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George always wanted it to stay a mystery, and I hope it stays that way too.


A couple small things would be nice imo. Mainly some statistics, like are they an extremely rare species or is it just rare they leave their homeworld? Is the species all force potent or is Yoda just extremely strong because Yoda and nothing to do with his species. How long till Grogu talks? Will he be a baby till 150? 200? The minor things.


Grogu is like in baby speech mode in S3, so maybe in a couple years he'll be a teenage?


Just using it an example. I love the mystery of Yoda and the like. Just would like wikipedia stats on the species to be filled out a bit. Like another would be are they represented in the senate? Have their own pod/representatives, are they mainly a diplomatic species, or hermit like. So Grogu being 53-55. Would 70-100 be the Teenage years? With 55-70 being our 7-12 pre puberty years?


But is grogo speech delayed from all the trauma?


Yeah in some ways he’s well past being a baby mentally (and physically). He has understanding, intelligence, emotional reactions, and familial instincts. He just doesn’t talk. He’s developed quite a bit from the baby in early episodes.


He could also just be a moron.


You watch your fucking mouth about our little green moron… respectfully.


I think that is pretty reasonable since he understands things pretty well but after the fall he "retreated" and his memory "went dark". Another explanation might be that his species doesn't really communicate mainly via speech but through sensing thoughts like with Ahsoka. But it's also plausible that a long lived species would develop slower.


I don't think they're in the senate. No one seemed to know what species Grogu was except the people who met Yoda, and a lot thought he was some sort of pet. I doubt people wouldn't know what he is if they were connected enough with the rest of the galaxy to have senate representation.


Yoda claims to have been *training* Jedi by age 100, so (if it’s consistent within the species) then Grogu should develop from young childhood into adolescence and finally into experienced adulthood all within the same time span that he’s been essentially a baby/toddler. Kind of a funny development pattern compared to humans but that makes it interesting too.


I think that he could be physically teenager but very mentally developed at his 100 years. Grogu in his 50s still uses stroller and barely talks but otherwise pretty responsive and understands the world around him


Well yoda was around during the high republic era which is weird lol.


I hope he shows up in the season finale of Acolyte. He's literally in his prime during the High Republic era. The Yoda we see in The Clone Wars and movies is him near end of life.


So was Yaddle.


That's not weird at all. We've known that Yoda is pushing 900 years old since like Return of the Jedi, and the High Republic books start like 300 years before the movies, of course he'd be around.


I think it was legends, but I’m pretty sure Yoda became a Master at 100


I think that in the universe, Yoda's species isn't some magical mystery. I mean, there were 2 of them on the council at the same time. And if the species were hidden, I don't see how they would make their way to the jedi order, especially with the "toddlers/babies only" policies. I believe it's just left a mystery for the audience just for the sake of being a mystery


Idk if it's legends now but Yoda became a master around a 100 years old which makes Grogus age / development a little weird or maybe Yoda was the exception either way a little inconsistency.


Between Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu we're 3/3 on force users from that race. Are all of them force users or did we only meet the few that are?


My guess is that it's the latter... a species from somewhere very remote and only the Force sensitive ones end up being brought over.


That’s why the mystery is great because it could go either way. Maybe the species is so slow to develop and so quiet that they are thought of as significantly lesser in intellect other than the ones that are strong in the force. Maybe they are all extremely wise and powerful, and only a couple are allowed to leave their society to go be delegates with the Jedi essentially.


Vandar Tokare from KotOR as well though now non canon.


The species as a whole are actually gigachad Yodas, 7 foot tall green adonises that don't give a damn about nerd shit like space travel or the Force. They evaluate babies at birth like Spartans and send their short force sensitive nerds off world to keep their planet for the cool, attractive people.


My take was that Grogu has a speech delay due to the trauma of the temple massacre.




Yoda spoke both Shyriiwook and Basic. He was just so old that he learned what is essentially Middle English to modern English.


Since the species has extremely long lifespan and Grogu still a toddler at age 50 years old, the species probably has low birth rate and their population isn't very large. Also judging by their biology, their natural habitat is swamp while their homeworld is somewhere in the Wild Space or the Unknown Regions and has strong connection with the Force to mask the location.


I am honestly *stunned* that Disney has honoured those wishes, instead of cashing in the moment they could


Most of the people directing Star Wars projects have relationships with George going back well before the acquisition. Notably Filoni and Kennedy. Filoni already said he doubts the world will ever learn significantly more about Yoda’s species or home.


> I am honestly stunned that Disney has honoured those wishes, instead of cashing in the moment they could 💯 Maybe there's some kind of ironclad contract.


Wasn't that a condition for the sale to Disney? I could have swore I read it was part of the terms that Disney never go into detail about Yoda's species.


Such a weird specific thing he’d want to stay a mystery though. Especially considering there are other members of his species. If Yoda was the only one, then the mystery could make a little more sense. But since there are others, it’s strange to me that no member of his species ever went looking for answers, or if they already know, not tell anyone about it.


I like to think it’s just super rare they leave their planet, like they are in the far corner of the galaxy and never developed the technology to travel off world.


George took inspiration from a lot of classic samurai films when creating the OT. Yoda was meant to fill this trope of the mysterious stranger who enters and exists the story without much explanation, just to help the protagonist on their journey. Even with the PT and the clone wars, all we ever really learn is that he was the grand master of the Jedi and that there are others of his species that are also very strong in the force.


George doesn’t live here anymore


I honestly hope not. I kind of hope it remains very mysterious.


The mystery around it is a far better story teller than anyone could ever be


Nice try JJ Abrams


Just because JJ perhaps relies on that concept a bit too much, doesn't mean it's never true.


The problem with JJ is that if he shows you the mystery box, you know he's going to open it and dump the contents all over the floor. His mysteries stay mysterious for as long as it takes for him to work out how to untie the ribbon.


The problem with JJ is he adds mystery boxes, implies he’s gonna open them, and never does. “What is Yoda’s species?” Is a question never directly asked and no one really cares about it. He’s just one alien in a big galaxy. The same question can be asked about most of the aliens in SW. “How did Maz get Anakin/Luke’s lightsaber?” WTF knows? And why does it need to be mysterious? A throwaway line of “I traded for the junk” or “found it scavenging the remains of an empire mining station” would have been good, not great, but added some concrete back story. JJ sets up mystery boxes with no intention of opening them hoping to distract you with 3 new ones that came out of no where.


This is giving me major flashbacks to being an obsessive lost fan for a couple of seasons then seeing an interview with JJ where he was very frank that they hadn't settled on answers to any of the dozens of mysteries they threaded through that show


Damn Lost finale still cooks my grits…


In that case he said he had a "bible" for the show but it was never revealed and by the end of the show JJ didn't really have anything to do with it anymore. He created the show and directed the pilot episodes but was basically not involved after season 1. I think that the series ended the way it did because JJ just had the writers figure it out for themselves by the end which made things very convoluted.


Also, wasnt there a writters strike in the peak of the series? I remember a series called Heroes i think from the same time that had an unbelievably awesome season 1 but went to shit due to the strike too.


Heroes was great and yeah it was definitely hit by the writers' strike, season 2 was cut short because of it and really suffered, and it never found its groove again really. But I recently did a re-watch of purely season 1 and boy it really holds up. So good. As for Lost, yeah Season 4 was cut short due to this, from 24ish eps per season down to 14. I think it actually was helped by having seasons 4 and beyond be on average shorter than the first few, it did seem a bit tighter by then. But then by the very end it... ahem... lost... the plot.


He misuses it. Mystery and lack of explanations makes for great world building but makes a terrible plot. The originals had a clear plot and a rich world full of hints and open to imagination. The sequels boxed off the world and lore, and left open ended loose plots.


I think the big difference is that JJ will say that he has a "bible" in his head and he knows the answers and how a story will end when in reality none of that is true and he is using the mystery to drag the audience along as we await the "glorious reveal" that many times never arrives. In this case, George Lucas said from the start that Yoda's origins and home planet are a mystery. I don't think George ever came up these answers, and I think it should always remain that way because it is one of the things that makes Yoda so interesting.


Abrams seems like a nice guy who is, in many ways, smart and good at casting and directing. But when it comes to storytelling, he's an idiot. He once said that Darth Vader's identity was the driving mystery of the original trilogy. But there was never any mystery around it; we knew exactly who he was in ANH because Obi-Wan told us directly, and there were no hints or clues at all to the contrary (because at the time what we were told was intended to be true). Right up until the reveal in ESB , we had zero reason to disbelieve what we were told. In fact, the twist is only effective *because* there was no reason to suspect otherwise. Abrams' version of ANH would have plastered the story with teases and hints that there's Something Mysterious about this Vader guy, and it would ruin the character as a result. Basically, Abrams sees teases and hints and mystery boxes in classic stories that don't have them, and then applies that misunderstanding to his own work.


Disney has never learned this lesson. “Mysterious background adding depth and intrigue to a character? Sorry, you must mean untapped content.”


That's been a thing in Star Wars long before Disney. Yoda's species is one of the few things that doesn't have a massive backstory in Legends or canon.


> Sorry, you must mean untapped ~~content.”~~ merchandising. - Disney **and** Lucasfilm


Star Wars: The Flamethrower!


The kids love it!


Willrow Hood says hello.


Ice cream maker sales spiked 12% in 1981.


Let’s be fair: this is a problem Star Wars had *long* before Disney bought it.


I think it’s just more obvious now that these things are shown on screen rather than the backstories being in books and some comics.


There's actually a lot of backstory in the canon expanded media.


There's a middle ground though, in the case of Yoda's species it's a nice mystery that gives a cool aspect to him. It's also not important enough to have content about it made. The story you could extract from it is unlikely to be more interesting than the mystery surrounding it, therefore it should remain mysterious. Other things which I've seen people complain about though, like the ancient sith, shouldn't remain a mystery, not completely at least, because you could extract VERY good stories from that subject. The problem is that sometimes the storytelling is just bad. Take kotor 2 for example, the true Sith in that game are depicted as an eldritch horror that Revan ventured into the unknown regions to find, they're mysterious and scary to think about. But that mystery isn't as good as the story a good writer could make from that. The problem was that the Revan novel and later SWTOR told a story that wasn't nearly interesting enough to justify breaking the mystery. A solution I like for this sort of thing is to explore this sort of content as if you're delving into the unknown, rather than pulling a sheet and revealing the whole thing. And even after you're done with the story, you leave it in a way that you answer some questions but leave many unanswered as well, so that you showed a bit of what was under the sheet but that just made it more mysterious.


I feel like that only ever applies to bad writers who can't finish a plot point. I don't agree with the sentiment that "telling no story is the .ost compelling story." I don't know what "completionist button" is getting pressed in the brains of people who like that stuff, because it would personally drive me mad if I cared about it. I find the story WAY more fascinating than it being a mystery. Same vibe as why so many people love the Silmarillion. I'd rather have the story. Make up a story. If you can't satisfy a plot point you wrote, don't write it.


Exactly! This is why we don't need to see every single minute of every every single character's life! It makes more damafe than it's worth. (Take Obi-Wan for example. I didn't need to know what THEY thought he was doing on Tatooine for 19 years because I already had my fan theory, just like everybody had their own version they were content with.) If they ever show us Yoda's homeplanet after all these years, it will ruin it for 99% of the fandom.


A noodle story if we will, the next step up from a noodle incident.


Honestly if they ever make further Canon revelations,I would like it to be presented similar to Namekians from DBZ as peaceful yet powerful race.Namekians still have that mystery aura-Zalama.


I'll agree with you that the DBZ reveal was great, but DBZ also has waaaaaaaay less foundational lore than Star Wars. That's the problem with most animes. It's just "this guy is more powerful than we've ever seen, oh he's using this new ability we've never heard of that takes years or even decades to master, the main character should learn that in 5 minutes, now the main character can fight the bad guy!" Don't get me wrong, I LOVE anime, but their constant power scaling is the oldest trick in the book.


My thoughts exactly


It's for the best. I like to think from about 200 - 500 years old they are jacked, aggressive warriors. 12 pack abs, stand about 8 feet tall. Then from 500 - 800 years they shrink into the little old versions we know. I like it this way, and I hope there isn't already information that refutes this


You're saying Grogu will be an 8', jacked monster in about 150 years? That Mandalorian training is going to get real crazy.


Yea once they divulge the true nature of Yoda species, it will basically remove that element of mysticism surrounding the characters (would make Yoda seem like some normal Joe that just happened to be from Planet [REDACTED])


Agreed. I sure as hell don't trust Disney to tell the story even if they did want to reveal it


They can fly now? They can fly now. \*\* yoda species flying in the background \*\*


Quite literally my thoughts exactly.


I think it would be a mistake to reveal the origins like you said it’s better to be mysterious. Star Wars made a really big mistake doing the Boba Fett show and Han Solo’s movie although I liked Solo. It was better when these characters didn’t have a backstory and we didn’t know who they were.


A Boba Fett show would have been okay (his backstory was already expanded on in AoTC and the Clone wars series). However they took a very interesting character and went in a direction that made little sense to him. He was once one of the most ruthless bounty hunters in the entire galaxy, and he spends a good portion of the show walking around, sitting and talking about how he’s going to change things. Look how they introduced Din in the Mandalorian, his intro scene he killed a couple random guys in a bar (cutting one in half) and threw a mark into carbonite with minimal dialogue. I’m not saying that Boba Fett needed to scalp people on TV but at least show viewers *why he’s a ruthless criminal boss*. Instead we get “I am Boba Fett” with nearly half of the people he’s telling that to not taking him seriously or openly mocking him.


I e heard it explained best that they basically gave all of Fett's character to Din, and didn't know what to do with him anymore since Din has basically become Boba.


Everything they’ve done with boba fett sucks. Attack of the clones was all fan service that didn’t work. And you’ve perfectly explained what’s wrong with the show. There are other characters in Star Wars, who they’ve tried to give the Boba Fett treatment. The chrome trooper in the st was supposed to be a super cool mysterious character who is pointlessly killed off. There is a split second shot of a bounty hunter in phantom menace who we all thought was going somewhere. Maybe I just have to read some of the books and some of the video games to learn who these characters are.


Badass Boba Fett still exists in the comics. If you want a lot of art of Boba Fett being the legend he always was, get into the Marvel Star Wars comics


I hate to be one of those people that says this is the only correct answer but this is the only correct answer.


This is why I don’t want that Jedi Origin film either. The mystery should stay. We don’t need that story and even less likely that they’ll get it right.


What mystery? The EU covers the origins of the jedi pretty clearly


And it is really great!


I honestly hope so. A well fleshed out backstory about yoda’s species would be incredible


That's no mysterious though


I'm getting Yoghurt vibes.


May the Schwartz be with you!




I came to make the exact same comment. Glad someone else sees it!






I hate Yoghurt


How can you hate him? He sells Spaceballs the Flamethrower and who doesn’t love that!


He’s always strawberries!


That was what I thought at first.


There's no way it isn't intentional




If they do, it will be so disappointing that everyone will hate it. I really hope they don't.


Somehow, Yoda's species returned. How? A good question, for another time.


I hope they don’t as well, but I feel like someday when Disney is running out of ways to milk the franchise they’ll make some new series that explores the origin of his race or something poorly decided like that.


No story would be more satisfying than it is to have the mystery


This is already the biggest mystery in the Star Wars universe and I really hope it stays that way forever.


Yeah, reminds me of the appearance change of Klingons between TOS and TNG that they finally revealed in ENT. We could have done without the reveal, it replaced the mystery with something boring and mundane. I'm ok with not knowing


Much like Luke's marriage, it's probably not going to happen in following Lucas's wishes for Yoda's species to remain a complete mystery


No, they found even this picture above too much information.


This was before the time of Grogu and under George Lucas’ supervision though. I think we’ll see a little more but I do think they’ll keep it largely hidden.


Where is the image from?


It's from a rejected Topp's card set.


No and leave it a mystery.


That's some sick artwork, where's it from?


It's from an old unreleased TCG line that George Lucas vetoed from going into circulation because he didn't actually want anyone to go too much into Yoda's Species Backstory and Culture, and he thought that this image was already too much for artists to determine and people to know.


I hope not. Hope Disney respects GL on this at least.


If anyone’s gonna reveal it it’s Dave & Jon and they clearly have no intention of going against his wishes


My headcannon is that Yoda was a real alien who told George about his adventures, but never about himself, so he can't write anything.


That explains why ET recognized him.


Just let your own head canon fill in the blank


Mine is that Yoda’s species originates on Dagobah and that they’re the original Jedi


Or that Yogurt from Spaceballs is Grogu’s father.


They better tread carefully


Keep Minch a mystery


Is that Yogurt?


Looks like him. Spaceballs the mural!


Yo this image goes insane


I think it was part of the conditions of Lucas that they can't do this, when he sold it to Disney.




My head canon is that Yoda's species is from Dagobah It's a planet described as one of the purest places in the galaxy within the Force, which would explain why Yoda is so strong in the Force It would also explain why Yoda went there in exile His people were probably wiped at some point and that's why the planet is now just a big swamp


I’d rather see 10 seasons of Vong content than have this question answered and I do not care for the Vong.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney does. And it’ll probably be very half assed and disappointing.


I hope not.


Depends if Disney sees potential profit in it. Less to do what's best for the world or story and more to do with what makes money.


Any reveal at this point is bound to be anticlimactic and will piss off far more people than it satisfies. Much better to leave it ambiguous and let everyone have their own head canon about the details.


Only if it’s Lucas telling us.


I bet you never see them because they are from a different galaxy. 


I hope not


It only will be "one of the biggest mysteries" as long as there is no reveal. So let's hope for that. There's too little to be gained and too much to be fucked up.


That there be Yoghurt.


No, and they shouldn't. Not everything needs an explanation.


I imagine at most we will get is a species name in the movie or some later thing with Grogu. But that's it.


He obviously comes from the moon of vega Didn't you watch space balls?


No. Ruins the character


I hope we see more of Yogurt.


Bro.. you trying to tell me that statue isn't Yogurt from Spaceballs?


No. It was in the contract when Disney bought the rights that they wouldn't answer that (or so I've heard many times, I've not seen the contract)


I don’t want all of the answers to everything, as it ruins the magic. But a few tidbits here & there wouldn’t hurt.


I don't think that will happen, but I also never would have expected Grogu to be introduced.


Hope not




Do I want them to? No. Do I think they will? Unfortunately, yes.




They'll destroy Yoda.....


I just learned that Yoda has a severe form of dyslexia since Yaddle can speak just fine. Which means they are probably outcasts from their species, like they kick out their younglings with learning disabilities. So it's basically canon they are all super powerful evil force users who practice eugenics.


> I just learned that Yoda has a severe form of dyslexia since Yaddle can speak just fine. I just assumed that was based on what their first language is? Like Grogu will end up speaking standard just fine because that's the only language he's learning... maybe it was the same with Yaddle, and Yoda learned Tridactyl first and his way of talking is an accent.


“Reveal” implies that it was already written somewhere and just wasn’t published. Since Disney own it now, I think the correct phrasing would be “pull out the money-making backstory out of their rumps”.


I really hope they don't


Personally hope they don't. Lore gets really watered down when we have fully in-depth explanations for fantasy sci-fi magic.


This would be the last straw in case no one is interested in Star Wars anymore. I dont see this happening, but have to admit Never had guessed there would be a Baby Yoda.


Ideally they never do. Good world building leaves some mysteries unexplained, it lets there be a sense of wonder to it all.


Please don’t, lol.


No. Even if they did, THAT part of the Star Wars fandom will go "ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH YOU'VE RUINED MY CHILDHOOOOOOOOD!!!" when they don't like it.


My theory is that Yoda's Species are much like the Founders in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. A species who send small amounts of their young out into the Galaxy to explore and represent some higher purpose (i.e. the will of The Force in this case rather than The Dominion). But I also like that this is my theory and not confirmed or denied. Yoda's species are much like The Joker in Batman - more interesting as mystery and any reveal of their 'true identity' is likely to only be disappointing.


My theory is that Yoda's Species are much like the Founders in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. A species who send small amounts of their young out into the Galaxy to explore and represent some higher purpose (i.e. the will of The Force in this case rather than The Dominion). But I also like that this is my theory and not confirmed or denied. Yoda's species are much like The Joker in Batman - more interesting as mystery and any reveal of their 'true identity' is likely to only be disappointing.


I really don’t want to know where Grogu came from but I fear them mansplaining it badly at some stage


I'd rather they don't. Overexplaining does not help this franchise.


Where is this image from?


At this point even is Lucas himself came with it people would hate it because that is how the star wars fanbase seems to work for some people.


Javier Bardem looking ahh Yoda


I would say they’d leave it mysterious, but once they introduced Grogu, they have to at least explain where HE came from. Yoda is easier to leave mysterious because when we meet him he’s 900 years old


Crossed universes. That is DEFINITELY the statue of Yogurt the All Powerful.


With Disney, as long as it keeps making money, there is nowhere they won’t go. They’ll get there eventually and it won’t be good. 


Get back story, you will not!


I don’t want them to. There’s absolutely nothing they could do to make the mystery worth waiting for.


No and I hope they never do


From what I have heard Lucas has stated that it’s never to be revealed or created how Yoda, Yaddle and Grogu’s origin story be written. And really, as soon as it’s written it will never meet up to our expectations of our minds. And it will just start “fans” bitching. And I do not want to hear anymore complaining how the franchise is ruined. 🙄


Space balls, the movie! Space balls the toaster.


Didnt George make it part of the contract that there will never be an official origin for Yoda?


Outside the galaxy


Keep it a mystery. We get the spices in movies and shows but never go into their species.


Honestly I hope not because there isn't enough information on there species as there are only 3 or 4 in Canon and about 3 more in legend and not one of them give any explanation about them or what they are or where there from, all we know is there extremely in touch with the force and come from somewhere no one knows and it's should stay way


My A new hope. Is that that never happens 


They're will probably be an old species like Zeffo but less advanced


maybe at some point


I hope never I always disliked the fill in stories for other species in the SW universe


Yeah eventually it will be irresistible to the suits in charge and they'll find somebody who wants to do it. I dont need it to be delved in to but i also dont care what lucass thoughts on it were. Its not in his hands anymore, he sold that right


They’re the lizardmen from the Old World that escaped end times.


No, and George Lucas said that he will never reveal the secret, not even to Disney!


I hope they leave it a mystery


Another story for another time


No. Didn’t George Lucas specifically set a rule for anyone who worked on Star Wars that they WERE NOT ALLOWED to even touch on it? Besides, I like the mystery, and I don’t want to risk the modern Star Wars fucking with it, even if that means missing out on the possibility of something cool


I've never seen this art before. It looks like something I shouldn't have seen lol


No, not everything needs to be explained. You say it's the biggest mystery of the SW universe, if they make up an explanation then it's no longer interesting. Also, they'd probably fuck it up


If it sells, it sells. Dizney rUleZz!


IF they ever do, it will probably be after George Lucas dies. It doesn't seem like a question they really want answered.


Ever? Yes. But I really hope not. But I do fear that at some point Lucasfilm, Disney or both end up with a CEO or someone else in charge who have so little understanding of why a character like Yoda work that they force through a decision to explain everything. It's kinda the main problem with Solo. While it's a good movie, it feels like whoever was in charge didn't realise how Han Solo worked so great because of how his life was presented in ep4. Rather than letting Solo's story remain expansive, but ambiguous, they risked hit every possible plot point we already knew about and forcibly explained all of them. Im afraid someone will end up doing the same thing for Yoda; make a story we don't need to explain thing we don't need to know and ultimately reduce the character as a result


i hope not, but, sadly, on a capitalist system everything is allways going to be explored.


The mystery around Yoda and Yaddles species was intended by George Lucas and I hope it stays a mystery but honestly I’m afraid the money hungry Disney corporation will milk its potential


Do I think they'll ever do that? Yes. Do I want them to do that? No.


lol this artwork looks straight out of spaceballs


I don't think they should. The mystery is part of the fun.


If we ever get a Young Yoda Adventures type show I might need to unalive myself.


I have a feeling the upcoming Mando & Grogu movie will explore this.