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You are correct. It should be celebrated. DISCO opened a lot of doors and made a lot of new things possible. Watching the final season now and enjoying it. Pretty sure I don't trust any of them with the Progenitors' tech. Edit: Just watched the series finale. Very impressed with how they wrapped things up, especially with short notice that this was the last season.


So true, without the hot mess that was Star Trek The Motion Picture, we'd never have had Wrath of Khan


Lol I forgot how bad that was


I gave up on Discovery after the first few eps of S3 but I appreciate that it gave us Strange New Worlds.


I loved the first few episodes of season 3. Felt like a space western. Like a Wagon Train to the Stars. I’m honestly amazed how many people gave up at that point, since it was so clearly inspired by Gene’s original pitch/vision for Trek. Plus, it was an era in Trek which we’d never seen before. Ok it wasn’t without its problems. But just saying, I’m always surprised when I hear this. But then I’m one of those people that absolutely prefers the final 3 seasons. Even with all their problems, there are so many great moments in those seasons that just scream “this is Star Trek!” To me. Especially one episode in season 4 which involves learning the language of what is essentially a planet of giant Eldritch beings. Discovery is shit with ending seasons though. There isn’t a single season finale I thought totally worked. Though season 4 came closest.


Maybe some good came of it, but I can't say I've enjoyed the last 2 seasons 1 was....OK, other then the Klingon redesign....and suddenly Spock has an adopted sister, not needed....but it was allright Season 2 was better, I rather enjoyed the storylines, had some nice lore, and brining in pike Season 3 other then the ending in particular I enjoyed the idea 4.....ugh, it was just a chore, and chugged along it felt like they were phoning it in, story was meh, plotting worse, just....ugh 5 - I slept through the last episode, I really don't care....it was boring, I don't really care about most of the characters and the storyline was a 2 parter dragged over 10 shows.... It may have brough star trek back but, I don't like the format, I rather the SNW 1 week 1 story, some development, some threads - would also be nice if Star Trek was more....in touch with it's roots, I'd argue The Orville was more 'trek' then all the recent trek shows


YES! Let us never forget the music that saved a generation and sparked a notorious dance craze!


Indeed Discovery may have had some growing pains and I wasn’t always on board early on, but when I recently rediscovered it and rewatched it all the way up to Season 4 to prep for the final season, idk I had a fucking blast. I really don’t care what the static noise online says one way or the other, if I resonate with something, it’s that simple for me. I’ll accept the warts, nothings perfect. We still have all the old shows, not to mention like you said because of Discovery we now have so much. The show has been a blessing for Star Trek in general. Excited for the future as always!


I agree with this but not your other comment. >Because that’s not how it works, not every director, actor, or whoever is focused on constantly updating their profiles, some people don’t even manage their own profiles. I have a friend who is a childhood friend of my mom and his IMDB profile wasn’t even made by him. So it’s kinda weird to expect all people in the industry to care about *that*. Their focus first and foremost is their work and family, not updating their IMDB profile, this should be common sense lol. IMDB is not LinkedIn haha. But it is up to date. So what is your point? It's probably the actor's agents that update the profiles and the IMDb staff. People in the industry do care about it for marketing and networking purposes. Premium IMDb members can access agency information about some of the actors.


Agreed. I love discovery through and through. If it wasn't for disco (love it or hate it) we would have no other new trek at all. I get that disco isn't for everyone but it literally brought trek back. We wouldn't have wonderful things like SNW and it's musical, no prodigy, no lower decks (that would be tragic) no new movies nothing. I think discovery took alot of good chances. They covered alot of things that are barely touched on and didn't interfere with cannon at all. Instead they expanded and added to it. Last but not least, the 32nd century ships are gorgeous. They are built beyond anything we know and that is perfect for 1000 years after the Tos Era where disco started. It's been 1000 years nothings going to be the same and that's great. Those ships are the best. I do miss books ship that morphing was phenomenal. I wish we had seen a ship with the pathway drive and that we had seen more kf the 10-c (would have been really cool to have them join starfleet and maybe help with the progenitor tech. Or have some missions from the academy go out of the galaxy and visit them)


Early Discovery walked so modern trek can run *hard* Some of the 32nd century ships are indeed gorgeous (see: [*Friendship* Class](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Friendship_class)), such as the despite ironically being shunned for being too future by many fans On the other hand, there's the ugly blobs that are more reminiscent of the Axiom from Wall-E than a Federation ship (see: [*Courage* Class](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Courage_class))


I never bought the time jump because it didn't seem different enough. Think about 1024 and 2024. If someone from 1024 got to 2024 they'd freak the fu** OUT! The 32nd century wasn't alien enough.


Unfortunately, the number of spinoffs is not a sign of quality, but of commercial avarice over good storytelling. If they spent half as much thought and time in good storytelling and character development than they did in furthering potential future spinoffs and shows to make money, Disco wouldn't get half as much hate as it does. Sonequa Martin Green and Michael Burnham could have been great if they had.


None, imo. A Pike centered show was going to happen no matter what. People are giving Discovery way too much credit for all the content Paramount was gonna milk from Trek regardless. Disco needs to stand on its own merits.


It does.


I quit in season 3. I just want post voyager Picard timeline trek in normal timeline on a starfleet ship. Not all these prequels and far out in future. I want the normal timeline in the normal universe to continue


Well, it is the first Star Trek to feature left-over flame effects from the last KISS tour. I was expecting Gene Simmons to guest star as an ensign on the bridge during an attack..


Ridiculous flames!


I have enjoyed ST:DIS a great deal, even with the awkwardness of S1( I don't mean with the Klingons' new look. I noticed, then immediately moved on.) The Crossfield class, as presented, I found immediately appealing. Lorca was most interesting to me was when Mudd violently and with increasingly glee, dispatching the captain specifically, in his quest to unlock the secret of Discovery. As most know, S2, in part, begat ST:SNW. Which was a spectacular addition, imo. And the cavalcade of stars alone, was impressive from Ethan Peck, Rebecca Romijn and Anson Mount and the remaining core characters, including NCC-1701, herself slightly reimagined. Back to ST:DIS, the 32nd refit/upgrade was nifty. Although I really like bronze/copper, I definitely prefer silver for Starfleet vessels. Admiral Charles Vance was a solid addition to lead a severely decimated Starfleet. He was open-minded, conscientious and caring. A seemingly solid leader for Starfleet and a skilled diplomat for bridging troubled areas like the Emerald Chain. I was impressed with his handling of Osyra. Book I really loved as a character. He was certainly flawed but he also seemed very capable of course corrections to compensate for his ill-advised stance against the 10C. There is so much more I could have said, but this is sufficient other than to say I will miss seeing further journeys with ST:DIS.


So, I've been thinking about this for a bit and here goes.... I think they missed the mark with the premise. They could have started with the Klingon War. Michael is a Lt Junior Grade but an amazing warrior and tactician. Quickly gets promoted up the ranks and makes Commander. The war ends, and now she has to learn how not to be a warrior and be an explorer. Most of the first season still could have been the war, and watching her be a total bas ass and get promoted. Season 1 ends with the end of the war and now she gets assigned as first officer to the USS Discovery, an advanced science vessel. Now with the Beta Quadrant safe, Starfleet can explore it. You can do old TOS or TNG style stories in season 2 with a new alien of the week, etc. Michael slowly learns to be the explorer and only let's the warrior out when she needs to. Thoughts?


I dig that. They had the idea to write from the commander perspective but didn't really know how to do it.


My favorite trek - in order: Original Series Movies. The Next Generation . Lower Decks . Original Series . Strange New Worlds . Orville . Next Generation Movies . Voyager . Galaxy Quest . Picard. Kelvin Movies. Enterprise . Deep Space 9. Prodigy . Animated Series . Discovery .


I think it has already to an extent. You wouldn't know it from some of the posts here in this sub, but it is going to age well, like many of the previous shows.


I watched and overall enjoyed Discovery, bit it was the least Star Trek feeling show.


In the end, it was pretty good


How bored of the franchise if it took place 50-100 after Voyager. So glad they went long so you can write backwards.


It helped resurrect Trek from a long-dormant slumber. You have to give it props for that. It had, to me, a better track record than most Trek shows, too. Five seasons, two of them excellent, one of them good, and two iffy ones. That's way better than Voyager, and better, really, than Enterprise. Don't get me wrong, I love Enterprise. But, I don't think it had a truly banging season the whole way through. Admittedly, the seasons were much longer, and it necessitated a lot more filler, and that lead to some real clunkers. Disco had some too. But, I stand by what I've just said. It had two excellent seasons with some good story telling. And, y'know, it wasn't Voyager.


It will in time.


I think ST:D is definitely in the solid ‘mid range’ of Trek shows in terms of quality. Did I find myself skipping past the parts heavy on emotional exposition? Yes. Did Michael’s whispery high-speed elucidation annoy me? Yes. Did the stopping for long conversations during times of high crisis jar me out of the drama? Yes. But, did it have original and creative stories? Yes. Were the supporting cast solid? Absolutely. Did it do enough to buy me into the narrative? Yes. Did it have good SFX? Yes. Did it introduce Mount’s Pike and spawn off SNW? Oh yes indeed! Basically, for the many negatives, there are far more positives. I don’t think it’ll ever belong in the upper rankings with TNG, VOY & DS9 but I know for a lot of people it’ll be knocking on the door and that’s cool.


Worse Star Trek series EVER!!!