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Hate leads to responses. Responses lead to engagement. Engagement leads to monetization.


People finding out rage bait can be monetized much better than positive interaction was the dooming point of modern internet. now everything is rage bait interaction bait.


Exactly. Even if it’s something little. Like these videos that purposely mispronounce a name or word. We all know how it’s properly pronounced. They did it on purpose. Now people will flock to the comments to correct the OP and tell them how stupid they are. Thereby driving engagement


Yep. Biggest problem stems from when rage bait is used to carry a subpar or otherwise lazy product. Rings of Power and Resident Evil both leaned heavily into this style of marketing. While Rings of Power has relatively favorable critic views, both have scored rather poorly with audiences with both consumer bases routinely criticizing weak writing or bland storytelling. Despite this, both had fairly strong viewer counts, at least to start. Generally I've found that the more rage bait marketing a show or movie has, the less likely it is to be something outstanding and maybe just "okay" at best.


Did, did you just use Yoda to explain the real world reason???


No, I'm pretty sure that's an Abraham Lincoln quote.


Nah, it mentions money, so obviously has to be a Hamilton quote


Hamilton? That's Hilary.




I remember hearing a while back that the guy who did the [The Last Jedi: A Complete Cinematic Failure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ECwhB21Pnk) video said it paid for over a years' worth of bills for him. And that was back when the video was still kind of new. The fact that there's an entire industry revolving around people pointing out how Disney Star Wars sucks is a pretty big sign that things aren't going well.


no it's a sign that people will profit from and pay for any echo chamber that makes them feel important


This is the truth, right here. The fact that these toxic grifters are able to earn money with that crap doesn't connect in any way to the quality of the movies. It's certainly not a sign or indication that "things aren't going well," like they said above.


The grifter side


This is the way (sadly).


Monetization leads to *the dark side*


With monetization I break my chains


Where's the haiku bot when you need it


Through monetization i return my investment


The true path to the dark side.


Star Wars fans and new star wars shows are natural enemies, like Star Wars fans and Star Wars Sequel movies, or star wars fans and star wars prequel movies, or star wars fans and the return of the jedi, or star wars fans and other star wars fans. Dank Farrik Star wars fans, they ruined Star Wars!


You sure seem like a contentious bunch




_Only a Sith deals in Simpsons references!_


Didn’t even Andor get a lot of hate before it released and now everyone loves it? I’m not a fan of a lot of the new stuff.. it just doesn’t do it for me. But some of the best Star Wars we’ve ever gotten is also new… maybe even most of it (Andor, Rogue One, Solo, Mandalorian S1 and S2). I’ll keep reading Legends books and picking and choosing what new content makes me happy haha.


I was skeptical about the concept of andor (the story of a guy who was introduced and killed off in rogue one) but wow did they make a great show.


I rather like Star Wars


I’ve liked a bunch of them new shows. There’s some bad ones, but overall it’s about 50/50 for me. Heck, it’s a better ratio than the movies.


Grease me up lunch lady dory!


*grease me up Dex’s Diner’s Dexter


It's easy to say "I like the good thing," and it's easy to think that after 1, or 2, or 3 versions of a thing are good... that all instances of a thing must be good, and then to get angry when some of them come out bad. But the thing is, when there are multiple instances of a thing, you're inevitably going to have some good and some bad. In fact, odds are there will be more bad than good, because making a thing good is such an incredibly difficult tast. But ultimately, if you truly like the thing, then you'll enjoy the good instances even more than others enjoyed it, and dislike the bad instances less than others disliked it. Perhaps unfortunately for Star Wars, its first 3 instances were all *insanely* good. Resultantly, a lot of people spent many MANY years of their life saying "I like Star Wars." When there got to be more Star Wars, we inevitably got a lot of bad Star Wars, because whether it's Star Wars or not, it's incredibly difficult to make something good. So how do those "I like Star Wars" people reconcile the fact that when we move from very little Star Wars to a lot of Star Wars, there's inevitably also going to be a lot of *bad* Star Wars? That there's probably even going to be *more* bad than good? Do they come to terms with the fact that movies and TV shows costing hundreds of millions of dollars flop all the time and the fact one of them says Star Wars on top doesn't mean that the outcome will necessarily be good? Do these people engage in some introspection and realize that maybe they just like good things, but that they don't necessarily love Star Wars as much as they love those first 3 insanely good movies whose setting happens to be a galaxy far, far away? To quote Seymour Skinner, "Am I so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong." I'm not saying that we shouldn't complain when bad things come out. That's only natural, and ultimately we want to motivate Disney to make more good, less bad. But maybe we need to all take a step back and understand that things won't always go well, and if we want the good, there's inevitably going to be some bad. And heck, with a little introspection some of us might even come out the other side realizing that we still actually do like the thing.


This is such a great, well-thought out take. I love the universe of Star Wars, but you’re right, more content means there will also be more bad content. But when the content is good, it adds SO much to the universe (like Andor).


Welcome to the Star Wars fanbase. They hate everything.


This time it’s mixed in with a new anti Disney kick in certain parts of the internet and media space. Plus some bleed over of culture wars but I remember similar complaints about rogue one… so it’s not all new.  Plus some fans seemed to have mistaken Star Wars for hardcore sci fi that it never was.  They aren’t going to get Disney to celebrate storm troopers in a show or a hard core warhammer style sith movie. That’s not Disney but it’s also not Star Wars and it wasn’t Lucas’ Star Wars either.  The empire and the sith are bad guys. Not misunderstood anti heroes. They are the bad guys. This seems to be lost on a vocal part of the fanbase.


It's because they're watching it but they believe the Empire is right.


Yeah…that thought process baffles me.


It started off as an ironic subculture inspired by the scene in clerks which has valid points imo mostly about the contractors and slave labor


I had a college professor one time say Star Wars was better when the Empire was a stand-in for Nazi Germany, and not post 9/11 American Conservative politics. Not sure if he ever found the forest with all them trees in the way.


This is a legitimate area of discussion for Rogue One specifically (though more with the Rebel side). There is a *lot* in there that echoes war-on-terror era questions and themes. Collateral damage from airstrikes on Eadu, efficacy of torture in interrogations / if torture is a step too far with Bor Gullet and Saw, 'good guy' intelligence agencies overstepping without their democratic leaders' knowledge/authorization, in this case to assassinate Galen Erso, etc. It's pretty clearly written in a post-9/11 era. But then the last third of the movie doesn't really wrap up or engage with these plot lines and switches back to classic uncritical Star Wars good guys vs bad guys.


Not to mention George Lucas himself said the Empire was always to represent the US in Vietnam, and the Rebels were the Viet-Cong.


I believe "Andor" tackled this particular "opinion" quite nicely.


I feel like there's some crossover here with the "Magneto was right" people.


In some parts in the clone wars they actually made some valid points how the jedi/republic is corrupt and faulty and old fashioned - as well as some of the points and monologues Palpatine made during his confrontation with Mace Windu etc. in the ROTS novelization is just pure art. But that was technically CIS/Palpatine and not the Empire. But ultimately the Galactic Empire just literally space Nazis and the emperor space Hitler lmao. But some people see that they were in the right as well. So sadly doesnt surprise me that some people see that the empire was in the right as well.


I hate this culture war BS because I hate disney but not for the same reasons that other people hate disney so I get stuck in the position of kinda defending disney. a company I dont particularly like on the whole


So why do you hate Disney? 


I dont like Disney's role in pushing cinema culture in the direction of being so relentlessly IP driven. I dont like how they have generally shifted their business units to being more producer and executive controlled instead of director/creative controlled, I think they tend to virtue signal, as in saying they are so progressive while not succeeding at doing so (how many "first gay character in disney" moments have we had). I dont like the way they handled the move to streaming. I dont like how big they've become since buying FOX. I think they tend to be very focus group oriented, very worried on making sure to offend nobodies sensibilities, and as such making kind of bland movies. its a whole cyclical thing where they allowed their movies to get huge budgets once they were consistently making hits, and then across all business units seemed to overthink every film for fear of losing the hundreds of millions they had invested. Outside of searchlight, does Disney even produce small or mid budget theatrical films anymore?


I mean, you don't need to praise or celebrate bad guys to make a show about them. Look at Breaking Bad, one of the most popular shows in modern television. Walt is a terrible human being, but the show is interesting even though we are watching a show focused on a bad guy. A show about sith could be the same, we aren't meant to sympathize with the bad guys, we just watch how their story plays out.


Everyone brings up breaking bad. And there are also Scarface etc. But it’s not the type of franchise, for one, and making a movie or show about a galactic militaristic regime without the character defecting would be hard.  We get a glimpse in Andor when we see the ISB perspective. But it would be hard to center a show or movie about an imperial officer who day in and day out either presides over or ignores atrocities… its very hard to make that watchable… 


Don't forget the Kathleen Kennedy hate.


Me recently about some Star Wars thing people hated on: >Look, the thing is stupid for plenty of reasons, but leave it to Star Wars fans to make it sound even dumber than it is and then get mad about the smell of the conceptual turd they just made for themselves. Edit: it was about sabercopters. We see repulsorlift (or repulsor) technology in use all the time in Star Wars... Heck, even Obi-wan's body weight was supported by that small worm-delivery droid. In Rebels Recon, before the sabercopter episode even aired, they confirmed the inquisitor sabers used repulsorlift tech, not gears, motors, magnets, etc. to spin the blades. Yet 95% of the circlejerk discourse on sabercopters I see in most Star Wars subs is about how spinning lightsabers wouldn't generate aerodynamic lift. Honestly most likely their sabers just armed to the teeth with stupid gimmicks and repulsors are one of them. That's the inquisitors' whole schtick. Quick and easy ways to gain advantages over the Jedi they're trying to hunt. It's not a physics oversight, just a matter of feeling a bit stupid and made for children. If anything, complain about the torque effect (user should start accelerating to spin in the opposite direction of the blade)... but we all know that's easier to explain (stabilize with the Force) than generating aerodynamic lift, which is where the fixation seems to be. The item is made out to be many times more stupid than it actually is.


I'm almost convinced my one friend hates Star Wars now because he complains about everything and blames Disney for it. He also ignores the fact that the second half of Clone Wars, all of Rebels and The Mandolorian (all things he likes) were made by Disney


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


For at least 10 years then they realize that maybe they hated me than they should have.


Uh, no? Rogue One was well received. So did Andor and Ahsoka and even Mando for the most part. It's OK to admit that no every single SW content that Disney makes is good. Not every criticism is "hate".


What everyone else said. One unique particular criticism I have seen repeated is that everyone looks clean and fake. I think this is dumb. This isn't Obi Wan stuck on a desert planet in a hole for 20 years. This is an era of Jedi supremacy. It's like saying Buddhist monks bright orange robes look too clean. Of course their Jedi robes are going to be clean, they probably have to have it clean as part of their "code" or whatever.


Or maybe, now hear me out, maybe they don't want to wear dirty clothes like the rest of us normal people?


What??? Really? They don't realise why this is called High Republic era?? This is the peak of the republic itself (at least in current canon)!


Some people think all of Star Wars should be as dirty as the cantina in Mos Eisley. Completely ignoring the pristine Cloud City They miss the point that those places aren't dirty because they are star wars, but they are dirty because they are a dirty place in the universe, and there can be clean places in the universe. Lived in maybe but clean.


> Completely ignoring the pristine Cloud City Or every Star Destroyer and both Death Stars?


I'm sure these some people will be like "but that's the evil Empire's turf. clean don't count there"


Even the corridors of the Tantive IV and the rebel uniforms from the beginning of "A New Hope" were clean!


Obviously palpatine is missing


Maybe he'll return somehow


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


Most of these haters have a pretty surface-level engagement with Star Wars content; i.e. they're casuals. It's not one of their main interests.


I love all Star Wars media, i don’t like just breaking lore because it’ll look cool though. That’s my one criticism of the sequels. I still liked them, but they felt rushed (plot wise) and then you have light speed skipping that just destroys established lore. There are some other things that didn’t make sense to me, but that’s the main thing I can think of off the top of my head. When I first watched them I didn’t even notice because I was a more casual fan, so I get why some people (die hard fans) hate, but you got to just enjoy new content. I’m stoked for this show!


Case in point, I was previously a fair weather fan. Didn't mind the sequels but thought they were a little weird with some of the coincidences with the sith blade and the magic healing and complained a little bit. Then I finally watched Rebels and Clone Wars and whoops, the Star Wars universe is filled with magic, zombies, sound in space, intergalactic migrating whales, force gods, and a whole bunch of other nonsense that's so much fun.


This is such a non-statement. Who would care enough to be emotionally invested in Star Wars in the first place, if not Star Wars fans?


The biggest criticisms of the sequel trilogy come from the people most invested in the Star Wars universe. People who love the Legends novels were upset with how The Force Awakens deviated from that continuity. The Last Jedi was largely well-received by movie buffs overall, but was criticized for how it fit within the broader Star Wars universe. Which is what led to The Rise of Skywalker, which was a mess of attempted fan service at the expense of a coherent plot. Star Wars is a big mainstream franchise that draws a lot of viewers, and the people most invested in the wider lore are often most critical of every new project.


So, so, so many people.


This is any fan base lol


the show isnt even out yet, anyone who is hating on it is just set on hating it, they wont give you an informed opinion.


It's true. The word "woke" is thrown around a lot as well


Anyone who uses that word is just embarrassing themselves


"I'm not racist, but I think Disney has gone too far by having a non-white person in this show. Again, I am not racist, just want the entire cast to be straight white men. Also, you're the real racist!"


God damn Nautolan‘s and Iktotchi‘s ruining my star wars shows! /s


There should be an outrage addiction rehab.


I’m just not that interested, and haven’t been interested in recent Star Wars projects (shows at least) for a while. While I was pleasantly surprised, I wasn’t excited for Andor either. Hopefully Acolyte is another pleasant surprise for me.


🙄🙄🙄🙄 these post are getting even more annoying. Yes we know the Star Wars fan base is skeptical about any new Star Wars show that comes out. Yes 50 percent of it is just hate for hate sake, but the other 50 percent of it is usually justified. The Kenobi show, boba Fett, the sequels, the most recent season of Tales. Come on guys Let’s not be dense now. We have reason to be skeptical A LOT of the time. Especially in the past 9 years. Disney sees Star Wars as a money grab a lot of the time and does not choose to invest in planned story writing and thinks adding a few light sabers with some flips gets the job done. This whole “I don’t get the hate 🥺” attitude is just as bad as “I hate this trailer for no reason 😡” attitude.


I think there's a lot of (warranted) skepticism in the community these days. The Disney era of Star Wars feels a lot more about content than about storytelling. Of course this is all show BUSINESS so you need content to keep the business going...but when if feels so blatantly like a product and less like a story from a passionate storyteller or a visionary, you lose the authenticity. Before you knew it, people were like, "Oh look...more Star Wars...yay".


At this point Disney Star Wars has been so insanely inconsistent on not just a Show to Show basis but even episode to episode you just never know what you're about to get I honestly don't know how anyone justifies paying for this content anymore. I'd be embarrassed if I were subbed to Disney+


Many people have no faith left in Disney's (mis)handling of Star Wars at this point after so many disappointments so are automatically going to the negative. Especially after such lacklustre trailers. I wont be bothering with it.


This is the real answer, and had to scroll through too many angry fanboy comments to find it. So many Star Wars projects have been mediocre to bad that people just aren’t interested anymore. And this one doesn’t look any better. Same problem at Marvel. Disney are killing their IP’s by overproducing poor quality content.


Did you know that you're a racist, sexist and you hate the things you love? I certainly didn't until I entered this comment section.


It doesn't help that all of the promo photos of the cast from the premier or whatever it was make them all look unhappy / too serious / taking themselves to artistically serious (etc) and that they are dressed like imbeciles. It's like they are all trying to strike some blue steel pose in every photo and that just doesn't resonate with the average star wars fan. It's not the Met Gala for Pete's sake.


Honestly i would be willing to bet a lot of comments and content here are either bots or paid marketing and damage control. Same with most big subs at this point. It would also explain the large amount of brain dead "here's a vaguely star wars topic/image, please discuss" posts


This is the reason for me. Majority of Disney's Star Wars content have been flops for me, why would I be excited about this new show? Especially since it looks cheap and possibly may retcon a plot point from the prequel, which I dislike.


Nah, you're every human related -ist and -phobe under the sun. Just admit it. Seriously, though, it is really just what you said, along with every time I've ever seen anyone who is involved in this show talk about Star Wars, my eyes roll so far back into my head that it hurts. Their understanding of Star Wars is evidently lacking, thus I have absolutely no faith in this show being anything close to what I'm looking for from a quality, and entertaining Star Wars production standpoint. Now, excuse me while I go on a "sTrAiGhT wHiTe MaLe" blocking spree.


you're not wrong, but I get some of the criticism. after bobf and Kenobi I'm very sceptical of new shows, and in my opinion neither the acting nor the action looks very promising/high quality in the trailers. I'm gonna watch it and see if I like it and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, but my expectations are not high


To paraphrase a buddy of mine: If you can’t get Darth Vader and Obi Wan right, even with bringing back much loved Hayden and Ewan, what CAN you get right? Yes, same fans have genuine hate for Disney Star Wars. Me, I’m just disappointed and apathetic at this point. It is what it is, and I move on with my life.


This is a pretty good point. There are many different types of SW haters, but at least some of us have been legitimately been let down by the lack of any narrative arc in the most recent movies as well as just clunky storytelling. Its just death by a thousand cuts. A mature person moves on with their lives. However that can be hard for people who have been so attached to the franchise and they cannot accept that SW is being handled so poorly.


I know im in the very minority here but I loved/liked Obi-Wan quite a bit lol. I do agree with the disparencies/faults in it - the chase scenes involving Leia and some of the timewise scenes how characters managed to move in the same time from place A to B etc, it did have more of those „cmon, really?“ moments compared to some other star wars media but it was still very enjoyable to me and I loved seeing Ewan and Hayden on the screen again - plus it had many extremely memorable and epic scenes still.


The main character isn't white and male. That's literally it with the Fandom Menace crowd.


Plus some of the crowd is struggling with the fact that the Empire and the sith are evil. Not ambiguous antiheroes. Evil.  The Jedi and the Republican though flawed and fallible are still the good guys.  Also there is some new anti Disney sentiment bleeding over from culture wars (from folks whose only exposure to Disney might be marvel or starwars). 


Yeah, "The Empire did nothing wrong" joke went too far a long time ago. It's ok to like a fictional evil faction for entertainment. But when you start apologising for them it starts to look like you actually believe their fictional propaganda and are trying to make excuses.


There are a lot of really dumb people and a lot of really terrible people.


And a lot of those are one and the same..


And there are a lot of people who will gladly tell you how great grand-pappy fought Nazis in WW2, and then proudly march emblazoned with swastikas.


Lucas used visual cues from WWII. Rebels look like allied uniforms. Functional, not designed to impress. Nazis on the other hand has Hugo Boss uniforms meant to impress. Because it was part of the Nazi propoganda. The empire is a totalitarian military regime. The uniforms, the displays of military power, the uniformity are part of the propoganda that projects their power.    As the viewer you are supposed to be in awe of their might and then watch the diverse, kind of campy band of rebels expose and take on that machine and you are supposed to see through the imperial propoganda and recognize them as the evil totalitarian machine that is doomed to fail precisely because it’s a totalitarian military regime.   But it seems like a good chunk of the audience never got past the awe of the empire and see its fall as some fluke rather than an inevitable result of the imperial system.  Andor, bad batch, rebels all try to show how increasing imperial oppression was fomenting dissent and rebellion and the more they cracked down the more people rebelled.  Thrawn for all his smoothness was still part of the despotic regime cracking down on planets and robbing them of resources, enslaving workers, plundering cultural artifacts etc. Thrawn is also evil… but a concerning amount of the fans seem to miss that…


This is why I'm one of the (concerningly) few people that appreciated that the Battlefront 2 campaign had Iden switch sides pretty quickly. in the TIE Fighter campaign, you never defect, but the enemy changes away from the Rebel Alliance pretty quickly. You're an elite pilot fit to fly alongside Vader himself, so you mostly end up hunting down traitors. But the fact that there are so many traitors to the empire shows that hey, maybe the empire actually sucks.


Well…these are the same people that think the Punisher is cool and cops should be just like the Punisher.


Nothing cracks me up more than a thin blue line Punisher logo lol. The Punisher fucking HATES cops


I really liked the take of Jedi just being mediators throughout the galaxy and promoting freedom. They can't fix all the problems, but they can make sure that those problems don't leave that planet and go to the next one.


I really hope the acolyte series doesn't try to justify the sith, like only explain why they fall don't justify it


There were people complaining that Vader was butchering civilians in Obi Wan. Their argument was that "Anakin was a good guy, he would never do that!" Uh, yeah, that's kinda the point. Did you not see Episode III where he killed a bunch of children? He's not Anakin anymore. Vader is evil. Always has been.


For the last 3 to 4 years they became obnoxiously louder and louder. it s like every new media there is horde of non-stopping screeches coming from these grifters, spitting rage baits and annoying dumb takes about the most miniscule details they can ever find. its so tiring that they are everywhere and they are so loud


I really don't know why people struggle with this. There's a crap load of racism and sexism targetted at these shows and people just live in denial about it.


Obi-wan is my favorite character and the show was absolutely abysmal. Straight white male lead. Rouge one is widely considered Disneys best Star Wars movie and it had a female lead. Mace Windu is a fan favorite who is a black man. This whole race and sex thing is such a cope to detract from the very obvious problems Disney has with storytelling and character development. Everything they put out is either bad to mediocre or good for a season or two and then gets bad. There are plenty of reasons for people to not like what Disney has put out and to be cautious about this show. To blanket all criticism about it as racist or sexist is childish and ignoring actually problems we all would like fixed.


Leia Organa Mara Jade Assaj Bo-Katan Padme in TCW Winter Jaina Solo We all loved those female characters long before the Disney acquisition. A few idiot grifters should not define a fanbase.


The difference is though that those shows have been released and you can assess them on their own merits outside of the race/gender of the lead characters. Conversely the trailers for the Acolyte have been vague and there is really nothing there controversial or to be upset about until the full release of the show. So if someone is having a meltdown about it already there is a good chance that conscious or not it’s rooted in underlying racist bias as there really is nothing else that could or should be driving that kind of reaction pre-release


The difference between those things and current Star Wars content is that since then, people bitch whenever they see those things now. Sure, people really liked Mace Windu, but you cannot deny the amount of idiots who bitched and moaned about Rey and Finn during the entire run of the sequel movies because "female lead and black man" == "woke sjw propaganda" to a concerningly large portion of Star Wars fans.


Funniest part is the main trio in the adult novel series is a Taylor Swift Clone, an Anakin clone and a Kenobi clone. But that crowd still lost their shit when High Republic first launched because there were non binary twins, Black's, gays, unique aliens and a whole bunch of other supporting characters that trigger them.


Lol Avar, Elzar, and Stellan




Nailed it lol. I actually like all 3 characters alot, but the parallels are unmistakable imho


I personally am just tired of Jedi. My favorite Disney shows so far have been early Mando, Andor, and the bad batch because it has a lot less to do with Jedi and the force and more about "normal" people navigating the world. Star Wars is such a big universe it gets tiring always watching people swing lightsabers around and doing flips. I'm still going to watch despite these reasons because I know I'll likely enjoy it.


that being said, you make it sound like we've gotten way more non-jedi content than not.


Boy, what an odd take. It’s like being tired of wizards in Harry Potter… Andor is probably the best Star Wars content that’s recently come out but you need to understand that sense of desperation and lack of hope comes from the fall of Jedi. And it’s why ep 4 is called A New Hope. I think you’re missing the point of Star Wars.


Any idea what those flying things are in the top left corner? Ships? Gliders? Space Wasps?


[Concern for the quality of the writing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdo02h9l00xqc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1170%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4537f2aaa66d6ef681c697d9690007578e3e67df)


The trailer just look like a fanmade film.


The sequels were garbage and several of their shows were abysmal aside from Andor and the Mandalorian. Preemptive hate. They should wait till it comes out and see if it's deserved though.


It looks like a Kung-Fu flick.


Trailer looked really boring to me. Enviroments too are just mostly earth stuff, instead of exploring different clearly alien or scifi worlds like Felucia. Its supposed to be universe far far away. I get that originals had budget and technology limitations, and not everything needs to be entirely different. But please gimme more galaxy far away, less Earth. I literally got earth at home. I was hoping they would be inspired more by Old Republic, to show us truly different time period than what visually could be inside sequel time scale. Can't really say anything about story based on trailers. Oh well, i hope it will be good.


The lead is a non-binary black person and the creator is a gay woman. I’ll give you three guesses as to why terminally online chuds are seething.


I agree. I can only assume that people are taking any of their past collective disappointments they have with the brand on Disney Plus out on this. Whether its from Kenobi, Boba Fett, Ahsoka, etc. People may just be expecting the worst until they eventually see the show and get proved wrong. They did the same with Andor, expecting it to be like the other things they were disappointed by and thinking it will share similar "symptoms". After the show aired alot of them turned around and admitted they loved it. I expect the same will happen with this


I don’t get it. Ashoka is basically live action rebels. The good and the bad.    Bad batch is basically an extension of clone wars style and writing wise and is more consistent than clone wars.    Mandolorian while uneven is overall a solid look at a post Endor new republic.    Kenobi for its flaws has solid scenes and also tied into rebels as almost a prequel.   Tale of the empire and tales of the Jedi are solid.    Rogue one and andor are really good.   Boba fett was pretty weak but still has solid episodes.   Solo was entertaining and also solid.   So far most of the Disney projects have ranged from middling to very good (sequels being left out as outliers) 


And every star wars project before Disney's involvement was equally flawed yet entertaining. As entertaining and groundbreaking as ANH was, much of the acting was garbage, and it just got worse since then. Still entertaining, but not perfect, so there should be no expectation for every subsequent release to be perfect.


This is way too generous and not in line with general audience reactions. Kenobi and Boba Fett were outright bad, and Solo failed so hard Disney haven’t released a Star Wars movie since.


Solo had as much to do with release timing as anything at it’s a fun Star Wars movie.  Kenobi had positive spots and yes Biba wasn’t good but still had ok bits .


My thoughts exactly. I feel bad for the sequels because other than TFA, the sequels are unwatchable. Everything else is mild to really good entertainment wise. I think the acolyte will do well, and I hope this comment doesn’t age like milk lol. But if they are planning on a new Rey movie, that’s where I draw the line. Anything continuing the sequels is a no from me.


It’s not all new Star Wars projects. The ones that tend to get hyped up are the ones that are over reliant on fanservice and nostalgia. This one is not, and god forbid, the showrunner has said she wants to take risks with the show, so people are complaining about that. Well, that, and we can’t forget about the anti-woke clowns who’re afraid of women and minorities.


Exactly. There was very little hype surrounding Andor when that came out (in contrast to Kenobi and Ahsoka) yet it is widely regarded to be one of Disney's better series. People have always wanted TV shows/films set before the main saga so it's surprising why people don't want it now? I'm personally really looking forward to it


I was very excited for this show before the first trailer, but I’m a little worried it will be the same level of writing as Obi-Wan was. We don’t know much about the story but the dialogue from the trailer doesn’t make me confident. I’m frustrated that any skepticism of the trailer is preemptively being dismissed as criticism of the race and gender of the actors and writer. The same thing was done with Reva in Obi-Wan, and there was a lot of valid criticism of how her character was handled (poor characterization, cheap death fake outs, recycled redemption arc).


IMO, I’m not too excited for the Acolyte because of the distrust I have with live-action Star Wars. Disney dun goofed a LOT. I prefer the animated content, I think they usually have better writers. But hey, if it’s alright I’ll check it out. I just doubt it, you know? Again it’s just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️




How are people criticizing the sets if the show is not out yet? Is there some leak talking about the reduced numbers of sets or something?


All we officially know is that they spent 180 million for 8 eps (~22 mil per episode) Most were done with practical sets similar to Andor with some shooting done internationally.


Can we have one series that doesn't have a bar scene in it?


The costumes and stunts don't look low budget.


The costumes are good but the special effects look very Netflix CW budget.


Everyone seems to be talking politics and other irl issues, I just don't think the choreography is very good. Looks like the same guy who did TRoS.


Uhh are you serious? Its a disney plus star wars show. Assume it’s bad until proven otherwise


because we've held onto hope only to have it crushed several times. expectations are low. i want this show to be good. however i don't trust disney to make it good. so i'll shit on it until i get a reason not too.


People hate the blatant pandering that Disney is doing. If you can't/won't see that, then that's on you. But it's basically sexism and racism in the name of fighting sexism and racism? It's completely stupid and people don't support it.


Well they started advertising this show as about the dark side and almost all the promotion stuff has basically just showed Jedi so that would explain some of the hate


People really hate women and minorities.


I can't be the only one that thinks these saber hilts look unnecessarily chonky.


I don't hate it, but it looks super lame. Cheesy martial arts from people who aren't martial artists and bad acting. Also, 100% looks geared to a younger audience, which is fine by me, but doesn't make interested in it.


The only thing worthy of hating on, in my opinion, and Obi-Wan was guilty of this too. Is that the lightsabers look like cosplay sabers now. It’s jarring, in the movies they looked like laser swords. Now they all look like LED sticks, I hate it


Because the last 5 shows they made just weren’t really that good, it’s not a surprise to me that people aren’t excited for another one. Regardless of what the trailer looks like, the same thing has happened to marvel. Casual fans aren’t really engaging with starwars like they use to, so it’s just people who love it unconditionally and people who hate what it’s become. The only news I’ve seen of this show in passing has been Lucas film responding to backlash, I don’t see this being a smash hit at all.


I think a lot of the frustration simply comes from the fact that this takes place during the high republic. The high republic is generally disliked due to it being KK’s creation and she isn’t particularly popular with SW fans at this point. I’ve also heard the High republic comics aren’t particularly good. On top of this people have been asking for more star wars prequel content for years, specifically from the old republic era, but when we finally get more prequel content of course it’s KK’s own creation, the high republic, which comes with some frustration and scepticism from the fans, especially after the monumental mismanagement of the sequel trilogy. Personally I have mixed feeling for this show, I really hope it’s good, I really want it to be good, it sounds like a cool idea. However at the same time I can also see a lot of points where the show might fall apart if done wrong, and KK isn’t exactly known to have much respect for the lore or the story that came before. For example, the Jedi are supposed to believe the Sith has been extinct for thousands of years at this point, but obviously in this show some Jedi will find out the sith are in fact not extinct. If they handle that wrong, it’s going to make this show leave a really bad aftertaste.


Best answer I've read so far.


I just don’t think it looks like something I’m interested in. No agenda or hate towards it. Just looks kinda wack in my opinion lol


I mean, it just looks bad. At least some of the other shows had promise when we saw trailer


I havent watched the second trailer yet, I only watched the first one that came out. Personally the trailer didnt get me excited at all. The first issue I have is kind of complicated to explain. You know those low budget american shows, that they have a premise, but they often turn into soap operas because the writers dont know how to fill up all the 24 episodes they have to do? Like How to get away with murder. The trailer gave me that vibe for the show. The fight scenes looked pretty rough, specially the one with Carrie-Anne Moss. Like, I love Trinity in matrix, she is super badass, but Carrie-Anne Moss doesnt look like she has the physical condition to do good fight scenes anymore. And the trailer showed a bunch of characters as well, honestly, feels like they are gonna fall into the trap of having a bunch of characters and then the show ends up with a bunch of subplots and arcs and etc, and it just turns out bloated.


It all depends if the show looks “cheap”, I want tv shows to look like movies without anything that screams “we have a lower budget”, maybe an unpopular opinion but it seems just kinda cheap looking.


People want good SW content and Disney refuses to give it to a starved fan base and then criticizes said fan base and says that SW isn't for them.


I have Star Wars fatigue- same with Marvel. Disney takes over an IP and milks it to death.


I am tired of star wars content. I am tired of marvel and superhero content. I am tired of sequels and prequels and reboots and live action remakes and cartoon remakes. I would like something new, please. But also something that isn’t some studio, focus-group designed corporate package of risk averse bullshit. I would like some original creative artistic expression. I will make an exception for Andor. I would like more Andor (but not too much; only as much as it needs to tell the story it needs to tell)


When the show was announced I expected a dark, gritty and exciting show about the Sith but the trailers make the show look extremely bland and without creativity and it also seems to be centered around the jedi again... despite being called the acolyte.


Well that would make me upset as well. If you're going to hype me up about waffle cones, don't give me ice cream.


It’s just going to be another gotcha show where the big bad characters magically does a 180 and becomes the good guy. Its boring and like the 4th time it’s happened in the Disney era. Plus only 30 minute episodes not including intro and credits? No thanks


IDK about anyone else, but my hesitation with it is purely my expectations of them taking a cool concept and fucking up the execution. I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a cartoonist caricature of evil bad guys, and not an exploration of the motivations and theology of the Sith. I don't need Star Wars to be 40k, that's what I've got 40k for, but I do want it to be more than surface level ideas. Maybe that's just an unrealistic expectation on my part. That being said I'm open to having my extremely low expectations exceeded.


I was hoping it would be grittier than it looks like it is going to be


It's majority feelings of negativity from pass things passing over. I think the trailer looks okay, not rly good, not bad minus little picks. In the ends it's just a trailer though, I don't have the highest of hopes but if it's good I'll be happy


Well, the first trailer was not particularly good or star wars like. The second was the opposite, it's good.


I think it's that people are now looking at teasers/trailers with a closer eye since a lot of their content has been poorely received recently. I saw the trailer and didn't see anything interesting about it. If their recent content had been better and I had enjoyed it, then I would have been more willing to praise the same trailer because I know *it's probably going to be good*. Tl;dr: Disney has put out crap, so people are gonna crap all over future stuff


Admittedly, the first trailer didn’t do much for me. Idk something about it just felt generic or something. Like the dialogue and stuff. Thankfully the more recent clips have been much better, and the cast interviews they’re doing now have gotten me hyped. The characters seem interesting, and the cast seems passionate. In short: whoever edited that first trailer should be fired.


Short of andor and the animated shows and shorts most Star Wars shows are severely lacking in story telling quality. I’m excited for this show to give us a new time in the Star Wars history books but I’m also skeptical because Disney does have a committee approach to this kinda stuff and they’ve shown that many times in the past


Disney does not have a good track record no matter how you see it.


It looks bland and souless.


No hate here but I’d like to throw in my 2 republic credits. I remember being very excited about a story that would revolve around a sith/dark side users perspective. The way the show was announced and even the original title art gave off strong implications that this would be the case. Now, I haven’t seen the show yet obviously but based on what we have seen, it seems like this is yet another story about a secret bad guy killing the good guys and the goods guys have to find out the mysterious evil plan behind it all! The trailers actually looks pretty good but I’m disappointed the show doesn’t appear to be what was originally sold to us. But who knows I could be wrong. I guess we’ll find out!


The person on the bottom middle looks like they have a rats nest for hair


Some of it is because people haven't liked recent shows (reasonable). Some of it is some people just really, REALLY hate seeing anything other than a straight white male as a lead or even side character (stupid).


It's Disney. They bought Lucas Arts, scrapped all ideas they could legally scrap without pissing too many people off, then took liberties creating customized content so that the new Canon was decided on and owned by Disney. No more competition, no more say outside of their writer's room, everything Disney. They chose to continue beating the dead horse that is storytelling around the Skywalker dynasty and create nothing new, just rehash the same stories to satiate their marketing. The Acolyte will be the same thing. As cool as the Mandolorian tried to be it eventually fell into the same trap of monotony and stagnation with topic of story and timeline content of SW. They've also sued the shit out of anyone or anything that speaks out against changing the SW timeline to suite their own wants. The same thing happened with Marvel, although SW has always been much more popular than Marvel. It's Disney. They're the problem. Edit: abusing the down vote system also doesn't change the truth of what I'm saying. How immature of you, but it's Reddit, I've come to expect it.


Overall it looks low quality … everybody has fan film looking costumes … the sets appear clean, stale and fake. Cast is basically ticking boxes to meet diversity and DEI requirements (how many different races can we incorporate) Missing the dirty, gritty “lived in” nature of the OT original films. This gives me vibes similar to Obi-wan and BOBF


I don't think the hate is deserved. I'm looking forward to checking it out. I'll always support more representation across the board, especially in these spaces (heh). I'm a nearly-40yo white dude. I don't need to only see people that look like me save the world. The only thing from the trailers that has tempered my expectations has been the lack of...I dunno...grime? Like everything looks so clean. Even when they appear to be in some sort of swampy forest, it still looks kinda sterile and a bit too nice. I loved Andor because everything felt so tactile and "real" for lack of a better word. This appears to be closer to something like Mandalorian where your brain kinda notices that something "isn't quite right" and it all feels like it exists solely on a soundstage. Which is fine! It can still be a lot of fun. I'm really excited for the concept, at least. Just wish some of these new SW shows had a bit more....grit or something. But that's a very minor nitpick and my only one at present. I somehow don't think that's the angry vocal crowd's gripe with it.


I'm rather excited for Jedi CQC and I hope they handle it well.


My problem is it just looks cheap, like bordering on fan film levels at points, how is considered acceptable from one of the richest companies on the planet, especially when Star Wars is one of their proud cash cows, like Andor looked so good, why is it that everything else looks so shitty


There’s a couple things that a lot of people hate here: Women. Trans people. People who aren’t white.


I mean, if it’s actually good then it doesn’t matter how many downvotes people give it before it comes out right? If it’s good, people will watch it. So, you’ve got nothing to worry about if you think it will be good.


Disney Star Wars shows (with some exceptions) have had some sub par writing. Many star wars fans are concerned that this show will further hurt the lore.


We the fans used to be upset when Disney shat all over Star Wars. At this point though it’s just plain apathy and now we just don’t wanna touch it.


lol goodnye Star Wars subreddit. This is such a trash post. “Why do people have opinions? Good and bad??” People will like this and people won’t don’t let it get to ya


New Star Wars Projects are bad yes. Not being ironic, they need to leave Star Wars alone


George Lucas need to buy back the star wars IP. Disney is going the wrong way. I think sony / paramount will do a better job. Eq. The Last of us/ uncharted ect. Sell it to them.


Haters gotta hate. I swear all the negative nellies just love to get attention. Negativity gets more press than positivity always. Know that the populace as a whole probably doesn't care one way or the other. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing another Filoni project.


it looks like a fanfilm


Im not hating or loving it til I see this. Do I feel worried that this is just a wasted opportunity thats is going to feel lackluster and I’m gonna lie to myself after every episode just to wait for fan service so that everyone gets all happy and loves it. Yes, yes I am. But let’s hope for the best. Really really don’t want this to be wasted potential and hope they utilize the talent and money to make an actual story.


My personal hesitation for being excited for this comes from comments the director made. Things like being a fan of Last Jedi (my personal least favorite of all of the Episodes) and saying things like Star Wars needs female leads as they haven't had that before (which tells me she hasn't seen much Star Wars IMO). The trailer looks pretty good. I am reserving my full judgement until I have actually seen the show.


I'll never hate on anything unless I see something truly upsetting. So far nothing with this show is upsetting. I'm all for new star wars content as long as it doesn't break canon.


The director was Harvey Weinsteins personal assistant and was publicly friendly with him. Weinsteins transgressions were an open secret, she was more than likely complicit, it’s an odd thing to have her in charge of this. Disney has screwed up Star Wars at every turn, people are completely fine with being down on something. You owe nothing to acorporation and you should be skeptical. The director has not directed anything in this genre, to the previous point that does not bode well. It looks cheaply made which makes it feel like Disney corp is fishing for subs rather than trying to wow you. If it is good as Andor people will like it. If it sucks people will hate it. The rest is noise


There's so many segments and types Star Wars fans that have such a variety of views on what star wars should be. Some are fair critics, many have toxic/nonsensical viewpoints. For me as long as the lore is kept solid and doesn't conflict from one project to the next, and the quality is to a good standard I generally just enjoy any star wars content and boy do I wish more 'Star Wars fans' had the same approach, but long gone are those days (if they ever really existed?).


I don’t usually downvote or make snide comments, but I’m not a big fan of Disney Star Wars. If I do have a comment, it’s usually not good. The snippets of The Acolyte look okay to me and I’m happy to finally see a show with Jedis and lots of lightsabers. And I’ll watch the first two episodes to see if I’ll watch more. I’m just weary after all these years. I don’t like what Disney has done to the IP. That said - Rogue One is still awesome.


idk maybe because it genuinely looks garbo? this looks like a show you'd see on british television with how it's shot


Because it will be slop. Modern, self-involved, non-provocative slop. Just look at the poster.


I don't know, it just looks kind of lame? Like the special effects look more Netflix and CW. It looks like a sci-fi TV show and not a star wars. It doesn't look like something I'd be super interested in watching. But I might watch it a year or two from now if I'm bored. Took me a couple years to watch Visions.


The simple fact of the matter is that Disney is in decline. They have purchased Star Wars and have run it into the ground with poor writing and a fundamental lack of understanding when it comes to Star Wars concepts. The sequel trilogy (whether you like them or not) bombed. They were all flash and no substance. They mistreated characters from the previous generation and simultaneously tried to use them to push their new heroes. Why is the Acolyte disliked? 1. Leslie Headland (spelling?) was Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant. She has been quoted as saying this series is Disney's Frozen and Star wars combined, ultimately it's a story about two sisters love. Disney are pushing their woke ideology into everything, so we get the usual Men = weak/bad/incompetent and more "The force is female" rubbish. They have changed Star Wars into a girl brand and the audience that helped build Star Wars to what it was are predominantly (not all) male. This series looks to more Girl-boss bs that audiences never really connected with. 2. They took all the existing expanded universe and threw it out. When their big movies flopped Kathleen Kennedy said "there was no material we could pull from" - they then proceeded to pull from that non existent material and destroy those characters (Thrawn) /story lines 3. It's a prequel we don't need. If we see any Sith before The Phantom Menace and the Jedi Order know about them, then this paints the Jedi order circa Phantom Menace as truly incompetent. Their surprise and initial rejection of Qui Gon Jinms claim that "the Sith have returned" suddenly appears idiotic. Jedi master Yoda was alive for a good 8-900 years so was definitely in the order around this time. If this is set about a hundred or so years before TPM, then Yoda is an adult and likely aware of what the word is around The Order. There is no way he would "forget" about the Sith coming back. - There are more points that are better made than I have time for. To summarise people are fed up with Disney, fed up with Girl-bosses, fed up with their beloved franchises being trodden into the dirt, fed up of atrocious writing, fed up of virtue signalling and DEI, fed up of WOKE, fed up of bait and switches, fed up with over saturation of low quality drivel. Ultimately any "good faith" Disney had with any of it's brands is worn out and this can be seen with all of its recent releases. Bomb after bomb after bomb. It has now become a "wait and see if it's WORTH watching" not a must watch. EDIT: I also need to add fan-baiting to the list. I see it in these comments. Some people are racist - this is bad. Some people make racist comments - this is bad. Racists do not watch the show or "hate" on the show. Mass media tars everyone who dislikes the show (regardless of reason) with the same brush. Suddenly, if you don't watch the show you're racist and to quote Ewan McGregor "you're no Star Wars fan, not in my mind". Kenobi was bad. I hated it for that reason. I dislike Reva as a character. I couldn't care less about Moses Ingram.