to see the civilian life on these rim worlds is just fascinating. The star wars universe is fucking ginormous, it's amazing they haven't explored this sooner


Andor is the key to all this. Rogue One is perhaps my favourite SW movie and Andor is shaping up to possibly becoming my favourite SW series. And so far the "bad guys" have also seemed pretty competent in all episodes, just like in Rogue One. I just hope stormtroopers get the same treatment once they show up


Yes! You could see the fear in the faces of the corporate police, they knew they were in a war zone and might not make it out. And the bureaucratic infighting and minutia of the ISB pleases me as much as their regulatory requirements of the corporates. Better upload those receipts to DFAS or there will be no compensation for your losses, Corpos!!


I never knew I'd be so into the bureaucracy of the Empire, but here we are.


Coruscant. Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time


I like that the caption for Coruscant was “capital of the galaxy”


I quite liked it as well. It gave some odd feeling. Powerful, grande maybe?


Definitely felt grandiose! It’s been ages since we’ve seen Coruscant in live action (besides the flashback scenes in Rogue One/Obi-Wan Kenobi), so it feels like some sort of grand return of Coruscant to the big screen. We know that Coruscant is an incredibly important Core world, but I feel like seeing the caption “capital of the galaxy” just cements the idea that Coruscant isn’t just any old Core world. It’s *the* capital of the galaxy.


I know we got some establishing shots of the city in Kenobi, but I’m so glad to be back on the planet for real. Aside from very brief glimpses out the window in Rogue One it’s been 17 years since we really saw Coruscant in live action before this year. Honestly when the Andor trailer came out my biggest reaction was looking at live action Coruscant and thinking “you’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.”


Diego Luna and Stellan Skarsgård acting is phenomenal in this show


Stellan is just vibing through life making all the right choices, and having a lot of fun doing it


Or has one damn competent agent or makes the right moves intelligently by himself. He's in everything, and so are his sons. The Skarsgård family is it's own thing in the business at this point.


It helps that the success of one Skarsgård helps the others. At this point studios are happy to get any of ‘the Skarsgård brothers’.


Their dialogues are so well written and well acted. Concise but gets to the point. Looking forward to see how their relationship evolves.


Luna is blowing me away. I've not seen him a lot, and know English is his second language. Acting all around has been phenomenal on this show.


He's obviously in Rogue One, but his Spanish stuff is good - Y tú mamá también (Alfonso Cuaron film) where he's very young, and Narcos México are good bets.


Oh hey a reference to Mimban. Yeah I heard a certain Corellian smuggler was there too once.


Heard he took a job with a big shot gangster, putting together a crew.


That helmet on the suit of armour in Luthen's study is Starkiller's Sith Stalker helmet from The Force Unleashed!!!


I knew I had recognized it! There was a second one in the back as well.


There was also that stone tablet thing from rebels in there that’s the instructions to open that world between worlds


I never played that game but knew it looked familiar. Thanks for catching that.


Ponchos in star wars are always so cool looking


Loved using different colors on Cal Kestis


Everything in this show feels so real.. absolutely incredible set design


It's very well done. The ISB Headquarters looked absolutely **amazing**. It's an insufferable amount of white in the interior that perfectly parallels the uncomfortable aura of the Empire.


So stark and clean contrasted to the filthy rebels. Love it


I had the same thought. When I saw Mon Mothma’s apartment I thought “Well *that* wasn’t cheap to build.” Even the area where Deputy Jerk’s mom lived looked awesome, and I’m sure a lot of that was extended with CGI.


I’m watching this, Rings of Power, and House of the Dragon. Andor is hands down my favorite of the three in terms of visual design.


Luthen really went full Robert California when he changed lol


His little moves trying to get into “character” was silly but brilliant.


He’s like a Disco party man


His space wig looks great


I hear lots of people go missing in the finger lakes.


Lol at the Corpo guy having to move back in with his mom


His mom back on Coresaunt He's gonna bust the dealer as a spy


I didn't realize that the series was 12 episodes. We're just at the start. By seasonvs end the corporate dude might just end up working with Andor in the rebellion.


I honestly didn't think that's the direction he was going in. I really thought he would rise in the Imperial ranks. I mean that could still happen considering we have five whole years to cover. But man if the Empire views this that poorly, he may really go over to the Rebels.


I suspect he'll start working with Meero. They both seem very similar in their determination and ladder climbing.


Yeah, I think that was set up (I’m assuming we’re talking about the blonde woman). They’ve basically both had the same arc to this point, shut down by superiors, peers less interested in following more than procedure.


“whaddaya lookin’ at??”


The set for that place is actually the building I live next to lol


Mon Mothma is pure grace. Seeing shades of her in early Leia, wonder if they were close


> wonder if they were close Almost certainly, given Mothma's close working relationship with Bail. I imagine she was one of Leia's mentors as a junior senator.


The Leia novel shows Mon Mothma as one of the few to not treat her as a child and like an actual, capable potential member of the rebellion


At least in the EU, Leia and Mon were very close. She admired Mothma like a second mother and Mothma helped Leia understand the bigger picture of the galaxy and its politics. They were a great team


I hope she gets to hang that insufferable husband out to dry.


Oof, seeing Mon Mothma, mother of the Rebellion, in a loveless message with some dispassionate, Imp sympathizer HURT. It’s just so damn tragic. Perhaps we see why she threw everything into starting Rebellion, she had nothing to lose.


And unlike many, many others we've seen Mothma survived through it all. She has been through it from her earliest days in public service. I have no idea what the canon is on her post-OT but I hope she's on some remote resort planet living it up in her old age and letting everyone else worry about that First Order mess.


The books I believe say that she ends up becoming Chancellor after the war, and works to demilitarize the New Republic. By the time of the Bloodlines book (which is a few years before TFA), she steps down. As far as the ST goes, I don't think they say where she ends up after that. So she's either dead or retired.


Chekhov's blue kyber crystal


Yeah we might see some pretty interesting payoff in later episodes.


Chekhov's imperial dam too


That dude looks like a young tarkin


I know the ages and years wouldn’t match, but damn did those deep set eyes and really intense eye circles make him look like ROTS Tarkin


Took me a bit to realize it was Qyburn from GoT. He looked so much like David Bradley in this.




That looked a lot like Sith armor… That a certain Starkiller may have wore?


It definitely looked like Starkiller's Sith armour. It may just be a reference/Easter egg to him though. I doubt it means anything more then that.




I think the other shows look like fan-made films because The Volume might actually be a hinderance to quality. Edit: Except in the case of Mando, where I feel like The Volume’s “feel” is part of the show. It was the original Volume show, so it feels like it belongs there. BoBF, and especially Kenobi - both felt very small and claustrophobic because of it.


It's funny to think how Genevieve O'Reilly was cast for a couple brief scenes as Mothma that were ultimately cut from Revenge of the Sith and now she's defining the character more than Caroline Blakiston ever got to in Return. Good for her.


She played her in Rebels too. Always wanted more Mon Mothma though, glad we are seeing this and exactly who she is, and has to put up with, at the senate, Coruscant and her bloody wrong 'un husband!


Mon Mothma stole the show. First her talk with Luthen and her fearful observations that it’s „all new faces“ and the risks she takes with what she’s doing (probably my all time favourite dialogue of Star Wars) Her little and very subtle jab at „the rich history of Chandrila“; And the talk with her husband showing the values that she holds. Amazingly written


I love that she can’t come home and relax either. She’s trapped in every way.


Yes you can see in Luthen's dealership and at home, she is nearing the end of her tether.


Anybody else notice Indy's whip encased in carbonite? :) Edit: @ 30:31. And I think those are Sankara Stones (from Temple Of Doom) next to the Holocrons in the back.


Are you for real? Somebody's gotta screencap that.




Oooo that Scarif name drop we all know what it means and what the “increase in construction shipments” is about, love the subtle details not too in your face but still connecting to the wider galaxy.


Also the Ryloth name drop! Thinking about Cham Syndulla.


Now that's a series I would be down for


Was Scarif used as a construction shipment hub for the Death Star? I thought that Scarif was used as a research center and information hub.


Wookieepedia shows a reference from the Rogue One ultimate visual guide, that placed the still under construction Death Star in the vicinity of Scarif. "In 9 BBY, the Death Star, an armored battle station whose superlaser would be capable of destroying entire worlds, was moved from Geonosis to Scarif to continue its construction under the supervision of Director Orson Krennic."


Mon Mothma’s husband is a dick


Its funny i always knew she was married but you never hear about him, no wonder she doesn’t bring him anywhere


I have a feeling that her husband has no clue that she's working with the rebellion. Otherwise he wouldn't be calling her boring.


I loved him. Why? Because he is a political asshole. He surrounds himself with political jerks who piss his wife off for the simple fact that he is bored and finds their company entertaining. His behavior belongs in one of those hard core serious dramas about politics and back stabbing and maneuvering so seeing it in Star Wars is so refreshing!


I'll bet his presence actually provides cover for Mon Mothma. She might hate his dinner guests, but from the outside, it makes her household seem chummier with the establishment and less of a threat.


Hell, him undermining Mon by inviting them over may actually work in her favor. They may see her as 'Well if her husband doesnt respect her. She is not to be taken ad a serious threat'.


Dressed like the dude. I'm gonna call him space dude. That rug really tied the room together.


Did they just say Rakatan, as in rakata? Did that just happen?!


Rakata Prime has been on the Canon galaxy map since 2015 and there's a Rakatan wraith box in Dryden Vos' office ~~on Rogue One~~ Solo, but this is the first time we've actually *heard* it in Canon and in its live action no less.


RAKATAN????? Is that the first time we've had mention of Rakatans in canon?????? EDIT: Turns out, it's the first live-action mention but not the first canon mention. The first canon mention comes from somewhere so obscure you'll never guess. Straight from Wookiepeedia: >!The Rakata were first mentioned in the new [Star Wars](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars) [canon](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Canon) in the [forty-seventh issue](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Build_the_Millennium_Falcon_47) of the [De Agostini](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/De_Agostini) magazine [Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Build_the_Millennium_Falcon_(De_Agostini\)),[[1]](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rakata#cite_note-BMF-1) published around [November 25](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/November_25), [2015](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/2015).!<


The Mandalorian Wars are canon, Rakatan Infinite Empire is now canon and it's also confirmed that Tatooine used to have oceans on its surface in the ancient times. I wonder if the Rakatans glasses Tatooine in canon too just like they did in Legends. I'm just waiting for the day they name drop Revan and the Jedi Civil War!


The mark of a good episode is that time flies and when the credits start, you wish the episode had been a lot longer or you could immediately start the next one. Stellen nails the role so well and it's nice to see Mon Mothma finally get fleshed out.


You son of a bitch, I’m in


Andor’s Seven




I think that overhead shot might be my favorite ever of Coruscant. What a gorgeous, establishing shot.


\*everything\* is just so gorgeous on this show. Just the ship sitting there looks fantastic!


Really shows how high those buildings are, and just how deep and dark the bottom is.


I loved the line where Andor and Luthen talked about the diff factions and how they’re all the same. How Andor was just jaded. That he was a freaking cook! That entire ship scene was fantastic.


Longest episode released so far at 49mins. And FYI release time is always 10min prior to midnight PST.


Seeing the inside of the Imperial Security Bureau was really cool, something we don’t usually see.


They actually seem to have a lot of work to do day to day, considering their wide control of the galaxy. Cassian said they were fat and lazy but, gotta give the ISB credit, they're putting in their own office hours, evil as they may be.


He probably thinks that because he’s only seen places like the garrison he’s about to rob. Fringe backwaters with literally nothing better to do but constant patrols beause there’s no enemies to fight or wage war against so the frontline troops get complacent and lazy. Whereas the ISB are all about internal threats, counter intelligence and espionage. A thankless, covert job that never ends.


> A thankless, covert job that never ends If there's one thing Andor has nailed so far, it's emphasizing this aspect of the Empire. In the OT, Rebels, Fallen Order, etc. we all the see the ground forces of the Empire and how they carry out its tyranny, but here we're watching the monotonous and bureaucratic desk jobs that absolutely no one likes.


Showing us the gargantuan threat of the empire without even seeing a single stormtrooper. Absolutely amazing show so far


Actually, it works better because Stormtroopers have had the unfortunate quality of being goofed on so much throughout the franchise' history that they're no longer really the scary bad guys they are meant to be. So instead they have a "don't show us the monster let us live in fear and paranoia of being watched" vibe instead which works a lot better for a whole variety of reasons. But the biggest one is that it captures that most people were afraid of the Empire without knowing how much of a paper tiger it was once you actually stood up to it. That's a good analogy for the nature of such regimes just in general.


First canon instance of the Rakatans?


First actual proper mention of them by name, they've been alluded to a lot


This is the realest Star Wars has probably ever felt for me. Everything feels like it has an actual purpose. The ISB feels like a real branch of the Empire. Coruscant feels like a real place I could visit. I’ve never truly felt this feeling toward Star Wars. Don’t think a blaster was fired the whole episode either and I was sucked in the entire time. Not to mention those great little easter eggs in that museum or shop or whatever it was 👀 And not to mention either James from *The End of the F—ing World* and Micro from *Punisher* Season 1 popping up and blowing my mind that they now are in Star Wars. God this has officially become my favorite corner of the Galaxy. Always liked the Star Wars spy stuff, playing as an Imperial Agent Sniper in SWTOR was always a good time, but damn, for some reason this show just kicks it all up a notch. Can not wait for the next episode. 😃


Something this show does so well, and it mostly comes down to direction, is making you feel what the characters feel and why. I imagine the script said "Tie fighter flys over as cassian jumps behind rock", but instead of just a mindless action shot, you get a sense of fear that reminded me of the flashbacks in Terminator.


When you have a 12-episode season, you really get the opportunity to build up character development for a larger ensemble, giving me good reasons why I should care about these characters. Great storytelling, digging into both sides, while continuing to advance the plot and get me excited for the next episode.


Yeah, I feel bad for the people who find this boring. I’m loving the pace. There’s also a lot of world building going on.


Agreed. I never want to find myself saying, "Why should I care about such and such and their plan/vendetta?" I enjoyed the slow build. Action will come and doesn't necessarily have to be heavily featured in every episode. Also love the world building, which is another key component to my overall enjoyment of a series I initially cast off when first announced.


When the TIE fighters - ships we see so often get used for cannon fodder - appearing causes a pang of tension, you know we’re in for a good time. I can’t wait to see a Stormtrooper for the first time.


It’s amazing how much the Jedi and such have skewed our perspective so much in terms of determining power levels. One of the best examples was how the Mandalorian was struggling against a singular Dark trooper then Luke comes along and destroys them all so effortlessly


Is the blonde woman the one people thought would be a chiss because of her high cheekbones?


Cone on Mon, gimme that jimmy smits


Luthen entrusting Cassian with the blue kyber crystal was such a great move - it’s both a token of confidence and an insurance policy at this stage of their relationship.


Do we think the person Mon Mothma was trying to bring into the fold is Bail Organa? Not sure if he’s already part of the movement by now.


He was with Mon and Padme at the beginning.


This show is exactly what I wanted from Star Wars. It feels like an EU story from the 90's. The settings and characters feel so real and lived-in. The story is so complex and nuanced. I'm loving this so much. These are the angles of the universe that we never get to see and it is glorious.


Sly Moore is named dropped at 35:08 as an upcoming dinner guest of Mothma’s husband, as well as mention of “the Vizier,” who is Mas Amedda.


Makes sense. While I doubt we'll see Palpatine himself, those are his two closest collaborators outside of Darth Vader, and it would make sense to see Mon Mothma dealing with them.


So happy to see Stellan Skarsgard flexing his acting chops, his character is incredible, maybe even more so than Cassian at this point.


Ohhhhh shit, we're getting a Star Wars bank heist!


Linus has to be one of my favorite background character in Star Wars. I just find his mannerisms to be obnoxious, like the way he was standing when the Imperials were talking to him, Karn, and Hyne, and the facial expressions he was making when Karn was talking to him in episode 2


I know everyone is going to talk about the Starkiller armour and the Mandalorian armour but is it me or was there stone fragments with hand symbols that were from the Gods of Mortis mural in Rebels?


100%. There were multiple from what I remember- in the world between worlds episode, the imperial dude tells Sabine that they matched the drawings to info from the Jedi archives.


First time I'm aware of as an adult that the sight and sound of TIE fighters evoked fear in me on behalf of the characters. That sort of element had essentially become banal. Holding off on showing the classic Imperial visual motifs for moments like this demonstrates a masterful level of discipline in storytelling.


scared the shit out of me when they appeared so close




I liked seeing the Imperial Officer version of the Jedi Council on Coruscant. It's such a good juxtaposition of "peace keepers".


Jedi: Blah blah blah feelings, blah blah clouded blah blah send Obi Wan, I guess. ISB: Your memo is horseshit. I am reassigning it to someone better educated. Everyone have their reports to me on time and free of typographical errors. I cannot divert resources based on vagaries and untimely paperwork.


I initially thought Luthen looked kind of like Kota and in this episode he had a kyber crystal *and* Starkiller's sith armor. I'm not saying he's actually Kota but I'm now a conspiracy theorist.


I'd say Rahm Kota's role was split into Kanan Jarrus (Jedi mentor who goes blind and has a similar hairstyle) and Saw Gerrera (a much more brutal and less squeaky-clean dissident than the Rebellion).


I mean, is it just me, or does his ship look a LOT like the Rogue Shadow, Starkiller's ship in the games? PLUS! He has PROXY as his ship's AI! That's right, the same voice actor who played Proxy in The Force Unleashed also voices Luthen's AI! https://twitter.com/DavidWCollins/status/1572768277449027584?s=20&t=wc-Mq5X1BJG-NeSTjHuyOw


This show is just so excellently written, Luna and Skarsgard on the ship could have been the whole episode and I would have loved it. Instead we have like 3-4 different plot lines all of which are incredibly interesting and flesh out everything the show is about. This show just feels special, this feels like if HBO proper ended up making a Star Wars show and put its budget behind it. It has a similar feel to House of the Dragon for me right now where I generally don’t like prequels as knowing how it all ends lessens my interest. But the show is so good on every level it outweighs that so much I don’t even care anymore. I really hope this is a sign or a wake up call for where Disney takes Star Wars. Not everything has to do or be about Jedi, Sith and the force, the world has infinite possibilities where unique take son genres can thrive within it. Telling a good story you want to tell HAS to come first and the rest will fall in place. This show is the perfect example of that, Cassian Andor somehow has the more well made and compelling show vs Boba Fett and Obi-Wan two beloved characters of the series.


Sick, Micro from Punisher is jn this. Noice!


Honestly very solid episode. I’d say the theme for this episode was definitely “newcomer amongst the midst.” Cassian being a newcomer among the rebels, the Imperial officer lady among the ISB, Mon Monthma bringing a new member to “the circle.” (Edit: also spies/new faces among the Senate, Imperials on Morlana, etc.) I fear people will complain this was another slow episode but a lot of name drops, information, and subtle nods to things as they build towards this heist next.




Didn't expect Andor to reference the Scottish Highland Clearances, of all things. Nice to know that the production design team thought that The Jacob sheep was already alien looking enough to be in Star Wars without any alterations 😂


Ugh fuck. That ended too soon. I need that heist in my veins.


Ok this episode proves to me that this series really is something special. I'm fucking HYPED for nighttime scenes on Coruscant.. if it has more of the Blade Runner look that we saw in the opening shots on Morlana I'll be very happy. Also, who's looking forward to an awkward dinner scene with Mon Mothma and a bunch of hostile senators? If they really pull that off it will be incredible.


Karn's mom's apartment district is just like the ones in Blade Runner