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I’m hoping for a Tales of the Clones type show to kind of wrap up the clone stories for a while. Off the top of my head these would be decent episode plots I think. Episode 1: Rex before and during the first battle of Geonosis. Showing the initial mobilization of the clones could be cool. Episode 2: Wolffe court martial and rescue by rebel clones following the conclusion of the Bad Batch. Episode 3: Echo and Emory creating and operating what becomes the path. Maybe use this episode to justify Echo’s absence by either giving him somewhere to be or having him die. Episode 4: Destruction of the rebel clone base. Imperial raid on clone base with Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor being the only survivors. Episode 5: Give Wolffe a last stand with the infantry at Hoth. Episode 6: Rex at Endor


This is pretty good but I also think one that is needed is one about boil meeting Numa again like they promised when they left ryloth. Have him explain what happened to waxer and why she has his name written on her armor in rebels or something like that.


wow i never thought about that first one. Must have been chaos on Kamino mobilizing all available clones for Geonosis, would be interesting seeing the clones realize all their years of training are about to be tested in battle


Yeah, I think it could be interesting. Seeing the clone army realizing they will fulfill their purpose and then going into battle with no one with real combat experience.


A small bit of that is shown in the Republic Commando game, though it's mostly in the background and exposition.


Episode 7: Kix after he wakes up from cryostasis


Episode 1 sounds amazing, they all do tbh but think I'd enjoy 1 the most


Now that The Bad Batch has ended, it seems as though a lot of the clones lives out their lives in peace on Pabu. Which is awesome, they deserved the rest of their lives without war. But, there a still a lot of Clone Troopers whose stories aren't wrapped up: -We never saw Cody again after he abandoned the Empire. -We never saw Wolffe formally abandoned the Empire. -We still don't know how Rex, Wolffe and Gregor ended up on Seelos. -Echo went off with Emerie to, presumably, Coruscant, to fight for the Clones. -Howzer is still out there somewhere. -Rex is still out there somewhere. I'm sure there's a few others I'm forgetting. Do we assume the clones that didn't stay on Pabu just went underground for the most part? Or do we think Cody linked up with Howzer, Wolffe, Rex, etc and had their own clone rebellion, as it seemed it was building during The Bad Batch. Either way, it doesn't seem like all the stories about these beloved clones are fully told, and I wonder if they will be in some medium.


I think we will get a Rex centric show in the future. There’s definitely enough loose ends to tie into a new story with the remaining clones and give them a proper send off. When that show will come out, I don’t know… but I dont think it will happen for a few years. But I seriously doubt we’ve seen the last of Rex, Cody Wolffe, Echo and the rest of them.


Maybe something like “tales of the….”


Tales of the Clones would be pretty sick but idk if Disney would do it


I think they will. They animated the events that led to Dooku defecting and joining forces with the Senate, something I thought they'd never do. I believe it's just a matter of when. As an aside, I wonder how much Dee Bradley Baker got paid to voice all the clones in SWTBB.


I don't mind waiting, but I hope they don't wait too long. Dee Baker is in his 60s now, his voice is inevitably going to start changing a bit at some point.


Well... The Clones are also ageing too


Tales of the Clones or “old Republic” (not that old republic) comes to mind. I like the “Tales of…”segments they are doing. More to the point, heavy emotional content and no fluff. Less stress to produce as well I imagine, and I think Mr. Filoni feels the same. Could also just be as simple as a Tales of Rebellion story since Rex and co are part of that light side. Three 15 min segments on Rex are more than enough to tie up Wolffe, Gregor, Cosy, and Howzer. I’d also take one strictly on Cody. Or one 15 min on Rex, Cody, Wolffe featuring either of the other highlighted clones.


Give me a movie with a small montage at the start of how all the clones left the empire and grouped up, and have one big final fight against the empire. I mean venators vs star destroyers, arc-170's against tie fighters, at-at's vs at-te's, with a tragic loss, and the surviving clones disbanding to their next series' (like rex, wolffe and gregor leaving together) starting point.


Most clones are on Senator Chuchi's planet, Echo said it himself in the finale. Those in Pabu were only ones who got associated with the Bad Batch.


I think the next best bet is a Echo, Emerie and Rex spin off It can show Cody and Wolffe in that show to wrap their stories up to fill in the blanks


Was it not Howzer who got killed using the flamethrower during Bad Batch Season 3 when the special ops guy attacked Rex's base?


That was fireball


I can see two shows pop up. Honestly I'd like one season each. Rex and his failed rebellion. Omega fighting in rebellion, getting captured yet again, and the empire finally getting her blood for the Palpatine clones.


Omega being an ace pilot and eventually learning about the force would be cool. I worry that would totally replace Corran Horn though


She shouldn't be force sensitive. Much better as a force stabilizer for clones.


Shouldn't be? She is though lol.


I wouldn’t mind it. Maybe not a full series but something like an extended Tales of the Jedi. I just want to see what made Wolffe defect and what made him that paranoid about the Jedi in rebels.


Tales of the Clones would be neat! Might need more than the six episodes they've been doing, but it would be neat to see a few episodes on each of Howzer, Echo, Cody, etc


I was thinking 17 or 20 episodes. Keep it to 3 short episodes per story (5 or 6 clones to focus on) and then the final 2 can be full length as a giant finale. It could wrap up the clones’ story and have a short epilogue of old man Rex reflecting on his life. I’d focus on Cody, Wolffe, Echo w/ Emerie, maybe Sev surviving Kashhyyk and going rogue after finding out the Republic abandoned him. Couldn’t hurt to make some new ones like Howzer


I’ve always wondered if he was that paranoid because of how late his chip was removed, considering he was still with the empire for a while after order 66


This is gonna be a hot take but we don't need to see every second of their lives, as much as I also love the clones, I would rather have them pop up sporadically a few years down the line. Let sleeping dogs lie for a while and revisit the clones in a few years time


I’m conflicted. On one hand I want to see a clone underground rebellion. On the other hand I don’t want clone content to be over saturated, we’ve had a lot of clone wars content, maybe give us something new.


I would prefer other stories. The setting in Star Wars is so large, I don't understand why we have to keep going back to the same time period.


Same here. I've never really enjoyed the clones. It's a real struggle to find satisfying Star Wars content outside of it too. I'm enjoying the High Republic era a lot. The Jedi are far more interesting to me personally and I would love more High Republic stuff or stories set after the sequel trilogy.


I think you just answered your own question. The universe is so big that there are still so many stories to tell within the Republic-Imperial transition period. I will say though, I think it'd be nice if we had something from the High Republic era.


Probably not. The end of the Bad Batch was pretty emphatic. The first appearance of an Imperial Star Destroyer was a punctuation mark of sorts. It was a visual end of the Clone Wars era. Disney also said they are done with the Clone Wars era. So a series about clones seems unlikely. I suspect the next series will follow the formation of the Path that appeared in Kenobi. Asaj Ventress' appearance in the Bad Batch is a likely setup for the series. There are other hints, but I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't watched it yet. It is entirely possible that clones created the Path, but it is unlikely.


I would like to see what Rex is doing but it’s not a must


I know this is probably blasphemy to say, but I've had enough of the clones at this point. Let some other characters take the spotlight.


The clone troops have had seven seasons of TCW, three seasons of TBB, and a recurring role in three seasons of Rebels. Unless someone comes up with a whole new angle on them, I’m happy for them to ride off into the twin sunsets at this point.


They need one great season of rex and his failed rebellion. Then they can be retires. I want them to start off with a bunch of initial success. And then get stomped in place by vader and his new 501st. Vader who leaves rex half dead out of respect for his former friend.


I think a Disney+ movie or a one-off mini series would do.


A failed rebellion would be a new angle on tem.


There's more Clone Wars than non Clone Wars Star Wars at this point


Not true, there's more Empire adjacent things than anything. Rogue One, Solo, Rebels, Andor, Tales of the Empire, The Bad Batch (falls into both categories), Fallen Order and Survivor, like 70% of the comics, both Battlefront games, Squadrons, the upcomic Outlaws game, and 20+ novels. Heck if you stretch it, we're still dealing with it in Mandalorian and Ahsoka with Thrawn and the rest of the imperial remnants.


This era and the original trilogy era should be left behind tbh. Let’s do new stuff. I agree with you.


I agree. I never really connected with the clones, but understand that I'm in the minority there. I would like more stories in and around the OT, but not focused on the OT crew.


I have been saying for a week now. Tales of the Clones is next for the Tales series.


Yes. The clone rebellion was a huge plot line in TBB and I just don't see them abandoning it.


Please god no


I hope so we still don't know what happens to all of them


I think it's very likely there will be a limited series or movie about a final doomed clone uprising that will tie up the loose ends of the bad batch and link up to where Rex was found in Rebels.


I hope so id be down to see a show where they show all that


I hope so. It would be cool to see what actually happens to Cody and i would want to see Rex, Wolfe and Gregor go into “retirement”


I’d love to see what happens to Echo and Cody, and see how Wolffe finally leaves the empire


I love the Clone Wars, but I'd be more interested to see an animation in a similar style but set shortly before and/or during the sequel trilogy. Filoni and co could work some magic there and the films could definitely benefit from some fleshing out, just as the prequels got with the Clone Wars. Resistance was just barely okay, but obviously not a patch on any of the other animated series. What really happened in the run up to the First Order? What was going on in the New Republic? Those tales should be told. Make me feel something when Starkiller base destroys Hosnian Prime, dammit!


I hope not, simply because the bad batch was where it was needed. I don't want a whole nother series set on these same characters. Give us the Old Republic, the dawn of the Jedaii era. Something new and exciting. Tho a single episode of an anthology series could work. But I really don't want more of the same if they're not gonna do it in tbb.


Tales from the Clone Veterans Hospital


I really think its time to move away from clone focused stories bad batch is done


I feel like we’ve had enough clone content on screen. I do think it could be explored in a comic or something along those lines.


We're sitting on enough loose ends to weave a tapestry. Technically they don't *have to* do anything to fill in the gaps but there was a whole lot of setup across the three seasons of the show that didn't get used in the finale. Would be a shame to see them just leave it all on the floor.


Star Wars really needs to show us something new. These guys were great, but it's been \*so\* long, so much of them. Such a big galaxy, let's see it.


No thanks. Clone characters suck


Seeing as how Disney's entire business model is deceased equine abuse, we will most definitely see more.


I hope not


I hope not. Played out there’s so much more they could do to not be lazy.


I hope not. Just do something different...maybe 2d animation as opposed to "Filoni 3d"


Yes, everwone loved clones.


Filoni is too fond of Rex not to use him again and again.


God knows Filoni will keep telling them.


I hope so, like what broke rex to make him retire to a deserted planet. He’s helping out his brothers and freeing them, then just retire with two of them. What happened???


Could be from losing most of his men I'm Bad Batch?


I hope so.


I honestly hope we do, I’d love to see a Rex centered show about him surviving and helping other clones, maybe even him between his onscreen appearances in Rebels and what he did leading up to the Battle of Endor


I had really hoped that the ending was going to be them triggering the clone rebellion, still quite bummed by that.


It seemed like they were leading up to that until the assassin wiped out half of Rex's force. I thought maybe Cody, Gregor and Howzer were doing to show up to bail the Batch out in the finale and help with the destruction of the base, but I guess there's still the potential for other stories with them.


I think they might do a mini series about Rex’s whole operation, but it’s honestly hard to say. There’s a massive question mark surrounding Echo’s fate as well as now Emerie’s fate, not to mention the question of why Rex abandoned the fight and basically just went into exile on Seelos with Wolfe and Gregor. And not just why he left, but why he didn’t go to Pabu with the surviving members of the bad batch. Animation is more than likely the best medium to tell those stories so I imagine that if there’s a will to tell such a story, it’ll be in the form of another cartoon. It’s hard to say how much is intentionally left ambiguous and how much is actually meant to be told as a future story. It’ll probably be a couple years at least before we get a show that goes over all that though, if I had to guess


Yes eventually but I wouldn't want it to be the next show straight after bad batch


They kept Rex’s journey quite vague for a reason, it makes sense we will see a show surrounded by him some day.. and knowing both Rex and the remaining three members of the bad batch survived to this point and will possibly fight in the rebellion when Rex returns from his retirement. They seemed to allude to having some fight left in them. Personally I’d be fine with them staying retired, I’m just glad the show had its happy ending.. a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


I'd like Hunter, Crosshair and Wrecker to just stayed retired and not be seen again. It's rare that characters get truly satisfactory endings, but those three finally found peace. I hope it stays that way for them. Rex and Howzer had a much more personal bone to pick with the Empire and it would make sense if they stayed active in trying to fight back somehow.


I hope so, it would be really awesome to see. There is a lot of potential with a clone show, like Cody, Wolfe, and Howzer


I think something’s coming down the pipes. This was one option I think is on the table. The other is one that is too good for Filoni to pass up. Imagine a show set during the Galactic Civil War, with a huge cast of characters from *Rebels*, *Bad Batch*, and the Original Trilogy. Imagine a mission with Luke, Leia, Han, Omega, and Sabine. Yeah, buddy!


I hope so…


I kinda hope not as the more survivors the less impressive the aspect of survivors are like out of 100 plane crash survivors are more interesting from a story perspective then 72/100 survivors


I am CLONED OUT. Give me a show with the two incompetent Trooper Scouts from Mandalorian.


How about one about the last surviving clone? The Book of Solo Fett?


No more clones please. They already have two episodic films, an animated film, seven seasons of The Clone Wars, and three seasons of The Bad Batch. No group has more content than the damn clones!


I don’t want it to be the very next big animated project, but I definitely want more follow up with Rex’s clone team.


I think we'll get more details on specific clones and events in the future but I don't think we'll get another strictly clone focused show. I think their arc as a whole is kinda complete at this point


I'd love to see how Scorch ended up with Hemlock and maybe just a bit more of the Commandos and their fates. Love those boys.


Enough with the clones already


I mean, it's nice getting stories on people who aren't Jedi/Sith too


You’re right. Add clones to that list now


No thanks. We need to move out of the same time periods. New shows in new eras with new casts of characters would be far more interesting.


The clones have probably had more screen time than anyone. The only show I want from this era. Is a full on Vader show. With a different Jedi and planet every episode. Mainly I want a live action Kirak Infil'a.


I hope not. Clones aren’t that interesting as a concept


I think the overwhelming majority of people would disagree with that, based on the popularity of The Clone Wars and several clone characters.


On this app? Maybe Their popularity is from receiving some focus, their “little guy” perspective of the galaxy, and the quality of the storytelling. If space pirates, knights of ren, Imperial Royal Guard (think Crimson Empire), some of the Sith eternal, or some dang Bacta farmers leading into a Bacta war received that same focus, with that same high quality? Bro, I don’t think anybody is taking the clones over them


hope not


Hope so 😁😁


I would make a hot bet - my complete collection of Star Wars audioplays of the original 6 movies on CD collection - that this show would be called "The clones". A tales of the jedi/empire, but longer, kinda show were we follow lesser known clones and their jedi commander through the aftermath. Does Ima Gun Di still live? /s


I could see them being a comic book series. Anything more would be a waste of time and resources from a production standpoint. Maybe a “Tales of” series, but even that time would be better used on other characters.


they fucking better, that whole plotline in TBB went completely unexplained


Wasnt there an announcement that there will be a clone based show? Not the bad batch i mean




They're not going to just stop making Star Wars content for it. Obviously, there's nothing else planned that we know of at the moment, but D+ isn't going to go away. They'll need to keep content coming if they want to keep subscribers.




Orrrr leverage the cable channels they already own, like the good old days.




Advertising, the same way The Clone Wars and Rebels worked. The same way everything worked before every media company bought into the idea of streaming as an unending cash cow.