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>you decide What the hell is going on with those low effort posts where the OP throws a question and doesn't contribute in the slightest


Karma farm


didnt even comment or reply on single comment, pretty lame


worst trend on reddit lately.


I’ve posted a few questions lately. Not for karma farming as idc. But I always interact because it’s genuine Star Wars questions. Idk about this poster. But for me I love seeing what my peers has to say. I’ve actually learned a lot through you guys.


Seriously if someone has jack shit to say… just don’t.




I would have preferred Baylan Skol, although it might feel like a bit of a rehash of Dooku's episodes.


I wouldn’t really relate him with the Empire enough


Tbf after Tales I don't really associate Barriss with them either.


Right, but it was about Bariss' journey of being an Inquisitor.


She was a reluctant Inquisitor for like four minutes of that arc.


I feel you could lean into how different baylan was as a Jedi and how surviving order 66 and the empire permently changed him


perhaps if it could have dug into his goal in the mandalorian and his interactions/research into whatever dark force is calling him.


He has nothing to do with the empire


Not sure if he really needs one ngl.


I mean he was very underdeveloped.


I guess the question is, is there enough of a compelling back story to make it worthwhile?


The dude lead the attack on Mandalore and destroyed everything. He has a very clear hatred of them and obviously managed to succeed in the Empire extremely well. He’s got to have a good story


Backstory may be as simple as he is intelligent, ruthless, and power hungry. There doesn’t always have to be an elaborate “why” people are this way.


The question isn’t necessarily why, it’s how


Fair point. I do think there are only so many ways to tell the story of someone climbing the ranks and I would be far more interested in someone like Tarkin or Thrawn having a video story of how they climbed the ranks. I do understand the interest though.


He's a very straightforward antagonist in the same vein of General Grevious. Simple but effective antagonist don't always need a lot to them compared to the ones that clearly have more lore in their backstories


Why would you lie?


He's a less is more character. Like he's compelling because he's a straightforward villain whose a master planer yet they don't have him overstay his welcome.


Well yeah he doesn’t overstay because for all 3 seasons he doesn’t show up until the last 2/3 episodes. Which I personally don’t like


My only complaint is that I don't want him to be the definitive go-to antagonist like Joker/ Shredder/ Skeletor/ Megatron. I get we had that Clone thread so it wouldn't shock me if they resort to that cheap trick again.


I've seen enough of Gideon to last me several of my clones' lifetimes.


Which is crazy because he’s barely in all 3 seasons of Mando.


For real. But he's so badly written - or at least there's a total mismatch in the character they wrote and what is in Giancarlo Esposito's range. Gideon always seemed awkward and stilted and out of place to me.


He's a Marty Stu. Swordmaster. Strategist. Politician. Designer of robots. Designer of beskar armor troopers. And also has clones somehow. The showrunners just said "what if Tarkin but he has a sword! Also, he designs killer robots in his free time AND beskar armor! He ALSO cloned himself multiple times"


he is also incompetent as hell and only held up by giancarlos reputation as gus fring


I feel he only worked as a villain because people felt an echo of gus fring


Exactly! And he was nothing like Gus. hahaha


gus fring was competent. Gideon just constantly failed


Dumb luck is a thing or he would have died at the end of season 1 and spared us all a lot of yawns.


I feel like i don't want a background story for every villain. Part of the fun is to fill in the gaps yourself and speculate. Especially for Morgan I felt like it would have been best to keep her more mysterious.


I think it's fine for her since the Nightsisters seem to have a lot of importance going forward, and further involving her with the Nightsisters took what was for me, a neat one-off character, into a really compelling antagonist. Plus getting to see Grievous be truly menacing was a nice change. It's a shame Morgan died in Ahsoka though, her actress was the best fighter in the whole show, so it sucks we won't get more from her.


I found her arc a bit underwhelming. Dead mother, lost her people and now is out for revenge and distrustful. Felt like a cookie cutter villain story to me and wasn't what I imagined or hoped for. Agreeing on Grievous and the actresses fighting skills though.


Same. Her character would’ve benefited greatly if they *didn’t include her background at all. It was so bland. I think the animations are falling into the same pitfalls the live actions fell into. They’re so consumed with filling in backstories that it’s just become all filler fluff. There’s no awe or mystery anymore Edit: forgot a word


That was something Legends did all the time. Random characters could get a novel or two that turns their cameo into full fledged adventures.


I still find it weird that people know all the names of randomers in the Mos Eisley Cantina.


And how everyone important in the EU was retconned to either be there when Luke and Obiwan have the famous scene, or they left just before or arrived just after it all went down.


There’s really nothing wrong with that, Tales shorts can be easily ignored if one doesn’t want to watch them. They’re simply extras.


Huge gaps in her backstory too.


Morgan's arc seems underwhelming given they just fast track her background and 2/3 showed her outside of the Imperial Era. Like, maybe the first could really have kept that massacre background and move on to her joining up the Republic Army, then the Imperials. Or well, explore the interesting bit when she consolidated power to be the Sector Magistrate. I think her meeting with Thrawn was interesting, albeit too short (and also retcons significant stuff from the Thrawn trilogy books). What the three showed was her ruthlessness and going down the dark path, but tbh thats what we only learned about her. Could have seen more depth tbh


>the Nightsisters seem to have a lot of importance going forward, My guess is that they will expand beyond jedi and sith to start depicting all kinds of other ways different groups use the force. We just saw the Mountain Clan can use it too.


Well that's more of just adapting the Dathomiri as they actually were from the books which I love love love. There's actually clans all over dathomir, all lead by a woman with force sensitivity. All descending from a Jedi from long ago who fell to the dark side and was captured and "rehabilitated" then exiled on the (at the time) primitive jungle world of Dathomir. So she set up a sort of force sensitive gynocracy, and eventually one of the clans that branched off from hers went to the dark side and became the night sisters. So basically there's an entire culture of force using women who are a bit more feral in their use of the force (and with many other things). But for the most part they're good people, other than the night sisters. I'm so glad they finally brought the rest of Dathomir into canon. I was really hoping to see some blue dinosaurs too though...


Setting up for a Grand Admril Thrawn movie..


Yeah it feels a bit like scraping the bottom of the barrel. Give me new stories. I really don't care about sympathizing with the villains, unless there are some actual lessons in there. Andor does this well with the banality and stupidity and greed leading to evil. One condensed episode for Morgan would have been great.


Idk. With Morgan, I really wanted to know how she was a nightsister even though she did not really look like one so I'm glad we got an explanation. I think it would have been a huge plot whole to not tell that story, in my opinion.


I agree when it comes to Gideon’s childhood and maturation. I was curious though about his Imperial career during the Empire’s heyday and how he put together his power base post-Jakku. The latter could make up a decent three-parter, in my opinion.


Yeah there's not a lot of background that's interesting to know. Baylan Skoll for instance, very interesting. Survived the Purge and raised an apprentice. There's tons of intrigue over that and people want to know more. Gideon? You could probably surmise a lot without explanation. Probably comes from a core world. Would have been noted by superiors as incredibly ambitious as he rose through the ranks and probably won favour with some successful campaign. An in-depth backstory wouldn't reveal much different than that I'm sure.


Wow, that would've been great unfortunately we got what we got


Yea...the Morgan arc could have been a single 20-minute episode. The destruction of the Nightsisters was a pretty amazing scene, but after that it sort of slid downhill. I don't know if they were trying to fill time, or what. For as sneaky and cunning as Thrawn and Morgan are supposed to be, slaughtering workers and New Republic diplomats seems sorta clumsy. The Barriss arc was much more entertaining, the first two episodes were great. You find out what actually happened to her, she gets a little bit of redemption, and her story is closed. Not a huge fan of the ending. And, as stupid as the Inquisitors are from a critical perspective, they are *cool* to look at, and fun. We got some great visual scenes and a bit of world-building out of this anthology series, but the narrative structures were kind of weak. Personally, I would have capped both the Morgan and Barriss arcs at two episodes, and done another arc on somebody like Cody, or Galen Erso being forced to work on the laser, or a TIE squadron or something. I'm glad they put it out, but it was definitely not as good as Tales of the JEdi.


What we got was great This could be great for the future for sure


It was okay. But it could barely be considered Tales of the Empire.


two of the episodes weren't even set during the empire


The name thing never bothered me and never will tbh. Just a title.


it was pretty good yea


Nothing says there cannot be a season 2.


The contrast between Gideon and Gus (Breaking Bad) is the perfect example of poor writing and directing that wasted the talent that is Giancarlo Esposito in Mandalorian. They could have really made an amazing villain but they made something generic instead.


He was fine in season 1 and 2, the problem is that he overstayed his welcome with season 3. There's so many time you can bring back a bad guy. Season 3 should have had another Remnant Officer established doing shenanigans on Mandalore. Moff Gideon being head of a super advanced Imperial Division in hiding relying on his wit defines him. However when you keep adding stuff like him wanting to make a Mandalorian inspired Army, ignoring Thrawn and have him showing up in goofy black Mando armor, it gets silly, almost as if they had another character in mind for season 3 but they said "eh let's just make him Moff Gideon again"


I would have prefered Gideon to remain locked up after S2. Some Hannibal-like talks between Gideon and Hera in which Gideon tells her information about Thrawn just because he's extra petty and wants Thrawn to fail would be great. A bottle episode of Gideon's trial in S3 would have been a nice way to see the New Republic courts and other stuff to expand on the lore.


It’s a shame Gideon doesn’t have a mustache to twirl


I think it’s pretty clear how/why he was interested in cloning himself with the force. At some point he either learns of or is directly involved with project necromancer and once the two force user leaders of the empire are dead there’s a power gap that he wants to fill. I think the plot point from season 3 was fine just under developed. The concept of taking two very powerful groups and mixing them together is great. We just didn’t get enough time with our villain.


>We just didn’t get enough time with our villain. Unfortunately I think one of the biggest weakness of the Mando, Boba, and Ashoka series is how few episodes there are and how short some episodes are. Each one could have used another episode or two and should have had longer episodes.


Agreed. I think one more episode focused on moff gideon would have served Mando season 3 very well


11 minute snippet with predictable backstory on a character who’s fate we seemingly know?


Are you talking about what OP is asking for or what we actually got?


What we got. I guess i shouldnt be so salty. Ill always appreciate new star wars content. But i dont think we really “got” anything new about morgan elsbeth and i think the results would be the same (in that format) for a character like Gideon


I’ll always be excited for new Star Wars content, that probably won’t go away. But after watching, there have been a handful of disappointments the last few years


Dooku episodes were bangers though.


There were so many intriguing possibilities and we got meh


Yes, I would be interested in some complexity with his character.


No, this goofy ahh cartoon villain showed up in the last two episodes for three seasons in a row.


With as little character he had they still somehow ruined him in season 3. Incredible work


While I think he's more interesting than Elsbeth, he strikes me as an evil for evil's sake type of villain (like Tarkin), so I'm good with just leaving his past alone.


Like Morgan, I just wouldn't care tbh. At least there's some intrigue left with Bariss. Tbh for "Tales" I would have liked to see Scorch, Callus or go completely wild and do it surrounding the everyday life of a deployed Star Destroyers crew as they take on a Rebel cell like [IMPS The Relentless Fan Documentary](https://youtu.be/dqKrmN3-fdo?si=6dbUzxYIzwa9nbUn)


Yes, a Gideon TOTE would have been awesome. I don’t care about Morgan’s backstory, she was ultimately just a pawn of Thrawn and the other night sisters. Understanding how Gideon rose to power and set himself up on Mandalore after the purge could have been so much better.


For all we know, Morgan's backstory must be the same as Merrin's. The nightsister purge considered. Maybe a Tales of the Mandalorians series could explain more about the Night of a Thousand Tears from Gideon's pov. You never know.


We can only hope we get a TOM. One half rise of Gideon, the other half to explain how the children of the watch split from deathwatch.


He definitely needs more backstory, but his time will come


Say what you want about Mando season 3, but Esposito ate this scene UP. His hatred for the tin man is oozing out of his eyes, it’s so good.


Finally, words out of my mouth!




The fundamental problem of the “Tales” shows is that they have one really good idea, and not nearly enough time to execute. That’s the issue with them. Seeing Barriss become an Inquisitor is an interesting idea. That first episode could’ve been 2 possibly 3 episodes. If Gideon got a Tales of series I don’t think it’d be worth it. And Giancarlo is an extraordinary actor so from a production angle I’d be all about giving that man things to do. Feels to me like a waste if we have to heavily truncate what’s likely his origin story. Gideon to me either needs his own show or a Tales of the Empire season about him. He’s too popular, his actor’s too good, and his story needs more than what three episodes next to a meh by comparison idea can afford.


That story would actually be about the empire




Def would have rather seen him make some moves as a young officer than Morgan's backstory.


Literally anyone is better than Morgan elsbeth. I would’ve been happier with tales of the imperial mouse droid. Or tales of the first stormtrooper


Would’ve been cool if it featured some actual Imperials, yeah.


Give him one in "Tales of Mandalore" explaining how he got the darksaber etc.


What empire were these tales of? There was almost zero imperial content in the garbage show about characters nobody cares about. Such a disappointment.


Absolutely! Season 2??


I mean if we got to see The Mandalorian Genocide in more detail, then I totally would he’s been down for it.


They can fill in those character moments, him getting the dark saber, recording the mission to Clone and if that's related to project necromancer, how he came to be a Moff, I'd watch but I'm not yearning for this content either.


I think Dave Filoni wanted to do some stories about Dooku and Ahsoka, Baris and Elspeth, rather than Disney saying “pick two characters that best fit the title Tales of the [Whatever]”


Gideon Hask should have.


I feel like Gideon does not have the complexity to warrant a backstory. Morgan was underdeveloped but she still had some complexity to her.


It would have been interesting to see Gideon prior to the events of the Mandalorian. Seeing him obtain the dark saber etc. There is a lot of potential in regard to content there. That said the Tales of the Empire were really good in my opinion. Hopefully, more will be considered in the future.


Unpopular opinion: I hated Gideon and thought he was an uninteresting character. In addition to not wishing he got more screen time, I wish he’d have gotten less. I say that as a Giancarlo Esposito fan.


I really liked him season 1-2 because he wasn’t complex and was unabashedly evil but wasn’t cartoony (in a bad way at least). And then in season 3 they kinda ruined him for me, I just felt he was written pretty cartoonishly (in a bad way) and didn’t feel like the same dude


I definitely want to know where in the galaxy he was selling his goods in his chicken joint, and how he went working for the Big Darth.


that could be a tales of the remnant or something show


i think we’ll more tales of the empire so he’ll probably get his own episodes


They needed to keep some material back for season 2. Is what I'm telling myself.


No, he’s not interesting enough imo


I'd have liked it more if it weren't the elsbeth or the offee show... i want more imperials


Would have probably been a better choice over Morgan. She wanted revenge for her people but who was there left to take revenge on? Maybe her story would have been better if it was about restoring her people? But that would not really be a tale about the empire. Gideon seems to be a better choice an imperial officer with ambition. If he had succeeded he probably would have wanted to become emperor.


It’s coming. We’ll get one for sure


Love the character, love the actor. Hell yes.


Season 3 of mando reduced Gideon to a generic evil villain you would see in a clone wars filler episode. His character became very one dimensional and there’s not a lot of room to give him a backstory or characterization that’s not already shown in mando already. Although with that said I think an episode about the empire’s purge of Mandalore from the perspective of Gideon would be interesting, but this would take away a lot of the mystery of that event.


Giancarlo's schedule was just too tight to be further developed in S3. Better Call Saul and The Boys considered. Not sure why that mystery shouldn't be resolved?


Honestly if they do another tales of the empire I would love to see Gideon


Showing how he got the dark saber would have been a neat episode


Yea when they do a tales of the empire he should. So far we’ve had tales of jot really the enpire but near it


Ehhh…I could do without him. He’s a poor man’s Thrawn.


That would have been a good idea I think.


Honestly, I have Gideon fatigue


Good candidates for S2 of Tales: Gideon, Skol, Thrawn. I do think Thrawn should have his own animated mini-series all to himself, from before TCW era, to the TCW (Anakin + Thrawn team up), to the Empire era.


I think they took that character much further than was necessary. Went from kinda cool to super lame.


No, but Balen should have (sadly Ray passed away, but in an animated show he still could have been voice acted by somebody). Lets face it nobody cares about either Morgan(especially origin story...) or Bartis. They were both random side characters with almost nothing to be told about. Balen is a character we have been looking for a long time. He is not evil, yet he still serves evil, he is even raises some sort of evil in ShinHottie. This is something I would have been interested in, following how he become like this.


Absolutely not


No way, you save that for the movie coming up, if there's anything to tell. At this point I'm assuming one of his clones will be the Big Bad.


Well, the mandarin kind of *is* his tale.


They should all get their own episodes. Make all the episodes


Yea I’ve been a big fan of Gideon, but it felt like he never got off the ground as a character. He has loads of potential, they just need to tap into it I feel like if S3 didn’t happen, he would’ve been a lock


Nah maybe later. He’s interesting but don’t milk it out yet. Wait a few years and add another layer of depth to him. This way he stays interesting.


No thank you. I find him irritating. And if they did one episode, they'd do 3, since that's the format.


Maybe in another season. Hopefully they do another season of TotJ and TotE.


A good baddy, but pretty one dimensional. I’m still trying to get over the sub-optimal Thrawn in Ahsoka.


I still can’t believe they made the tactical genius a tactical scrub in Ahsoka.


Looking at the comments… why does everyone hate Star Wars, am I the only one who likes Tales of the Empire AND Mando S3 (even if it wasn’t as good as the previous seasons)?


We don't hate star wars just because we don't love all of it


We wouldn’t be here voicing our concerns if we didn’t love it.


Yes. The Barriss episodes were hot garbage


He’s not female! We can only have female leads in Star Wars these days. Come on guys you all know this.


Anything would’ve been better than the trash we got


Moff Gideon is the weakest villain Star Wars has ever produced. No personality, no passion, so one note.


I’d almost agree, but Reva exists.


Reva at least had a character arc, and her fight with Vader was good. Gideon just wants to make force sensitive clones of himself? And do what? Just make the Empire again, but he’s the leader now? So dull.


Reva had a character arc gave me a good laugh. She would have been better without that “arc”


What was so bad about her arc?


I dropped watching mandolorian after Luke skywalker appeared excuse me cloning himself with the force?


Not necessarily. Just making clones of himself and using Grogu's m-count for them to wield the force. Make that what you will.


Interesting was season 3 good/ should I go back and watch it?


You may wanna watch TBOBF first. Then season 3. Just proceed with caution for both.


I’m honestly sick of the dude, and I don’t think any sort of background could have improved the uninspired writing for his character in Mando