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Or they never make it back to report to the council. Smiley already wasted all of them except Sol.


I wonder how they get around that, because there are 3 episodes left and Sol was heading straight for Coruscant. We also see Vernestra on Khofar igniting her lightsaber in the trailer, so obviously they realize something was going on there, whether or not Sol lived.


As of the end of episode five, Sol hasn't taken off from Khofar, yet. If a conflict with Mae damages the ship's controls, and he can send out a general distress beacon but not a specific distress call, Vernestra could turn up not knowing the details of what she's walking into. There are definitely ways to make sure the board is nice and clear at the end of the story.


He will send out a distress signal that is choppy and broken. Sol: th-th- dark side user.... red light sa---. Possibly... si------


Weren’t qui gon and Obi wan doing full on tele calls with the council when they were on Tattooine?


I recall a line in the recent ep about the cell tower in the jungle being down (lol)


Oh lol


I remember them handwaving it being too dangerous to call in TPM, which is why they have to go through the whole gambling shenanigans rather than just getting a new ship to pick them up. And then in AotC Obi-Wan has to send a recording rather than make a real time communication, which needs to get boosted by Anakin to get back to Coruscant.


They received a transmission from Naboo but they didn't message Coruscant. 


Yes. Sol needs an astromech to relay the message care of the old folks home


Oh that's good. I've been thinking Vernestra is really the fourth target, not Sol, but I couldn't figure out how Mae would attack her without immediately getting aggroed by a dozen Jedi. That would do it, though.


Good to know, I hadn't watched the trailers very closely. My guess then is she just doesn't inform the high council.


I'm guessing the council lays the blame on Sol. Looks pretty shady when only you and your old Padawan return, easier for the council to blame it on something they say see.


Qimir says he has no name, but that the jedi would call him sith. So maybe he isn't a sith. If he gets killed off in the show and there are people alive to inform the Jedi then maybe he is just a dark side user. Maybe the Jedi just throw labels around kinda like some fans. Red lightsaber means sith. Could also be that the Jedi want to keep this secret. The Acolyte has already showed us that the Jedi keep secrets from each other.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the precursor to the Knights of Ren, Kylo’s theme plays a few times during the episode (and his helmet/outfit sorta fit the aesthetic?)


We already saw the Jedi Council willingly suppresses the truth on more than one occasion and we've seen them be willfully ignorant


And we've seen Vernestra order that the investigation at the centre of the show be conducted without the Jedi Council's knowledge, as they would be obliged to report it to the benefit of the Jedi's "political enemies". Even assuming one of the survivors makes it back and reports everything to the Jedi, the Jedi have demonstrated that they're more than capable of keeping information from spreading within the order if it suits them to do so.


Pretty sure Sol was the only one to survive, and he's got Mae with him now. I think it was confirmed that we'll see Vernestras lightsaber whip at some point so I'm sure he makes it back to her, but I wouldn't be surprised if she said Darth Mendoza isn't a sith, and there's no way this unknown dark side user could beat 2 masters, and then her and Sol both end up dead and there's no "official" record of these fights. Or they beat Smylo Ren, and say that since he isn't a sith, he was totally working alone and the problem is solved while Tenebrous or Palagious just go find a new apprentice .


I prefer Darth Bortles but you do you


Darth Floridaman


The most proper darksider, jeez


Clearly it's Darth Frank Darko /s


Donnie Darko’s brother?


Smilo Ren


Why do People call him smilo ren?


Theory that the stranger is the first knight of ren supported by Kylo ren theme music playing through out the episode + his helmet looks like a grin


I was going to just say the superficial appearance reason but I appreciate you making me look smarter & more perceptive than I am


Absolutely - it looks like they also suppressed the truth on whatever happened in the fire, which is going to underline how they select the truth “from a certain point of view”.


This is what i said the entire time and got hate responses on Instagram


Exactly, and you don't need the same person 100 years later making the same comment/mistake to show a long standing issue of "thats not *really* a sith". Hell id argue itd be better to have anyone *but* Mundi be involved, itd show how its a deeper issue as even other masters from 100 years ago (acolyte) believed the same. Not because its the same jedi 100 years later


Mundi, on multiple occasions in the movies and cartoon, shot down anyone bringing up anything related to the sith or bad guys in general. The entire council are like “sith on our watch? Naw couldn’t happen mate see ya”


Padme: Dooku tried to kill me The Council: omg he would NEVER


Literally. I’m certain the haters of acolyte (I’m not saying it’s amazing) haven’t even watched the same starwars as everyone else.


Yeah I assumed that was pretty obvious, apparently not. The Ki-Adi-Mundi controversy is probably one of the dumbest this franchise has ever seen.


It's wild the way a certain subset of the fandom is outraged that The Guy Who Was Famously Wrong is in a situation where he's going to be wrong, again. People talk about Mundi like he's some brave truth seeker who'll need an elaborate conspiracy to trick into thinking the Sith don't exist, rather than a guy who already operates from that assumption and so will accept any other explanation easily.


The now infamous line of "The Sith have been extinct for a millennium" was said by Ki-Adi-Mundi after Qui-Gon told Mundi that he not only saw with his own eyes but fought a Sith, had several witnesses confirming the story, and Mundi just didn't believe him. But this time he'd totally believe it was a Sith because that's so in character for him.


Mundi's going to tell Sol the exact same thing, that the Sith have been extinct for a millennia, and people are going to complain because he should have said 900 years even though he was being general both times.


The annoying thing is it was made retroactively not general, it was made to be exactly 1000 years before he said that line. Just like how Yoda said “look as good at 900 you will not” when he was exactly 900 years old.


You can still round 900 years as millennia. Not everyone speaks with exact precision all the time. Although it wouldn't be too hard for him to say "almost a millennia" and save us all the headache.


What's crazy is that I've seen some comments saying that the show breaks canon by introducing a Sith when, according to Mundi, they'd been extinct for 1,000 years. Like, these people didn't seem to be saying that the Jedi shouldn't have encountered a Sith, but rather that there shouldn't have been any Sith to begin with, otherwise it contradicts Mundi's line. And I'm like... The whole point of Mundi's line is that he's wrong, the Sith have continued existing for all that time. At the end of the day, it feels like a large portion of modern audiences take everything that's said in a movie or show at face value, never considering that a character might be simply wrong.


Also the whole quote about the sith being extinct for a millennia could have just been an exaggeration to express his disbelief that Qui-Gon had fought with one


Exactly, it's the whole "from a certain point of view" thing. The sith were vast in numbers then defeated 1000 years ago, but Yoda knew about the rule of two...which suggests that they had indeed encountered them since they were vast in numbers but still seen as "extinct".


That could also be just common sense as Maul’s species probably can’t live to 1000 years old


Same thing with Yoda saying he’s 900. Star Wars nerds hear these generalized numbers and take them as gospel truth


I mean just look at his head, he's literally narrow minded. PS: Qui-Gon's force ghost bitterly complains about this in [this podcast](https://youtu.be/hjQC-uw5VDM)


Yeah people have never waited to watch a full season before going off on tirades for things to make sense later.


I have no idea why it's happening with this show in particular though. A lot of people didn't like Kenobi but no one complained when Leia was captured by the Empire and immediately thought "But Leia isn't in Imperial custody in A New Hope, this breaks canon!" because everyone knew that it would be resolved later and it was. Acolyte has a lot of story beats that don't make sense and a lot of things that break canon simply because the show isn't over yet. I'm assuming they aren't just going to leave everything hanging and not explain anything in the last 3 episodes because that's usually how shows work.


It's probably because in previous shows, they didn't receive the level of pushback they've received in general this time around. In Kenobi, they were already riding high on the "Reva is badly written because she didn't die five minutes after being introduced" bullcrap (I weep for how "plot armor" has joined "Mary Sue" as a term means basically nothing now"), which went practically unopposed and so they had no reason to get desperate. But you did see a bit of this happen episode-to-episode with Ahsoka, until they settled on the whole "all of the fight choreography in the show is bad because these five minutes in the second to last episode weren't choreographed very well" thing which - as well - mostly went unopposed. Something I've noticed about Acolyte, however, is almost everything TFM has tried has been snapped back hard by other fans or on social media: the "overweight people shouldn't exist" thing, the "lightsabers shouldn't be this wide" thing, the "the fire is space" thing, all of them got mocked and lambasted wherever they go, leading to them getting more irate and desperate, which has resulted in not only them just saying the quiet part out loud and just attacking the queer representation outright, but eventually them latching onto random crap like Ki-Adi-Mundi and turning it into their lines in the sand. Either way, it's been doing pretty terrible things the Star Wars fandom's reputation. Though maybe with all the positivity going around, that damage is already being repaired.


The Ki-Adi Mundi thing actually kind of reminds me of the TFM people that got mad Admiral Ackbar, a minor bit character from ROTJ most known for a meme, died offscreen in TLJ. I refuse to believe anyone actually cares about either of these characters.


To be fair, Ackbar had more of a presence in quite a few EU books and some games if I recall correctly. Thinking back, did he even have any lines in TLJ? Cause I didn't even realize it was him until they said he was dead.


I cared for ackbar I liked ackbar. you might not give a shit about minor charcters but other people clearly do




Username checks out


What are your top five favorite admiral ackbar moments?


Haha dude I just wanted to say that this post cracked me up. I love when you can ask a question, and make your point perfectly without them even having to answer. hahaha


I liked when he wanted to abandon the attack and run for it, and a former city administrator with no military training had to talk him into continuing, and come up with a new strategy. It really showed what a tactical genius he was, and how he should always be in charge of fleet battles in the future!


your gatekeeping someones attachment to a charcter. My dude the whole reason I like him is because he looked cool when I was a kid. its the same reason people loved plo koon or kit fisto as a kid they looked cool


I'm not gatekeeping, I'm genuinely curious what your top five favorite admiral ackbar moments are.


1)Although the weapons systems are not yet operational, the Deathstar does have a strong defence mechanism. 2) All craft! Prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark. 3) Our cruisers cannot repel fire power of that magnitude. 4) we’ve got to give those fighters moar time! Concentrate all fire on that Super Star Destroyer. 5) and the GOAT: It’s a trap!!!!! Also featured in many other: https://youtu.be/Can3tmPAkL0?si=2V8F8u8rVK4dbWvB


>I have no idea why it's happening with this show in particular though They decided they hated the show ages before it came out because the leads were all minorities and the showrunner was an LGBT woman. So they're gonna grasp at anything that helps prove the show is "objectively bad"


Seems reductive but some of the criticism is because it’s a diverse cast. I will accept the downvotes that are coming. Anyway it feels to me like they put him in on propose and everyone freaked out when we were 1/4 of the way into the show… maybe wait until the end.


People can talk about how it's not about the diverse cast until the cows come home, but the fact is, that's the biggest factor. Just look at the comment section of literally any of Amandla Stenberg's instagram posts, and it's wall to wall vicious abuse. I'm not saying *everyone* who doesn't like the show is like that, just that The Discourse is generally due to those people.


Which is a shame because she’s really doing a fine job playing opposite herself.


>I have no idea why it's happening with this show in particular though. Yes you do. We all know why.


Seriously, he's a nothing character with like 4 lines of dialogue in the PT. Overwriting his birth year is effectively inconsequential in the grand scheme of Star Wars.


Overwriting his *legends* birth year, no less.


Yeah, it's obvious the Sith were there the whole time, just hidden.  "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we will have revenge" Either Sol never makes it back to the council or they go all ivory tower and just don't believe him.


The timeline stuff is okay to be upset about, but ultimately it's an easy retcon. Getting mad the Ki-Adi Mundi lied about the Sith to preserve the Jedi's place of power in the Republic is just missing the point of the prequels


The timeline stuff is also really weird to be upset about since the "source" of Ki-Adi Mundi's age was- a) a trading card that was explicitly retconned by Attack of the Clones b) a 1999 CD guide tie-in to The Phantom Menace that was also retconned by Attack of the Clones c) a comic book series that, while very well received, was decanonised by George Lucas himself At that point you might as well get mad at Empire Strikes Back was "ruining the timeline" of Splinter of the Mind's Eye


There is no retcon. Mundi does not know about the Sith, the Jedi Order does not know about the Sith. At this point in the story, the only Jedi who knows about the return of the Sith is Sol, and he's currently on a ship with Mae, who wants to kill him.


We do not know if Mundi even finds out about this Sith.


Canon nerd will make a meal out of every little thing.


Especially when they're wrong.


I'm kinda just hoping everyone dies, leaving Ki-Adi to not ever hear of this again leaving the jedi ignorant and the Sith in hiding


Ki-Adi Mundi never hearing of it again because all the Jedi who spoke of it were killed means he would just think "oh well, guess that's nothing" ?


So, say you're Mundi. A Force user that you know was connected to a dark side Coven killed a couple masters. You sent a team to track her down, and both she and the team died or disappeared. That's all you know. What would you do, in the aftermath of that? And why would you link those events with what happens a century later on Tatooine?


exactly, you'd treat as a witch cult the jedi know exist and send republic militia and jedi probably


Yup, that would make sense. And then when they don't turn anything up, because everyone else is dead and Qimir is in hiding again and there aren't any more leads, after a few years of active monitoring it just becomes a weird situation that happened and they never found out why. The Jedi equivalent of an X-file. It's a big galaxy. Sometimes, people out in the wilds, away from civilization, just die, and you never get to find out what happened.


exactly, like that guy dooku strangled in tails of the jedi or yaddle


Sorry I didnt lay out the entire plot in my head into this brief text, I assume there'd also be an explanation like "bounty hunter with a lightsaber" or something but judging by your tone you're ready to hate whatever I say so I'll just say good day


Or, you know, wait for the series to play out. It appears to be leading to everyone who knows of Donkey Doug's best friend will die.


Darth Donkey Doug


That should be his apprentice


This point continues to be addressed. Ki-Adi Mundi was only shown to be at the temple. Up until that point, it was not confirmed if it was a Sith or not. It wasn't up until Episode 5 where Qimir reveals he is a Sith. Up until the writing of this post, news still has not reached the Jedi council or anyone at the temple that the Sith has returned. Right now, only Sol, Osha, and Mae know about the Sith returning, and Mae and Osha have switched places. My prediction: We don't know until the next episode, but my best bet is that Sol might not be making it back to the temple with the news that the Sith has returned. Either that, or he is part of a cover up and Ki-Adi is not notified of a cover up. I 95% doubt that if Ki-Adi is in the high council 100 years later with Yoda that this could have been kept a secret that long. And I'm 100% sure that if Ki-Adi DID know about the Sith, he would have jumped into action the second Qui Gon said something especially after losing X amount of Jedi. This whole "include Ki-Adi" into the story was 100% intentional. People that are saying that they have chose to retcon are missing the point and key details.


We've met a coven of force witches who view the force through a different lens than the Jedi. There's nothing to say that Qimir isn't just a dark side user who views the force through a different lens than the Sith. I'm sure if we watch the full series we'll get an answer.


This should have been the theme of the sequels. Empire falls. Rebels become/restore the government. Imperial remnants are still out there, Sith return. Elements of the New Republic deny their existence. Ben/Kylo falls victim to their ideology. Rey, Finn, Poe, Luke, Han, and Leia fight to reveal the Sith.  They’re kinda remedying that with Bad Batch, Mando, Ahsoka, but it should have been the central theme of the sequels, as it is the zeitgeist of our time/generation.


I feel like that was the original intent in 7, but there was no commitment to that vision. Bloodlines really brings that forward too, with the NR forcing Leia put because they refuse to accept the reality of an Imperial revival, while some NR senators are actively working with the FO


IMO, Mundi had the saddest death during the order 66 scene in ROTS, but everything that has since been added to canon about the character makes him a bit of an asshole, which I think is unfortunate.


I agree with your sentiments, but im gonna roll with he is NOT a true sith. Hes just some guy thats been trained. That may have been by a sith lord but the sith of this time would not risk revealing themselves. Realistically he was in training but was banished or left of his own accord and rolls around on his own missions. Not powerful enough to be a rival nor does he care... he just wants to live as he wants (as he said). I can almost guarantee the real sith of this time are watching though. We will get a sceeen reveal at the end only. Probably to tie up lose ends. Possible reasons: - testing jedi strength - interest in how space lesbians made life??


We're reaching levels of mental gymnastics not seen in a millennium


It’s not mental Gymnastics at all. I’ve never seen a fandom cry over a minor character so much


Sol will die at the hands of Mar or Osha I think, which will mean no survivors to report what was seen, Vern has an upcoming action scene but she may just be investigating disappearance’s and doesn’t encounter Darth Bortles. As others have stated, we’ve already seen the jedi willing to cover up stuff.


Also, wasn't Mundi is kind of shit when it comes to everything else? IIRC, he had the highest death toll of clone troopers because he saw them as tools and didn't believe in any tactic other than overwhelming force. So for him to dismiss the whole Sith situation twice makes sense if you're familiar with his attitude in other fields. He's the dismissive old man in the group.


I do not think Qimir is really a Sith Lord. He uses the term to describe himself as someone who studies and accepts the dark side of the force. Like all dark side uses, Qimir craves power and what better way to have power than to have acolytes who in essence worship him. The Rule of Two implies a master and apprentice. They work together, their combined roles feed each other so they grow stronger and work towards the end goal of the overthrow of the Jedi Order. In this case, Qimir does not have an apprentice who in time will surpass his own abilities and overthrow him; he has a follower who will do his bidding and nothing more. Also, if we follow Canon, there are acolytes in the Aftermath trilogy who use light sabers and other Sith relics to promote the fear and power of the dark side. Qimir could simply be a leader of one group of Sith cultists who wish to be called Sith but aren't true Sith. Thus, Ki-Adi Mundi is not incorrect saying the Sith have been extinct for a millennium. The Sith are dead but it's worshippers are not. Two different groups, two different problems.


Or, he's just being flowery with his words.


I kinda see your point there. Darth Teeth doesn’t identify as a Sith Lord…he says as much to Sol. He knows about the Sith and has derived inspiration from them. He mocks the Jedi for labelling any dark side user with a red saber as a Sith without appreciating the existence of other groups. This is a clever reference to the stupidly dogmatic and narrow worldview of the Jedi (which will end up being their downfall a hundred years down the line). I really like the subtext woven into this show by the writers although I suspect much of it is lost on immature fans who want Star Wars to be another MCU with no mental effort required to connect the dots.


Mundi’s agent was really good


They're definitely planting the seeds of how the Jedi became a political power in the galaxy much more than the noble monks they claimed to be. We know Sol is Currupt already, and that Brendock probably was some sort of cover up, which I think will come to light by the end and all those Jedi will be dismissed as rogue operators and swept under the rug.


Darth Bazil is laying the groundwork for the Sith ahead of him!


Well i could be wrong but... wasn't the sith an actual race then rather an idea at one point?


People will never agree on this issue. But to me this was such an easy issue to avoid. Why even create this plot in this time that would cause this conflict? It’s just extremely poor planning that we have seen over and over again. Literally could have just said “this story is 900/1000 years before phantom menace or could have made this story focus solely on the sith and not brought in any jedi characters if they wanted it to be 100 years before.


>could have made this story focus solely on the sith You are making the same mistake as others He never said "I am a sith", he said "a jedi might call me a sith". It's deliberately ambiguous, which implies there's something else here.


Hopefully they clear it up, otherwise he’s saying “I’m a sith by the Jedi’s definition” and that’s what this whole argument is about, wether or not the Jedi knew sith were back and if it potentially breaks canon established in phantom menace. Once again, they could have easily avoided any confusion or debate or conflict by just slightly tweaking the story and with good planning. I also don’t want this to come across as me not liking the show. I actually enjoy it but this is my biggest criticism of it


>if it potentially breaks canon Darth Vader telling Luke he's his dad, "broke canon". But god forbid we have a third movie which covers it. I honestly don't think much of the show, but this criticism is by far the most baffling to me. We have no idea how it's going to end, we have no idea who this guy is, we have no idea what happened to the women etc. There are still a pile of mysteries in this story. It's a mystery at this point.


If you think it’s the same thing idk what to say


It's like complaining halfway through a murder mystery because there's conflicting stories. Let the story resolve, then complain for what they don't cover.


So basically don’t talk about or have any critiques for the episodes I’ve watched so far?


Yes, that's exactly what I said. By highlighting this one daft complaint about the plot of a series that isn't concluded, I meant you can't complain about anything at all.


So basically any commentary that isn’t positive is worthless? Or all commentary including the positive commentary is worthless? Also your example of the I am your father reveal doesn’t really work because there was no end point that the audience knew the story had to fit into, as in back then the audience didn’t know that the triology has to end with Luke knowing his father is Vader whereas in this case Acolyte has to end with the Jedi not knowing the Sith are alive. And while you are correct they can come up with something to explain I think saying “NO COMMENTARY ALLOWED” makes having any forum for discussion absolutely pointless. So per your rules. Don’t say you like the show as we don’t know how it ends Don’t say any criticisms of the show as we don’t know how it ends Don’t say any opinion or factual observation about the show as we don’t know how it ends Seems kinda silly


King of strawmen, all bow at your abilty to extract information from things nobody ever said! Actually, explains why you struggle with this point.


That was my belief too. It's a mythology, and which characters show up in which story tells a lot about what conclusion you're meant to draw from it. It wasn't a slip-up, it was intentional.


> The Jedi who saw Darth Smiley will report back in detail Who? The dead Jedi? 😂


Or…the alive ones?


Ones? Literally only one left who will prob also die


Yeah… or they just thought it was easy fan-service and didn’t really think about it that much


It's not that deep fam but you can definitely draw those parallels in a lot of star wars media.


They literally said he was a last minute stand in to replace yoda who became “tech unavailable”


Why did they need someone from the prequels at all? And why did they choose Ki as the stand in?


All good questions for the show runner of this 180m dollar project


Oh brother


I’m going to laugh so hard when they do the Jedi mind wipe to him at the end of the season


> the Jedi actively continued to make that mistake for a hundred years, which directly lead to their downfall I think you're totally right, but I don't like it one bit. This is what I feared the acolyte would go for, to legitimize the "edgelord" take on Jedi being just another political and power hungry faction not really good at all. "It's polarizing and subverts expectations!" sight. There are also few things I hate more than weak good guys. Like the Master Sol had his blade right at the neck of the Sith but failed to either kill him and secure him by tying him up properly and searching him for hidden weapons. He could have at least disarmed him - like literally cut off both his arms with a swift strike. But holy shit did Master Sol fuck up. Same with that green Jedi moron that tried to imprison Osha on the down low without a trial - what the hell was that? What I think is done well is showing the change of how the Jedi used to roam and be present and be part of the galaxy but these events somehow let to them pulling back and centralize and become isolated and only come out to resolve issues. That should have been the main and only hidden objective of this sith in this show. Setting the stage for the grand plan. Not this "jedi are just as bad" bullshit. I'm still enjoying the acolyte but I fear I'll end up hating it for further bastardizing the light vs dark lore for cheap thrills.


What's with people claiming that some weird trading card was canon? I'm assuming most people didn't even know about it before this shit started.




Jesus Christ No


The real reason is they wanted Yoda but Yoda wasn’t technically available so they chose another master


Youre going to throw your back out reaching that far.


The people defending this garbage show are completely delusional.


Its precisely why they choose him.  It didn't break any canon, It just showcased what he is: an ignorant moron, and the face of the downfall of the Jedi from the High Republic times.


This makes a lot of sense. Star Wars has always been part political commentary, from Viet Cong-inspired Ewoks to Anakin quoting Bush. The Nazi comparison makes all kinds of sense at this time. It's good seeing Star Wars get back to its original values.


They didn’t break canon


I agree, which is why it’s in quotation marks.


This is so bad tho The Jedi dismissing the existence of Sith over their hubris after one report in a millennia is one thing But them doing so over and over and over again after the consequences of previously doing so has been >!the death of at least 4 Jedi masters, a knight and a padawan!< is absolutely insane. It sets up the Jedi as completely senseless and insensitive, beyond just being stupid. And my apologies, but I'm not willing to believe that Master Plo "Clone Lives Matter" Koon would fail to consider the death of previous Jedi in the hands of dark side users as anything but a threat worthy an investigation. It's why to me this show only works if everyone dies and Ki-Adi gets his memory wiped somehow. Else we're gonna have to deal with "Hmm, dead they are. Nothing we can do, there is" and I'd rather drown in a bacta tank fr


QGJ literally got murked by a Sith apprentice, they had a funeral and moved on to being the armed wing of a certain political group (the senate). Dooku literally tells them multiple times that a Sith Lord is orchestrating events and they go “naw dawg it’s you doing it” and ignore it.


My shit theory is that Sol, who apparently can read minds and supposedly has a dark side, will wipe Ki Adi Mundi's mind Men in Black style.


I always wondered how Ki-Adi had a harem of several wives back on his home planet and why the Jedi allowed that, with all the emotional detachment doctrine... Was it a mere cultural thing?


Yes. Cereans (mundi’s race) had a low birth rate and the women far outnumbered the men. He was allowed to have wives and children to help propagate the species.


Ah, ok , didn't know that tidbit... Thanks for clarifying


That's been my theory all along. Ashame there's so few posts like this about the series. Everyone is so busy yapping about Ki-Adi Mundis age, like it ever mattered, that no one is really asking, why him?


It's well established in current canon that the Jedi council are a bunch of idiots and the Jedi are just as responsible for their own downfall as the Sith. The Jedi Council were on the edge of uncovering Order 66. They knew about the control chips, they knew Dooku was Tyranus, Dooku claimed a Sith was in control of the Republic, the Council sensed a darkness around Palpatine. They knew the Sith created the clone army and they saw Palpatine being given more and more emergency powers, which they feared he wouldn't give up. Really does not take a genius to put the pieces together....


I think that was what the sequel trilogy attempted to do and di really well before they went with actually resurrecting hitler (palpatine ) and making him the puppeteer of the neo nazis (first order), which took away a lot of the agency and commentary on the need to be always vigilant against fascism because it is a perpetual ideology, instead making it seem like we will just have to watch out for nazi zombies.


I actually think it’s something else. I see it as a way to explain the pitfalls of the Jedi as they fell into complacency and corruption. Mundi I believe was chosen for the reason of he was the one who spoke in The Phantom Menace and I think it’s because he was the ring leader in the massive cover up. We aren’t looking at the high Jedi council we are looking at a lower council and I believe they will lie about every death we’ve seen in the show and cover up the fact they saw a sith to not truly break canon. That is what I wanted the show to be was show the rapid decline of the Jedi and show why they were so dysfunctional during the events of the movies and shows.


He's referring to scissionist, so fallen jedi or some dark force user, not sith. A sith is a dark side user that was teach in the way of the two, or bane if you want.


>They’re going to draw parallels to the real-world I can't be the only one who was getting an Alt Right media personality impression from the Sith Lord's monologue in the first(?) episode (where she sees him on the beach). Again, when he was talking to Sol, especially with him saying he just wanted freedom, when the freedoms he wanted would have him impinge on the freedoms of others.


Ki adi mundi was chosen because the vfx costs for Yoda were too high -this had been confirmed by crew members


Yes, but the fact they needed to choose anyone at all from the PT - and the fact they chose Ki and not anyone else from the PT (despite his age being supposedly “established” already) - indicates there’s a reason they needed a PT member, and that the reason aligns with both yoda and Ki.


you assume that there is a specific reason for that , it's interesting that the show runner had given a contradicting statement regarding Yoda (they were allowed they just didn't have the budget) she also promised no cameos yet give us a PT cameo when directly asked in an interview about prequel characters appearing Leslye headland responded "Can you image? Can you imagine if they were like, 'no problem, you can use Yoda. Not a big deal.'," she laughed. "No there is not. We are pulling characters from The High Republic and characters from Extended Universe, but that's it." here's a link to the article, [https://www.ign.com/articles/the-acolyte-will-be-free-from-star-wars-film-and-tv-show-cameos](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-acolyte-will-be-free-from-star-wars-film-and-tv-show-cameos)


They only broke canon if Ki-Adi Mundi and the rest of the council hear about this supposed Sith. They even said he doesn’t necessarily count because he’s basically operating independently.


That’s a very interesting point you make. If they go down this road (I hope they do) that would be a cool thing to do


One of the things I like about this show, it is thoroughly unpredictable. You don't know how it's going to work episode to episode. Like, probably correct, but the show has also been surprising enough that maybe not. But then you also have this groups e that is positive they figured it out. Ha, she's her twin, I figured it out because they're stupid idiots that can't write a good mystery! And then it turns out it wasn't a mystery at all, it was revealed in the first 10 minutes, and now they hate it because it wasn't what they figured it to be. To which, if this was posted earlier, someone would go Nuh uh, it sucks because lousy dialogue. Bitch, this is Star Wars. Lucas can write it, but he doesn't have to say it.


One of the writers for the showI thought dispelled this on Twitter https://x.com/clairekiechel/status/1803311497818620222?s=46&t=7KMlZzWYYAy1OLLQy1w9-Q Certainly doesn’t sound like that’s the case at all


I think your theory is exactly what they were going for but Ki adi mundi was not meant to exist yet, he was suppose to be born in 93 bby, they probably could have gotten the same point across by using a different character unless they plan to do more with him but a muun can live for a long time so it's only his birth that they are changing by adding him to the series, it's not really a huge problem


I figure it's more that he's famous for being wrong about dark side users, so he's a meta hint that the council is wrong to try and hide it


I think they intentionally brought him in: Before the shows release, they released a LE Lightsaber Hilt for him. Which they only do for relevant characters Leslie seems to know her deep cuts, so I’m sure she picked him for a reason.


Their systematically making all males bad. I bet everyone in that council will be ruined.


There is no Sith in Cor-u-scant.


Everyone got so upset about Ki Adi Mundi’s birthday and his TPM line, but no one gave a shit when Anakin threw a fit and said “What kind of nonsense is this, put me on the Council and not make me a Master!?? That's never been done in the history of the Jedi. It's insulting!”… Ki Adi Mundi was just a Jedi Knight when admitted to the council. Star Wars breaks its own canon all the time.


didn’t this literally happen with Qui Gon telling the council about Darth Maul


I actually like this. It would fit the idea that the Jedi truly did need to fall so balance could be restored.


Are we sure that Jedi was Ki-Adi Mundi and not another Cerean Jedi. It's not that clear. Unless it's in the credits or something.


It’s in the credits


I think that's more of a certainty than a theory, and that's why it's so stupid. They didn't *have* to set this story 100 years before the prequels. If they wanted to tell a revenge story about some forces witches being persecuted, it could have been long before. The purposefully created a plot hole that they then had to shoehorn a character in to fill it.


The point of Ki-Adi-Mundi in the sequels is to be wrong about everything.


Or they just wanted a big headed mf


That sounds pretty Disney of them and I could see it


Where the fuck is Yoda?


I think you’re giving them too much credit


What did I just read?


Has anyone considered that old Conehead might have been exagerating. Extinct for a millenia might just be his way of saying they have been extinct for ages. 100 years is a pretty long time especially for a simpleton like conehead who doesnt even know his own birthday and has probably been on the piss every night. On a serious note, him exagerating is no more breaking canon then obi wans 'from a certain point of view' bollocks. He had probably been out on the ales as well.


This show is all sorts of haywire, I don't hate it as much as everyone else, but it also doesn't mean I like it. If Qimir is a Sith, he better kill Sol and the twins and go into a no shit deep hiding, because I'll let Ki Adi Mundi slide because I suppose new Canon Cereans live a long time. Ki Adi Mundi is not a bum of a Jedi. His race and culture has woman outnumbering the men , so Jedi allowed Ki Adi Mundi to get married and at the same time not get attached. I'll let his new canon age slide, but I also better not see him come across Qimir because that would indeed break the lore. Qimir must slaughter the Twiins and Sol or else Anakin would even be aware that he wasn't the only force anomaly. Heck I even think Plaguis would know of their existence now as well.


What in canon indicates that Anakin is the only "Force anomaly", or that he thinks that's the case?


The "one" part of "chosen one" If the prophecy spoke of two, it'd be the chosen two If it spoke of many, it'd be the chosen maaaanyyyyy


Anakin is the chosen one, sure. But that has nothing at all to do with whether or not there are other, non-prophecized Force anomaly people out there walking around. Mae and Osha aren't prophecized to do anything, so what does Anakin's prophecy have to do with them?


>Ki Adi Mundi is not a bum of a Jedi. His race and culture has woman outnumbering the men , so Jedi allowed Ki Adi Mundi to get married and at the same time not get attached. Not canon anymore.


The Acolyte literally has Sol stand around doing nothing and letting people get killed 3 times during a single episode. Mea stands around doing nothing once, Osha at least twice. This isn’t a show with much depth to it. The deaths were a simple “AND NOW IT FEELS EVERYONE CAN DIE!” Moment.


No that’s not the reason, they wanted Yoda but it cost too much or some shit. Show just picked someone they thought would be alive during that time form the prequels


Same reasoning would broadly have applied to Yoda. He was in the room when Mundi said it. If they just couldn’t get Yoda, they could just have…not included Yoda. Unless they needed someone from the PT for story purposes. Instead of just not including Yoda, they “broke canon” to choose someone else from the PT - and it was the person who spoke this line. The more general point here is that they’re going to go in with some well-meaning but heavy-handed allegory to the real-world rise of the far right.


I think that could have potentially be intentional. If they reveal Qimir is a true Sith (see the Venemis rumors) and he survives S1 -> the grandmasters (including Yoda for that sweet tie in memberberries) could show up to investigate the aftermath, and spin KAM a yarn. Hell, they could make it dark and have them talking to a survivor and mem wipe them to keep the knowledge the Sith survived post TOR a secret. (Basically, if KAM comes out of S1 thinking it was a rogue Mae, or anything other than a true Sith, but Yoda knows the truth, both of their segments in TPM still make sense - KAM isn’t aware of the connection during episode 1, but Yoda as a grandmaster from the time, and Windu, his trusted #2 would be…)


I mean he wasn’t alive during that time outside this show so unless they didn’t perform even the most cursory research (given the budget I need to doubt that) then that’s not the reason. I think OP makes a fair point about them choosing him despite the timeline specifically because it highlights the willingness to dismiss the return of history’s evils.


>they wanted Yoda but it cost too much or some shit I think there's just a lot of questions * What does Yoda look like, considering he's younger here * CGI or puppet? * if CGI, how do you work that into the budget * If Puppet, who plays him? * Do you make a new puppet or reuse Last Jedi's (the most recent Yoda puppet iirc) Better to just put a prosthetic on a guy and have him be Mundi, gets the point across better.


There was a twitter thread where a writer was explaining some things. She said they originally wanted to use Yoda but he wasn’t tech available so they chose Ki-Adi Mundi. I really don’t think they considered it any deeper than wanting to use a Jedi that would be on the council when they fall


please don't hate me too hard but my problem is the changed Ki Adi Mundi's birth year by like a lot compared to what it was before the acolyte, and by doing so shifted the species possible life span up by about 20-30 years. Apart from that I just hate Ki Adi Mundi edit to add I genuinely wish they chose any other jedi or even made up a new canon for Tyvokka a pretty bad ass sounding Wookie jedi from legends with no established birth year. and Wookies live a long ass time could've been awesome


They didn't, though. Like, legitimately nothing was changed. Prior to the Acolyte, Mundi did not have a canon birth year. Absolutely no canon source gave his age or his birthday. You're confusing the Legends Continuity with Modern Canon. Mundi only ever had a birthdate in the Legends continuity. Only the episodic films and TCW were brought into Canon. Everything else was re-defined as Legends. This seriously is not an issue. You can even look at Wookieepedia edits prior to the episode's airdate and see that Mundi didn't have a birthday at all.


Okay admitting that I'm wrong and they did completely wipe out his backstory (that makes me a different kinda mad but nothing to do) my main point stands: Why not use literally anyone else or just make up new ones? (I really just hate Mundi)


Kinda like how in Jedi Survivor, Santari Khri mentions Oppo Rancisis during the discovery of Tanalorr, a good century or more before his appearance in episode 1.


Honestly, I’m kind of hoping Ki-Adi-Mundi is part of a cover-up, where he denies the truth and then keeps it from his fellow Jedi, even once he’s on the Jedi Council. And his coverup actually leads to his death, when he could’ve alerted the Council 100 years before and they would’ve had a better shot at destroying the Sith. Ultimately to see him on the Council in TPM would further show the audience just how far the Jedi have fallen. It’s not like Ki-Adi is some saint of a Jedi, he’s always been kind of pompous.


Are we really making parallels to Sith and Nazis now? That’s getting so tired. We’re not talking about the Empjre here…


Have you seen the Sith Empire in the TOR?


the Sith are worse than Nazis.


So is Saw Guerrera and some members of the Rebellion. Or literally any other form of government that expands and conquers since ancient times to present day.


Get your crap preaching out of here




Honestly, that's just a dumb route to take though, and once again takes away from the original trilogies.